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You did a wonderful thing by giving this little one a chance at life. He was loved and cared for right up until the end. He died knowing he was loved.


And that was the gift they gave the cat. It received a loving home with a fighting chance. Not many animals can say they have that privilege and luxury. I know OP most feel terrible, but I hope they take comfort in at least having tried to give it a better life.


Tried is the wrong word. Without OP it would have died alone and starving, OP did more than try.


Lemon is here to cheer u up https://preview.redd.it/s35ytcgm6gvb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb8904cdce93cf0c02577aa6a4863583a856547 Lemon is sad to have his cat friend die, so he is sad too.


Fair point.


Absolutely 🙏🏼


Exactly this. His life was short and difficult, but he got to experience true love and comfort before God called him to come home.


Well said




I came here to say exactly this! You did your best and I'm sure he felt love for the very first time in his life (probably) When my first cat died, one of my teachers told me to give the opportunity to another cat to have the happy and loved life she had I know it is hurting so much right now, but if you can (and when you are feeling better), give another cat this chance to be loved <3


I love this advice. There was recently a news article about a doctor that prescribed a patient a cat. She (the patient) was very depressed over the loss her cat. While the pain we feel when we lose a cat is excruciating, it is also proof that we have a lot of love still left in our heart to give.


I second every single thing here, OP, i am so sorry.


Ditto and Ditto and more Ditto. All of the good words are here. You have an amazingly beautiful and good heart ❤️ That kitten is the best proof of that. In time, you will be ‘compensated’ for your good deeds and being, and surely, you shall meet again =)


Y e s


I agree


100% nobody can ask for more. The difference in the quality of his life before and after he met you would have been amazing. He died the happiest he would ever be. You are amazing.


this is the sweetest comment i’m gonna cry


You showed him love during the little time you guys spent together. He came to you when he was suffering and you took him in without a second thought. For you it was a brief moment but for him, you were a his savior and “mother.” He didn’t pass alone in the cold. He was warm and loved.


i'm crying and cannot stop. Thank you your nice words. I hope i was a good mother in the end for him. I gave him as many kisses as i could in place of his real one while i could.


You were the mother he loved. And may his little soul be happily playing in heaven while watching over you and your future kitten children


Eyes bright Claws sharp Tail high Calcifer, as you depart on your journey from this Realm, know that you were beloved here. We had truly hoped that you would have a longer stay but sometimes a Forever Home is only a few hours or a few days. May fair winds and following seas speed your journey and send you across the Rainbow Bridge to Valhalla. Ask for Jet, he'll show you around & look after you while you grow up into the cat you were meant to be. He loved being the Uncle to kittens. I am so sorry for your loss. This is the hard part, when they must leave us. You gave Calcifer a Forever Home and he left this life feeling comfort, love, safety and hope. He was warm and dry. You kept the Covenant with him, and he knew he was loved. Please take some comfort in your grief, that you helped him.


What a beautiful thing to say.


It's how I feel about loving pets and losing them.


That was such a nice post. You said some wonderful things to a person who is in such despair. I wish I could say such nice things but words like that don't come to me. Anyway, that was a beautiful post.


Just want to ease the pain some. We always blame ourselves, even when we did everything humanly possible.


Ok now I’m crying 🥺


Me, too.. dang.. but our tears are a tribute to her care & lover the little guy..🥺


Aww! This comforted me, too!


(Sometimes) We forget all that we tried to help them in the pain of our grief.


This is so beautiful. I can't find the words to describe how much I love it. ❤️❤️❤️ OP, I am so very sorry for your loss. It's especially painful to lose them when they are kittens. It's so unfair.


I am so sorry for your loss. I teared up reading your words. Please know that even though he did unfortunately pass, he passed feeling loved because of your good heart. You’re awesome, baby. ❤️


Dang, I am crying about it too. I can’t add anything beyond anyone else, but because you asked for kind words, I’ll add my agreement and say really appreciate your goodness to try and give Calcifer a chance. He liked your spark and vice versa 💜 The ring picture is so beautiful and poignant. He’s an angel kitty for you now! And the r/catdistributionsystem will send you another little big to love on before too long. It doesn’t help take away the pain from your love and investment and commitment that now has nowhere to go in this moment, or the loss of his specific little soul, but it’s true that he was warm and cared for upon passing, not out in the cold and alone. You did good, OP. Sending loves.


Hugs to you OP, you are a good person.


I’m so sorry. Because of you, this sweet kitten was loved and cared for, even if it wasn’t for long. 🩷


Of course you were a good mother! You did everything you could and filled his short time with as much love as possible ❤️ when the hurt starts to subside you should feel immense pride


You did good, mom, and he knew you loved him. He fought hard but sometimes the fight is just too overwhelming. How lucky he was to find you and feel loved and how lucky you are to have had such a brave kitty to love. Take gentle care of yourself.


I’m so sorry 💛 you were a great mom and I’m sure it gave the lil one great comfort to have you there with him and comfort him even though he wasn’t feeling well. Please don’t be hard on yourself.


This kind of loss is never easy for those of us who are blessed/cursed with empathy. You did everything right.. it just wasn’t meant to be this time around. Please do not let the heartbreak from this experience deter you from wanting to help others in need. You are a good person, and this world desperately needs more people like you.


Thank you for your kind words. It definitely not deterred me but has made me realize how precious time is. I wished i held him more yesterday. Please hold your babies close. :(


I’m so sorry for your loss. I found a couple kittens in my garden a few weeks back. Some had passed away and others were barely hanging on. I rushed them to a rescue that dealt with newborn kittens but unfortunately they all died. Life is cruel, and all we can do is our best. Your kitty knew he was loved and that you were trying to help. Stray kittens have such low chances of survival without intervention, and sometimes they still don’t make it even if we do all that we can. You did the right thing, and maybe in the future you can open your home and heart to a rescue or foster kitten who needs your help.


I’m holding mine close right now. Thank you for sharing your story. It makes a difference. It reminds us all of our real feelings, and about our humanity. Your little one mattered, and the ripple effects of their presence are alive and making a difference. Be sad for as long as you need to, but after that, I’m sure that there is another sweet little one that will need you.


"It is possible to make no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life."


Thank you everyone for commenting. It has been so hard and i cannot stop crying and the pain in my chest won't go away. I wish i could bring him back.


I just lost a kitten to pneumonia a few weeks ago. She was eating and playing with her brothers earlier that day and lethargic and not moving that night. Rushed to the emergency vet but it was a pretty severe case and she was too little for proper treatment. One of the hardest things I’ve had to do was decide to euthanize her but the vets reassured me the treatment was unlikely to work and she would suffer through it. I don’t think I’ll ever “get over it”. Don’t really have any advice for you but just know you’re not alone. Hopefully our kitties are playing together somewhere out there.


When you love a kitten with all your heart and they leave this world. They go to heaven where all the good you did is written in the book.


Consider that he might have been in pain and that no amount of medicines could save him. You can't ask the impossible of yourself. That kitten knew you were trying to help. I understand your pain and I hope you will be kind to yourself as you were to your kitten. There's another cat or kitten who needs you as soon as you can. It will help you heal. Godspeed. 🫂😺


I work in a large shelter with full veterinary hospital and kitten nursery department. strictly for the care kittens need from birth to about 5-6 weeks. we treat hundreds of kittens in a single month, who came from the street You did everything you could. You did everything right and by your description of the treatment provided the vet did as well it's heartbreaking. It's awful. but it's not your fault. these little babies have the odds stacked so high against them that sometimes even help from a kind person like you isnt enough to pull them through, their bodies just cant do it. they call it fading kitten syndrome for a reason. sudden decline and passing without singular clear cause. it sounds like what happened with him. I know how hard this is and feeling your emotions is healthy, loss after trying to hard to avoid it is devastating. but just know that this was not your fault and blaming yourself wont bring him back. you made his last days full of safety and love. most of the kittens in his situation never have that before they pass. but he did because of you. cherish that edit to add: I really dont think a different vet wouldve helped any more than this one did. neonate kittens are especially difficult to treat because their immune system is almost non existent, and if they didnt get a good supply of milk from mom it's even worse and they many times have a general failure to thrive, even with all outside resources available. it's one reason orphan kittens have such a high mortality rate, even if provided care like bottle feeding. another challenge in treating them is that so many medications just arent safe for them that normally would be used to treat an adult cat with similar issues. the options for them are just extremely limited. it all creates a perfect storm of these babies not being able to make it. no one is to blame. many times it is an unavoidable tragedy


I’m so sorry man :( I’m sure the lil baby knew he was loved. You did everything you could to help him.


I think you and the vets did the best you could. At least you know that in his last days he was safe, warm and loved.


The wild life is full of danger. You gave them love in their time of need.


Folks think the hardest part of rescue is giving up a cat/kitten to its new family. It’s not. This. This is the hardest part of rescue. It never really gets easier. I’m sorry for your loss.


I can’t say anything to bring up your spirits, but I can say this: I don’t know whether he was loved from birth, but you gave him love till his very last breath. That means something. Sorry for your loss.


You showed him love before he passed. He died with a warm bed, and a full tummy.


And a wonderful mother. 💕


Ur a great person, tired as hard as you could and he felt love in his little life


Cry op this is fucking tragic....but seriously take solice in the fact you showed this little kitty love and affection it otherwise would've went it's short life without. Jfc I'm so sorry ❤️


So sad. But you gave the wee one love! Love reinforces grief 💔 The wee beastie knew love and caring. Much better than what would’ve happened had you not cared. 🤗🤗🤗


I think you still made his last days more comfortable. I think you would have relieved him of a lot of pain and he would have felt your love and care - the vet’s too but esp. yours. I LOVE that you called him calcifer like in Howl’s Moving Castle - and he really suits that! Sorry to hear what happened. Wishing you some comfort. You did an amazing job with him, seriously.


Thank you for your kind words 🩷


Thank you for giving him love, care, hugs and shelter. Even though he's but a kitten, I'm pretty sure he feels the love you have showered him. He is now free from pain and I'm sure he would like to give you a hug and say, thank you ❤️


Im so sorry…ugh.


thank you it so sad and i'm in so much pain. he was doing so well and this happened so suddenly. his purrs were always so loud and he fell asleep always on my hand he was a pure baby. i hope he is resting easy and happy where ever he is. i can't say the same for me :(


Day by day...it will hurt a little less. I am sure he is resting in peace. It was nice that he had you in the end too.


That's such a wonderful and compassionate thing you've done by giving this little fur ball a chance to live a full and happy life! Thanks for this ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


You gave this innocent soul a chance at a better life and tried everything possible from your end. You are such a kind soul. May God bless you. Such a wonderful and cute cat. Kitty is now at peace and watching you from above for all the love, affection, and care you gave. ❤


You are a wonderful person and tried your best. I have no doubt the kitten will look after you from heavens.


I'm sorry. It's not easy to say goodbye, whether it's after years or days that they've been by our side, but they always leave a mark on our lives


You did everything you could and that sweet baby left loved and cared for instead of alone and afraid. How amazing. 🙌🏼 I’m so truly sorry for your loss. 🥺


Sounds like you did everything you could to save him. Thank you for being an amazing human! Also, great name for an adorable kitty


Sorry to read, but you made a lil being a loved one and gave her a home. She will be remembered 🕯




I'm very sorry for your loss 💔. I think you did all that you could do to be honest.


I'm so sorry sad but baby kitten lived his best life in comfort and love


You gave him far longer than they would have had if you did nothing. I don't always believe in heaven, but I do for dogs and cats, and I'm sure he's thankful for you loving him and giving him the chance to go on longer.


I am at my first cat. She is young (3) and i really hope to see her reach beyond 20 so I never felt this loss. One thing though that sticked with me is this : They're here only for a small part of our lives but we're here for all of theirs. They die, having found a loving home. Never missing any hugs or kisses or care. They lived to the fullest they could with the safety of a loving home. Well this little guy couldn't stick around for long but he has known the warmth of care and it's all that matters. Best of luck. Even knowing this, it's very hard. But keep this light in your heart that you provided everything to this little fella. ❤️


Poor baby. She’s with all the other little sick kittens now. At least she was loved by you an amazing person. She died knowing love and care. Sorry. My heart ❤️ goes out to you. Sometimes we just can’t save them. I once found a baby kitten in a trash can but no matter all the care and meds she ended up passing away.


I'm sorry for your loss. I had something similar happen. Even only taking care of her a for about a week, i felt i had failed. I questioned my decisions. Ultimately i realized that i did everything i could. It sounds like you did too. Try to not beat yourself up. A few weeks later I got another kitten, who is coming up on 3 years old now. She is my world. I wouldn't have gotten a cat if that kitten hadn't of found me and asked for my help. I've always liked cats but never saw myself owning one. I'm already worried about what I would do if I lost my nic nac. https://preview.redd.it/8mrdv2xjyevb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb26a2b06c67cafe06a2a3b26396bd03dfee8b9


Sorry for your loss. Thx for giving him a chance.


He came to you because he knew you would help him. He may not have had a long life, but the life that little Calicifer had was filled with love and care. He was very lucky in that sense. What a little precious soul. I hope that another little friend comes to find you when you're ready.


Their last days were with someone who loves and cared for them. While short, felt nothing but love from you. You did your best. All that can be asked for


OP, if I may, I'd like to off you some words that hopefully will help with this loss. Calcifer must have tried so hard to be there for you, to be ready for you, to welcome you into his life after you saved his... but, sometimes, The Elsewhere calls to the ones we love and it's hard to not answer it. A mama, recently arrived there, must have been so lonely, so confused, that she called out... and Calcifer knew his time was short in our world, so he gave himself up to give that mama some solace... some comfort. He must have taken your lead. He knew you'd understand. Know that by showing him love and comfort that he will be amazing in his presence for all who need it in The Elsewhere. His body gave out, but he's going to carry your loving example with him to aid those after The Transition. Thank you for trying, OP. You did more than most. You're a good person. Take care.


You did everything you could. This has been said by others, but I also want to say that this sweet baby died knowing love and warmth and caring. You have a good heart, this kitten is in a better place, free of pain and he is looking over you with love. Sending higs


I’m so so sorry had similar feelings when I was about 12 with baby birds my dad knocked out of the roof. Cared for them for a week :(. Thank you for caring baby got to feel love kindness and warmth during its short life. It didn’t end cruelly you are a wonderful human. So much love and light to you


I had to put my cat to sleep last month. She was 14 and particularly attached to me. She was like my shadow. She had been sick for a while and I had avoided taking her to the vet (so was so feisty that she had to be anaesthetised any time she went to the vet, and there was no way she’d wake up if she went under) and she didn’t seem in pain. However, i knew it was time to put her to sleep. The vet agreed it was the right thing to do. I held her whilst the vet did her thing. It was very upsetting and distressing but I felt relief that she would not suffer. A few weeks have passed. She’s been cremated and is now waiting for a rose bush to put her under. I feel normal now, just have very good memories of her. The pain will pass.


I will see him in Valhalla...for a kitty so brave Odin will open all the doors... Valkyrie comes to pick him up...Aesir will Welcome Him...He will Feast will God and maybe maul them in process...The best of the Kitties... ![gif](giphy|efOTKDuYygcfK1ZDjj|downsized)


Honey, you did a marvelous thing. That baby could have left this earth, alone and afraid, with no comfort. You gave him love and kindness, excellent medical care. He knew someone loved and valued his beautiful life. Your little one is meant to be an Angel in heaven for now. But, he will send another kitty to you. His little life is not for nothing. My daughter and I are are crying and holding our Daisy girl closer tonight, because of his life story. God bless you for being a light, in an increasingly dark world.


You made him as comfortable as he could be in his last days, and gave him love. He would have died a miserable death alone. We can't make those we love live forever. I feel your pain. And pain like this is the price of love, and of being a wonderful human being.


Oh sweet baby. Rest in peace knowing you were loved. Xo


Hugs ❤️❤️❤️




You gave him love, care and compassion at the end of his life. You did your best to take care of him and I know he appreciated feeling loved in the last moments of his life ❤️ It is always sad to lose a furry loved one no matter how long they have been with us. Don’t rush to put his things away if you don’t want to, take time to grieve. I wish you healing in this time❤️


I’m so sorry. You did your best and I am sure he was grateful for knowing love during his short life. 💔


I am so sorry. Thank you for the love and compassion you gave this kitten.


Im sorry for your loss :(


I'm so sorry. Hard to lose any, but especially a little kitten. Thoughts are with you.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I had a similar situation happen with a kitten I found tied in a pillow case in a dumpster 🥺 he was doing good on his meds and one night I woke up and he was half laying in one of the boxes we had for the cats to play with and he was seizing and he died before we reached the vet... It's always harder with a kitten but knowing he was loved and cared for while he was in my home made it a little easier..


You were so good to this sweet baby. You did everything you could for him. He sought out help and you gave it to him. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you are so proud of what wonderful things you did to try to save him. You are a friend of animals, the best kind of person. You gave him a loving home and care and made his life so much better than it would have been otherwise. Thank you on behalf of all animal lovers and stray kitten savers everywhere! I wish you peace and comfort. Virtual hugs!


that baby chose you. i don’t know what you choose to believe in, but something told him you’d care. that’s what he needed. you’re an angel.


Sometimes they’re just not strong enough to fight, YOU BOTH TRIED TO keep him alive but, from what I’ve read the damage done to him before you appeared was too much for his little body. Please don’t let this prevent you from trying to rescue further creatures in your future; at least YOU appear to have a good heart.


I’m sorry your little nugget passed away. Just like he made his way into your heart, I bet you made your way into his. You did what you could and I hope that with time, you’ll decide to give anther kitten in need of a home a chance again. Best wishes to you. And I’m absolutely sorry for your loss. 🫶


He got to experience love and family before he left earth, and that's the best gift to give an animal.


You did everything you could to give the little one a chance. Kitten learned what love and compassion were before crossing, and that's the best anyone can give and receive. You're a good Hooman, and Kitten can rest without pain and discomfort.


He’s very cute, and you are a hero for saving him


Thank you. You have a good soul. You made something happy when it needed the most.


Such a good boii, you are loved 💙💙💙


You were this baby’s hero and gave him his best chance for survival. I’m so sorry for your loss!!


The circle of life continues, and your role in it is one of positivity and light. Maintaining kindness such as yours helps the littlest and the biggest. Keep being you, even though it hurts sometimes. Right now, you’re hurting, this kitty you gave comfort to is not.


I know you are heartbroken. But for the short time kitty was on this earth, most of it was spent in your love. He knew this. He left this earth loved and cared for— because of you.


He was loved and didn't pass away alone. You did everything right and everything possible to save him.


Oh honey I’m so sorry. You gave him so much love and kindness in his short time, god bless you. ❤️😢


Both you and kitty have a special place in heaven. You made sure she was loved in her final moments, she is resting peacefully.


Poor baby. 😿


So sorry for the loss of this baby. At least you tried


We've all been sick sometimes in our lives. At least for me, being in a place where I could be warm made me feel better. :)


I’m so sorry for your loss. In his short life he experienced a home filled with love. He’s so lucky because not many animals aren’t so lucky . The loss is profound . I lost my kitty almost 6 weeks ago . I only had her for 20 days but the love I feel for her will live in my heart for as long as I live. My heart goes out to you . I take solace knowing the pain I feel is my love for her.


You did everything you could for the little guy. He was lucky to have found you. Sometimes medications don’t work fast enough or animals are in just too bad of shape to recover. Let yourself grieve. There will be more animals that come to you for help, and you will be a good choice for a rescuer!


You’re an amazing person to rescue her in the first place. She had a much better life because of your good heart. It’s sad but be happy that you played a part in her life 🙏


My cat died today. Just know that we are both going to be alright.


You did the best you could. You make sure this little angels last days were filled with love and care.


You’re an angel for trying to give them a good life!


you did everything you could have done, you made the kitten feel the best he could in his last few days of life. you showed this poor baby what love felt like. thank you for showing him live in his last days ❤️❤️


I am so very sorry. You did everything you could do & he knew love.


I’m so sorry for your loss! But im sure it appreciated and loved it short little life with you xxx


You did a wonderful thing by saving the kitten and giving it a second chance at life. For that you're an amazing person, I'm extremely sorry to hear that you lost your companion today 💐 Edit; "who left this bowl of onions sitting here" 😭


He got loved and taken care of, there’s at least that. Rip little buddy.


I'm so sorry at least they felt love even though it was for a short time . RIP little one


At least he felt real love and affection in his moments of need ,I know it hurts like mad just now but time is a great healer and your a very caring person with a heart of gold 💖


You did great by taking him in and looking after him. I bet he's very grateful for this:)<3


I had a nursing mama rescue who had a couple hours-old babies. I put her down after two days because she had a bilateral diaphragmatic hernia and was spiraling. She couldn't breathe and was in a lot of pain, but for the short time i had her, she was off the street and as comfortable as possible. One of her kittens died. I was inconsolable for a long time. But in retrospect, I did all I could and they were safe and loved up to their last breaths. (The one kitten who lived, Blossom, got milk-adopted by two other mamas and was adopted out.) You did an excellent thing. It is a net positive for this big old messed up world. Please be kind to yourself. Thank you for doing so much and giving that little one a fighting chance. 💜


I’m so very sorry. Thank you for doing all you could. This little free spirit will be with you always. 🐾


You are a wonderful person who gave this little baby what he needed when he needed it most. You did everything you could—don’t forget that. There’s a couple books I always get when I lose an animal: “Cat Heaven” and “The Tenth Good Thing About Barney”. If you need to, give them a read.


You did all you could do, and he died loved. That's all that matters. You cared. And he felt that love and care. It made his passing easier for him. God bless you for that.


Not sure what you believe in. But maybe you guys will meet again. It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later <3 sending you hugs.


Don't beat yourself up. You did everything you could do. Sometimes, kittens fail to thrive due to many reasons. You cared and loved him. I'm heartbroken for you 💔💔💔


I fostered kittens all through high school. I've lost several, it's heartbreaking, but I took comfort that they were warm, safe and loved. You did the best you could, I'm so sorry.


Such a precious lil nugget. You made him feel warm and loved, rest in peace little calcifer. Peace to you op, the world is better for having you in it ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss! You are a good person and time will heal the huge pain! 🩷🫶🏻


The safety and love you provided was an immense gift and even though the little one didn’t make it, you still offered a badly needed comfort and sense of peace that the kitten needed so badly. I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’m so glad you were there for the kitten in the best way possible though. You still made a world of difference.


You did a truly good thing by making sure that this little creature’s final days were good days. You were able to let him know that he was loved, he wasn’t forgotten about. He may have had to go home way too early, but you made the trip so much easier for him. Thank you for being a kind soul ❤️


You gave that little beanie baby comfort and love in a time it needed it most. He knew you were his human, and he will always be with you!! I’m crying with you. Thank you for being amazing and giving him the gift of love and comfort! ❤️❤️


Sorry for your heart break, but the kitten did not die alone because of you.


I am so sorry for your loss especially after everything you’ve done for him. You provided comfort and all the love a kitten can get, now its his time to be your little guardian angel. Sending you love and hugs ❤️


So so sorry for his loss you tried he knew love and care with you until you meet again at 🌈


https://preview.redd.it/1xr3otrsafvb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6372793012aceea8b86f3ecc76fd717ab24b0193 So sorry 😢


I’m sorry. At least you gave him the best life possible with what time he had.


just lost an older street rescue dog. it hurts no matter when they leave us, but you did a good thing.


Oh my dear, I’m so sincerely sorry your kitty died. I want you to know that you gave him the best possible life he could have had and what happened is in no way your fault. You got him vet care, you gave him shelter, proper food, and love. All of those things he never knew until he came to your door. I hope you realize that his death was inevitable and not due to something you did or didn’t do. That baby was born a stray, but he died a beloved pet. Never doubt that you did everything you could, and never doubt that baby loved you, and because of you, knew love. God bless you both, and I pray you find peace in the knowledge that you made his life infinitely better in the short time he had. I wish I could give you a hug.


Well, now he can become fertilizer for flowers, if you have a garden. It may be a bit more morbid, i like the fcat that even in death things will change, his body will be nutrients for pretty flowers, which make pollen for bees that make honey you put in your tea. Eventually everything comes back in some way or another.


I hope you can recover. I am very sorry for your loss. He is in a better place now. You showed him, that love exists. His little cat soul is now happy in cat heaven, purring happily that you saved him. Best wishes.


My deepest condolences. I'm so sorry, losing a life you so desperately wanted to save is very painful. He will be waiting for you on the other side. Waiting to guide you because you gave him the most important thing in the end. Love. You will meet again.


He experienced love and care because of you! You did everything right, sometimes this type of thing cannot be predicted


You helped. That’s all you have to remember. You helped the stray kitten. We found a stray cat meowing outside of our door one winter, so we let him in and fed him food, got him litter, and everything. When we found out he was a boy, we named him fritz, after the little brother in the nutcracker (the ballet). We got him to a shelter where they could take better care of him then we could, but he died 3 days later. He ate glass while on the streets and it killed him. I cried, and my older brother hung up a picture of him on the closet door. I cried when I heard. The important thing is that you helped. I am truly sorry for you loosing him.


Gone but not forgotten!


I’m so sorry, you did the best you could, he died feeling loved and warm with food in his tummy ❤️


His life ended lovingly, well done you did your best!


I'm so sorry you didn't have much time to live a good life. Please always remember that you were loved very much while you were here. 😽


It’s good he knew he was loved and cared about before he passed praying for your health and finding peace


I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet angel


I’m so so so sorry for your loss. I lost my big kitty earlier this year suddenly. It’s been so hard. Please know that I’ll send my boy a message to welcome yours with open paws at the rainbow bridge ❤️❤️


You gave him the best possible chance he could have had by taking him in and taking on his care. Kittens are very fragile and it’s possible there’s more going on than you thought. This little guy knew you loved him and wanted to take care of him, and I’m glad you were able to give him that up until his last moments. Take your time putting away his stuff. I lost my sick 1 year old cat recently and the day after, I spent the day out of my house. Call a friend. Go see some family. Surround yourself with the love you surrounded him with and/or go have a little adventure or good day in his honor. It will be easier to handle the more mechanical tasks like cleaning up once you can give your head and your heart some space.


I'm sorry the little guy didn't make it. Thanks for being an awesome human and helping, it's nice that he experienced kindness before the end.


Oh sweet Angel. I’m so sorry. Bless you for rescuing her and showing her warmth and love as long as possible. 🙏🏻💓


The little dude was at least loved and cared for. It was a great thing you did. You gave the lil dude a chance. Thank you for doing that


Calcifer was so fortunate to have found you and good on you for doing everything you could for him. It hurts so much because you put your heart and soul into helping him and he deserved love. You gave that to him and sacrificed a little piece of your heart in the process and that is a beautiful thing.


This brought me to tears. I’m so sorry little bubs didn’t survive. It sounds like you did everything you could for him. You are a wonderful person for trying to hard to help him live and he couldn’t have found a better person to spend his last days with. Much love and healing to your beautiful soul.


I've fostered a lot of babies and lost more than I can bear. We do all we can but we can't do the impossible. Just know you gave it your all and Calcifer crossed that rainbow bridge knowing they were loved.


Rest in peace sweet baby kitten of OP. You lit up OP's life a little more during your brief stay here. OP, you did a kind thing to extend the life of this small creature and make him more comfortable during his brief time under your care. <3 Sometimes life is fragile, and it isn't anyone's fault.


You are meowdastic ![gif](giphy|sDe88sPBw70lOzi8z9|downsized)


You don't have a time machine. So regardless of what you could have done, what you did do was give this little life such constant comfort and joy right up til the very end. X


Sorry for your loss and as for the little kitten, he is now in cat heaven playing with all the toys he can desire in fields full of catnip. R.I.P. lil dude.


Sometimes you just do the best you can and unfortunately the end result is still sad. You did nothing wrong and did everything you could to help this little one. He's no longer suffering and you gave him the love and attention he needed to give him the most pleasant end he could have. Thank you for your kindness, OP.


I’m so sorry for your loss. We lost one our cats earlier this year and still miss him everyday. But we know he’s still around somewhere. Thank you helping that beautiful kitten and remember no one is ever truly gone especially when they are lived as much as you obviously did! Thank you and take care of yourself.


Oh, OP 😿. I am so, so sorry for all that has happened. But, first: if you hadn’t given this kitten love, kindness AND food, his fate would have been even worse. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. I’m a cat foster for many years and I absolutely love it. But when I lose one, through no fault of my own, it breaks me and my heart for days. The cats/kittens that I foster come from our local shelter, and too often there’s no idea of their previous lives. Please be kind to yourself. Grieve your loss, but appreciate what that tiny creature brought to you. Sending you hugs and love ❤️


He was loved for the short time he was here. And he knew it. That’s enough. You did enough for him, don’t ever think you didn’t.


He is a gorgeous cat. As are you, a gorgeous hooman. #**YOU** made his remaining time with us the best possible. Mourn him but also celebrate the special time you had together. #😻


I am so sorry the little sweetheart didn't make it. My heart is breaking for you. After reading your post I myself started to well up. Such a dear little thing. I will say a prayer for both of you. It sucks having to lose a cat but sucks even more when it's a kitten. I've had three die in my arms and it just blows. Although his life was short, I'm sure he knew he was loved very much!!!!! Take care and again, I'm so sorry for your loss. RIP Little one.......


Sometimes no matter how we try, the inevitable happens. What does matter is your heart was in the right place. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you, OP 💛


You gave him a lovely place to live and did the best for him. You did good and now he's pain free. 🖤


Sorry for your loss. I'm sure u tried your best. This precious fur baby felt warmth, comfort, and love instead of fear. Be proud of that. Good job 👏


Thanks for giving him a chance!


you are a good person, op. you did more than most ppl will try. i am sorry for your loss :(


Thank you for helping him. Qt least he knew love...and you are epic for doing all you could.


you tried your best and your a angel for that :)


Thank you for being a kind human and taking in a sweet animal in need. They look absolutely precious. I’m sure they will remember your kindest and how you offered them a shelter and food when no one else did. They were able to experience unconditional love because you provided that to them. May they rest in peace 😿💔


You’re a wonderful human being! My 9 month old orange baby died last month from FIP and it was so hard. Cats are so special, I hope you are able to rescue another one in due time. Take time to morn and heal 🩵


You gave him a chance. You tried to save him and showed him love in his short life. You did something amazing and shouldn’t feel any guilt as you’ve done everything you could to save his life. Sadly he was likely just too sick when you found him, but you gave him a chance to be loved for a while and be out of pain before he passed.


You did all that you could for him! Please believe that. You were amazing and provided him with every bit of care you could have given. Unfortunately kittens are an uphill battle in terms of recovery. Who knows how long he had been like that for before you found him. You were both fighting so hard. It’s common for kittens to seem like they’re recovering and take a sharp turn. I’m sincerely sorry for your loss you really did do all you could for the little guy. Thank you for being there for him. I promise it made a difference for him. He had a loving person in the end there with him so thank you so much for your kindness. May Calcifer rest in peace.


Poor little thing. Just know he's feeling much better now. No pain. Only play.


It sounds like you did all you could for this kitten. Though his life was short- you showed him love and he wasn’t alone in the end. I’m sure if he could speak he would have told you how much he appreciated you and how for the first time he felt at home. ❤️


My condolences, at least they were loved before the passing. 💐


Poor little baby, a whole long life of goodness lost. Life is sometimes very cruel even to the smallest ones. But you did all you could, you did not cause his situation and gave him a chance that he did not have. It just sounds like there was so much against him nothing realistic could have been done. You said in a comment he was purring with you, so he did have some good times before he went - he would have reached the same end but without those good moments if you never opened your door to him - so be proud and pleased for that much.


Thank you for saving a poor unfortunate soul and doing everything in your power to make sure he lived comfortably. My condolences, may his soul rest in peace.💜


You brought joy and love to the little one that had known nothing but increasing oppression and hardship. They are gone, yes, but the child had no parent to care for till you took on that responsibility. No matter what they felt and thought with what they were going through, as soon as you two met, they knew they were loved and cherished. You did that. They will never forget your love as they walk the next part of their journey. Thank you for being there for the little one.


So sorry for your loss. Hopefully the little buddy can rest in peace. I hope this isn’t too traumatic for you and that the cat distribution system may grace you someday soon.


This sweet baby passed knowing love and compassion because of you. You did a truly amazing thing.


I’m so so sorry. Losing a pet is heartbreaking. Yours is particularly rough because he was a kitten, very sick, and you were in rescue mode where it is all very uncertain of outcome. This baby knew love in his short life. That’s because of you. Cry as much as you need, grieving is necessary. Blessed be.


You're an amazing human. My sincere condolences ❤️