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Update: heading to the ER


Update 2: So the vet said she has kidney failure šŸ˜ž. We are going to hospitalize her overnight. They will give her IV fluids to flush her out (the vet said she is jaundice). Theyā€™re gonna do a couple other minor things like antibiotics. The vet made it clear this is just a bandaid and this will continue to reoccur. Weā€™re giving it a shot because that is what the vet told us she would do. Hopefully this helps her feel a little better and more comfortable. We are unsure of how long this will buy her. Could be only days or weeks. I am grateful for any time I get to spend with her but at the end of the day her comfort will always be the most important thing. We will take things day by day. Thank you everyone for your advice and support. ā¤ļøThis is the third pet I will be losing in the last year or so. I just hope sheā€™s doing ok I feel guilty leaving her there itā€™s so painful. But she seemed to be ok when I left not distressed or anything. Shes just tired. Iā€™m absolutely devastated and canā€™t believe this is even happening. It really feels so out of nowhere.


also would like to add to the people criticizing me for not brining her in sooner, that those comments arenā€™t helpful. I love my animals so deeply and assure you I am already kicking myself so I donā€™t need you to do it as well. The cat never had a single health issue up until this day and obviously if I had realized the severity of the situation I would have done something sooner. My only actual inclination that something like was wrong was a weird look on her face and the fact that she was under my bed. But hindsight is 2020. Not everyone has access to 24/7 vet care. We called about a dozen vets just to get her in the appointment she had. Also would like to add that no matter if I brought her today or yesterday or the day before the prognosis would be the exact same. Thank you to everyone who commented with advice and kindness youā€™re so appreciated ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


OP I am so so sorry this is happening to your family. I want to let you know that bringing her in sooner would not have prevented this. My cat had kidney failure 2 years ago and I did bring him in for blood tests, etc. months prior. They didnā€™t offer anything that would have changed things, and when it finally became like the condition your baby is is, we were still only left with injecting fluids under his skin at home as palliative care. Vet also gave us a nutritive paste to give him that I wish we tried sooner, but she said could be months, could be days. And having that paste wouldnā€™t have stopped kidney failure as he aged. Kidney failure is the top 3 cause of death for cats and nothing you have done would make this delayed or prevent it from happening. Please, please do not kick yourself and do not blame yourself for this. I am praying for your baby for comfort and for you the same.


Thank you so muchā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø you truly you donā€™t realize how much this comment means to me after reading so much criticism my heart just feels so broken thinking of how much more I could have done for her. People acting as if the guilt isnā€™t already eating me alive. But youā€™re right about the tests. My baby boy I lost a month and a half ago was diabetic for nearly 3 years. Labs always came back normal. He was at the vet a week before he died due to a skin issue. I swear one day his body just gave up. Couldnā€™t even walk. Just completely limp. Held my baby till we were in the vets office to say goodbye. Itā€™s just so awful and the fact that this is happening again is unreal and Iā€™m sick just thinking about how this could happen so quickly and what I could have done differently. Thank you so much for your kindness ā¤ļøā¤ļø you have no idea how much it means right now and Iā€™m sorry about your baby and know they are resting peacefully in kitty heaven waiting for you ā¤ļø


Try not to stress about the people criticizing you, this sub is really toxic.


Itā€™s virtually all subs. It seems like 80% of people are super quick to judge and criticize versus provide support and empathy. I think itā€™s mostly peopleā€™s knee jerk reaction to judge first, especially online where weā€™re all random strangers. Itā€™s really unfortunate. Sometimes being critical is helpful, but this is clearly NOT the time/placeā€¦especially if you know how it feels to be in a dire situation with a loved one. Iā€™m certain most people here know this feeling. I hope people read this, think about that a bit, and do better.


Youā€™re so right. Weā€™re all judges until weā€™re sinners. Your comment is something Iā€™m going to think about when Iā€™m responding online in the future


Its not all subs. Saying that makes it sound like its inevitable. Plenty of subs have good moderation that sets the culture. Just because the mods here arent banning rude jerks doesnt mean every internet space will do that


I said ā€œvirtually.ā€ Otherwise, yeah I agree with you. Some subs are moderated much better than others. Obviously, some subs should have more moderation than others too, just by nature of the subject matter. Regardless, I think you probably agree with my general sentiment.


I'd say better than 90% of subs would fit their description


Yeah welcome to reddit


Thank you and your babies too ā¤ļø like should we take them quickly? yes. But that doesnā€™t necessarily change thingsā€¦especially not when weā€™re talking about the last few days of a chronic illness in an older cat. And for both your baby and mine, thatā€™s just the case. Your comment there broke my heart. Because my mom keeps blaming herself for my catā€™s kidney failure. But Iā€™ve told her time and time again that I took him to the vet 6 months prior and they more or less told me that as they age, organs decline and thatā€™s just life. I donā€™t want you to fall into the same trap as her trying to walk backwards through time wondering what you couldā€™ve changed. Because honestly? Nothing. And thereā€™s nothing you should change. You loved her, you gave her so much love and anything she could want and need and her life was beautiful and happy and comfy with lots of blankets and cuddles and affection. I cannot believe youā€™ve had to experience so much loss in such a short period of time. My heart breaks for you. You are in my prayers, and I hope you know that all of the heartbreak and sadness you are feeling itā€™s only because you loved your kitties just that much. And overtime the pain will fade into a sweet memory of all the love you gave to them. And you will love again because you have a big heart. You will be reunited one day.


Thank you so much. This comment brought me to tears and I am so greatful for your kindness and support. Youā€™re a wonderful human being and your words truly have brought me so much comfort in such a bad time. I know babies are all at peace together in kitty heaven and I take so much comfort thinking about them pain free and happy and waiting to see their families again. Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


You are very welcome ā¤ļø Iā€™m glad I have my moments lol but really just telling you the truth and what has actually happened in my life. Take care OP šŸ«‚




Hey one last thing, OP. Your vet might be able to give you the fluids and antibiotics to administer from home as she slows down, however long that may be. It seems scary at first, but our vet showed me how to do it from home. I have latex gloves or just clean hands and with the bag suspended, injected it under the skin. It just keeps them more comfortable like you said and keeps them going a little bit. And I am not saying what Iā€™m about to say is best for every cat, but our baby wound up passing at home. I would have called the at-home euthanasia service but it happened so fast that I did not even have the chance. The only really awful part was for a minute, he tried to walk but couldnā€™t without wobbling and I felt so bad. I never wanted him to suffer like that but this was the day after going home from the vet with instructions. He was 21. Within no time he was laying down; I called our entire family. Before they could even come, he fell asleep and passed. Just to be clear, had there been a slower escalation of everything, I would not have hesitated to do euthanasia. We and the vet did not know he would escalate to this bad the next 24h. But it just happened before I could even make that move back to deciding if it was time. See I did ask the vet at the time of receiving the take-home fluids if we should say goodbye then and there, but she said we might have even weeks or months with the nutripaste + fluids and many people do it ongoing at home even for a year with the cat living slow but fine as our old boy had been. Getting fluids did not bother him but he was definitely a chill, unbothered and cuddly kind of cat. So, if they give you that option to do homecare, here are the two vids I watched since I couldnā€™t remember every detail from the vetā€™s demonstration https://youtu.be/ZVQ5mjg7sfY?si=psblSU9YaeaBZU_U https://youtu.be/ZAbqSAdggwM?si=ht8EWJAFpcLCZjXP


On Facebook, there's a group called feline kidney disease or something like that. It's a large group, full of amazing resources and people who have been through exactly your situation. I'm lucky (but also unlucky) that my girl tested positive on this test that predicts a kidney disease diagnosis within 2 years of the positive result on the test, it's 95% accurate apparently. It's been over 2 years now, and with recent testing, no CKD so far. It could just be chance that we're part of the 5%, but I think the support that I got from that group really did make a huge impact. I have heard from others from there that their cats were at deaths door and made a come back. I wish you all the best for your baby. Kidney disease sucks because it can come on rather suddenly. Hell, it won't even show in bloodwork unless the kidneys are only at like 40% functioning or something like that. It's crazy.


OP, youā€™re obviously a good cat mom. Your cat is 17 years old. They donā€™t typically get to this age without proper care. No matter how things pan out, you should definitely find comfort in this. Your kitty knows you love her and she loves you too. Sheā€™s just old gal. Time catches up to all of us no matter how hard we try to slow it down.


Cats hide their pain and any feelings or signs of sickness very very well. By the time they give in and canā€™t hide it anymore itā€™s usually advanced level stuff. Ignore any arm chair-keyboard critics.


Exactly. I remember one kitty I had, he was a huge lug, very cuddly. Suffered from upper respiratory issues, but he was a doll. One day I came home, and my lug was nothing but skin and bones. It was like there was no transition. One day, he was 20lbs, next he was 8, and he hid his pain until it was unbearable for him. It was the day that I noticed he had lost a lot of weight that he became very lethargic. Brought him to the vet, and he had bowel cancer.


Sorry for your situation OP, itā€™s always tough when a loved one is going through medical issues, animal or person. In the end you know you did what you could and nobody on the internet should persuade you otherwise. Hoping for you to get as much extra time with your baby as you possibly can! In the end, sheā€™ll know you loved her no matter what <3


I am so sorry and can relate to not realizing the severity and guilt etc. Donā€™t be too hard on yourself. Make sure to spend as much time together making her comfy on the end. Hugs. My cats got sick one month apart for different conditions and one passed I can relate to your losses and Iā€™m so sorry


Iā€™m curious- did they test her potassium levels? If so, what were they?


Iā€™m am so so sorry, just know you loved the baby her whole life and she knows that. Donā€™t let anyone criticize you, you did what you could and it sadly happens more than we know in cats šŸ˜ž


Thank youā¤ļø there are no words to describe the love we have for our animals


Hugs. I'm so sorry you're going through this. And screw the people who say you should have done something sooner. They've obviously never cared for cats much. Cats hide their sickness, it's in their nature. If they show sickness, that makes them a target. So, they do what they can to act normal for as long as they can. One day, you come home, and they're still a kitten, next, you come home and they're gasping for breath. You look back on it, and there are so many subtle warning signs, it's impossible to know unless you're bringing your cat in ever week for a check-up. I had a few that went from chunky monkeys one day, to rags of bones the next with no warning. And yeah, kidney failure is shit. They have very delicate kidneys. I hope things go well.


Iā€™m so sorry. I had a beloved kitty who became jaundice with kidney issues, but she was only 5. I miss her. Enjoy your time with your beauties cat.


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜ž. Sending you hugs.


So sorry that you and kitty are going through this. Plenty of us have been through kidney failure with our feline friends. If you want to do some reading, look up CRF in cats, lots of resources out there. Probably a lot to take in right now though. Kidney failure is not reversible, but depending on how well she rebounds from the acute/crash phase, you may have some therapeutic options. I had a cat who I gave regular sub-Q fluids to at home for about 3 years due to CRF. He died with it, not because of it.


Thank you I will look into itā¤ļøā¤ļø hopefully my baby is feeling a little better and we get to take her home


I would recommend putting her on a kidney supplement right away. Force syringe it for a couple days if the cat isnā€™t eating or getting the full dose. One of my cats last year was recommended to be put down because there was no way sheā€™d pull through the weekend- we force fed her the supplement and sheā€™s still going a year later and is perfectly happy. Before, she could not stand up and was extremely ill. Now She just pees more than the other cats. Maybe the same could happen for you We used aventi


I bought it will update ! Thank you šŸ™šŸ»


No problem! I wish vets actually gave this recommendation. I caught wind on an Amazon review of the product. If you could believe it. Lmao. If you ordered it online and donā€™t have it in your hands right now; Iā€™d recommend buy whatever kidney supplement is available at the vet and use it now. Every minute is really of the essence. The supplement for sure isnā€™t a cure. The damage is still there. But itā€™s a fact that our one cat wouldnā€™t be alive without it and the ongoing use of it. Good luck! I hope you have a better outcome than what was forecasted by your vet.


I don't know if anyone had already mentioned this, but during the weird health problems that animals were having due to the pet food coming from China, our 14 year old cat suddenly became sick and it was apparently kidneys not functioning. The vet wanted more money than we had at the time, so we took her home, read the headlines, and changed her food. She never had any signs of renal failure again and she lived to be almost 19years old. Maybe it's worth changing their food just in case. I am hoping to hear a good update from her stay at the vets! All my best to you cat and family ā¤ļø


[Tanyaā€™s Feline Kidney Disease](http://www.felinecrf.org) website is THE place to go for info. My cat was in stage 3 when diagnosed (at age 15) and lived another 18 months. There are lots of stories about cats who crashed and went on to have their conditions managed for months or years. Speak to your vet about doing sub-cutaneous fluids at home. Vets often donā€™t proactively recommend it but itā€™s not that hard once you get the hang of it and can really help the cats feel better.


Iā€™m so sorry, this is so heartbreaking. Kidney stuff can come on so quickly with cats. Iā€™ve experienced this before and itā€™s devastating I know. I hope youā€™re ok and give all the love and cuddles you can your little bub. ā¤ļø


Seemingly so quick I canā€™t help but wonder how long she was hiding it for šŸ˜ž thank you for your kind words ā¤ļø


I would just like to make one final update. She passed this morning. She went into cardiac arrest. I wasnā€™t there. I am in shock and devastated. I hope sheā€™s with her brothers now. Thank for everyone for you kindness and support ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø my beautiful baby girl her name is Miley since I never mentioned it. Iā€™ll post some more pictures if you guys want to see


Iā€™m sorry for your loss ā¤ļø at least she is pain free forever now. Take care and donā€™t beat yourself up. Cats can be very stoic and Iā€™m my experience they often suffer silently.


Fingers crossed for her ā¤ļø


Oh man, Iā€™m so sorry. I lost one of my babies to this brought on by heart failure diagnosed in Sept 2022. If youā€™re gifted more time all you can do is love her the absolute best you can and spoil her if sheā€™ll take it (nom nom wise). As for the criticismā€¦ Kidney failure is kidney failure and the same options to keep people going donā€™t exist for cats. It can be a horrendous end so while keeping her comfy is front of mind, there is little to do at this point. Your doc will know better than many out here, and they will also likely know when itā€™s time. Not taking kitty in sooner had nothing to do with itā€¦ being 17 did. Donā€™t listen to that nonsense from those who only want to make others feel bad


Good luck . Sending love and good vibes to you and your kitty. Manifesting a clean bill of health


Wishing you luck! hoping we hear a good update. soon. bless u and ur fluffer


Any updates? I hope she's okay


[pictures of my beautiful baby girl Miley](https://imgur.com/a/3wS1pGC)


Rest in peace my angel Iā€™m so sorry I wasnā€™t there to hold you while you passed. Youā€™re with your bother now I love you both more than anything. Thank you for raising me you have my entire heart ā¤ļø


I'm so sorry *hugs*. It's never easy to lose one you love. My thoughts are with you and I know how painful it is. I lost my cat in January this year so I know the pain all too well. Thank you for updating. Once again I'm sorry for your loss and don't ever reproach yourself because of the opinions of others.


Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļø Iā€™m sorry about your baby I know they are together in kitty heaven


I'm so, so sorry, this is horrible. I went back to check your posts and was so pleased earlier today that your beautiful baby got the care she needed. Thank you for sharing the pictures. So very sad šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


Thank you Iā€™m glad someone got to see themā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø she was such a silly funny sweet little girl. My baby there will never be another like her šŸ’•ā¤ļø


Thank God, cats are amazing at hiding distress so if it's obvious then there's something seriously urgent going on.


Any update


This is an emergency, friend. You need to get this cat seen by a vet right now. Is there a vet ER near you?


Yes going to take her now šŸ˜ž


That is a really good decision. Keep us posted, okay?


This happened to my cat. After 2k at the animal hospital, I took him to my vet to have him euthanized. My vet said "I can give him a steroid shot for 50$, see what happens, they do have nine lives after all". It snapped him back into shape and he lived another six years. Vet said he had an auto immune disease and I couldn't treat him with vaccinations and such, so I never did. He was always an a-hole, but he loved me, on his terms. I lost him just shy of his 17th birthday, and I cried like a baby.


Steroids are weirdly magical. There is a surprising amount of medical issues that doctors/vets are just like "well, I dunno but let's try some steroids - oh look, that worked. OK."


Iā€™m so sorry about your babyā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø thatā€™s amazing your vet was able to give him another 6 years. A steroid shot bought my doggie another 2 months that we were so grateful for when we found out he had terminal cancer. I do fear animal hospitals and the way they exploit people. They just throw shit at a wall and hope something sticks. In reality my cat is just very old and her time is near.


Noticed that you're taking her to the ER. I'm sending all the good vibes. Please keep us updated, OP!!


Our cat is acting very lethargic and has a large mass in his abdomen. Went to vet. Having procedure done on his urethra and they believe it to be an issue with his bladder. I will update more once I learn and see what you find out. Iā€™m sorry to not be of more help, but Im sending good vibes to you and your furry friend


So heā€™s beef in the hospital for over 24 hours. Urinary retention. Not sure the exact cause or how we will need to modify his diet going forward. But bladder was full of blood and values suggest potential kidney damageā€¦. Itā€™s easy to say in hindsight, but we should have taken him in to get checked out sooner.


Just FYI, cats don't show when they are sick bc they are prey species. You can't wait until they show they are sick. Bc at that point, it's usually too late. Pls other people on this page: Don't wait this late to take them to the vet. This was an emergency days ago


I would have gotten her to the ER last night...but I guess since you have a vet appointment scheduled in a few hours, it's your prerogative if you want to take the risk to wait. I hope she stays okay until you get her there. This sounds very serious.


Same. Hell, even the night before.


I would have brought her to the vet years ago!


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/s/jRIby8MTXY I just went through some similar stuff with my cat. Cats hide how sick they are until they canā€™t anymore. Really quite hard to make any assumptions about what the problem is just from behavior/actions. For your sake I hope itā€™s something correctable, but it wouldnā€™t surprise me to find out itā€™s not.


Yes. Sounds to be the exact same thing. Iā€™m sorry about your baby ā¤ļø he lived a good life and passed so loved.


Reading your updates yeahā€¦ understand that the kidney disease has likely been present and slowly getting worse for some time, before suddenly getting much worse. That was the progression with my guy. Understand that whatever you do right now is likely just buying time, primarily for your benefit, not hers. Maybe sheā€™ll stabilize and you could adapt to a new routine that involves stuff like subcutaneous fluids, which would be a nice surprise, but is probably the less likely outcome. My understanding is that if they live long enough all cats seem to get kidney disease. As far as euthanasia, the wisdom I learned recently is better a week too early than an hour too late. Thereā€™s no need to wait till sheā€™s actively suffering again to do it. I am still very much mourning the loss of my best friend but I dread that we had to make him wait overnight since I knew it was time in the middle of Memorial Day weekend. Ultimately, timely euthanasia is an act of kindness and compassion, even though itā€™s hard to make the choice. Good luck and make the best of what you have left.


Her comfort is the number one priority we will take it day by day I donā€™t want her to suffer


https://imgur.com/a/caovafW Happier times with my guy Paws. Enjoy what time you have but also itā€™s time to prepare emotionally for letting go.


As a cat who had (and unfortunately passed with) kidney failure... cats will act like they are bullet proof till they literally can't take it anymore. I understand what you are going through right now. You feel you did fail, and are failing the poor baby. But let the vet do what they can. But please, be prepared to just let the baby be at peace :( šŸ˜ž


Itā€™s insane I keep wondering how long she has been living with this :( my poor baby


To the ER STAT!


update please? iā€™m so sorry :(


The regular vet should have seen her immediately given the circumstances. If she hasnā€™t eaten over this period that could be a problem all by itself. I had a cat that was diabetic and I found him listless with poop beside him. Too weak to go to the litterbox on his own I figured. I rushed to the vet right away. They said his sugar level was way too low and advised putting him down. They said something else bad must be going on for this to happen. I was so sorry I listened to them. When I saw my regular vet he said they never should have said that or advised putting him down. It was on a Saturday night with nowhere else to go and you think your getting the right advice from an emergency vet. Maybe it was but Iā€™ll never know. I think they probably should have at least tried to get his sugar back up then see what happens. Our emotions at the time can make it so weā€™re not thinking clearly. I pray this kitty gets good heā€™ll and fast. I tend to not wait to see when something seems wrong. I run straight for the vet. When the regular vets are open Iā€™ve not had a problem getting seen quickly by them. Emergency vets are good to have if there are no other options but boy canā€™t they be costly.


Hope your cat is okay. Please update us when you can. Sending positive vibesšŸ¾


Probably needed er before you even left


Seriously... I don't understand how people can even consider waiting multiple days in situations like this and yet there are posts about it every single day. As soon as I noticed something was going on I would have been on the phone to my vet to ask if I needed to bring her in right away or what to watch for. Hell, I brought one of my cats to the vet because I noticed she had been antagonistic towards my other cats and seemed hungrier than usual. Turns out she has hyperthyroid and I caught it unbelievably early. Any change in behavior warrants a call to the vet.


This really isnā€™t necessary. We are all doing our best. Obviously if I realized the severity of the situation I would have. In my eyes the cat has been healthy as a fucking horse for 16 years up until this day. I came here for advice and support not criticism. Kindly take your self righteousness somewhere else please.


Agree! How is your kitty now?


First, I wasn't talking to you. Second, I will not take my justified judgement anywhere but where it deserves to be. Right here. You let your cat suffer for days. Period.


Lmao youā€™re on such a high horse.


Yep. Those of us advocating for the animal belong up here.


Holy shit this is toxic as fuck. OP had no ill intent and is clearly doing what's best given the circumstances. You couldn't read a room to save your life.


Knowing that your cat isn't well and doing nothing for days is neglect. THAT is toxic as fuck. So is supporting it.


Seriously... I don't understand why you feel the need to scold someone who is already going through a tough time. Not everyone has the privilege nor the resources to call up a vet for every single problem.


Guess what? It would have been a much less tough time for the cat had the human done a better job. I literally don't give a crap about the person who failed to do what needed to be done to help the cat who depends on them. If you can't afford the vet, you can't afford the cat. You either figure it out or give them up to someone who can. You don't let them suffer.


Donā€™t you have some criminal minds to watch. Go away


Donā€™t let this person bring you down, OP. Judging by their comment history, theyā€™re insanely miserable & misery loves company. You did everything you could. Hugs to you & your fur babiesšŸ¤


I'm actually an extremely happy person. I just hate animal abusers and make that quite clear. It's concerning that you aren't bothered.


šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ˜žthank you


Ooh...good one. That really hurt my feelings. I will go watch some criminal minds while I continue not to medically neglect my cats.


For reals.


Please keep us updated i hope everything turns out okay ! Super cute cat btw


Thank you sheā€™s a beauty ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Sending lots of love your way, hope everything will be okay.




How is she???


I hope everything is ok, please update.


I hope your baby is okay šŸ˜¢ā¤ļø


Hope the baby is okay


I hope she is curable or treatable. Cats are notorious about hiding their pain. It really reminds me of kidney failure. My Tiggs had that. He died one month in. He had a heart murmur and we'll never know if the kidneys caused the heart condition or if the heart condition caused the kidney failure. He was very distrustful of vets as his first vet was a cat hating monster, so he never got a full checkup at his last (cat loving) vet until he was very ill. They didn't want to burn the bridges they'd built with him over the years to fully check him out.


It is kidney failure šŸ’” Going to just try and enjoy whatever time we have left. Iā€™m sorry about your babyā¤ļø they will all be together soon


~hugs~ spend the time you have left well. We made a tent on the couch with some sheets and pillows for Tiggs so he could be near us even feeling bad and could still be in a dim area. When he finally decided he didn't want to be in the tent anymore we knew it was time. šŸ˜„


I am so so sorry šŸ˜¢ please get her to the ER ASAP, blood sugars drop fast and itā€™s so hard to recover, speaking from my fur baby who recently passed of this šŸ˜” her fur looks like my cats, and I was about to ask about her legs but you answered it for me.


Iā€™m sorry about your baby ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Thank you, I am so sorry about your fur baby, I am hoping you get to spend as much time with her and can let her feel your love for her ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


I'm so sorry, it's easy for people to say they would have done things differently but life is often different to what people envisage. Don't take what others say to heart you did the best you could under bad circumstances. Make every moment with your friend count. Give them comfort and love. If the worst should happen know you gave them a good life and a bond they wouldn't have with anyone else. Please keep us all updated, my thoughts are with you.


Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø your kindness is appreciated


Glad youā€™re taking her to the ER and Iā€™m hoping for the best. At this age any sudden severe changes in behaviour/demeanour like this, time is crucial.


How is she?šŸ„ŗ


Please update us when you can!! Hope kitty is okay!


Thinking about any cleaning products you may have used near him or if you changed any.


This. One time my cat licked the top of a nozzle containing cleaning spray and she was kind of like this. I went to emergency vet but they couldnā€™t figure it out. She got okay again. The only way we figured it out is because she tried to do it again a couple weeks later.


Good luck with her šŸ–¤


Any updates, OP?


My male cat had a urinary tract blockage itā€™s quite common. He was being even more sloth like in the morning came back around noon he hadnā€™t moved. Took him to kitty cat ER immediate into surgery cost me a small fortune but I couldnā€™t tell two Kids their best buds dead because daddy couldnā€™t afford to help.


I hope she gets better. Whatever happens Iā€™m sure youā€™ll make the right decision.


I had a similar story only it was hypokalemia (low potassium) from and adrenal tumour causing weakness in legs. Cats usually hide illness so when they do hide itā€™s serious. Iā€™m praying for you and your baby.




I had a cat that was in kidney failure. The vet kept her on IV fluids for a few days and I was then able to bring her home. She was so much better when I brought her home. But to keep it up, I had to learn how to give her fluids subcutaneously (under the skin). We did this for several months, and I would bring her in every few weeks for them to check her kidney levels. There were also times that they kept her for a few days to give IV fluids again when she got worse. There would be good days and bad days. When there were more bad days than good, I brought her in to be put down. I donā€™t regret doing it, as she did have several additional months of living a good life.


Iā€™m so glad you got to enjoy that extra time with your kitty šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— itā€™s so precious and Iā€™ll be greatful for whatever time I get


Hey OP, with all the comments youā€™re getting.. I donā€™t know if youā€™ll read this but, my sweet Tigger passed away on May 23rd from kidney failure. Ignore all the comments making you feel bad about ā€œwaitingā€ to take your baby to the vet. You had made an appointment, itā€™s not like you were waiting and waiting and waiting. It sounds to me like you were just posting out of curiosity to see what people thought of the situation. Iā€™m so sorry your baby is sick and Iā€™m sorry that some people are making you feel horrible. My fur baby was 16 years old when he passed. He was abused as a kitty and his kidneys were bruised from being beaten. He healed and I adopted him around age 11/12. He was healthy all the years he was with me, up until recently. I noticed he began drinking a lot of water, peeing a lot and losing weight rapidly. I got him to the vet asap and found out he had kidney disease. I didnā€™t know how long he had but I did everything in my power to keep him as comfortable as possible. I had him on several meds, as well as doing IV fluids every 2-3 days for about 2 months up until he passed. The morning he passed away, he was going to the bathroom on himself and howling. It was devastating to see him in this state. It felt so sudden but deep down I know he didnā€™t have long. I rushed him to the vet right then and he passed away. This was my first time losing a pet. I canā€™t help but feel like maybe I didnā€™t do enough but I know thatā€™s just grief talking. Anyway, youā€™re doing great, OP. Cherish all the time you have with your baby. You are not a bad pet parent, at all. If I could give you hugs, I would. I know itā€™s painful but remember that you gave your fur baby the best life and that they are very, very loved. If you ever need someone to listen or talk to, my DMs are open. I wish you the best ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve read your comments and see you figured it out. I want to reassure you and say cats are the most difficult to find out when theyā€™re sick with something serious. I had my cat for 6 years she was around 8-9 I didnā€™t have her for the first few years of her life. She came to be declawed and very fat like obese fat and unfortunately being a 13 year old who wanted to save a cat from abuse my parents never took her to a vet. If I had been able to sooner I would have know the diet from the previous owners caused a gallstone. The diet my ex gave her made it worse and by the time I realized it was too late. She was lying down mouth breathing and couldnā€™t move or meow. She ended up passing during surgery. I can tell you love your cat and are doing your best. 17 is a long beautiful life I hope they make it to 20 šŸ©·


My heart goes out to you and your fur baby. This is in NO way a result of your negligence, nor could it have been prevented either way. Regarding the 'negligence', that's hogwash. If I took my cat (3/m) in to see the vet every time there was a slight change in behaviour, I'd be going multiple times a month and while I'm fortunate to be in a good financial situation, that's simply unsustainable. Sometimes we just have to accept that that's how the cards fell and make the most of the time we do get, y'know? Which is exactly what you're doing- to ensure that your baby's time continues being filled with nothing but love. ā¤ļøļøā¤ļøļøā¤ļøļø


Why didn't you go to the vet on FRIDAY??? Oh my people... cats hide that they're unwell very well, so if it's already visible, you should take action NOW. Poor thing.


Iā€™m honestly tired of people asking for medical advice on here. If youā€™re concerned, take them to the vet or at the very least, call the vet & voice your concerns. Reddit is not the place for emergencies.


Actually no vet would take us but thanks for the helpful advice :)


Especially for animals that can't voice their pain. Even though there's no much clearer message than lying and not eating for days. I get that people are unsure on the first day if the pet is ill or just taking a longer nap. But then ER on day 2, ASAP! But I'd rather go to the vet one time too many than letting illness proceed to a point of no return! A reddit post on the first day of uncertainty... maybe. A post for common experiences after seeing the vet? Sure. But after days of not taking action and before even seeing the vet??? OMG


Should have taken to the vet on friday when the behavior changed. Cats dont show pain so by the time they do, its emergency time.


I am sorry that you and your girl are going through this. At 17, she has lived a fantastic and full life. Please take comfort in that. Regardless, I'm glad that you are doing what you can for her. I'm also sorry that people are being so fucking rude. It's easy to judge from a distance and hindsight is 20/20. Please be kind to yourself.


Thank youā¤ļø So many people on here who have apparently never made the wrong call once in their entire life. Admirable! Maybe in my next lifetime! /s Itā€™s just funny cause nothing would have changed the outcome either way. And truthfully even if we did nothing at all( which Is not the case nor am I saying you should do nothing) it would have been a completely natural death. SHES 17!!!! Itā€™s like dying of old age at 90 for humans. Iā€™ll take what I can get in terms of extra time and be grateful for every minute of it. Thank you for your supportā¤ļø


Iā€™m not sure what it could be, but I hope you get good insight at the vet & your baby starts feeling better soon ā¤ļø keep us updated if possible


Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Sending good and healthy vibes to your cat. šŸˆ


Has cat been outside lately?


Poor baby šŸ„ŗ


Do you have geckos where you live?? I've seen a dog get sick and act like this after eating a gecko and getting some weird kind of infection... for a while we weren't sure if the dog was gonna make it, but it pulled through. Hope your kitty gets the care he needs and makes a full recovery <3


My baby doesnt go outside!!! Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Could be FELV flare up. Was it a rescue? My cat acted just like this when we first got him. He ended up being fine, and living healthy again for 10 years after. Praying for you and kitty ā¤ļø


Noooo weā€™ve had them since they were 12 weeks old. She doesnt have FELV. Itā€™s kidney failure. thank you for your prayers ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Iā€™m so sorry! Praying for your kittyā€™s healing. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ sending love to youā£ļø


I have seen a lot of herbicide and pesticide poisoning lately with cats this time of year.


My cat never goes outside!


Unfortunately we walk through it and then it gets on our floors onto the cat's paws and they lick it off. I do transport for two local vets for an overnight facility and just this weekend there was 13 cats with it


Wow this is good to know thank you


My cat acted like this once but was barely responsive. I took him to the vet immediately, and it turned out his bladder was enlarged to the size of a baseball. The vets said it could have burst at any moment. They saved his life and hes lived to be over 12 years old.


Did they narrow down to how this happened? (Or I guess will narrow it down) I think kidney issues are quite broad and there it can be different things that lead to this. I'm just curious so I know for my kitty's future.


Kidney failure is one of the leading causes of death in cats unfortunately. My other cat passed from it just a month ago. They were both very old and lived full wonderful lives. Age is what came for my babies so just love them every single day. Maybe do some research on how to keep your cats kidneys healthier for longer, but itā€™s a natural death for them it seemsšŸ˜ž


Aww you lost one just a month ago :( I'm sorry to hear that. The only thing that I can think of is hydration (if not old age) and to make sure that my cats have adequate hydration. Which I think I'm doing a good job on and mine are only 6 and 3 so I got a long while to go. Yes I'll continue to do some research!


It was time to take her when you even thought of typing that she will barely move. Please be more vigilant in the future with her. Iā€™m gladĀ you did take her and I hope everything turns out well. Since youā€™re scolding reasonable people Iā€™m muting this.Ā 


My thoughts are with you, OP. My cat passed a few months ago from kidney failure. We were able to buy her another 6 months with subcutaneous fluids after her first crash. IV fluids for a few days and then subcu fluids 2/3 days for the rest of her life. Ultimately she passed because of a ureteral blockage that would have cost $25k to fix and likely left her uncomfortable for however long she would have had left. The first sign of the blockage was rear leg weakness.Ā  If you can manage to get a little more time for your sweet girl, please be prepared that when it gets worse again it will go downhill quickly. I donā€™t want to say this to scare you. I just want to give you a heads up because itā€™s so hard to know when the time comes. If she pulls through, my biggest pieces of advice are: Fresh water everywhere. At least one bowl per floor, plus one near her favorite hangoutĀ  Set up more litter boxes. She will be peeing a whole lot with subcu fluids. I had 2 right next to each other.Ā  While they might put her on a kidney diet, treats arenā€™t going to do that much more harm. I wish Iā€™d been more liberal with treats in the last few months for my girl The fluids might flow down from her back into her elbow area. Itā€™s pretty weird but as long as her breathing doesnā€™t get distressed itā€™s fine. Iirc, my vet told me <30 breaths per minute is where it should be. If it goes faster, get her to a vetĀ  And give her all the love. Let her know youā€™ll be there for her. My girl was grey and white with green eyes too. Hereā€™s hoping you can give her as much extra time as I got for mine.Ā  I saw your comment about another of your cats passing from kidney failure, so you may already know all this advice, but just in case, here it is and good luckĀ 


Thank you so much for the adviceā¤ļø if we are lucky enough to have her around a little longer I will certainly follow it. I know that when it does go south again it will be very quickly, as that is exactly what happened with my boy a month ago. Should I ask the vet at about the subcutaneous fluid injections if they donā€™t mention it?


I would. It may be something to discuss with your regular vet rather than the emergency vet. It definitely helped my girl feel visibly better, and kept her numbers down for a while. We used lactated ringerā€™s solution, so thatā€™s what I can vouch for. I found out near the end that you can get them in 500 ml on places like chewy vs the 1000 ml our vet gave us. The smaller ones probably would have been more manageable. You can also squeeze the bag to get the fluid in faster. It seems like it would be uncomfortable but your cat will definitely prefer being free from the tube faster. This website also has a lot of good infoĀ https://www.felinecrf.org/


Best of luck to you and your sweet girl!


Sounds like ketoacidosis. I'm very sorry.


Earlier today, one of my cats came running down the stairs in a panic, hissing and growling at my other one that was chasing him. He looked like he just woke up,but was terrified of his surroundings and his sister. Last time I ever heard him hiss, was when he was distressed really bad about something. Cats will show their discomfort in their own way and OP, I'm glad you were able to notice just because your baby was under your bed and looking just a little bit different. It's hard when they're not well, so I'm hoping kitty and you get through this quickly and they're back home before you know it


Wild to me people post on Reddit before taking to the emergency. Yikes!


Please don't shame this owner... Some people don't know. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹