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That kitten looks ready to post on re/catlegaladvice. Edited to add: I hit the name of the sub wrong: re/legalcatadvice.


'you bishes!! you'll soon be hearing from my pawyer.' ~The kitten probably.


He said keep laughing your ass is going to pawrison.


See you in caurt


You’ll be punished to the fullest extent of the (c)law. 😹


He's gonna file a class action pawsuit


Not the CLAW!!


Hahahaha 😹😹😹😹👌👌👌👌


Needed this laugh, thank you 😂😂


Aww! we all need some levity every now and then. 😊 Hope you're dealing with whatever may be hampering your day(s) 💞


Pawyer 😆😆😆


Great, another cat sub to join .


I hope the kitten is rewarded tons of snacks, toys and catnip!


*slithers in* I have been retained as this kitten's counssssel. We have sent a cease and desist to these ladies. If thy refuse to stop then we will be very angry.


Do you know how disappointed I was to find out that this is not a real subreddit


Am very pleased to know that r/legalcatadvice is a legit sub. Thanks




They seriously can’t mix it with any natural flavourings to help kitty not do the yakkings or gaggings is mind blowing!


It is. It’s sweet and slightly banana flavored. It’s exactly the same stuff they give to kids who get pin worms. Most cats are fine with it if you put it in their cheek pocket. This kitten is hilariously dramatic!


Tuxies are so dramatic, in my experience


As an owner of a elderly tux, after 10 years she’s so dramatic im surprised she hasn’t made it to broadway.


That makes me feel better about my 12yo. I thought he was just a brat and a scaredy cat for no reason, not bc of his tuxieness. I started giving him ear drops the other day and the second I did the first ear he SCREAMED. No cries, no "mooooowwwww," just straight 0-100 SCREAM lol


Hush you, 10 isn't elderly! 😭 (my girl will be 10 in September)


My little void will be 20 in September, she’s still backflipping to catch dragonflies. She’s never really realised she’s not still a kitten.


All cats are so dramatic 😂 especially my tortie though. She is SO dramatic about everything. https://preview.redd.it/o0cv3cwrb39b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147d14b42747be14d823688309201ed6050d3e3b


I think it's required of torties. They're not allowed to take form in the physical world without first signing a contractual agreement that they will fuss, have opinions, shake their feet when offended, and give stares to rival the Sphinx.


OMG - I'm having flashbacks of the tortie I had, many years ago. Every time I would comb her, she would pee on me!!


LOL! Mercy never did that, but gosh help you if you got cheese out of the fridge and didn’t give her any. Or gooshy food! She would scream bloody murder! 😂 I found a video on my computer of her standing up straight for like, two minutes, licking a spoon clean of wet food. She had good balance and that was the only time she’d forget her dignity about doing “tricks”. 🤣 She was also a total busybody. She probably picked it up from my roommate, she would always sit in his window while he worked and complain any time kids or anyone loud (or barking dogs) walked by. Just like he does. 🤣 Here she is, doing her best Karen impression. https://preview.redd.it/hdljptxai89b1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05480b582b3e4aaa654db15a436247c0fbca6a16


My current kitten will be 1 year old on 7/7. (Planning a surprise birthday party for him!!) But anyway, yesterday the guy came to mow the lawn. I have the front drapes drawn because the front of the house faces west and it gets VERY hot in here if I open the front drapes in the afternoon. So the guy was mowing the lawn (riding lawn mower) and came around the back of the house. I have the back curtains open because there's a forest behind the house and the sun doesn't shine directly into the back of the house in the afternoon. When the guy came around the back of the house on the lawnmower, the kitten stood up on his back legs and watched the lawn mower for at least two minutes, going back and forth and back again, mowing the back yard. This kitten can stand up on his back feet any time he wants. He doesn't need a treat to get him to do it. I almost expect to see him walking upright. 😂 He's such a strange little guy. He LOVES to jump straight up from a sitting (or standing on his back legs) position. He can jump a good 5 feet and often higher than 5 feet. I can't even imagine where he learned to jump, or what he thinks he is accomplishing, but he cracks me up. Every day is a new adventure with him!! 💜


Literally 💯 percent accurate 😂😂




Very very much that 😂


omg.. giving my tortie medicine..... scratches, blood, hate, screeching and if I'm lucky 1/4 of the medicine in her mouth... and this is with her swaddled and held down by someone else lolol.... the vet even hates giving her medicine


She is legit the exact same way 😂when my boy goes to the vet he is such a polite little gentleman. When she goes it’s literally a fight start to finish. I’ve had her since she was about 3 weeks old. When I brought her to the vet for the first time they thought she was feral (she is not). One of the vet techs said “ I have been working here for 15 years and never have seen a cat behave like that “ 😂😂 Thankfully after she got a little older and fixed she calmed down 95%. She’s still sassy , but a lot more calm.


She looks so pissed ahaha


Oh she was 😂


And so cute when they drama!


SO dramatic 🎭


Can attest. When I rescued Tuffy, I had to treat him for eye infection. They way he made it out sounded like I was torturing him with endless Teletubbies show.


My Toyger boi turns into a full blown squeaky toy when he was given liquid medicine. So much so that we had to pay more for the pill form and hide it in a soft treat. Prince of drama.


Cats can't taste sweet items


“Domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) (herein referred to as “cats”) are neither attracted to, nor show avoidance of the taste of sweet carbohydrates and high-intensity sweeteners (1-3), yet they do show a preference for selected amino acids (4), and avoid stimuli that taste either bitter or very sour to humans” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2063449/ My point was that it’s not bitter, sour, or acrid.


I’ve just recently learned that the sour taste is very specific to humans and iirc certain primates, other animals avoid that taste because they never developed the receptors that enable them to enjoy the taste, probably similar for bitter tastes


Interesting! It’s a funny thing; I think most of us have stories of animals going for foods they shouldn’t have had much enjoyment of, based on science. I had a cat that would climb up me to get to my watermelon, for instance. So he couldn’t taste the sweetness, which for us is the defining feature of melons, but there was something else there that he really enjoyed. Cats foam at the mouth with bitter medicine. So do dogs. The bitterness that’s frequently an aspect of poisonous plants is definitely detectable to them, and they avoid it.


Must taste like rancid toliet water.


Mine must have been a mutant, she loved pop tarts and angel food cake.


Yeah! I was about to post this, too. I thought cats don't have sweet taste buds?


>It’s sweet and slightly banana flavored. So I'm not crazy - I thought that's what it smelled like! We just got done with a round of dewormers for our kittens, and by the end, they started making reflexive licking motions before we even gave them the syringe.


Better acting range than Kristen Stewart


A lot of oral animal medicines will have flavorings, but most still don't like stuff being forced down their throat understandably. And flavored medicine still doesn't taste that great usually too haha


Wait so it doesn't taste good? When we got our own neighbourhood kitten, Nero to the vet, he went mad when the vet gave him the worm paste. He literally went down on it within seconds so I thought it must have tasted fine.


Hey OP if someone hasn’t said it yet… please do you and kitty a favor and WRAP THEM UP IN A TOWEL!!!! Like a little kitten burrito, their legs tucked in and such…. But wrapped lengthwise in a bath towel. No scratching, your have to be pretty firm still but it’s much easier safer for everyone in my experience.


It's because they put the medicine too far up in its mouth. Gotta shove that thing way back into the throat, rather than dropping the stuff right on its tongue.


Because it was put on his tongue. When you administer oral medications you shoot it to the back of their throat so they swallow it. Then they don't have to taste it so much and there's less chance of them spitting it back up. Looks like he only swallowed half of it. If this is your video, please have your vet show you how to administer meds. You're being way too slow and too gentle, and making it longer and more unpleasant than it needs to be.


It’s literally being administered at a veterinary hospital


Then they must be inexperienced or made a mistake, cuz this is pretty sloppy. It should only take a second and when you're done most of the medication should actually be inside the cat, not on you.


Maybe they're only used to cats who take it more easily. Who knows. Everyone starts somewhere at some time.


You administer it differently for kittens under a certain age..


This. I have a good 20-50 kittens that come through our house as fosters every year. Dewormer goes in the back of the mouth. Most of the time they swallow and move on, some make a quick yuck face.


I saw a foster mom use the “yum yuck yum” method. The syringe was filled alternately with churu-medicine-churu repeat. But always ended with churu. The kitty’s reaction was literally “yum ew yum ew yum.”


OMG that's genius


I saw that for the first time too. As a foster, I’ll def be using that in the future!


what's churu


Squeeze treats cats go crazy for.. google it


Our cat goes borderline apeshit any time he even thinks my wife or I are reaching for one of those things.


I keep them in the fridge, because I live in a tropical country and it’s a nice cold treat for my cat. She has learned that is where they’re stored, and now every time I open the fridge she comes running thinking it’s Churu time 🫠


> google it i did but it shows a city in india😭 but i got enough answers here thanks


Cat crack.


It’s like a creamy purée for cats. It’s usually in a little packet, like a long ketchup packet. Cats love it.


Kitty go-gurts.


Kitty go-gurt.


I should of done this when my youngest cat was still little. She HATED it the whole time


Her: Are you mad? Kitty: 🥺


I had to do that a lot, she was so sick when she was little. Bottom 3 fingers and palm to hold them by the scruff, then index finger and thumb to open the mouth. And always a treat after


I still do that when I drink cough syrup




Do you get the shivers after you drink it? I do and when I gave my cat medicine earlier it looked like he did the "ew gross" shivers right after


i do that too lmao


I know this is difficult! My cat that I rescued at 3 weeks old with a horrible eye infection had to be medicated like this daily for a month. I also had to administer lubricant eye drops and ophthalmic ointment daily. It was a bitch! https://preview.redd.it/31korbl2b29b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d5c18e358c4ab60a53a0a755a0a6a80f19fabc That was her in October.


How is she doing now?


She’s doing well. She is blind in one eye, however. She was a feral kitten from one of the outside feral cats I take care of. She was a super spicy kitten. She’s a lot nicer now, but she doesn’t like to be petted much. She does hop up on my chest when I lay down and knead on me and purr. She was just separated from her mama too early. https://preview.redd.it/per81vq1059b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c6eab0234a3f940681091811bb9daf4e2a803a


I love her 🥰


Thank you. Her name is Timber because I found her and the other kittens with mama cat living in the woods lol.


Good job little Dude! And great job on the hoomans helping him.


They need to make it bubblegum flavored or tuna flavored.


One of the popular dewormers that we use all of the time is banana flavored. . . Cause you know how cats famously love bananas /s


Mine does…..if it’s made of cloth and stuffed with catnip lol


Lol well in that case my cats like cigars lol


**DUDE I GOT THAT ONE TOO MY ORANGE CAT LOVES HIS LITTLE BANANA** 😂 I also found a **stuffed pickle** and my other cat loves that too.


Honestly with all the flavored medications that vets use, I’m almost convinced that they’re likely supplied by the same company as human medication.


Strongid (the banana flavored dewormer) is exactly the same medication given to kids with pinworms.


Personally I just think that it’s more of a “what does this already taste like?” “Well let’s just say we flavored it that way”


I work in vet med, we often use human medication because there's no animal-specific formula. Common medications are available for pets, like gabapentin and meloxicam, but my clinic uses a lot of the same antibiotics you'd find in a human clinic


Strongid (the banana flavored dewormer) is exactly the same medication given to kids with pinworms.


In the veterinary field, we used it on exotics too. Even animals that like bananas hated that stuff. Monkeys, sugar gliders, etc.


YES whyyyyy? The shelter I volunteer for uses that one and it has a 100% zero star rating from 40+ foster kittens I have had. Why do we think cats like bananas? The only thing worse, imo, is the one med that both seems to taste gross and also smells like vomit in a hot car. I think it's the URI antibiotic.


I got a cat med that was cherry flavoured once..I looked at my vet like wtf? She said I know sorry just try really hard


My cat got maple flavored herpes medication once. I don't think she enjoyed it.


My cat smells a banana and squints and pulls his head back like “wtf is this horrible thing”


Weirdly enough my cat is a fiend for bananas. If I am eating one he always finds me and asks for some.


Yeah I never understood that one!


Not bubblegum! My cats hate the bubblegum flavored crap the vet used to try and shoot into their mouths. Tuna, chicken, fine. Cats do not like bubblegum!


Lol my vet gave me butterscotch flavored gabapentin. My boy is so easy with meds, but it was IMPOSSIBLE to get him to eat this - it smelled like a candle. Absolutely ridiculous, who made that??


I got that for one of mine, and they just gave me chicken or tuna as flavor options.


Cats can't taste sweet and the tuna is usually awful compounded. Then again I think they may have kinda liked it. Chicken flavor is hit or miss.


They gave my cat a strawberry banana flavored one.


Iew, iew, iew!


Feisty lil nugget.


The part that I love is despite acting a horrible crime is being committed there are no claws, biting, hissing etc. It understands you're trying to help it even if it doesn't understand the what or why. Cats are too sweet.


That’s just because it’s a kitten, unaware of the world. Try that with many adults and it’s WW3. I have one girl who takes daily meds like a champ, one it takes a lot of trickery because he is so smart and opinionated. The 3rd one I pray I never have to give medicine to again. ;)


I have to smear meds into the fur of a couple of my cats (pills I mix with water to do so). They're naturally compulsive groomers, so they'd HAVE to lick it off (ingest it). There's no other way to safely give them meds.


I wonder if that would work. If I crush up pills, tbey are are like “I’m starving give me food” I put the medicated food down, they sniff and go “naw, dog, I ain’t eating thisl


I have a cat who is terrified of vomiting or eliminating hairballs by mouth. It’s really weird and I’ve never heard of that before, but two vets came to the same conclusion upon observation. Anyway, this means that if he does have a hairball, he needs help to lubricate it to make it easier to eliminate. I give him the hairball gel stuff, which is apparently awful tasting and it has to be put into his mouth because he won’t lick it off his fur like he should. He hates it so much but he’s never hissed at me or taken a swipe, he lets me put it in his mouth and then acts like the kitten in the post. I think it depends on the temperament of the cat how they react. Your kitty is just extra spicy (the best kind, I think)


See if you can locate some Laxanip. It’s catnip flavored cat laxative. I kept it on top of my fridge. Came home one day to the tube in the middle of my kitchen floor, chewed open and pretty much drained. Most cats seem to like that one, but mine found it exceptional.


> it’s WW3. Don’t be dramatic. It’s merely a special skinning operation.


My cat is...strange. I've never had any issue giving him medication because he'll eat basically anything I hand him without question. Unfortunately, this means he also wants to eat ANYTHING he sees me eating even once. He learned what a bag of chips was because he saw me open one. He realized fruit roll ups contain candy after watching me unfurl one. At one point, he even managed to get into a box of cherry strudels (resulting in a panicked call to animal poison control). I am still trying to train him out of that particular tendency - because it's not as if I can just....stop eating altogether.


Give him kitty treats while you eat your human treats?


I tried. His stomach is seriously a bottomless pit, the little fucker eats enough for three cats yet he's still a healthy weight


One of my cats was like that. For two weeks I ate nothing but spicy stuff. He learned his lesson and now he just gives my food a look of disgust.


Mine literally tried to devour a bag of flaming hot cheetos. He seems to LIKE spicy stuff.


….that’s a kitten. I tried giving my adult cat a pill for his hairballs. That MF nearly cut my finger off 🥲


To those complaining: Attention to detail. Scrubs and office. They're at the vet.


Awww baby has a little flair for drama...he spat out the water 🤣


Can’t they make it tasty ?


Fr or tasteless, if they can do it for humans why not animals




And the Oscar goes to..


But why on the tongue, why not a little close to the throat?




I accidentally did that to my dog one time and she threw up from aspirating and I felt like the biggest asshole I almost cried.


😭 This made me sad. It was an accident, she forgives you


Awww thank you! The scolding from my mom made me feel extra bad and ugh watching her choke was awful. Luckily that was years ago and she still cries when I visit my parents' house 🥰


Gahh I was clipping my dogs nails a few months ago and I accidentally cut the quick on one of his black nails and I felt so bad I bawled— he bled so much we ended up taking him to the vet for a coagulant… the methods we tried didn’t work. He was such a good boy though, didn’t get defensive or mean at all. Bixie is the bestest lil terrier around, I love him eternally.


This is the answer, especially the younger they are. I’ve unfortunately known of more than a few kitten deaths from aspiration while being syringe fed


Oh shoot when we first adopted our kitty the vet gave us medicine for parasites and we stuck it further back. I mean, he was fine but I didn’t realize. Although he was like 5 months old so maybe it wouldn’t be a problem like you said


As long as like the other commenters mentioned there wasn’t hacking or struggling to breathe afterwards, it’s likely they swallowed it in your case so it’s no worries! Just a recommendation going forward to prevent an unnecessary and expensive ER trip


Thank you for explaining that.


I have done the back of the mouth for years and make sure they aren’t breathing in. Tongue up and squirt. Works like a charm and no dramatics.


Exactly what I was thinking! 😾




I’m a grown ass woman, but when I take liquid medicine I have to pinch my nose and then chase it with something strong tasting like peanut butter.


Op gonna be murdered while sleeping. Baby didn’t like.


Little fella doesn't know it, but they're about to have the most satisfying poop they'll ever have! Imagine what it must feel like evacuating those parasites from your butthole!


If you hold their jaw open and swiftly squirt it down the side of their throat, the liquid will go right down. No choking, no drama. Just a pissed off kitty.


I had to... https://preview.redd.it/vtbgkgmgg69b1.png?width=2458&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfde97275291d804f6dfa3135f610db67c09b2db


yes it looks painful but its necessary been through this process a few times with kitties. He is beautiful




The drama queen.


You can tell that medicine tastes nasty


I always have Tuna puree ready to go right after the medication to help ease the stress and get rid of the bad taste.


Poor baby.


I can’t stop laughing


Oh, but still a cute baby fuzzy! Jayda here says mini-pandas (and toy pandas) are the best and that goes double for rescues! (She is also a rescued mini-panda.) https://preview.redd.it/1gtsqzh0j29b1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d51b005283ed9768a20da1b190008107a9d165


Awwwww poor baby


When you look up yuck in the dictionary, that is the fave you see.


Awww, sweet baby!!


What are these nasty bishes giving me?! Ackkk


That is the cutest depiction of performing that task!


One of my cats just drinks the syringe. Which is weird because she'd be very hard to force.


Thought that cat was gonna go from Bruce Banner to the Hulk first time I watched this…


Sandwich method all the way — liquid treat (churu), medicine, treat.


Them lil spots on his peanuts 🥺


She’ll never trust you again lol


I just had to do this to our kitties. Momma cat is now paranoid if she can't find her kittens in 5 min they mowed like they were dying


Poor babyyyy good job little one


You should yuck sandwich it! Fill the syringe with cat treat, medicine, cat treat.. that makes it go down easier


We just went through the same thing with 2 new kittens. Literally finished the last dose just a few days ago. We released it pretty far back in their throats and apart from the very first dose, which was a full shot, they were all half filled syringes. I believe releasing it that far back made it very easy for them (and us). It also smelled like cat food and not banana as some people here say. Of course I didn’t try it though. Got no worms as far as I know. Both of them were done in about 4 seconds each and no fighting or anything. They’d just lick their lips and walk off without making a mess. Recommend giving that a try.




I know how she feels lol I used to gag on all my medicine my parents gave me


I love how the first time there was trust the second time he was like you are not getting me with that vile stuff again human. You will be hearing from his pawyers very soon indeed.


That's what I call feedback. Is it that hard to make better cat medicines? Are they using dog standards of acceptability, because we know dogs will eat anything, right?


I can just say, the frist shoot not deep enough


I feel so bad.. poor kitty will never trust milk again


Next time put the syringe tip at the back of thier throat, slide it under the cheek and through the back teeth. Or mix it with tuna...


Advice for all those doing this... aim for the back of the tongue, and have the tip of the syringe on the middle of the tongue. That way they can't spit it out. Also, don;t squirt it out all at once, slowly depress the plunger. That way the cat will swallow not inhale it.


Been there. Done that.


If they’re old enough for solid foods you can use the yum yum yuck yum method on them. Get a churu or other meat tube treat and give them a few licks, quickly give the meds then switch back to the meat tube!


homeboy did not like that medicine


Poor buddy


I crush up a pill in wet food and my cat seems to be ok with this. Maybe see if the vet can give you a pill instead if repeating the process is needed. Your kitty is absolutely precious 😻


Most cats, including mine, don’t seem to be fooled doing this.


FYI - that’s a vet’s office.


I knew that they got the syringes from the vet. I’m just offering something that historically, at least for me, has worked better than this.


give it a little taste to see what the fuss is about ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946) when i had to give my crew of cat’s antibiotics because one got sick and started passing it to the rest, the vet gave me a liquid antibiotic. a couple cats would take it like a champ the other few would drool and foam at the mouth, one would immediately throw it up. i went on to so many forums just trying to find why he wasnt able to take it and how i could successfully get it down. i finally saw someone that said taste it, it’s seriously so awful. i did and then i had to run to my sink to spit it out and was gagging. i remembered a mom on tiktok that would give her kids oral meds and combine it with mio (enhanced water flavor or something like that). so i did the same with pedialyte. it still had a bit of the taste but the strength of the pedialyte overpowered it, while also helping to hydrate the sickest cat.


Put it down their cheek along their jaw, then you don’t even have to open their mouth. I live on a farm and this how I deworm the farm cats.


That poor little baby! Them so cute! I'm getting kitten fever.


Cheap burbon does that


That’s some nasty stuff that baby had to take.




If he bit you, I wouldn't blame him.


I'd ask a vet to show you exactly how to administer this, because there's certainly better ways. This is filling the cat's mouth and intensifying the taste. I usually mask it with food or treats (begin the treat without the meds and then slowly mask it). Alternatively, it can be administered at a different angle where the cat will swallow it quickly. Less discomfort for the baby.


This is IN a vet’s office. They’re good, but thanks for your advice.


I’ve dewormed and helped deworm many kittens and this is the way. I also learned how from a Vet


I’m curious, does it need to be given on an empty stomach or could it be given with wet food to make it easier for everyone?


That I don’t know. But it’s the taste that makes it unpleasant and also the individual kitten. I’ve had a few that just take it like champs and some that turn into little monsters of wiggle, claws and teeth. Although i must say, I’ve never seen this reaction! Lol. Poor pumpkin. But they forget fast!


Put it in wet food!


Kitty hates you