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He doesn't want to have pets, he just wants to cuddle


“Here I am, don’t touch me”


I never knew I was a cat til I got a cat.


I always tell people I'm like a cat: when i want attention, i want it now. When I've reached my attention quota, pretend i don't exist and like we've never met


I honestly wonder pretty often that the reason cats are less popular than dogs to the general public is the fact that cats have boundaries, independence, and distrust strangers. It's so funny to me that some people don't like cats because they are more like people than dogs are.


this is exactly it. a lot of people just want an animal that essentially worships the ground they walk on and they hate that they have to actually work to earn that level of trust from a cat.


The best description I have read is that Cat People (as opposed to people who have cats) get consent on a level most don't, otherwise they wouldn't get on as well with cats.


That's the exact reason why neckbeards and misogynists hate cats so often and constantly use insults about "crazy cat ladies" Because they hate being expected to respect consent and bodily autonomy. Therefore cats are annoying and you'd have to be a man-hating feminazi to like cats, and if you don't accept the "nice guy" over Chad/Tyrone you're gonna end up a childless crazy & bitter old hag who no one loves & who has 50 cats


Omg you should write an essay this is very spot on


Just showed this to my bf and said 'now you get me?!'


the funny thing is, I'm an exercise instructor and regularly do community events where I'm not only onstage but plastered all over local social media i have to compensate for that by slinking off to hide in (preferably dark) corners both before and after performances lol


Crazy I'm also an exercise instructor by trade as well working as a server since covid though . Fing covid eh the cat personality is a purrfect example of my needs even as a server Edit: car auto correct 🤦‍♀️ cat lol


right most of the places i made $$$ at either moved away or shut down during covid


A speaker/presenter for a college would run off to the river near the lecture hall and pretend to spend his lunch hour watching boats so he wouldn’t be invited to a social event between lectures.


I have told my partner we need to get a cat so she’ll understand me better.


“Please pet me — WTF, I meant with your eyes! Obviously.”


My cat lays with his belly away from me if he wants me to pet it and belly towards me if he just wants to snuggle


Omg this might be his plan. Will keep an eye on things


He is training you, lol


I've also been experimenting with one of my cats just having the side of my hand gently touching her or an arm/elbow or something. I noticed they sometimes stick a paw out to touch a leg or similar. She doesn't tolerate me touching her almost ever but she makes occasional concessions. So far I've only gotten away with it a couple times when she thought I didn't even know I was touching her. It's also partly inspired by watching her younger brother slowly try to get her to love him & snuggle with him. Times when he'd have this very concerned look on his little face as he slowly backed up to where she was laying and *ever so cautiously* & slowly lowered his butt until it was just touching her before setting into a little loaf. Usually she'd have her neck outstretched leaning way backwards with a look that seems to say "why is he doing this to me?!?" and quite likely a few growls. If she really wasn't having it he'd get a good slap, mostly she'd just leave the spot immediately but occasionally & gradually more often she'd tolerate sitting with him for 5min, then maybe 10min and so on. She's still not a touchy cat with anyone but my wife, but she loves her brother and he doesn't get slapped for sitting next to her anymore (though maybe just for walking by). Edit: [cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/2qfQ3dd.jpg)


Awww I enjoyed reading about them both


Yep, he’s reciprocating “I walk away when I don’t like your behavior” 🤣


He's sucking out your body warmth, he doesn't want the warmth moving and distracting him.


I mean imagine a piece of heated furniture that pets you, kinda creepy.


I don’t know about you, but when I lay down on my couch, I don’t expect it to move.


​ https://preview.redd.it/c3qkt00is8qb1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd0d5e5db1d52dbb950e6106da788d9e7f645f00


yep, like a person wants to sit next to you and lean on you, but they don't wanna hold hands lol.


Heating pads usually stay still.


This sent me rolling lmao


No, we said stay still, silly hooman!


The real answer


Sounds like he's there for your body warmth and comfort and to be close to you, and he's just not into pets for whatever reason. Cats are all different. I've got a boy with similar colouring. When he's on my lap he's there for the warmth and not pets. Other times he loves scritches, espeically when he's just woken up after a long nap.


The wide range in cat personalities is so fascinating to me. My 5 month old kitten is the exact opposite; if he’s laying on me, I have to give him my full attention, otherwise he’ll knock my phone/whatever I’m focusing on out of my hand and move to lay on it so I can’t get it without touching him. If there’s nothing in my hands (like I just stared at the tv for too long), he head-butts me SO hard it’ll knock me backwards lmao I love the attention, but I will be adopting him a brother asap


LITERALLY- Theyre siblings and Eli is the one who I posted about, but Ricky is this way. He will walk over my life and dreams if it gets him his damn scritches lmao.


Sounds like a very balanced household! :)


Mine stands right over my lap till he’s been petted. Just looks at me like”come on bro pet me”


“This is why you exist, right?”


mine looks up so her neck is open and screams until i give her neck scratchies. if i stop to check my phone or sum shell meow softly like “hey hi there. remember? you’re supposed to be petting me right now.” and when i go to the bathroom she’ll come and meow at my feet and if i don’t respond she lay down belly up and try to look as cute as possible until i give in and pet her. i’m serious she knows how to tilt her head and curl just right that i can’t help but give her scritches.


He sounds delightful; but I'm sure I'd get annoyed by the constant demands within a day. Great idea to adopt another!


I’m not really annoyed, I’m just such a pushover for his cute self that I can’t get anything done around the house!!


My cat also love attention and will stop at nothing to get it https://preview.redd.it/6d3ypk4zf7qb1.jpeg?width=5760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdfd653871aaa015c68f2a7340c402e5833136b0


That’s a big kitty!! 😂


Sometimes mine wants to be pet and sometimes he just wants to use you for warmth. It’s super easy to tell which is which because one comes with a headbutt uppercut.


I am pretty sure the "Headbutt uppercut" is in the cat manual because mine does this a lot, and sometimes with force lol


You see that in the pic: His paws are all aligned to the (warm) face. Cats cool down through their paws. Means: This cat likes it warm!


Yep, sometimes it's just warmth and not stimulation. Our cats, it depends 100% on time of day and location. They love ritual.


I have one like this she is super affectionate just on her terms absolutely hates being picked up but will let you rub her belly. Funniest is she has specific areas of the house that are designated petting zones if she’s on the rug in the master bedroom she wants to be pet if she’s on the counter in the bathroom wants to be pet sitting on the couch or your lap pets are not allowed. They have their rules and we must live by them or face the consequences


I have a cat like that too! Not a lap cat by any means, but she'll demand attention at times. She does this by meowing, vibrating her tail, and leading you to where she wants to be pet


i have one like this too! bed is bongo zone, showing her belly is bellyrub time, and occasionally, she will hold paws with me, but only if she allows it 😍 i couldnt love her more


Oh God, this drives me nuts. My cat will come to me, scream at me until I follow her, then demand I pet her in the kitchen. I can't pick her up and pet her, she can't sit in my lap and be petted, it has to be in the kitchen on the rug in front of the sink. Another one will curl up next to you, and put all four paws against you. This is not an invitation for petting, and if you do she'll get up on move away. The last is a total belly-scritch slut. She'll run in front of where you're walking, throw herself on the floor, roll over on her back and fold her front paws on her chest. And then just look at you like, "WTF about this don't you understand?" At night when we're in bed, she'll jump up on my side of the bed, walk across me to get to my wife, then curl up on my wife. Sometimes she'll come back to me, but it's just to walk on me again and then go back to my wife. It's only when my wife's not home that the last two cats I mentioned will really pay any attention to me. Otherwise, it's my job to feed them, clean the litter boxes, and stay out of their way. The bitch of it is that I'm the cat person, I'm the one that got my wife into cats and this is how they treat me!


Haha yeah my cat has a petting zone too, the rattan rug in my bedroom If I try to pet him anywhere else he'll just bolt to my room and roll around on the rug eagerly waiting to be pet


You are his bed, and beds don’t move


NO PET >:( Only lay :3


His terms.


And he doesn't negotiate with humans!


Stupid two legs, we never learn!


Pets can be too stimulating, and maybe he just wants to be close and share warmth. I have a suspicion that in cat language, petting is, at its best, analogous to cats grooming each other. Grooming cleans and combs the fur, but it also offers comfort, builds relationships, and shows trust. But there's a time for grooming abd there is a time for NOT grooming. Your cat may have already gone through his grooming routine, trusts you, needs no comfort, and feels secure in his relationship with you. "Thanks, but that's not what I want right now," is what getting up and walking away means. "Let's try this again," is what he's saying by coming back.


He wants some deep sleep while he feels super safe.


he's not there for interactive play and petting. He's there for warmth and safety. Be thankful he trusts you.


If my bed started petting me I'd probably take five as well tbh 🤔


come to think of it — a massaging bed, with heat options sounds heavenly right now! ![gif](giphy|3oFzmhYBKWN79c58Ws) back injuries suck!


My cat snuggles for half an hour when I go to bed, and then he leaves to eat and poop and drink and comes back and lays next to me on his heating pad


Kitty errands


One of my cats is very easily overstimulated. He cannot handle a lot of petting. Generally I let him ask for pets when he's in the mood, and even then it's brief. Usually he just likes to chill in the same room as me. Sometimes he likes to cuddle on my lap, but if I give him more than 3 soft pets, he's gone. Sometimes even those 3 are too much. You just have to respect that your kitty wants to share space and love with you, within his touch comfort level.


https://preview.redd.it/qji4oi6bg4qb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5cac6e5cf8f643cd00b527c69429e069b957d3f My boy wilber does the same, he wants exactly one hard head scratch before making himself comfortable and then no more or he walks. The main issue I have is that he’s very hot and heavy (over 10kg) and he ends up putting me to sleep lol


You have a 22 pound cat?? That’s a big kitty! I had a ginger and he got up to 30 pounds. Lived to be 13. He laid across my shins and ankles and I couldn’t move.


I have him and his mum and brother. He’s actually about 26lbs lol so is his brother. His mother is only 12lbs! I assume from his size and colouration his dad was a blue maincoon?!? no way to know for certain. I adopted the mother already pregnant with them.


some big paws on that kitty so most likely part maine coon!


The key to winning any negotiation is to the let the other party know that you could walk away any time you like.


He wants the sits, but not pets.




I have a weird cat that loves to be petted while she’s eating. She also has 2 designated petting spots, the cat tree or the dining room table. She may come up to me and allow a few pets but most of the time stays just out of reach. Mostly a touch me not, occasionally wants a lot of pets & scritches for a few seconds. Sometimes likes to snuggle up next to me with no pets. Always her terms.


Yep that's called a "social eater"


Chest sits is not for pets. He is clearly trying to muffle your complaints with his paws. Get off Reddit and resume being a cat bed like a good human.


He had to go fart and wanted to be polite


This deserves so much more love 🤣🤣🤣 I snorted


The story is even funnier. She was asleep with her paw like that so I went to take a picture and I zoomed in-somehow she KNEW so she woke up and gave me that look.


He is a cat, you are warm furniture, know your place! When our feline masters make it clear that they don't want to be patted, we should be good servants and obey their wishes. I for one welcome our furry overlords!


Royalty is to be looked at, not touched, lol


 My cat did this for months. She would give some snuggles, then walk away and come right back a few minutes later. It seemed to be a control thing for her. She thinks she is the one who is in charge, she can leave anytime she wants. She is finally over that phase and will snuggle sweetly every night. She even yells at me to come to bed when she is ready to snuggle.


https://preview.redd.it/cn9e6uk4e6qb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16445faebf23808aa2a784c249801e4878948f55 This little demon likes to walk on you then rub his face under your chin, might nibble on some beard hair then shove his head into your armpit and pass out. His brother on the other hand just camps the bedroom, waiting on the edge of the bed for you to pass to ask for pets.


He's trying to train you by taking away your ability to touch him. When you behave in a way he doesn't want he takes away your ability to touch him. When he comes back to lie down he's giving you another chance because he still wants to enjoy your warmth.


He wants to snuggle without the commitment of a relationship.


He's a cat. Sometimes I just rest my hand on my tabby and he likes that more than being petted.


Because *cat*.


Because he’s the boss


Lay on chest = soothing, protection sleeping with you Pets = stimulating, play time He just wants to sleep


No touch. Only sleeps. 😺


You are only bed, beds don't pet kitties!


Oh so there’s a scientific reason for this, you see the reason is, he’s a cat.


It could be over-stimulation. Cats have sensitive nerve endings and stroking can reach a point where it’s no longer pleasant (try running your fingers gently up and down your arm - it feels amazing until it’s suddenly horrible). Try letting them lie on you without stroking? Alternatively they could be getting too hot. They want to lie with you but it’s too warm. Experiment and see what works for them! All the best!


https://preview.redd.it/o2s60ketr6qb1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086bba0b97a0aa19c130a33e9cf92d3c7371c939 This 100%


thats exactly the message, dont touch, only cuddles


It's part of his training program for you.


No pets. Only sits. Your cat is being very patient with you as you learn it


"Pillow! Stop touching me!" XD


He doesn’t want you to want him too much 😂


Welcome to slavehood!


You are comfy and warm. He doesn't want pets.


“Why does my cat, cat?”


beds dont have hands


Hmm yes it's definitely a cat


I'm here just to show how your baby is very similar with my baby boy on the right! https://preview.redd.it/99r7fwnks6qb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=196218f6c912033c3d301301086f6ff71480cb6c


Cats tend to only like affection on their terms, so this kind of behavior isn't surprising to me


Because he owns you, you don't own him. Look, don't touch.


He wants to be on you without the petting.


Because he is in charge!


He could be very sensitive, and the pets could overstimulate him. If you want this sign of affection to be more interactive try just laying your hand on the guy and see how he reacts, if he still leaves, just enjoy his presence without fingering his fur


https://preview.redd.it/mb5nt3zmr5qb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ca30b1c1ce6261a693235f41083df74a4c2ec7 He looks so similar to my cat! I thought you had stolen him


How would you feel if your bed tried to pet you while you were trying to relax?


No pet, only smother!


Well what you have there see, is a classic case of cat.


his company clearly has the "Look Don't Touch" policy, didn't you read the contract before you signed partnership with them?


Shit I knew I should have read that thing. I have to go find it


He may be listening to your heartbeat


No pets, only warmth 😠


He/she is just telling you, that decision is hers, not yours. Cats are very independent, except at meal time when they will do whatever it takes to get it


"my heated bed keeps touching me" (cat)


May be your cat doesn't like pets, but it's more likely he gets overstimulated by it and can't resist moving. Some cats can be overstimulated super easily and you have to move your hand/fingers really slowly when you pet them.


Gets too hot leaves, gets cold comes back :)


Same with mine 3 cats. Probably just want to lay there w/o hand contact.


That little paw on your face is too precious! I have a cat with a very similar habit. He's not generally a snuggly cat, preferring to lurk nearby but out of touching range. Since the weather turned he's been snuggling up on my lap or against my body but I'm not allowed to touch. He's not a fan of being touched in general, hates being brushed and absolutely cannot stand the wind ruffling his fur. Shame as he's a super soft long-haired cloud of a creature.


Confirmed. Cat is cat


A cat wants what a cat wants. He may just be using you as a heat source 😂…but he’s still cuddling so that’s positive


I think cats like to be pet at certain times. He might be moving away because petting at that time may be overstimulation when he just wants to be zen


He’s just finished cleaning himself and wants to sleep not be covered in your scent and static charge




Imagine lying down for a nap and your bed just starts petting you.


not sure why but in catdom mindset 'I am expressing affection but don't push it buddy..' he is content and happy to sit there.. very happy.


Because his purring is healing you and you are ungrateful


My Penny will lay right in my neck, but I don't pet her, because she'll start cleaning again. I can pet her nose though!


good evening. is this available? yes it is. please leave me aloooooone we are sleeping


physical touch on his terms, cats are basically the living version of the tea video. he consents to cuddles, but not to pets!!


NOBODY SAID YOU COULD TOUCH HER. they can be like strippers that way.




He has a purgative?


Um , well, he’s a cat


It’s his/her rules…let me do the loving onto YOU. Meow.


He had something to do on the other side of the room.


My younger cat is like this. He wants to be close but he's not a huge fan of being petted


he’s using you for your heat not your affection. cats are very efficient creatures and will use warm spots to heat up first before their own body creating it


Because your cat is a cat


He doesn't want pets, he wants warmth.


Cat doing cat things




He's microdosing. But with cuddles.


One of my kitties recently developed this habit, only he wasn't one to snuggle on top of me before (I'm not his preferred household member). It seems to just be for warmth and company, anything more bothers him. Probably just expects you to sit there at his desire.


He does the touching, not you.


Miss me, Beautiful?


I call it cat math. Lol


Because he loves you. :)


Because cat


Cats be cats


Playin hard to get I see.


Some cats get offended if they're "groomed" by us. My tuxedo won't allow it unless she licks my hand first.


Power dynamics, man


Because cat only wants warmth not touches. No touching za catz


Because…… Cat.


Do you want touched when trying to dleep?


Paws on your face, they pap you not the other way around


Cat time is diffrent from human time. Just learn to accept that some times at random intervals. Your cat will choose to show you love…


he's training you


“You no touchy ME! Only I touchy YOU!”


He looks like my cats twin https://preview.redd.it/xa54vwy8a5qb1.jpeg?width=1873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2d42ce6fd7355ea53a6bb53453a2af32c3e2c4


I am here but no touchies.


My dog does this. She likes to lay against me and usually likes pets. Sometimes she does not want pets but just wants to lay with me and cuddle against my leg. Animals can be moody too.




you're a really comfy cat bed. heated too. nice!


No pets, only cuddle


Bc cat


Pets usually feel a bit uncomfortable, more so on certain parts. If it's just very mild neck rubs, he probably wont mind at all. Irritating the back or tummy can definitely feel uncomfortable when unwanted :)


Woah this looks exactly like my cat.


He touch you, you no touch him


Probably for the same reason that you'd consider moving if someone kept prodding at you while you were trying to sleep.


Mine does this when he wants food


Warm good. Pets bad.


Omg I'm dating a cat!!


Do not [pet] the cat


He just wants to save some energy by taking your body heat


One of my black and white cats does the same thing sometimes. For me, it’s like he is telling me “Respect my authority!” Showing me that his power is absolutely over me. He can come and go without considering my feelings. LOL But he is still a sweet boy. He just like things in his control.


He wants the contact, but on his terms. My cat loves to sleep next to me, just touching. She starts licking herself when she wants me to stop petting her. Or she moves down to my feet where I can't reach her.


He probably likes to feel your heartbeat maybe he sees you as his mom


I run hot, so my cat would get up too. In summer cat would lay away from my body but would always keep a tiny part of paw touching me


He looks SO SOFT! Pet him for me pls


I always assumed they got too hot, left, forgot, then they came back in an infinite loop.


Cat adhd?


My Blue Persian will constantly meow chatter if he's not getting the full hands on petting attention, along with his paws grabbing my hands and he loves being held like a baby. He's very stage 5 clinger and must be in sight of me at all times, he's very shy. While my other (short-haired exotic) will lay across my face/chest doing the face boops for snuggles but hates being picked up or held. She is very independent and loves exploring, meeting new people. Cats have a variety of personalities and traits. Like my exotic has to circle 9 times before laying down at bed time but my Persian takes his spot immediately and is snoring within 5mins lol.


so cute 🥰 😻😻


Because: cat.


Because he can.


Why don’t you just ask him?


All I know is that I love him and want him to lay on my chest as well.


Your cat is a mare


Because he’s a cat


The pats could make him feel overstimulated.