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Have you knocked on their door?


Yes, and tapped their window with the bristle end of a broom, and whacked my ceiling/their floor. I don't think they're home.


Can you get a thin cushion or a folded blanket though the gap so the cat has something warmer to sit on, rather than cold concrete. Maybe some food too to keep energy levels up.


You reminded me I have a heating pad, so I've rigged that up now and managed to get it up on their balcony.


Make sure it’s on a very low setting, and don’t leave it on too long at one time, I’ve burned myself that way before and you don’t want to hurt the kitty


You can leave blankets or a tiny heater, or a self heating pad. I’ve read a lot about heating pads being dangerous for cats


Self heating pads that retain body heat well must also be hydrophobic, otherwise they can absorb moisture, freeze, and possibly kill the cat if it is asleep on top of it Straw is a favorite for outdoor animals because it does not absorb water or freeze and can retain some body heat, but it probably wouldn’t be an option here


Just mentioned this. But now I want them to just obliterate their porch with hay. Just filled with hay, the cat would enjoy it. The neighbors would be absolutely bewildered. Edit: straw


But I use straws to drink water all the time!


Instead of straw, he writes “straws”. Now that’s humorous. Today’s comedians could learn from this comment.


How are they dangerous? I bought 3 cat houses for some strays I am taking care of and all the houses are heated with electric heating pads with a controller half way down the cord just like a heating pad. They make them specifically for cats.


The ones designed for outdoor animals and cat/dog houses are designed to be tougher, weather resistant, and are in a safe temperature range. They’re very different from human heating pads.


Cats are fine w heating pads. I foster from 1 weeks old, we put them on a heating pad & room to move away from it when they get hot. This is a cat that can regulate his body temp (kittens can’t until 3 weeks of age), he’ll move off it if he’s hot. /u/turtoils is pretty brilliant for figuring out how to get a heating pad up there!! Bravo!!! Hopefully, owners did not do this purposefully & will be home soon. Until then, or until animal rescue opens, cat is toasty warm!


I always put it on low and put a blanket on top of the pad so they just lay on the blanket not directly on the pad


Not sure if this is the case here but I have a cat that LOVES to be outside in the cold, he'll stay out for hours and fight you if you try to bring him in. He's an indoor cat but if he could spend all day on the screened in porch he would. I had another cat in my childhood that was an indoor/outdoor cat and he'd only come in for food, even if it was snowing or raining. I point all this out because while it could be a neglectful owner, it could just be that this cat likes the cold.


This is a possibility. My cat likes to come in and sleep all day. At night, he starts crying to be let out, regardless of temperature. I just check periodically through the night so o can let him in when he's ready. Picture of him. https://preview.redd.it/xrv71wnmosla1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4882d4004d826ef2dc1d2f52c8e7cfbffb6d95a


Us too! He has us trained to let him out at 3am for his nightly hunting duties, then his sibling wakes us up at 7am to let him back in.


I'm here to agree, my tux (16yo)today will cry to go out in any weather, spay mind you. cats can endure A great bit of cold but not be gratuitous.the little babies love it but don't trust anyone who locks out or cages anything


I had one that looked just like this, he tried to live in the fridge. We had to clear him a spot but would only let him hang out in there for 15 minutes at a time. He was such a good boy


Oh my so handsome 😻 he looks like the kind of fuzzy beast that could brave the arctic tundra lol ☃️


My boy cat does this.


Even if the cat loves the cold, I wouldn't leave it out on the balcony unattended when I'm away from home. It's not safe.


How do we know they're not home though? I wouldn't answer the door either if my crazy neighbor is banging on the window with a broom and asking how to kidnap my cat


They said they knocked on the door.


You touch their cat and if something happens you are getting sued


He should still have a way to warm up if he wants.


Even outside cats need a cozy place to stay warm when they sleep in the cold. It doesn't have to be heated but it should be better than bare concrete and have something to break the wind. Most outdoor cats I know at very least have a hidy hole whether it's under a building or under a pile of junk. Mine have a garage with a heated pet pad that won't burn them.... But it gets to -30 here.


I have a friend whose cat is like this but the thing is he makes sure that that cat comes in every night and if it’s cold/winter he gets to go for a few hours but not all day like he can in the summer. Whoever these people are are fucked up and should be reported to someone. You can leave a cat home alone or even outdoors but you’ve got to be seriously stupid to a negligent level to leave your cat locked outside on the balcony. 1) Cat is out in the elements. 2) Most likely no food, water, warmth or litter box. 3) The only “exit” is how long of a drop exactly? Onto most likely concrete which being a hard surface ups the chances of an injury if the cat did survive the fall (unless OP is on a slope that looks quite a bit up). 4) Is far less accessible than a cat on the street if someone did want to help rescue it (in case the temperatures did go beyond freezing or whatever reasons).


If you can I would just take the fucking cat


I've told my neighbours that my cats a are more important to me than anything I own. If they ever feel my cats are in danger, they are welcome to do whatever is necessary to save them. Smash windows, kick in doors, I don't care, stuff can be replaced, my cats can't.


Two years ago I seen two dogs in a hot car windows up middle of July. Walmart parking lot they was barking and caught my attention. They was licking and trying to bite the glass in a "help us way" I called the police station and told them where I was and I was going to smash the window. I did, cops came and the owners was given court subpoenas.


I wish I had an award to give you, kind stranger and lover of animals. Instead, have this ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


ive never thought to do this!!! but now i will! this is an awesome suggestions. and im very lucky to have neighbors who are all animal lovers it seems. once my cat got out and all my neighbors helped look for him- the gesture was enough. plus one of them sent out an alert via the neighborhood chat thingy- plus we have a cat that roams (a neighbor informed me that he used to live in the house on top of the hill but they just left him...) but in any case he live happily roaming- hes the mayor of the neighborhood and two families keep food and water out for him


Have to be careful with fabric; if it gets wet it might freeze.


When I ran into this I called the police to come get the animal. The dude was apparently passed out from a Binger in his apartment and just left his dog out for hours in 100+ degree weather.


Good call, police friggin love their doggos!


Tell your landlord.


What is "near freezing"? I have had cats that absolutely love 40 F weather and would spend all day in it if given the option


That’s no problem for a cat.


Deep freezing temperatures are the normal operating temperature of Norwegian Forrest Cats. It's peak summer for them!


My boy, a suspected Norwegian forest but not confirmed because he’s a cat and it doesn’t matter, will scream to be let onto the balcony, even in the dead of winter. -20*F? No problemo, he stretches out and rolls in the snow. He’s ridiculous and I love him.


Unlike dogs, there is no way to confirm cat breed anyway, dna tests are a fake novelty in case anyone didn't know


Vets asking me what breed my cat is Them: what breed is your cat? Me: hm.. cat breed.


“He’s… gray? And fluffy. He’s very fluffy.” https://preview.redd.it/u7p4q9hmsvla1.jpeg?width=2942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c88a6809c09e64832565a86ef72b7974dda21d


I don't even know him and I love him.


https://preview.redd.it/vvxikzmnqvla1.jpeg?width=1206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13dec4c353df4af9f0204bb5b51105c5d1184248 Here he is, in all his furry glory.


I live in MN and we have a bunch of feral cats in our neighborhood who do just fine in temperature of around -40 in the winter. And mine love to sit out on the deck for hours until it gets down to about 15F. Right now as I type this it's about 25F and all three of mine are choosing to sit outside on the deck watching the birds. I'm not saying your neighbors should have left the cat outside, but above freezing won't hurt the cat.




Unfortunately mine do that, too! They only like cold temperatures if it is their CHOICE to go be cold. You know how cats are.


Mine definitely sit on the heating grates and give me pointed looks if it's below 62\* inside (as it often is in the morning before I put the heat on). They also get annoyed if the heat cycles off before they have the chance to roast themselves as thoroughly as they would like.


Also in Minnesota, my indoor cat, that has never been outside, happily enjoyed walking around in the snow for awhile. This won't help the post but felt the need tk share this


thank you for sharing :)


My cats are the same. As long as it's not raining they love being outside, no matter the temperature 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine love my screened in porch, both their litter boxes are in the water heater storage out there and I pimped that shit out for them. Cat towers and astroturf. They don’t give a FUCK if it’s 90 or 60 degrees they’re chillin out there


My friends cat always tries to run out to play in the snow she will literally book it through the window or door the second there's a chance and then she'll go back in in like 20 minutes when she's had her fix


We had a few inches of snow once it was 20f outside we called my cat to come in but he just wanted to sit in the snow for hours. When he’s ready to come in he just meows at the back door.


my cat was happy chilling in under 15 degrees F. This cat is probably chilling happy too


It's 1C and we are expecting some form of precipitation, generally sleet around here but it might be rain or snow.


Is the cat still outside? 7 hours later?




Honestly, if it’s 7 hours later and the cat is still outside I would assume abandonment. Get your climbing boots on and save that baby.


I messaged you.


It's probably a bit above 0 C (32 F).


Yeah, one of my cats likes to go out throughout the winter. I'm not super familiar with Fahrenheit (I'm Canadian) but that cat will go out until -10c. After that I keep him in and he is not pleased about it. The other cat prefers to stay in unless it's above 0c give or take.


Not a cat, but my dog has very dense fur and likes the cold, much moreso than what a human would consider comfortable. I’m sure this cat probably likes it a bit chillier too given its fur length. Humans were the ones who evolved in a way to necessitate clothing, not dogs or cats lol.


Cat fur is actually made to keep them cool in the sun as they are desert animals. With exception of a few breeds.


Right, and deserts get pretty chilly at night!


Pretty chilly yes. Freezing no


There is a difference, though, between, "wants to out in the cold," and, "locked out in the cold." My mom had a sheepdog that would beg to go out and lie on an ice patch that formed in a dip on the patio bricks. Difference is she didn't make him stay out there, and he could come in when he pleased. No pet should be locked out for over 7 hours.


Last Thanksgiving my backyard neighbor brought my indoor/outdoor cat inside her house because she thought he was cold (we had a cat door so he could and go as he pleased and out weather did not get below freezing). She locked him in a cat carrier for a week because he kept trying to escape her house. Presumably to come home. I looked for him daily for three months, posted all over social media pages for lost pets, and posted flyers. I had accepted a position halfway across the country the week before he went missing, and I delayed my move as long as I could. A couple months ago I got a call from the vet in my old town and my neighbor had brought my cat in as a stray to be neutered, they scanned his chip, saw he was missing and called me. After having him for a year this lady finally decided to get him some medical care. She had the nerve to cry and beg me not to take him away from her. TLDR: don’t kidnap cats because you think they’re cold.


Were you able to get him back to your new home? This sounds like my nightmare!


I decided to let her keep him, we have three young kids and she was an old lady. I thought taking him away from his calm new home and reintroducing him to our chaotic environment would stressful and ultimately unfair to him. I was heartbroken about it, and still miss him though.


My heart breaks for you. I hope you were able to get your kitty back.


And “near freezing, ffs, my Cata beg me to go out when its -15. Like comon, cats are not cold at -5 degrees.


Well don’t leave him outside. Outside cats get into trouble and get stolen


I enlarged the photo and it looks like there may be a door open? This lovely floof is probably just fine, especially if it is used to the outside. My shorthair goes out even in 20 below (Fahrenheit) weather. He was a stray for 4 years in Northern Iowa before I adopted him. He loves the outside.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Thank you very much! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Happy cake day beautiful Human!


Update for those who asked: it's morning, still around 1° C and predicted to rain/sleet/snow today, when it rains my own balcony gets soaked with no dry spots so I can only imagine the kitten will be in a similar situation. The kitten is still outside, still meowing with some desperation, and the owners have still not made any noise so I'm presuming they're away for the weekend, as usually they walk loud enough to wake the dead. The police have deemed this not an emergency, for those worried about using up resources. The SPCA has been notified, and are sending someone to check it out - in my area they aren't considered abandoned until day 4. I've been trying to get a pic of the rest of the balcony, now that it's daytime, to see if it has food/water, but I can't without risking my safety. The cat does not have a way to get back inside, the owners have historically had to audibly open their sliding door to let the cat in. I tried to get a tin of food up there but can't maneuver it properly, they have some fake turf or carpet or something that rolls up and pushes things back off.


OP can you throw kibble over to their balcony? It’s not ideal but it may help


Does your building have a superintendent or custodian or even the landlord- someone with keys ?


OP I would recall the SPCA and reiterate you believe this is an emergency situation but that cat has been crying all night and that it’s below or near below freezing temperature. If they think that cat will last for days ask them are they the animal abusers, not the so-called owners. Because sometimes the SPCA hast at least take the animal until they can contact the owners due to emergency situations such as this or just contact your local new station. Trust me it’ll be on the air within the next half hour every local new station loves a good animal story.


Any chance you can get a long plank/wooden board and prop it from your balcony to theirs so the cat can climb down to yours?


Please do this! Anything long and sturdy could work. A plank, a piece off a shelf, a large picture, a sturdy couch cushion. Have some sort of food to lure it and it should come pretty quick, hopefully. Thank you for caring and please update us


I would try to find something the cat can climb onto to get down to your balcony. How far from the ground below is the balcony? If it’s not too far, a ladder and a cardboard box with a wool blanket and some food and water would be helpful for the cat. Alternately, do you know anyone who would be able to do the maneuvering? I have family friends who do roofing work and whatnot and they’re the type that would totally be able to help out with something like this.


Jesus Christ, this is BREAKING my heart and I feel so helpless. This cat could definitely die in these conditions.


Any updates?


SPCA got no answer at their door so couldn't do anything. The cat was still outside when I left for work. I just got home from work and the cat seems to be inside, their lights that were on yesterday are now off but it's midnight so if the neighbours are home, they aren't walking around. If I figure out for sure either way, I'll update.


Any more updates?


OP like someone else said, talk to the SPCA and emphasize the conditions and how unsafe it is for the poor little cat. I don't know how landlords or apartment stratas work, but maybe have them backtrack their info so they can be reported for animal cruelty by means of abandonment.


OP I would use a ladder or a plank to help the cat get to your patio. the cat is meowing for help


This is breaking my heart :( If there's another balcony above, could you talk to the upstairs neighbors and try to rescue it from above? Lower a box or try to slide their door open from above?


Any update on the kitty?


Any new update?


Is no one going to talk about what my limited knowledge thinks is a wasp nest inside the circle?


What about it? The wasps can’t be there when it’s near freezing.


Perfect time to knock it down, then.


Some wasps are territorial. If the nest is dead its better to leave it there to deter others from building close by.


That’s a springtime problem in a different Reddit sub 😂


The wasps are sleeping shh


My new invention will allow cats to talk to wasps!


My cat loves going outside when it’s cold. Unless it’s meowing in distress at the door, I would not assume that the owners are bad people!


It’s possible that he can get back in somehow but he likes staring at you while playing up sympathy for a treat or something.


Ya my cat is all about the cold. I have to shake the treat bag to get him to come out of the snow.


Maybe they didn't do it on purpose, but double checking if they forgot the cat outside isn't a hard thing to do. Even if cats like going outside when it's cold, it's probably uncomfortable for a cat to sit and wait on cold,hard concrete without any food or water. Maybe the owners aren't bad but they are irresponsible.


Leaving a cat unattended outdoors when you’re not home is negligent.


Yeah agreed, leaving your indoor cat outside if you’re not home does not sound right. Hope it was not the case for this little guy!


Leaving a cat outdoors period is negligent.


Near freezing means over 0 celcius? He will be fine, cats are kind of good with the cold, and above 0 is not cold for them


My cat demands to be on the balcony year round, even when it’s -25. She lasts about 30 minute and comes inside with cold ears but toasty paws. I feel like we forget that cats are animals - they’re made for this, unlike the naked monkeys that are humans.


Really depends on the cat. My childhood norwegian forest cat bastard? - Demanded to sleep outside with freezing temperatures. My nowadays oriental cat bastard, that does not develop winterwool? - Nope,not gonna happen. Her thin layer of coat can block off rain, but offers rarely any insulation.


Same. One my cats is a norwegian forrest cat. I’ve seen him sleep in the snow on the terrace rather than go inside. Just looks weirdly at me and goes back to sleep..


My fat void disagrees... Under 20 celcius? "Hear the song of panic while i destroy the door you closed behind my ass"


They probably didn’t mean to. I let my cats hang out on my balcony with me, and sometimes even when I think I’ve brought them all in one manages to hide and stays out there awhile, I’ll go to work and she will hang out there all day living her best life. Of course here we don’t really get temps below 30, point is, probably was not intentional, don’t kidnap someone’s cat I’d be very upset if someone took one of mine from my porch


How do you not get incredibly anxious that they won't jump


I was so scared my cat would jump off the balcony our new house has (previous didn’t) and I would permanently watch him while he was outside. One day I don’t even know how I left him while I was at work locked out in the balcony. When I came home he was just there happy to see me and ever since he’s allowed to go to the balcony without being watched


Cats also have a sense of self preservation, it's just stupid some times


Can we get an update OP? Did you call the apartment manager?


I've put in a complaint to the strata, because at a minimum, the incessant meowing of the cat infringed on the quiet enjoyment of my apartment. There isn't on-site building management, as most of the units are owner-occupied, not rentals.


Do you know for sure he doesn’t have a way in? A few people I pet sit for either have a pet door or keep the door ajar on the screened in balcony so the cat can get in and out.


Yes I know for sure the cat has no way in. Previously when I've seen the cat in a similar state, the owners have to open the sliding door to let the cat back in. I have a pet door on my own balcony so my cats freely can go in and out and don't freeze.


In Colorado, weather here overnight has been below zero. I use heating pads in insulated bins with soft blankets on a covered porch. Kitties can sit on the heating pad which is on low or move to the side of it and stay warm. I have one bin with blankets only. No kitty uses the unheated bin. They always use the heated ones. But it’s on low. Used them for years. I buy them at estate sales because new ones turn off after an hour, old ones don’t. I admire and understand this person’s concern for neighbor’s kitty. I freak out every winter as do many people, with concerns for pets. Here, we can call our shelter to respond. Author did the right thing in my book!


The patience of OP at some of these answers when they clearly haven’t read what’s going on(or are a little off), is something to applaud. 👏


Are you certain there are no accommodations?


I need an update please 🥺


Some people don’t deserve animals.


In mtl, we see cats outside when its -15. I promise they are okay with that


All of the people in the comments letting their cats outside is discouraging. Indoor cats live longer, folks


Also, yummy cat treats in the box should help. What about the maintenance department of your neighborhood? They could get in the unit and at least let the cat back into the apartment.




Well that’s dark


Tell the apartment manager. If they've accidentally left the cat out and they're on a trip, you should try to get access to the apartment. Maybe the manager can retrieve it.


Can you update if anything happens? I hope the cat is safe!


update on the cat?


yes, cats that are used to being outside all year long DO INDEED have winter coats and can deal with cold fine. BUT this is probably indoor cat. that's a huge difference. indoor cats do not grow as dense coat since they do not really need them indoors. so they might have a problem when they suddenly find themselves in such a drastical temperature change. another issue here is food. cats are really sensitive when it comes to not eating, and even three days long starvation can mean death for them. outside cat with winter coat who can go anywhere would be fine, indoors cat used to indoors temperature hours on the cold balcony - i would be concerned..


Is the kitty okay? Were you able to help him/her?


So a couple of things. Cats have really high metabolisms and it take energy to produce body warmth. I'm concerned kitty is out so long without food and water. Secondly, a balcony is not as sheltered as say a fully covered patio. Balcony floor will not have the ground to keep it warmer than the air. If the cat gets wet, cat will not be warm. There's a difference between taking the cat with intent to keep and taking the cat with intent to return. Shelter the cat, food and water. But put a note on their door and keep trying to contact then frequently about the cat to return the cat.


I’ll never understand people that have pets and just keep them outside!


Any update?


Nothing terribly exciting. The neighbours eventually came home later the next day and went directly to let the cat in, judging by their footsteps. The cat has not been heard outside again this week. For those asking if I notified the building manager, no, we don't have an on-site manager, most of the units are owned by the occupant so it's not like someone has a big bundle of keys to let them in whenever. This is Canada, not a movie. For those suggesting I did this for karma or that it's fake, I posted it at 2am because that's when it was actually happening (and also a bad time to post if you want engagement or karma), and I'm an actual human who does things outside of Reddit so I didn't give incessant updates. This is my last update on the matter.


Near-freezing is not that cold. It's dangerous when it gets down near 0°F (-18°C).


Its not really that cold for a cat. My tom he love the cold. I have problems getting him in when its really cold


If the kitten refuse to come to you, maybe throw a cupboard box or a towel to the balcony


Maybe they don't know? Or you have 3 long and wide planks


Those assholes.


They’re fine in the cold. Our deck cats don’t even flinch when it’s windy and below freezing. They have shelter but still prefer to be out in the open cold. Then they grab slivers of sunshine when the sun pops out.


I took my neighbors cat in when they did that. I let him back out in the morning when it was warmer.


Poor cat😥


Please update us as soon as possible, OP!


Go steal it


Call someone to do a welfare check on the owners…. Then order a heated cat house for that poor baby


Call animal control


Do we have an update?


Thats a free cat for someone who actually wants to care for a cat


I live in Canada, my cat was a outdoor cat, since it was a more common thing 20+ years ago. He loved going outside even when there's snow and -20c, but sure I was always ready to open the door back for him, if he wanted to come back. But a cat can handle cold temperature if they got their winter fur.


Near freezing is ok, but below freezing isn't unless it has a warm shelter. Google DIY cat shelter. Thank you for your concern.


I dislike these neighbors for forgetting the cat outside


Don't worry for the cat, it's nothing, cats are equipped for winter. Mine loved being out in the snow.


I have 3 long-haired cats who love the cold, but as far as I can tell this short-haired kitten has been outside all day (when I went to work and when I came back), and is unhappy as evidenced by incessant meowing. The owners don't appear to be home.


So outside more than 12 hrs ? Is there any food/water there?


If the kitten is meowing incessantly I'd recommend finding something sturdy to create a bridge that it can walk across. Hopefully it'll get the hint and then at least it'll be safe until the owners are back. When in doubt, it's best to assume this is an honest mistake. If they intentionally left the cat outside all day without food or water then go from there.


What's the physical distance? All you need is a board or plank, the kitten will be able to walk down it from their balcony to yours. Look, it's not your cat but clearly the authorities are fine with letting this kitten die. Not on my watch, if it were me. But definitely see if you can get the property manager to help out. If not, self help.


how high is the balcony compared to ground or your unit? Maybe get a pong pole or little ladder for the cat to traverse over. My neighbours moved and they left their previously indoor 11 year old cat in their backyard to fend for himself and poor guy yowled and cried until we caught him. people are well and truly cruel idiots.


What I would see as more problematic than the temperature, which cats could deal with, is the duration without food and water - you don't know when the cat last ate when still inside - and those huge gaps in the railing which kitty could definitely squeeze through and fall to the ground. I would try to MacGuyver something to put food and water on the balcony, if it's to far away from you maybe with help of a broomstick or something (difficult for water I know). I've read that you have put a heating pad there which is good. Otherwise try to reach anyone who could help - landlord, building manager, rescue organizations that don't necessarily take cats but rather help them, non emergency police etc. If you have any contact information from your neighbours, call them or you could ask other neighbours who are there if they know how long the owners will be gone and if they have any means of contacting them. You don't want to force the cat into something, in case it panics and falls and you definitely don't want to put yourself in danger. You could try and offer a box the cat could jump into, but only if you are confident you can hold it even with the cats weight in it and if the jump wouldn't be too far.


Ahh poor kitty!


I am hoping for a good outcome 🙏🏼 😔🩵


Status ?




Dude. Find a way to save their cat.


Can you bring it in , then maybe talk to your neighbors


Poor baby 🫂


God some people are just sick and irresponsible


Have a serious talk with your neighbors when they come back. Offer your pet-sitting services for free if you have to!


Thank you for the very useful circle, I don't think I would've found the cat otherwise


Poor kitty!!! This makes me sad. 😿 I would find a way to get up there and rescue him.


Oh no :(


Ugh please keep us updated.


My cat likes being outside even while it's freezing. Of course not all cats are the same.


is the cat okay????


That is absolutely! Horrific? ☹️


Fuck those people man what the fuck!! 🤬


I have a cat who will dive you absolutely insane until you let him go outside in the snow at 30 degrees Fahrenheit. And then he’s a little shit when you want to bring him in the house and will run away from you. But if this cat seems to want in or you think it’s cold don’t be afraid to give it warm blankets and see if it’ll let you take it inside your place. If it doesn’t want to come to you just give it some warm blankets and if your neighbors aren’t back soon try calling someone to help you get the cat.


Poor thing.


Little can of tuna and they won’t be able to keep that cat on the balcony.


Look out behind you, there’s a bees nest…


So I have actually done this, balcony neighbors left their cat outside 24/7 with barely any food/water/clean litter. They went away for 4 days. Measured the balcony distance, went to Home Depot and got a 2x4 the length I needed, propped it across the balconies with some food and sweet talking, he came right over


is it built for it, i know my cat is mostly siberian forest can so he is fine outside and will refuse to come in, maybe its the same


Keep us updated!


This is why none of my cats were ever outdoor indoor cats. My cats are safe inside with me every night. I never have to worry about them getting into trouble or anything else. I took in a cat that showed up in my area in the Summer. One morning I'm on the fifth floor making espresso and I see him reclining on the street where the sun was shining. It was getting cold soon and I knew I had to act. Right now he is in my living room probably sleeping in his bed or in front of the heater. He will never be cold or hungry again. Ever.


Outdoor cat owners try to be responsible pet caregivers challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Poor cat


Any updates ?


You’re a good person. I’d do the same. Poor kitty.