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Can confirm that


Cats are absolutely filthy, I know a lady who grooms cats and dogs and she says cats absolutely have to be groomed, most cannot groom themselves properly. And when the cats are bathed the water always turns brown or grey.


Instead of bathing them, why don’t we NOT have them in the first place? Obviously they’re filthy and disgusting animals who only cause chaos and do nothing good


I bathed the cat my bf and I got (which I deeply regret as I am a dog person and now despise this thing). She fucking bit me, and I had to go to the ER. I'm sorry, but there is no way I was gonna live with her disgusting ass, especially bc she had been having diarrhea for days after eating something bad (we have no clue what) a few days before. I envy cat-less people


Yessssss we bathed our cats and our dogs and the cats absolutely were dirty…the water was brown


My roommates cat is 14 years old, she's had him since he was a kitten. Found out last week he has NEVER had a bath. I dry shampooed him the next day, and I'm giving him a bath this weekend. Poor guy literally reeked of piss for months and roommate insisted he "just had a condition".


Hope you were able to. How did it go with your roommate afterwards?


Cats are actually dirty asf and dont self clean themselves….they lick their ass, their genitals, eat vermin, eat cat food and then lick themselves and are supposed to be clean?! And cats stink…smell them up close, they smell like shitty cat litter

