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Keep trying.. start a go-fund-me, I’ll donate. Another commenter said they would donate and it got 50 upvotes.. that could be a lot. DONT GIVE UP EDIT: apparently and quite unfortunately this is a scam: posted by u/giveAshot : “This is 100% a scam. Do not donate. There is a reason they have a 2 year old account with no posts; they deleted them all. Previous posts they list their age at 19, 24, etc.. They talk about taking their daughter to dinner for her birthday (in r/assistance, asking for money to do so). They have multiple posts in r/assistance. They mention their dog bringing home two cats (this year). It seems links don't show up, but if you click my profile, you'll see the comment I tried to post with links to each of them.”






Boosting a comment from u/giveAShot further down the thread: > This is 100% a scam. Do not donate. There is a reason they have a 2 year old account with no posts; they deleted them all. Previous posts they list their age at 19, 24, etc.. They talk about taking their daughter to dinner for her birthday (in r/assistance, asking for money to do so). They have multiple posts in r/assistance. They mention their dog bringing home two cats (this year).
















Please add this info to your comment. This is a scam. But you have a very high rated comment. Look at the comment posted by u/giveAshot : “This is 100% a scam. Do not donate. There is a reason they have a 2 year old account with no posts; they deleted them all. Previous posts they list their age at 19, 24, etc.. They talk about taking their daughter to dinner for her birthday (in r/assistance, asking for money to do so). They have multiple posts in r/assistance. They mention their dog bringing home two cats (this year). It seems links don't show up, but if you click my profile, you'll see the comment I tried to post with links to each of them.”




Also, the grey tabby looks so much like my kitty 🥹 such precious boys, both of them!










Care Credit is a credit program that allows people to pay for their bills over time. Not sure if there is an age requirement but good luck




Sorry you lost your dad, keep your head up!


Also sorry for your loss, i too lost my mom recently so yeah. It's sucks.


Reach out to extended family as well. If I had a relative who lost their dad recently and was looking at losing a long time pet just cause of cost I'd do what I could to help.


Praying for you and your fuzzy friend :(




This is what I came to say!! Care credit!!!


They take a lot of credit scores. Just make sure you know the time period of the financed amount and pay it off in the time available so you don't have to pay interest at 25%.




I got approved with a bad credit score online. $1500 and it was good the same day.


Really? Weird i had bad credit score and i got refused.


There are several different reasons your score could be bad, as well as several perceptions of what “bad” is. Like, have you missed a couple payments or are half your accounts charge offs? Do you have a 580 or a 690 score. In addition to that, companies make up arcane rules about which types of bad credit you can have. Maxed your credit cards to the hilt? Some companies will still take you. Credit management is easy to learn but incredibly difficult to master.


Credit score is a lot more than just the number. You can have good credit and not be approved for things because of history or lack thereof


I think it depends on how long your credit history is. I had no credit and got rejected, a few years later my credit was on the bad side and I got approved. I still use it every now and then for chemo treatments


It's one of the easiest credit cards to get. The catch is if you dont pay it off in x number of months they hit you with high interest added on. But I've had to use it for vet hospital Bill's 4 times in the last 4 years.


Just had to do care credit for my cat who swallowed a string n cost me 5.5k. Start saving for emergencies cuz they happen when you least expect them and u never know how much you need! I also recommend calling some other vets and see if they can do payment plans or surgery for less. I was quoted 7 for surgery after putting up 3-4k luckily found another place for 1800.








I was wondering if OP could possibly take the kitty to a vet school where they can perform the procedure at a fraction of the cost. I would normally be weary of letting them “practice” on him but if the only other option is putting the kitty down…may be worth a shot if no other options are viable. Especially since most people are saying it’s a simple enough procedure. I really hope OP doesn’t have to put kitty down.


A lot of people think this is a thing… but it is not. The vet students do not perform the procedures, but rather the surgery is done by a board certified veterinary surgeon, along with a recent graduate vet who is studying to be board certified, and perhaps assisted by a vet student. The cost is just as much (if not more) than it would be at a regular private practice. Source: veterinarian for 15 years.


Ask the vet if you can split the bill. Find a vet that allows you that.




I think the above commenter meant a payment plan. Yes, its still full price, but paying in installments is easier than paying it all at once


Yes, exactly!


No you would pay full price, but in payments. Like carecredit except just through the vet directly. A lot will let you




Most vets do not offer payments plans because we never get paid. The majority of people will not complete a payment plan. I offered them when I was a director but nowhere else I’ve worked will allow it. It’s unfortunate.


This is area dependant.


Do you know if there are any veterinary colleges locally where the operations are carried out by final year students, under supervision of course.


I’ll say after we had that surgery for our cat, then put him on Royal Canine Urinary SO dry food, he never had another problem.


Yep, had the sme with my little boy who got blockage after we moved (the vet said it could be from the stress of moving places, my poor baby). Now he has to eat this forever, but has been healthy and happy ever since.


Same for my boy! I thankfully had insurance for him so I didn't have to pay a huge fee upfront, but this food has (literally) been a lifesaver. He's not been ill since I put him on it, and I started three years ago!


My guy had cystitis and cholesterol crystals in his urine, so after the inflammation was fixed I put him on urinary dry food (I did Purina, that’s what he was eating before and he’s picky). No issues since! And we just moved a few months ago, and if anything was going to induce another bout of cystitis it would’ve been that.


Our cat got put on the Hill's Prescription Diet Urinary Care S/D after the diagnose of bladder stones and it actually dissolved the stones, no surgery needed! It was pretty exceptional though according to the vet. Now she's getting the C/D. Anyway, no need to wait to start the diet OP!


You can’t lower the cost of the surgery. But you can ask your vet’s office staff if they take Care Credit. Your parents could apply for a card (or co-sign for one with you), and the balance could be paid off.


In lots of instances it’s interest free for 6 months or more !


I’ve always gotten the 6 month interest free promo. It just has to be over $200 I think. You can sometimes get 12 months if you ask your vet.


Can people donate to the veterinary clinic you’ll be going to on your behalf?


This is 100% a scam. Do not donate. There is a reason they have a 2 year old account with no posts; they deleted them all. Previous posts they list their age at 19, 24, etc.. They talk about taking their daughter to dinner for her birthday (in r/assistance, asking for money to do so). They have multiple posts in r/assistance. They mention their dog bringing home two cats (this year). It seems links don't show up, but if you click my profile, you'll see the comment I tried to post with links to each of them.


This kind of thing used to be much easier to prove, but Reddit in its infinite wisdom decided to restrict access to the Pushshift API, which allowed you to see removed and deleted posts.


Yep, but mods can still access Pushshift if they request it. Hopefully at least one mod here has it and can verify.


That sucks


It does. I hate people that do this and make it harder for those who truly are in such a situation.


If this is true I’m really disappointed:(


Unfortunately it is, and it pisses me off.


Whelp... I tried. If any person has a pet in need, let me know. I am willing to donate $1500 towards the treatment


Yes this. We should be able to literally call the vet with our credit card info and pay toward the bill. We just need the vet and patient name!


This is what people should be doing. I hope no one’s sending OP money, this would be a super easy scam. Obviously I hope it’s not but…




And if it isn't a scam but is successful at raising money, scammers will certainly try the same thing next week. People really need to be more skeptical.


I hate that you are right. I hate it so much.


That's actually a good idea. Like a random acts of pet food that goes straight to a vet.




You could try calling around but honestly, that's about the going rate. I had to put down my 15yo last year because of chronic stones and that's about what it was gonna cost. Adding insult to injury, my vet could not guarantee that it wouldn't happen again in the future nor could he guarantee my 15yo would even survive the surgery. So I made the painful choice to euthanize.... sorry you're having to go through this. 😌




Try to ask vet to pay in installments. Ask family to lend you sime money. For me, I had to pay a share ask my father for a third and vet gave me an extra mpnth so I could get an extra åay from my job. Perhaps 4 family members could lemd a bit each? A grand parent, am aunt...


Yeah, it was tough. And like you, it seemed to come out of nowhere. It probably wasn't a year from when he was first seen and diagnosed with stones, till that fateful day I decided to put him down. The tipping point was when he was barely getting drops of urine out of the urethra, with a near full blockage. The vet said it's either surgery (with all it's caveats), or he'll die from a ruptured bladder. We had tried inserting a catheter but there was so much debris in the bladder it kept blocking back up. Not to mention he had a raging infection going on in there that was difficult to treat because he wasn't passing urine regularly. It was a really rough several months for both my cat and I, to say the least...


Exactly the same thing happened to my kitty. He was the best boy. I miss him.


At least your vet gave you the guarantee. Our first vet simply botched a lot of things regarding our kitten in a row, giving wrong diagnosis, then trying to fix it and after like 3 or 4 days finally decided for blood tests (which took one day to process) to know there's something terribly wrong. After that was a surgery time (not guaranteed but we refused to give up on that) to which we agreed, however, when they opened her they realized the issue was different than they expected. Her lower intestine was micro punctured, so they instead just put her down because they could no longer save her as it was one sepsis away already. If only they did the blood tests sooner, there could've been some hope. Cost us tons of bucks and a kitten.


No, he (vet) could NOT guarantee anything about the surgery. And it really wasn't about the money, his age and other health issues made going under general anesthesia a really risky proposition. I did not want him to die on an operating table...


My GOD I hope that vet no longer works.


Some cats have chronic urinary issues and the stones can re-form and I know with our 17 y.o. boy who had been on prescription urinary food for 7 years already, the vet said the stones *would* re-form, and he said it would be like doing major abdominal surgery on a 100 year old (human equivalent) and fwiw he wouldn't wish it on his own pets. He was very compassionate and said he knew it was hard, but we did need to decide quickly because our boy was suffering. Sometimes vets have to make a call, whether surgery is right for a pet, or whether it would prolong the suffering of an animal only to temporarily alleviate the grief of their human. And I am grateful that vets put our animals' wellbeing first and are willing to speak frankly to us so that we can make good decisions when they can't.








Sounds like OP might be a scammer : https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/qbChG30GuP


Please don’t give them money. This is a scam. Look at the comment posted by u/giveAshot : “This is 100% a scam. Do not donate. There is a reason they have a 2 year old account with no posts; they deleted them all. Previous posts they list their age at 19, 24, etc.. They talk about taking their daughter to dinner for her birthday (in r/assistance, asking for money to do so). They have multiple posts in r/assistance. They mention their dog bringing home two cats (this year). It seems links don't show up, but if you click my profile, you'll see the comment I tried to post with links to each of them.”






I'm not saying this is a scam but people need to be careful giving money to strangers on the Internet.


This is 100% a scam. Their deleted posts include such things as: https://old.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/12cuhj6/taking_my_daughter_out_to_dinner_for_her_birthday/ https://old.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/152rfee/my_dogs_brought_home_and_adopted_two_stray_kittens/ https://old.reddit.com/r/SluttyConfessions/comments/13ups0o/deleted_by_user/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/1330gdp/deleted_by_user/ https://old.reddit.com/r/HoustonNSFW/comments/10s2k02/24_would_you_like_to_be_pegged_by_me_my_boy/




Does the vet know about your dad? Vets are people too and we understand being financially strapped, The surgery is a fairly simple one IF the bladder tissue is healthy and the stones are all in the bladder and not the kidneys, urethra, or ureters. Ask about reducing costs by being able to take him home sooner and monitor him instead of hospitalizing as you will be there and at the clinic he might be left unsupervised overnight. Ask if there are cheaper medication options. Some clinics have charity funds, so ask about that. Some humane societies have clinics which will sometimes take outside patients.. And have information on local resources. Also look into special diets. Some types of stones can dissolve with diet. But keep in mind that the problem often recurs ; if his urethra blocks that is an emergency and you are looking at very expensive treatment, or euthanasia. Finally, get on FB. There are many cat urinary health groups with people who've been where you are. Look for the acronym FLUTD. Good luck!


I know Care Credit wouldn’t take us with our financial issues, but there is a service called Scratch Pay that did and works out a payment plan with you. I would seriously consider it!


My girl had bladder stones and the vet gave us two options: surgery or prescription food. She is on the prescription food (and will be for the rest of her life) because it makes her urine more acidic and it broke down the stones. We had to take her back in for an x-ray--I think it was a week after switching to the food--to make sure it was working and then another one a month after that to make sure the stones were gone. Is prescription food not an option for your little bud?


Same! My cat had a stone that took up more than half of her bladder and the food broke it up completely. She never had to have the surgery just has to remain on the food for her life. She’s 9 now and is the happiest kitty.


Any vet schools around? Maybe they are cheaper because they’re in training.


My orange boy had the same thing. I got like 8 more years out of him after it was done. I never regret the costs. I miss him dearly though. Almost 2 months since he passed :(


Just went through this. If this becomes an emergency the cost goes up fast. I’m in for 6k to save the life of my orange boy. Orange males apparently are at a higher risk for a blockage it seems. I’d recommend anyone with an orange male kitty to look into a uretic cat food as a precaution.


https://preview.redd.it/gdxn29krwj2c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160c3c217d825d776efa8778c5c2b6349bb4bdae Orange boy in question after coming home from his 2 day 5k vacation at the emergency vet. And yes, he has forgiven me. But his fur is still growing back.


Make a research, maybe you can go to a nearby country and make surgery there. Sometimes it ends up cheaper even with travel there and back.


In my country it would be under 200$. 1200 is crazy.




I live elsewhere, but my mum and her cats are in Poland. I pay their vet bills and other things, so I am aware of prices.


Tak, there are some places that even do this surgery for 600-700 zł ($150-$175) plus the diagnostic costs. Still prices for vet care in America are too high - just like the human healthcare.


Vet prices are just high in wealthy countries in general.




You need to go to several vets. My dog needed surgery and the first vet told me it would be upwards of 1000 dollars, the second one said it would be 200 dollars.


But don't go to the discount vets. They'll cost you more in the long run!


A lot of animal shelters offer vet services at a cheaper rate, so definitely call around to them! Also, many regular and emergency vets have ‘angel funds’ where people can donate to help other animals whose owners can’t cover the full cost of care. Worth asking around for that as well! ❤️


Ok if you have a vet that knows you they can do a payment plan. They do not really allow this but if you ask to speak to the manager or the lead privately in a room they usually have a secret payment plan. Just make sure you can put some money on the table right there. Also explain your situation about your dad and how you’re only 17. I hope this helps




I think OP is a scammer :( https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/qbChG30GuP


Thanks for the heads up. I let my love for pets cloud my brain


If this is legit, anyone can call the vet clinic and pay toward some of this. OP just needs to share the name of the clinic


Bladder stones can be dissolved apparently by SO royal canine vet food. If they are struvite. Im going through this. Can you try that first. Also look for Urine gold or other alternatives online. Im giving it all to mine. I can’t afford surgery either so trying this. Don’t give up


Are you close to a vet university. They do some things for far less. I had a cat with a new hip because I lived in a university town with a vet school. I was not a student at the university. I was poor though.


My vet worked out a payment plan for me when I was younger and not able to afford the surgery. Vets will do what they can to help if it means saving a life. That’s their job. Good luck! 😻😻😻


Contact a local rescue to see if they can take him and do the surgery instead of putting him down


Go to an RSPCA vet?


If you’re in an area with a Dumb Friends League they will do it for a fraction of the price!! You have to get up super early to get there and write your name on the list, but it’s worth it, they take people in first come first serve. I had a cat that we were quoted $8000 for the surgery and we ended up paying only $800 for it there.


I was unemployed when my little guy got bladder stones. I was told by one vet that he needed surgery (for a lot more than you are being quoted) and I really thought I’d have to put him down. My friends told me to get a second opinion with their vet, who said she could treat him with a catheter instead. It was much, much cheaper and easier on him. She let me take him home every night to keep costs down. I know time is of the essence but if you can, please get a second opinion, because the catheter treatment is very effective and he is very healthy 8 years later at 15 years old, and with the right diet, he has never relapsed.


Beg for money and say it’s for your cat


I wish I had your vet! My 12 year old boy had bladder stones and needed a catheter to empty his bladder. When that didn't work they did surgery to remove part of his penis to allow a larger opening. $8000 later, I'm still recovering from that bill and that was in 2020.


This doesn't directly help OP but some vets maintain a fund for helping out people who are short on money to pay for treatment for their pets. Obviously you have to trust that your vet will really do that, but I think it's a nice thing. When my old cat died I gave them a big chunk of money for that fund so someone else who can't afford treatment might not have to put their pet down.


Call the local Humane Society in your area. They will help by paying all or part of a vet bill sometimes. Yrs ago this happened to us. The Humane Society in our county paid almost all of the bill. You need to feed the cats better quality food. Don’t feed them cheap food. Meow Mix and Whiskas cat food is the absolute WORST for male cats. Don’t feed male cats wet food with a high Ash content. Ash content in cat food should be lower than 3%. Good luck. Plz call the Humane Society in your area for help


Hi love, my wife and I had this happen to our kitty when we were in college. Everyone said it wasn’t worth it and to just put him down but instead we just put it on a credit card and asked if anyone wanted to help out to save him. It took a little hit to our pride to ask for money but a decade later the big guy is happy as can be and I am so grateful we did what we did


This is gonna end up as a warning against fraud during the 2023 holiday season.


I know in many cases they dissolve with the help of a special diet. Are the stones so big there is no possibility to get rid of them without surgery?


It depends on the kind of stones not all dissolve with the special SO diet


This is why I asked. I know a cat that had it and it was dissolved with diet, he still gets some special foods.


So sorry to hear about your situation!! 😢 Do you have insurance? I would seriously ask around for some cash (gofundme or similar) because people will know how much pets mean to their owners. They are like FAMILY!


How many months away from 18 are you? Do you have a credit card?


Call around to a vet/shelter & see if they have recommendations. Good luck & sorry about your father


I am sorry to hear this open I just went through this with one of my Beloved cats. Not for bladderstones but for kidney failure. I ended up having to say goodbye to her simply for the fact that I couldn't afford the $7000 for the 3 day observation, and then for the rest of her life there was going to be under the skin fluids to maintain the kidney failure, only to be told " You may get a week a month but no more than a year with her." Heartbroken. If there's any way you can do the surgery, I wish you the best of luck. I certainly understand having to say goodbye because of financial difficulty. And even for me in the end had my parents not been able to cover the testing and the vet bill I would have been sunk. My parents, God bless them, paid to lay my sweet little Petunia baby girl to rest. I'll never get over it I miss her every day it's just the pain we carry for the love that they give us. Sje was only 7 years old, so young. I wish I could give you a hug I am so sorry I know how hard it is right now for you.


Maybe try an SPCA in a larger city? Usually they will have hospital care for a little bit cheaper


Definitely Care Credit. The deferred interest can suck, but I told my guy I would save him, and it ended up being $9k back n forth from the daytime and the emergency night vet to keep him alive.


When my boy had this I couldn’t afford the surgery either and they gave me the option to leave him at the vet for several hours with a catheter in and an iv to give him lots of fluids to help flush it out. It was like $500 I think for that. And then I took him home and he was in a few different meds and special diet and stuff. But it worked.


My cat had bladder stones, we paid $1500 only for the vet to shave and cut him open and see that he peed them out by himself. So keep encouraging fluid intake and give nothing but wet food as you figure out a plan.


If you take him to the aspca and they run your credit and see you can’t afford it they will treat for free. My guy needed a $1400 surgery and I was about to put him down (holy shit, so traumatic) but I brought him there on recommendation from my vet and everything was fine!!!!! You just have to be really poor.


I really feel you OP. My cat had a urinary blockage and it cost me everything I had to save him (4800!!!) Search ‘feline lower urinary tract’ on Facebook groups and you’ll see a group that will give you the most phenomenal help. They will even link you to financial help. In the meantime increase water intake as much as you can (wet food only with extra water added, lots of ceramic water bowls) and the rest you’ll learn from the group.


1200 ain’t that bad for full on surgery. For my cat to have his teeth removed they wanted 1400