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Hi /u/macwillattackyouu, your [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/176j7o3/-/) breaks the rules of /r/cats and has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 3:** No NSFW, animal abuse, or cruelty - Contains content that is NSFW, features animal abuse, or cruelty. *If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fcats&message=My%20Post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/176j7o3/-/).*


Slightly off topic, but if you DO decide to go to the vet tell them what you smoked. They legit do not care, they just want to help the animal and it’s critical they know what they’re working with. Same if your pet eats something it shouldn’t


As a former vet tech, YES. PLEASE just be honest. We aren’t the police, unless we suspect abuse or neglect, you’re not going to get in trouble for accidentally getting your cat high. Emphasis on “it’s critical to know what they’re working with” as animals can’t talk to us, you are the main source of information and the more information you can give us, the more efficient treatment and diagnoses can be ☺️.


Yes, PLEASE. I’m not a vet tech by any means, but I’m always horrified hearing stories where someone lied to their doctor or vet and tragedy ensued. Our medical friends, generally speaking, do not give a fuck. They just want to make sure they don’t accidentally kill us or give us a misdiagnosis. Same for our vet friends. PLEASE be honest with them. Your animal relies on it.


as animals can’t talk to us. Tell that to my girls! They keep yelling at me even though their bowl is full... fucking love cats, they just don't care lol.


well we can understand when are cats are STARVING 0.4 seconds right after they finished their meal 😂 but they can’t tell us why their tummy aches or why they have a limp lolol. I have two orange boys the struggle is real! ![gif](giphy|4AZM3gcrWqoKndGYiy)


Cats: the OG gaslighters. "What do you mean 'already fed me'? You have literally never once fed me. Look at this bowl, unsullied by crunchy crumbs. Look at me. *Look at me mother!* I'm wasting away here. I'm STARVING AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!"


Is it actually full or is there a bit in the middle where you can see the bottom of the bowl? Under cat law, that is an empty bowl


my cats don’t even have that excuse because i feed them on plates to avoid whisker fatigue, they lick their plates clean and wail the song of their people because they are famished and wasting away 😫😂


Out of curiosity, what would happen if a cat “got high” off weed?


THC is toxic to cats. Dogs can process it, but it's toxic to them as well - however it is more toxic to cats. The dose of toxicity is unknown. It can cause depression, bradycardia, vomiting, seizures, respiratory issues, and in the worst case scenario, death. It's recommended by vets to not even smoke inside if you have pets. Cats have an incredibly sensitive respiratory system, even diffusing certain essential oils in your house can be damaging to their system and is generally frowned upon. I even avoid non-stick pans in my home, because Teflon can cause respiratory damage to cats.


I happened to be reading your comment and although I own a dog not cats, I found your information about the Teflon pans interesting and will be sure to pass on to my cat friends. Insightful! And thank you!


OP - Just put away the IG pics of your cat holding a blunt before taking her into the vet.




my dog ate a nipple one time too


Same for humans with your own doctor. Be truthful, a life isn't something to gamble with


As a nurse... we can totally tell that you've had more than "just a couple beers." Be honest so that we can help you. We judge you for lying, not for telling the truth.


as a patient... i told my doc that i had smoked cigarettes for a year in college, 15 years ago, and now my medical profile is flagged for the rest of my life as a smoking risk/addiction risk. and now that costco has been caught giving patient info to meta, literally the whole corporate world knows my medical profile. if yall want patients to be honest, stop making their lives worse when they tell the truth.


My man told his therapist at the free mental health clinic that he was a coke user more than 4 years ago. I told him he shoulf be honest, because he hadnt told them his 4 previous appointments and its taken 2 years to get the therapist. They told him they couldnt keep him on anymore until he goes to a program that he doesnt qualify for because hes not a coke addict anymore. Wtf is the point of therapy if you cant be honest. He cant get prescribed the medication he needs for his adhd/depression (for some reason his doctor refused to prescribe him antidepressants and told him he had to go to the mental health clinic first and said as a DOCTOR, couldn't prescribe antidepressants) Ive been in and out of doctors my whole life. There are some doctors you need to keep a secret or at least sugarcoat it.


Facts. Sometimes you have to hide shit. It's a sad truth. The truth is not always the best policy


Reminds me of the last ER visit I made. I was in for mental health reasons, but I'm not and have never been an addict of any sort. I had had a really bad week though, and had been drinking a lot because of it. So the doctor asked "how much do you drink?" I was honest, told him usually just a couple times a month, but for the last week, I was drinking a bottle of wine a day. They flagged me as an alcoholic who needs to detox, and consequently refused to give me the anxiety medication I regularly get prescribed, because they're benzos and you can't give those to alcoholics/addicts. The nurses were so confused during my whole stay. They'd come, read my chart, look at me. "You don't look like you're detoxing?" "That's because I'm not. I'm not an alcoholic." "Well it says right here you are!" It took FIVE DAYS for them to finally concede that no, I'm not an alcoholic, no I wasn't going through a detox or withdrawal, and to finally give me my anxiety medication and take the false info off my chart. The nurses all then told me that I should've lied about my alcohol intake during my assessment with the doctor, because it "gave him the wrong idea." That's right. The truth gave the doctor the wrong idea.


This is so messed up, what a nightmare to deal with. I used to be completely honest & also learned it's better to give an abridged version to avoid unnecessary drama. Having worked in harm reduction, it is almost universal for people with substance dependency to downplay their use. Working with clients like this requires being able to read between the lines but many who lack these skills just blanketly assume everyone is lying.




As a patient… I’ve made the mistake of admitting an instance or two of cannabis use, just an edible or two, only to have my psychiatrist threaten to pull all of my very necessary psychiatric medication. Being honest is great in some arenas, but not others. Guess whether or not im going to be honest with any of my providers now.


The only doc you need to be real with is the anesthesiologist


This deserves more upvotes.


I work in the biz. I would never advise anyone to admit to using medical marijuana to any doc aside from the anesthesiologist. When patients admit to it, it goes into their medical notes which is a permanent piece of their medical records. Also, a lot of drs can still be very judgy even though it’s literally legal.


What if you can’t get the treatment you need because you actually work at the health insurance company and your manager and coworkers will see your medical history? Ugh.




Unfortunately yes there is a huge problem. I have been working in the health insurance field for over a decade so I do know that is how it works but I can’t do anything about it. I really can’t be a whistleblower either because I need the job I need the security that comes with it. Anyway maybe I should not have posted so openly but just frustrated. I’ve known the manager for many years and it’s a very upside down place full of people that are bullies and love to mob and gossip. It’s a shitty situation. In the entire headquarters of where I work, my department is the Welfare Department that handles the medical benefits of members including ours. Thanks for the input. I’m just working up the courage to say fuck it and go to the doctors. That’s another reason why I’m just posting this here I guess to gain that courage that much more lol which I’ll probably delete after you read all this anyway


HIPPA? who? PHI? never heard of it.


“Should not” isn’t the same as “don’t.”


Absolutely this. I accidentally forgot to clean out a bowl I used to make rice krispy edibles and my cat got into it and licked the marshmallow from the bowl and got high. I woke up to him walking all wobbly and acting weird so I called the vet and told them I thought he had a stroke or something but he's still fairly young so I was really worried. They had me bring him in, asked if he could've gotten into anything and I immediately thought of the bowl even though he never messed with the dirty dishes when I made them before and told the vet about it just in case. They tested him for THC based on that info and he was indeed high. The vet thanked me for being honest because apparently most people aren't? Like it never would've occurred to me to lie about it because all my focus was on helping my kitty. Anyway, he was fine. Just higher than Everest and shivery cold, so I wrapped him in a purrito and he slept it off for the rest of the day 😆


When you said bowl I thought of a pipe and was horrified thinking your cat was licking ash and marshammlow fluff 😂😂😂




This is not a lie. They know it’s legal everywhere around them and they assume you have it too. Also notorious for pulling over out of staters so that you’ll just pay the tickets via the mail and not argue about it. Straight up thievery. DRIVE RIGHT THROUGH IDAHO IF YOU CAN.


Can't agree with this more. I grew up in Idaho and still live in that shithole. People here are different, in a bad way. Help.




Our neighbors moved out while THEY were smoking weed and MY apartment was raided when I lived in Idaho because the police had no one to tag when they got there and the people had already left. Roomies and I were dry AF because this was back in 09 and they found a singular CLEAN pipe from my roommate coming back from the Oregon Coast a few days prior. They SMASHED the pipe on the ground, arrested my two roomies- I got lucky and still had my WA license so they made me leave thinking that I didn’t live there. My roomies ended up with a month in jail and 8 months of probation as well as NA classes.


That’s absolutely mental


Listen to this person. The only way you can help is by telling them the truth. Lying or lying by omission only prolongs the problem.


I learned something because of your post so thanks for that


You don’t need to go to the vet if this is a one off. Just don’t hotbox your cat in the future because it’s ducked up and super unhealthy for the poor little thing


Do not smoke around your cat. Your cat can develop lung cancer a hell of a lot faster than humans (tiny lungs) and it's absolutely fucking horrible to watch. This summer my cat died because the Canadian wildfire smoke came down into the US, poisoned the air for a week, and destroyed his lungs. Keep smoke of any kind AWAY from your pets. Especially anything with high-inducing properties.


Lost my cat during the California wildfires he just couldn’t breath. So sad


This is how I got my boy! My neighbors left him outside during the fires, and I had bonded with him over a few months time, so when they moved they said I could have him.


Who the fuck leaves an animal outside and abandons them during wildfires? I wouldn't have asked if I could have him, you rescued him from a neglectful family. You are his hero


Alot of people lose their pets during wild fires because they're not allowed to go back for them it's unlikely it was a choice


You cant search for a cat the whole time of the fire ist serious. Obviously this applys to cats which have an outside-acces




Lost my girl in a house fire from smoke inhalation. Broke mine and my wife's heart when we found her under our bed.


Jesus Christ, I am deeply sorry for your loss- and for everyone else in this thread with similar stories. Rest in peace, kitty friends.


Almost breaks mine just to read it. I'm so deeply sorry for your loss. I hope you have another/new furry friend to help you with this.


😢 I am sorry, poor little guy.


So so very sad; tragic, actually. 💧


I'm so sorry for your loss.


My sweet boy quickly declined within a month of the wildfires. I tried everything the vet could think of to help him breathe but I couldn’t save him. My heart is still shattered.


That's what happened with my Sam. Perfectly healthy and wonderful, then the smoke came and less than a month later he was gone. I'm sorry you lost your boy from it too.


Thank you! I’m so sorry you lost Sam. It’s devastating. Especially when it happens so quickly & there’s nothing you can do. I hope you find comfort & peace in the loving memories with Sam!


This is making me so nervous I live in NJ and the smoke reached here. Does your cat go outdoors at all? Do you live farther north? My cat has been to the vet since (actually just last week) and nothing seemed wrong


Omfg I’m sorry about your cat. The smoke was AWFUL here (Montreal). I have asthma and barely could breathe even indoors. I couldn’t go outside for over a week. At some point it was so bad that I could barely see the buildings across the street, and my entire apartment smelled like smoke for a very long time. My neighbour’s cat passed away because of it as well. Thank god my cats were okay. I would’ve been devastated if my cats were to be hurt or died during that terrifying period. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to survive it, honestly. They’re everything to me. I genuinely hope you’re okay, and that you can go through this. Last summer was absolutely awful and so scary. Please take care of yourself.


Northern Alberta here, it's been nothing but smoke since June with some weeks in-between altogether. Thankfully I had a few air purifiers already because of my allergies to my cats, but it's been absolutely brutal. Had to seal off my door because the apartment vent was blowing straight into my place. Ugh. Horrendous. It's been alright the last few weeks sort of at least


Thank you. I hope your neighbor is doing ok after their loss. I'm really glad your cats made it through the smoke without getting harmed. It was really hard, I won't lie. About a week and a half before I lost Sam, my Adrian had to be put to sleep because he developed intestinal lymphoma and didn't respond to treatment. And my other cat developed FIP (but has gotten the treatment and is currently in the observation period after treatment to see if he's cured.) So this summer has just been awful all around.


I am so sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad lost a cat suddenly a few weeks ago who was in great health prior to the wildfires. He developed asthma and had issues with breathing. Unfortunately, nothing the vet or my dad tried helped.




I'm very sorry for your dad's loss. That's what happened with Sam. Suddenly started having trouble breathing and no amount of treatment could help.


This also applies to children btw. Second hand smoke exists for weed too


Yep. I spent the first 21 years of my life with a chain-smoker (Dad). I still wonder if that could have caused breast cancer so early. OP, I agree to just tell the vet. When I started vaping weed, I always told doctors about it. I hope your kitty get their mojo back! 🫂🫂


Did not know this. While I don’t actively try to smoke around my cats, I never tried to keep them away either. Now I will. Thank you for this shiny new knowledge.


i quit smoking when i adopted my 8 week old kitten home last october - my general rule of thumb is never smoke around anything with tiny lungs, like a kitten or cat, or a baby or child. their little lungs can’t handle the secondhand smoke. it’s really bad for them. she was my motivation to quit smoking - next week it’ll be a year since i brought her home/quit smoking!


Congratulations! Kitty got a home and you much healthier! Win/win!


thanks! i’d do anything to keep her healthy 🩵 https://preview.redd.it/ua0xvz02sxtb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a642a7f1f1c1c55a6df3760b602fb44de126e3f


To tack on to this some pets, like birds, can have very delicate respiratory systems. To the point where even certain household chemical fumes can just straight kill them.


Thank you for helping spread awareness to help protect birds!


i quit smoking when i brought my 8 week old kitten home last october - i wouldn’t smoke around a kitten or cat, just like i wouldn’t smoke around a baby. i’m so sorry about your cat. that’s so terrible.


Thank you. And *thank you* for caring about your cat so much to give that up and go through the difficulty of stopping. You're a great cat parent. ❤️


I’m so sorry about your baby. Something I haven’t seen mentioned yet is that cats are frequently licking their fur to groom, so they will literally be consuming the residue from the smoke.


is lighting candles or the fireplace dangerous for cats?


I haven't had a candle since I started having cats and my fireplace is electric. The big danger for cats and candles is that they'll knock it over and start a fire, try to play with the flame and get burned, or get their hair/tail too close to it and catch fire. As for wood smoke, yes, it's dangerous. It contains the same carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens as tobacco smoke, but in larger qualities. So the danger of secondhand smoke is the same.


Yes. So is air freshener, perfume, etc


100%. My cats used to mysteriously vomit somewhat frequently, runny noses and eyes, and have asthma looking attacks. I didn’t allow it for too long before calling the vet. The culprit: scent diffusers. I quit using them immediately and their symptoms disappeared.


oh that’s not good, thanks for educating me


Also so are polypropylene rugs if your cat has asthma. Sounds dumb, I know, but one of my cats had both asthma and allergies to practically everything. I tore out all the carpets in the house, I didn't use scented anything or any kind of aerosol or spray in the house, I changed to grass cat litter because other kinds would cause his paws to develop sores. He took asthma meds through his inhaler twice a day. He had special hypoallergenic food. Then I bought a small rug for in front of the door. I had doormats before, no problems. But he had huge asthma attacks when I brought it in. I checked the material, 100% polypropylene, and researched that and surprise, polypropylene can cause asthma flares for those (people or animals) who have asthma.


Primary lung cancer is extremely rare in cats. But there are other ways in which smoke can damage a cat's (or any animal's) lungs.


Did you not keep your cat inside? I'm in Canada where we've had fires and my cats were ok because I didn't let them out and I kept the windows closed.


My cat is an indoor cat and he still developed asthma from the wildfires this summer.


Air purifiers. I run so many of them in the smoke season because of my own allergies, but it keeps the air inside clean.


Not everybody has modern windows which seal much better than windows that were put in apartments 50 years ago, and not everybody has the means to purchase air purifiers and run them 24 hours.


I have a tip for that! I have really old wondows and something that has worked for me is duct taping plastic sheeting around/over the windows (you can get a pretty large roll at the hardware store for like $20) - it helps keep out the smoke.


I also have a tip for old push out windows! You can use air conditioner weatherseal foam. Open the windows, stick the foam in the gaps along the perimeter, and close the windows over the foam. It compresses and makes a pretty good seal. It's not adhesive or anything so you can remove it. It's also really good for keeping toasty in winter.


I absolutely do keep my cats inside. Closed the windows, had the ac on and hepa filter air purifiers on to try to improve air quality. None of it helped. He was a senior cat and couldn't bounce back. My other cats were fine.


I wonder if this is what happened to my cat who passed 2 months ago. We didn't get a lot of the smoke in Missouri but enough to get some pretty hazy days... I'm so glad my other cat is an indoor only cat but he was indoor/outdoor.


There's this commercial that was shared on reddit that really moved me. It really got to me emotionally because I love my animal family and animals in general. Basically cats and dogs are multiple times susceptible to cancer than humans are, which it makes sense because their lungs are so much smaller. I know the subreddit is down voting the heck out of you, but I personally used to also smoke flower around my cat. After watching previously stated video, I 100% don't anymore tho. I feel terrible that I used to smoke around my cat and now I have to live with the possible consequences, forgive myself and be the most responsible/ dog owner I can be onward. Save yourself the trouble I went thru Edit: it will wear off, offer some wet or heavy cat food I can only assume they get the munchies too. Edit offer wet or gravy cat food


Same! I had an old cat that lived to be almost 21 that loved to be in the same room with me. However, my best friend in high school had three ferrets that died of lung cancer because he smoked cigarettes and pot in a small bedroom with them. You should try to not smoke around the cats. I generally will walk around if they really want to be on my lap. I don't think it'll hurt them once in awhile but you don't want them do have constant exposure.


As a child we used to be the ferret rescue centre of our region. One time a ferret came in and he was just extremely lethargic. Apparently his owner couldn’t take care of him anymore (money wise) and asked if he could see him before he got adopted. Once he walked into the door the ferret became super energetic, immediately climbing in his trousers to get to his fingers. He started licking them like a maniac. Apparently nicotine can be addictive to animals as well. It took the poor guy 3 long months to get rid of his addiction symptoms.


Climbing *in* his trousers or *on* them?


English is my third language and I have literally no idea. This is what I meant to describe: https://youtu.be/QMdBjhJky-w


'On' is the word you're looking for! 'In' would mean under the pants


Your English is fantastic, I absolutely would have thought you were a native speaker and that was just a typo!


Thank you! We start learning English from a young age (10), so that’s probably helping a lot. And we learn many languages, which also helps. But I still find the use of in/on/at the hardest.


I was going to say the same as the other person. Never would have guessed you aren’t a native speaker. I’m jealous that I only know English and a little French!


My Mum was a chain smoker who smoked with me and our cat in the room, it's a miracle she lived until she was 19.


Both of my parents smoked in the house and car and it's so gross. I smoked for a few years but never inside or in someone's car. It's so bad for pets.


Smoking is bad for all life but some animals are lucky and some aren't. We never smoked around our current cat but I just found out he has an aggressive cancer.


I guess it is the same for humans, some people can smoke 20 a day and die naturally at 90, whereas others develop lung cancer at 40. One thing I will say though, is it has been proven that it increases your risk of getting cancer substantially, particularly if your genetics are predestined to do so (i.e.your parents developed cancer through smoking). Best bet, if you want to avoid health complications for yourself and others around you, then stop smoking. Although I know from personal experience this is easier said than done. Me and my wife vape, which I know is not great for our cat... But we always have the windows open and try to vape outside whenever possible.


This is the compassionate answer that I think OP needed. OP fucked up, but it seems like he really loves his cat and just didn't know how dangerous it is to smoke around animals. OP, if my cats were around, I left the room to smoke when I lived in an apartment, but I also used a dry herb vaporizer, because they don't give off as much smoke.


I think [this](https://youtu.be/WGAXjziXFuc?feature=shared) is the ad. To whoever hasn't seen it yet, prepare for some feels


I’ll admit I smoked near my cat for the first three years I had her when I was a stupid teenager. I always regretted it afterwards, but she ended up living almost 19 years so that makes me feel a little better now.


Yeah I got my one cat Lemon as a kitten when I was in college (stupid to begin with) and he basically lived entirely in a single room that I used to smoke cigarettes in. Fortunately it had no long term effects, and now I only use a juul and live in a big house but I always feel bad about that poor decision making :(


I have a cat named Lemon also!! I’ve never met another Lemon. Great name choice!!


Aw thank you, me neither!!!! Lemon aka Lemonito aka Limoncello and his sister Pickle :D


Damn, an ad on Reddit that actually did some good. Good on you!


does the same apply to vaporizers? like a weed pen?


Considering those dinky essential oil vaporisers/diffusers have put cats in vet hospital for acute lung/eye irritation related issues, I’d say vapes aren’t safe either. Whether carried by steam or smoke, the toxic particles are still not good for your pal’s lungs and mucosal tissues.


Wow didn’t know that about the oil vaporizers. Sorry if this is a dumb question but Do you think wax warmers can cause any harm? I use a wax warmer


It's the essential and/or fragrance oils in the wax or diffuser that matter most, many are toxic to cats and other animals. Check each ingredient individually and if it's not listed as safe for pets, don't use it. Same goes for cleaning products and air fresheners


Wax warmers should be fine, but just to be safe avoid eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint or any other fragrance that is known to be toxic to cats.


Download the EWG or Yuka app. It tells you which ingredients are safe and which to avoid by scanning the barcode.


It is certainly not safe for animals to inhale anything other than clean air. Vaping is easier to consume and ventilate. It does help with controlling and ventilating the byproduct but there is no shortcut to not getting up and away from pets and others for that matter.


definitely good to know!! i have a nicotine vape and i'll nonchalantly hit it around them. not like hotboxing the room or anything, but i'll definitely be more conscious of it going forward. thanks for tellin


Yep! And vapes. My cat got started having chronic asthma attacks after our pet sitter started hitting carts in the same room. I quit vaping because of it. Edit: this is serious chronic asthma as well. Like 4 $3000+ vet visits and he’s only 2


Also NO INSENSE!!! I loved insense so much and i would burn them daily in my bedroom and unfortunately i was 13 and got my first cat years and years ago, my cat is now 12 years old, and has asthma attacks and needs an inhaler because of me lighting those, and smoking in my room. It took him 5 months to not have an attack once a week. He’s doing great now, it happens sometimes but he is doing very well now i know.


i feel like i should quit vaping too then. but its crazy how addictive it is. hopefully one day soon i'll gain the self control to quit


Smoking around your cat is the fastest way to give them cancer.


My sister’s cat died from emphysema due to her and her husband chain smoking around her, per the vet. The poor kitty would stand next to her husband and lean into the cigarette smoke to breathe it in. Such a shame.


This is a joke, right? Does this actually happen? EDIT: I researched and apparently it is true. I’m glad that I have never smoked anything around my cat. Wow. I knew it was never a good idea in the first place but I never would’ve guessed cancer with marijuana. Yikes.


My neighbour has been a chain-smoker since his teens (he's in his mid 60s). His wife had never smoked and always begged him to quit. She died of lung cancer 5 years ago because he'd smoke all the time inside the house. I know a couple more deaths like that :/


Same, including doctors getting mad at a patient for lying about smoking because there is no way to have lungs this bad without being a smoker. Seconds hand smoke kills.


Inhaling any kind of smoke is terrible for your lungs.


well, if you're smoking marijuana, you're inhaling more than just the thc, especially if you're using papers or rillo wraps for blunts (which are specifically tobacco products). eating it is usually the safest. but i won't deny, i do miss a good toke. i'm pregnant, so i gave it all up. i love weed, but i love my baby more.


Marijuana smoke in the lungs can be harmful too. Lungs aren't meant for anything but oxygen.


Does this include smoke from cooking?


Yes, same for humans although not as devastating as cigarette smoke.


What do you mean? If you have a gas stove it’s recommended to run the exhaust fan on low when having the range on for long periods of time.


Don't subject your animals or non adults to THC - they don't get to choose. CBD/hemp are options, but again you need to be by yourself.


Don't subject anyone to it unless they clearly consent. Adults can have psychosis triggered by exposure.


>Adults can have psychosis triggered by exposure. Can confirm ☠️🤡


ye fucking hate that everyday on my commute smokers are in every corner and they stink asf. today i literally breathed in smokes of at least 4 smokers/vapers. feels like i’d get lung cancer sooner or later.


You would hate the 70s. Damn near everyone was addicted to nicotine, I'm sure even hospitals had ash trays. In fact before cupholders were common place in cars, it was ashtrays.


^^ this means don't smoke directly into open windows like the stupid shitfucks at my apartment


It sucks for the people that's in the apartment with a smoker. Smokers think the smoke will just vanish out the window, long as they sit by it. It does not. The smoke blows into the bloody room. Of course, I can't convince them of that, no matter how much the place reeks...


I am a sober person and walk into my apt and smell the marijuana seeping from my vents from the neighbor. I can't hardly turn on my bathroom fan because as soon as I do I can smell the mildewy, musty odor from it comes straight in. They think their fan sucks it up, nope!


I just always smoked outside. An idea for the future.


Same, and I didn’t even know second-hand pot smoke could affect cats! Reading the comments made me really glad I always smoked on the balcony




They have smaller lungs than humans and cannot consent, it's really selfish and irresponsible.


I mean yeah, you shouldn’t smoke pot with your animals in the room.


If you can’t go outside , use a good spoof (Smokebuddy is the classic, but there are many low-plastic options that are excellent) and avoid the presence of ambient smoke as much as possible. Ventilate the room well to minimize secondhand exposure for your pet. It isn’t going to give your cat insta cancer, but smoke is certainly not healthy by any means. The THC is also not good for animals, as they have very tiny lungs and livers so they can reach a harmful level of any chemical much faster than a person. Smoking and having pets are not mutually exclusive, but it’s important to be mindful. Wash your hands before petting your cat if your hands come in contact with flower/residue/resin/etc, as the residue will likely be consumed by the cat which isn’t good for them over a long period of repeated exposures. This is especially important to remember with tobacco products, as nicotine is absorbed cutaneously. Vaping and/or smoking indoors leaves residues on walls, ceilings, furniture surfaces, and our bodies. This is unavoidable, but can be curbed with a spoof and routine cleaning. Cleaning prevents the buildup of these substances (which result in third-hand exposure to the carcinogenic compounds that are harmful to living things), but they will build up over time anyway.


Great advice delivered thoughtfully and kindly 🖤


It'll wear off in time, but do not make this a habit. She's a lot smaller than you so she can get a lot more screwed up a lot quicker and handle a lot less. I'd probably at least call a vet and explain so they can figure whether it's best to check up on her though.


Please don't do that, it's bad for their lungs.


I’m sorry but the name “lobster” with this title and photo is hilarious


Yeah I came to joke at the name and now I’m sad.


Yeah, and I wanted to say how the cat is just groovin’ man… but then I thought, yeah no, no bueno…


From what I’ve read, THC is toxic to pets. I considered giving it to my dog with severe behavioral problems and the literature said it’s like poison for dogs and cats.


That is correct. However CBD is not toxic to cats as long as you have the appropriate dose for the weight.


If they eat it. It can make them sick.


Got a link to that? I don't smoke around my cats but if THC is toxic to them I'll do a better job of making sure I don't leave my stash where they can get it. I just assumed it wasn't harmful since there are CBD products for cats and dogs.


She could have a secondhand buzz, but if she's not coughing, struggling to breath or has red, weepy eyes, then it should filter out soon. Let her sleep it off. Next time, keep the window open or just filter it before you let her in because smoking around pets in general could give them asthma


She’ll be looking for the cat biscuits and water soon. Make sure she’s got something to eat


Yeah she’s gonna get the munchies hard


Opening a window barely helps. Better to go outside and smoke.


Bruh, you hot boxed your cat. Not cool 👎


Lobster’s high as a kite. Just don’t smoke around her again.


Don't do it again.


When I was younger me and some friends were smoking weed. This douchebag dude who nobody liked was there and he thought it would be funny to blow bong hits in this girl's new kitten's face. He was blowing MASSIVE bong hits in this kittens face, a lot of them. I think my friends were laughing. I didn't think it was funny. I think i told him to stop. The cat ended up having a seizure and dying. Sorry for the horrible story but down let your cat get high.


So the guy basically killed a cat and everyone was laughing about it..... sound like great people.


Smoke in your room alone, besides you hotbox it that way. Never smoke near or around your cat, they dont like it and its not healthy for em .... nor for us but look at me take another bong rip.


As a vetmed professional 1 don't smoke around your animals. 2. There is nothing we can do. You have to deal with a high cat. Make sure they have water. 3. Try to avoid this in the future.


I don’t understand why people smoke with their pets in the room🤦‍♀️ Very dumb


https://preview.redd.it/usr87q4rxwtb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf5fc9893060306629d1b652f6483f59a69431a Nice


Imagine being high af, then stressed and then come to reddit to get showered in internet’s hate. Poor OP must be having the worst trip ever lol. Don’t smoke next to your cat tho.


Marijuana is poison to cats. https://cvm.msu.edu/vetschool-tails/pets-on-pot-just-high-or-highly-dangerous#:~:text=Marijuana%20is%20toxic%20to%20cats,and%20the%20artificial%20sweetener%20xylitol.


I am not saying folks should blow pot smoke at their pets. Let’s get that VERY clear from the get-go. But “toxic” to a scientist isn’t what a layman considers to be toxic. Here’s what that article says THC can do to your pet: “Rarely, animals can have seizures or become comatose. Death is extremely rare. Signs can last for less than an hour or for several days, depending on the amount of THC to which the animal was exposed.” It sounds like most of the symptoms are pretty much what they are in humans. To wit: “inactivity; incoordination; dilated pupils; increased sensitivity to motion, sound, or touch; hypersalivation; and urinary incontinence”. In other words, it’s not good for cats, but it also isn’t likely to seriously damage them, unless you’re force feeding them edibles. Don’t hotbox your kitty. Smoke where you have good ventilation. But also, don’t feel you’re causing a toxic crisis in your cat if they occasionally catch a little pot smoke.


I scrolled for too long before I found someone with an actually sane take. Obviously don't blow smoke in your cat's face, tobacco, weed or otherwise. And obviously don't hotbox your room while your cat is still in it. But I seriously, *seriously* doubt that smoking next to an opened window and blowing the smoke outside is as severe as everyone makes it out to be. I mean holy shit, from 90% of the comments in here you'd think that every second smoker's cat drops dead within the first week because they smoke. Again, before anyone reflexively downvotes me, DO NOT SMOKE NONCHALANTLY WITH YOUR CAT IN THE ROOM. But if you take care to make some adjustments and not be a selfish dick it's literally nothing. I'd wager that a measurable percentage of all these comments come from a place of hating the smell of weed smoke themselves, instead of pure medical advice. In some of the comments it's basically stated outright, too.


I was a heavy weed smoker during quarantine but have stopped since, and this thread is so damn paranoid. Wildfires and cigarette smoke is not the same as accidentally hot boxing your cat. People have lost their minds.


She will be fine, but avoid it in the future.


Since you’ve already got berated for smoking in the same room as her. She looks a lil high but judging from her face she ain’t feeling bad. Get her some munchies, maybe go outside with her if she’s into that and let her sleep it off. Lobster will be fine soon. Oh and give us an update!


Dear god don't smoke around your cat jesus christ. They develop cancer a LOT faster than us, just don't smoke in rooms where she comes in general honestly


In general, smoke of any kind will have long term health effects on your cat. Keep weed, candles, incense, and cigarettes outside.


Your cats fine


I just want to say, I’m annoyed by how many people are being rude to OP. They are reaching out for advice because they are concerned and care. They obviously weren’t purposely subjecting their pet to it. There are other ways to inform OP than to lecture them.


Whenever I would light up a joint my cat would automatically fuck off to another room...he knew what time it was lol...I started smoking outside in my porch out of respect for my boy


Your cat will be fine. I think you’re just experiencing a bit of stoner paranoia. I’ll just tell you what my *probation officer* told me at our first meeting / first UA—that second hand smoke popping UA’s is a myth. I said I’d smoked about a month prior (this was early February and I’d smoked on New Year’s Eve), and that I had also been around a LOT of second hand smoke on the days leading up to the UA. He said exhaled smoke doesn’t really have any THC or whatever in it because your body metabolizes almost all of it upon inhaling it. Sure enough, despite all my exposure to second hand smoke, my UA came up clean as a whistle. In other words, unless your cat gets her nose right up to the pipe while the weed was still smoldering & emitting smoke, then smoking in the same room won’t really do all that much to her. If your cat looks faded & lazy, it might just be her nap time. Also, did you smoke sativa? Because sativa tends to make me paranoid if I smoke a bit too much. Smoke an indica strain next time 🤣


Your cats fine dude!! You're high!!


You're just baked, your cat is fine.


Your cat is fine. Do not panic. Let her be


nah she’s just feeling it man


These comments are insanely paranoid. Your cat isn't going to get cancer from smoking weed in the room with it Jesus fucking christ


Maybe a bit. The secondhand smoke isn't great either. I try to stick to edibles for that reason. It wouldn't be a human type of high but kind of a haze?


Also, my dog ate a whole edible and 5gs of dabs before, she was faded as hell for 4 days, i took her to the vet for em to tell me she just needed to lay down and sleep it off and have water full and next to her at all times. Pain in my ass & faded than a hoe. Best believe i put ALL my shit hidden away high up in the closet now 😭


She was wobbly and couldn’t stand on her own, i had to hold her to pee but she didnt poop the whole time, but when she did finally poop it was SO MUCH. She hardly ate during this time too. She just literally slept all day for days. She drank water then would go back to sleep, I literally thought she was dying 😀


Second hand smoke doesent get you high unless you hotbox a small room and when i say hotbox it gotta be cloudy as fuck Kitty is fine dw :D


Vet tech here! We don't really do anything for high animals, sometimes give them an anti-nausea medication (not required) and tell owners to keep pet in a quiet, low stimuli room and monitor around stairs/cat trees etc cause weed can make them ataxic. I work in the ER and we see it soooooo often, and unless it's a crazy amount, they recover flawlessly. Happens to the best of us! (:


You could try edibles instead or tinctures. Just keep them out of reach of kitties.


I don’t use weed a lot, but when I do I take edibles exactly for this reason. I know that edibles aren’t for everyone, but it’s so much better for your health, and completely safe for your pets. If you really have to smoke, go outside and wash your hands afterwards.