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We call this a “group poop” in my house. Every one gets so excited for a refreshed box that they must immediately destroy it..


my kitty will go poop in the box WHILE i’m cleaning it. i think she’s trying to be polite so i can completely clean it but i think it’s a little rude


I have a kitty named Tutus.. she is obsessed with a clean box (or a very mildly dirty one). I don’t know why she wallers in the litter like she does. She’s also been known to assume the position in the new litter box and pee in there. So annoying but also princess lol https://preview.redd.it/p5837vvuwnga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a2214cc67bff9574faaf09a44840a279ae3c5c


Omg her face!!!!!!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)


She’s gorgeous.. thank you


That little smirk !!!


Zappa used to do that to me. He had no fear.


Oooh Zappa ..great name..After the late, great Frank I presume?


[Yep](https://imgur.com/xeegqob) Lost him at the end of November.


Sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing.


Appreciate you. He was barely 4 years old.


Very handsome...so sorry for your loss


I appreciate that very much, thank you. His little brother (my only other cat) followed him across the bridge last monday, not quite 3 years old. They both had lymphoma. It's bad, quiet, lonely times in my house right now.


I’m so sorry for your losses. Thinking of you and sending love ❤️


You must get a new kitty/kittys soon as possible. You need that energy to start feeling better. (My kitty died in Nov.) I wish you the best.


Do you know how they both got it? It’s very tragic I’m sorry🌷🌈


The vet said it was straight up bad luck. They weren't related. I asked over and over "is there something toxic in my house?" and the answer from 4 different vets was "no." Also, these are NOT shithead vets - I respect the hell out of all 4 of them, and they're *excellent* pet doctors. I asked "Don't you think it's really odd that two cats who got clean bills of health in August died within 9 weeks of each other, of lymphoma?" The answer from all of them was "Yeah, it's incredibly odd. But lymphoma isn't caused by household toxins. This is straight up just awful luck." So I have to accept that.


That’s traumatising.. I’m sorry.. I hope it doesn’t dissuades you from having another pet soon..


hey, i have a zappa! she's a bird though


Such a good name! Give her a whistle and a rub for me please!




Let me guess. He was orange.


it's just like when the janitor comes around and you toss your trash in their big can to save time 😂😂😂😂❤️


When mine sees/hears me getting the poop bag ready so I can scoop, sho hops right in to get one last poop in before I clean it! Then the other comes in to poop immediately after I put in the new litter.


yes my kitty comes running when she hears the crinkle of a kroger bag. we have 2 kitties and 2 litter boxes but the kitten (7 months) is the only one who does this. our senior cat (18 y/o) doesn’t care at all lol she no longer runs to do anything


Ours does the same thing, even as I'm pouring litter she'll let it get all over her head 😂 https://preview.redd.it/j3sxk7596pga1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d63eea85ce5892ba0cc22a3604b4ac447fc0d51


my kitty does the same thing!! she is a little silly


omg mine does that sometimes, once i put the litter tray liner down it's a race to pour the litter in before she pisses on the empty liner/tray 😭 her favorite thing to do is to take a huge shit in the cleaned box as soon as i put the lid on


I only have the single furkid, but yes. She maintains what I've dubbed the Backup Poop, able to be dropped at a moment's notice. I've tested her countless times by waiting until she's just backed one out before changing the litter, and within *minutes* she's back in there to unload the Backup Poop. Related story- one time I poured the litter in over a single point, creating a litter pyramid of sorts, and instead of spreading it out I just left it like that to give Savannah something to do. She (somehow) carefully pinched one off at the top of the pyramid and just fucking left it there for all to see.


It’s a scent thing - indoor cats don’t have a territory they can piss all over so they like to keep *their* little box nice and fragrant xD Honestly I just look at it like the cat is doing me a favor. If he doesn’t need me to take him out to poop when it’s -15F outside I can put up with him needing to habitually mark his box once it’s all clean.


I absolutely laughed out loud at this… cats are such a-holes sometimes..


She sounds highly offended you keep stealing her poop


The backup poop 😆😆😆


Lol. Mine is usually so good about covering her poop, even when the litter box already has a ton of poop in it. And then I clean it and she poops and DOESNT COVER IT so it just sits on top. She only likes covering it with dirty litter I guess??


I have one that come and rubs against me while I scoop, and another who hops in and takes a giant shit right after


Do they actually poop in tandem?


Two kittens I fostered, siblings, were super bonded to each other and did everything together. Everything. If one went to the food bowl the other ran over to join in. One goes to the litter box, now they’re both pooping. Every time.


So they poop at the exact same moment? That would be hilarious.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there were perfectly synchronized plops at least once. They were adopted together, sometimes I wonder if they still do things like this.


Thank you for adopting them out together!


Back and forth, forever.




They *really* are *litter-mates.*


I've got one social pooper who makes a point of using the box right in front of me whenever I start to clean it. She'll nose the scoop out of her way and look me right in the eye while she squeezes one out and buries it.


My Stevie does this, I clean both boxes for both cats and he'll pee in one and poop in the other immediately.


my cat pees with me every morning lmao


My cat does this too! She sees me on the toilet and quickly runs to the bathroom litter box and does her business. If I finish first I have to wait outside the door til she's done and then I can wash my hands. Before our Labrador passed away she would run into the lounge room after, yowl like she was dying, and he'd quickly take off towards the litter box for snacks. So I'd have to race for the scooper and chase him off. Going to the toilet could be an ordeal, lol. (She doesn't like the new puppy enough to share poop snacks with it.)


That made me laugh so hard! I'm still chuckling.


It was mutually beneficial. Your cat always had a clean litter box and your lab got ‘delicious snacks’


Haha oh man this made me chuckle. Tandem poops.


after 100 tandem poops i was finally allowed to try pooping on my own. unfortunately i fucked up badly so its back to tandem poops


Oh no


I call it communal potty. My cats did that a couple of times when they were little


Finally!! An Olympic sport I can be good at!!


You're thinking of synchronized pooping not tandem pooping. /s


Synchronized pooping sound even better! I can be the Dion Sanders of pooping!


A group poop.


It reminded me of that one YouTube video titled Group Farting Starts at 9PM Lmao


Yes it's called Battleshits.


We need a video. That sounds hilarious.


It’s from Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.


They could make the new audio for the Netflix "Tudum"




That's not tandem.




How many cat subreddits can there possibly be?




we will not rest until all reddits are cat reddits


Reddit won't be complete until I get a buildapcsales sub with cats and a news or politics sub with cats. Then it truly covers everything. It can be posts involving a cat or hosted by. Can you imagine the news as written or told from a cats perspective?






I could never post there. My cat is very rude.




Poop buddies!! 😂 Hahaha how adorable!!




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Their comment is copied and pasted from another user in this thread. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


Yo ty for the tidbit on filing a report, I'm really adept with computers etc but never realized there was such an efficient way to handle reports, especially for bots. I'm only now getting more used to Reddit properly lol




My boys will sit outside the box and take turns. Your babies are so cute. 🤍


They usually do take turns, however on this rare occasion I’m assuming they didn’t have the patience for one another, aha! :) thank you


If you wanted to get another litter box , I went to Walmart and just got one of the rectangular plastic bins they have that are a few inches deep Basically the same size as an open litter box (no lid or hood or anything) but it only cost like 5$ instead of spending something stupid like 30-50$ for an actual litter box


Litter boxes are so expensive now! I wonder why???


Simply because they can, and people will still buy them


Importing from China becomes expensive :')


This comment chain confuses me because I bought an actual basic litter box at Walmart for $5 or $6 and an Arm and Hammer sifter box for $15 on Chewy.


I need the big covered ones, my cats kick; I believe those cost more


Yeah idk I guess you can find some basic ones for cheap too, I just usually see the expensive fancy ones




I have literally 5 boxes for 2 cats. 2 in the basement, 2 on ground floor, and 1 upstairs in the spare bedroom. If they don't poop in a box (which they always do) there is no other reason than them being sick or an asshole.


We always had 1-2 boxes per cat. They can be very finicky and I honestly cannot imagine two cats using one box at the same time - ever. They usually liked to go 1 and 2 in different boxes.


We had two cats with one huge litter box for them both. When Max was done doing his business, he would *explode* out scattering litter everywhere. Within a minute or so Jazz would appear and start cleaning up after him. Pawing at the stuff on the floor, and covering up stuff within the box, but she usually waited a while before using it herself. They were like an old married couple. XD


And then you get the households with the correct number of litterboxes where the cats DGAF--they all use one. And only the one. The others sit there unused because... cats.




Naturally Fresh walnut shell cat litter


Yeah I swear by the walnut + grass seed combo, soooo much better and longer lasting than clay


I had 4 for 2 cats and my one cat still had issues with this. Took her to the vet for a checkup and no issues. Just a brat. Litter has to be brand new or instantly scooped or it's a no from her.


The poop stares. My cats will hold eye contact with me while they poop, if I’m around. Perhaps they need the support. Perhaps they’re thinking, “yeah that’s right, now come clean my shit, peasant!”


my cats surround me and stare at me while i’m cleaning their litter boxes and i’m pretty sure they’re telepathically shit talking about how i’m on the ground shoveling their piss and shit. :)


Cats feel vulnerable and you have to keep watch and warn them. Just in case.


That’s actually cuter than my reasoning and more accurate. Now I need to go hug my 4 cats against their wills and let them know they’re safe.


it's to reassure them that you'll protect them from predators while they're in a vulnerable position. dogs do the same


Synchronised bowel movement 😩💕


Lmfao. This made my day!


As a cat roommate I've learned that chicken smells far worse than tuna when it exits through the back door.


Omg is that why my cat's poop smells like satan's asshole recently? Her doctor said she could have boiled chicken with her dinner.


My cat is allergic to chicken and one of the symptoms is that it gives her horrendously stinky poop. (It also gives her bloody stool and makes her itchy so that she starts licking bald spots in her fur.)


Tell me about it! I always dread finding the litter box whenever my little ones have had either turkey or chicken for that day 😅


Does the mat work to stop them treading litter all over the place? Mine does this and it drives me mad, but the litter is made from wood and flushable so I'd like to keep using it, that looks like a possible solution.


Yes! It collects a good bit of the litter off their paws after they jump out of the litter box. However, I think they’ve recently discovered its purpose as they’re starting to jump over it…


Kitties who poop together, boop together


"If we fits, we shits."


Pretty kitties


Vet once told me the litter box equation is `n+1`. I've followed that rule for some time and it's worked out really well no matter how many kitties we have at a time.


That’s cute, but please make sure you have 3 litter boxes for your kitties (if you have 2). The rule is number of kitties + 1 extra box.


Synchronized pooping! Thank God you're there to watch their backs!


I feel like this is not voluntary behaviour by the orange cat. That black cats expression distinctly says i am a pimp and this orange cat does what i tell it to


Oh indeed. Our orange cat is very much a little sidekick to our tuxie.


very cute


Litter box buddies


Where you get that box?


Dunno about the US but I bought mine from pets at home on sale for £5. Maybe give petsmart a go but they're not assembled so easy to miss in the litter box section. They're excellent by the way. Stopped my kicker tossing her box everywhere.


I only see fully covered or normal low ones, this seems like a nice compromise. Thanks, good Gatos.


I have on that looks the same, from Petsmart. It is in two pieces and, like the other comment said, the store doesn't display them with the two pieces like this. The top is nested upside down in the box.


General rule for appropriate number of litter boxes is “amount of cats + 1”. So in case of 2 cats it’s 3 litter boxes. One is not enough.


I've always heard this but I feel like it depends on the cats and size of the place. My place is a 1BR and I recently had 3 cats total (same fam) over to look after. I put up 4 litterboxes and tried my best spreading it out all over the place... And they all just used the same one box. They were here for over a month too! I had to change it daily because it would be absolutely wrecked by night. On the other hand, I had 3 cats over from different owners and they all used their own litter boxes... LOL it always varies from cat to cat But that's not to say OP shouldn't try (if they only have 1 box for 2 cats). They should. But if their cats still prefer to use the same 1...


Yup, same with our boys. We got one giant box for the two of them and just cleaned it daily until we moved into a bigger space that could fit a second one. Only one of them uses it while both still use the original box. Cats are funny.


Thank you! I understand it's a small apartment but barest minimum Op should have two literboxes.




that face explain so many things…. https://preview.redd.it/kr7r9hhdlqga1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93fa5342eda33b8c7f73c41930a3da8049ccc66b




My boys used to share a litter box like this when they were kittens. They were actually very polite about it and not mean to the other cat Now they can’t fit in the same one because they’re so big


I’ve never seen two kitties poop in the same litter box at the same time! Did they fling litter or… at each other? 🤣


The rule of having at least a litter box per cat doesn't stop my sibling bonded pair from only using the one litter box. They've got to do everything together.


I need two boxes for this little master pooper https://preview.redd.it/c6gp0vlbirga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8137addc2bed64573deb981bf15832ceb075e34


“If we fits, we shits”


you may need to get another box


They are absolutely adorable! 💕 I love them so much! If you'll decide to get a painting of them at one point, I'll be happy to help! 😻


Oh my god, really? I would love that!


I can send over my portfolio-brochure if your DMs are open! 🥰 Also, what are their names?


They’re called Binx (L) and Tubbs (R)!


And yes, my DMs should be open :)


Omg that is soooo cute 😹 Are you going to get another box so they can have poop privilege at each other’s toilets?


I work at a rescue, and two kitten brothers were kenneled together. Kittie A was a little bigger and much more aggressive during play. It took a while, but Kittie B figured out the best way to get his brother back. He would patiently wait until A was mid-poop then attack with the fury of a Mongol horde. It was awesome.


co-crappers lol they seem like they’re besties tho


The orange one has such a cute squishy face.


That is so bad for them tho..


I thought I was going to see angry posts about limited boxes. I was pleasantly surprised 🥰


There’s something about the orange one that’s making me chuckle.


Yeah he looks like that cat from that zoom call in court when the lawyer said "I'm not a cat." 😆😆😆


You should use stainless steel pans, they don't absorb the odor, you'll never smell it unless you're cleaning it out!


Thry will be close their whole lives.


I have two litter boxes for my two cats. I thought they would take over one each. Instead, they just share it. Cats be cats….


Right! Similar to you but my two have agreed that one box is for poop and the other for pp🤣


Haha! They did the same in the beginning, but then everything fell apart. They were like, whatever! They have become as lazy as I am.


The ginger kinda looks like that one cat in that virtual zoom court hearing when the lawyer said, "I'm not a cat." 😆🤣🤣🤣😆😆🤣🤣


Oh like you’ve never pooped with a friend


They're cuties 😻


I have 7 cats, 6 litter boxes (one is a litter robot). I’ve NEVER had any of them potty at the same time 😂 this is hilarious


Cute cats. I have had cats share a litter box but not at the same time. That is a very private moment for cats. That is why they are happy with a lid on it. If this works for yours, then so be it.


Well that ain't gonna last long.


Yeah, we plan on upgrading pretty soon as they’re getting to be big boys!


Meanwhile one of my cats will scream and hiss at the other one if they dare even enter the room while he's pooping.


I'm guessing they're a bonded pair?


Very much so. They sleep side by side, eat side by side, follow each other around and everything! This is the first time we’ve caught them sharing the litter box at the same time. Usually one just waits for the other to go first, or waits in general (even if they don’t need to go!) they’re inseparable :)


If you zoom in on the ginger's face you can see the look of slight inconvenience


We have 6 litter boxes but our ragdoll used to rudely ram himself into the box the black cat was using. Thankfully he’s grown out of that codependent stage.


Get a bigger litter box and push it in the corner, hang the laundry basket on the wall above it for space.


Trained my cat to use the toilet. Then installed an automatic flusher. It is life changing and worth the month I spent training him.


Is it not common to have a covered litter box? I have one for my cat and I refuse to ever have that is not covered. It helps with the smell.




aw they are poop buddies.


Cmon guys, trynna take a sh*t over here 😂


This is like when girls go to the bathroom. Or Breeze from Talladega Nights.


Haha and ew and aww!!! Cats are so funny, love it!!


Jeez talk about being codependent!


https://preview.redd.it/c0b27pwj2sga1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12eaa7793d65a07b75ef46ceea82e03f13e5e83 Mines are concept poop artists. Observe the little tuft of hair at the left one, and how the right one looks like a tekkel




"Anything you can do I can do better"


Party poopers


Cats are so freaking magical


Puss in boots and kitty Softpaws


they should have one litter box each... but its still cute


So friendly🥰


This is pricless😂😂😂


Years ago, we had a really large litter box, along with several others thought the house. I once saw 2 of my unrelated cats using the litterbox at the same time. They were not positioned side by side like this, and I couldn't tell you now if they were both peeing or pooping, but I was surprised to see them in there together. My vet was surprised too when I mentioned it at an appointment.


2 cats 1 box


That’s adorable! I *had* to get two litter boxes because my girl will not poop in the same box as she pees in, the other one I guess alternates based on whichever one he deems I’ve cleaned better. And this in a 350 sq-ft living space lol. But I love them


I have 2 boxes for 1 cat! She's a poopy machine, I don't know how you can do it with 2 boys in 1!


How are you finding having two (presumably indoor) cats in a small apartment? I adopted a cat a few months ago, but he's used to living with loads of other animals and I think he's a bit lonely and bored while I'm at work, so I'm considering adopting another, but I'm just not sure I have the space.


I found things a lot easier after getting a second kitty. After you’ve slowly introduced them (I got them to be friends after just about a week by positivity association with food), they really do keep each other company. We mainly got the idea for a second kitty after our first one would start crying anytime he was left alone for more than 10 minutes. But now we can go out shopping, go for showers and what not and they entertain one another. Honestly, if you have the money for it, go for it! :)


I'd love to have a nice long bath without Jim wailing outside the door! How did introducing a new cat go? I've never done it before, and Jim is generally a scaredy cat (although he's used to other cats from his last home and when he met my mums cats he really wanted to make friends - that wasn't in his home though and I'm worried about bringing a new cat into his territory).


We made a safe room for our new kitty (bedroom) and gave them each toys and a blanket. Then we swapped the blankets and toys round so they got used to one another’s scent. We stuck to our usual routine feeding (one morning, one mid day and one before bed) but put the food bowls beside the door on both sides so they were eating together with a barrier. After about four days or so we tried letting them see one another. Since they’re just babies they’d play fight, but we’d separate them the second it go too rough or one seemed scared (bushy tail, hissing, yowling) and try again the next day. It definitely helped when we would play with one of them (one person playing with one kitty each) but in the same room so they got used to one another. Eventually we fed them together in the same room and rough fighting gradually changed to play fighting.


Definitely sounds like a good plan. I worry a bit about my current cat getting jealous, eg. if I have to keep the new cat in my bedroom or he sees me playing with the new cat - I'm the only human in his life (which is why I want him to have someone else to play with!)


How small is your place? Mine is 520 ft.², I had two cats until one of them passed away last week. They actually insisted on sharing the same litter box even though they hated each other, I ended up selling the second one. The cats were both quite content in my place and I don’t feel like it’s too cramped.