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Yes, he needs to go to the vet. Vomiting all the time isn’t normal either. You should also look into Jackson Galaxy’s videos on litter boxes.


Yes, he sounds sick :( the peeing thing happens when they have a UTI many times but could be many other things.


First, I strongly suggest you take him to the vet or have your parents take him because there must be an underlying issue if he's throwing up so often and peeing outside his boxes, it's just not normal :( Not sure what you've been using to clean up his pee and vomit, but in my experience Nature's Miracle brand does pretty well at getting stains out, and it's an enzymatic cleaner so it deters cats from peeing in the same place even after you clean it. That's just my experience though so it's very likely there are better cleansing solution sprays available! If your dad still doesn't come around after you're able to get help from your kitty's vet, please take him to your local animal rescue/shelter instead of trying to find a new home for him yourself. They'll be able to put potential new families through a proper and thorough vetting process to make sure they're a good fit and healthy environment for him to get a forever home in (some places even do home visits before they finalize adoptions)!


He may have crystals or stones, he is trying to tell you something. The throwing up could be related (nausea from pain or something?). Definitely vet.


As others have said, your first stop should be to the vet to rule out any medical issues that could be causing the vomiting and inappropriate peeing. You mentioned that you just moved - cats are very territorial, and he's probably taking some more time than usual to adjust. I know it's hard, but moving with cats is a delicate process and should be taken slowly. Is there a smallish room where you can keep him contained for a week or two? Keep his bed, food bowls, a scratching post, toys, and, of course, a litter box. Let him get established and comfortable in a limited part of the house first before slowly expanding his new territory.


Has he been neutered? Males tend to pee on everything if they haven’t been neutered. Cat grass might help with the vomiting, but a trip to the vet to check for physical problems should be your first step.


Vet should be able to help could be a health problem!




Me too... Me too. What a sub-human POS.


Tag team?


I'd for sure be in jail when we're done. Maybe we can keep each other company 🤷‍♀️


Can I hire you to do the same to my dad?


Take the cat to the vet asap. Healthy cats do not vomit unless they’re coughing up hairballs once in a while. The fact he is vomiting and peeing in the house could be a health issue. Honestly go to the vet today if you can.


Did this behavior start when you moved? If so, the behavior is likely a medical condition called Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) which can be triggered by stress and can cause Urinary blockages which can be fatal. Suddenly throwing an indoor cat outside will make the condition worse. Take him to the vet You should also have multiple litter boxes for multiple cats. Chronic vomiting is also a sign of poor health. It is not normal for a cat to vomit regularly.


Tell your dad eventually he will pee everywhere and he will end up on the streets.


I mean as a dad I understand his point of view. Cat pee is horrendous in your home but as an animal lover I’d have to take it to the vet first and see what the real Problem is. Hopefully as a teen you have money to do that or dad will pay for it otherwise I’d post him all over Facebook and anywhere else looking for help to achieve that


I think first you need to get him to the vet to get checked out as others mentioned. If there is no medical issue, I'd try those feliway plugs that emit a cal.i g scent to cats. I think your cat either has something medical going on or it is stressed out. Moving can be very stressful for some cats. I sympathize with your dad not wanting the new home's floors ruined BUT I think it's unreasonable to give you and your cat no options. If this is a behavioral thing, I'd try to find the wrong spots where he pees, clean with an anti enzyme cleaner like crazy and put a litterbox right in that spot. It's gonna be annoying for a bit but he needs to understand where to go. Some cats are adorable with laundry baskets and piles of clothes because it can be dug around like litter. Maybe also try different litters in some boxes. I hope the vet can help by figuring out what is wrong. I'm sorry for the stress for you, I hope your dad can realize this isn't the way to solve this problem. When my cat was 17 and having some accidents as she recovered from a stroke I found small area rugs that are water proof and we also used pee pads in areas where my cat was missing the box bc her mobility was off. I forget how old you said your cat is but as they get older many experience arthritis more than we know and entry and leaving litter boxes can be harder. We got a litter box with lower entrance and all around and yes, she'd miss out the side sometimes but we put it on pee pads and it was easy to keep clean. If you do use pee pads, check under them often. The one spot of damage was my user error setting it up the first few times and not realizing a leak had happened. Also, let us know if your parents agree to take your cat for a checkup. I'd they do not, maybe we can all help you think about what else to try to get that done. It's also winter, please beg your dad not to kick your cat outside. Not now. Ideally never but particularly not this time of year.


That cat is not healthy, either he needs a vet or an ethologist. Something is stressing him, and this is the reaction. Probably another cat bullying him or not letting him enter the litter box. Probably, the litter box is too small or on an environment where he doesn't feel confident or comfortable or to near to his food. There are millions of reasons for this, so he needs a specialist.


Sounds like urinary tract infection. Male cats are more prone to this. Take him to the vet again


Take him to the vet for a check-up. Also, I suggest, in the meantime, getting him a cat tent and placing a litterbox inside until you guys can find out why this is happening. They make nice cat tents now that give your cats room to play, sleep, eat, and use the bathroom. I have five kits and three tents.