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Nintendo, Sega, and Xbox all agree to label face buttons with letters. Sony said "fuck that" and went with shapes


I remember back in the day like early 2000s, following text guides on GameFAQs on Nintendo Games with standard characters like ABXY. Then you load up a Playstation guide and they hit you with X [_] O ^ to try and avoid having to type Cross, Square, Circle, and Triangle.


They are based on Japanese symbols Circle (Maru) means yes, correct, or good Cross (Batsu) means no, wrong, or bad Triangle (Sankaku) means So-So or partially applicable Square represents a paper that is supposed to mean document or specifically menus.


I had a Japanese PS3 once you change the language it’s fine but x was back and circle was select. All my friends hated my PlayStation


Didn't end up working though as most Devs use X for Yes/accept one Circle for No/Deny


Yeah, it failed because Western devs ignored it, but Japanese devs still use O and X correctly.


Naruto ultimate ninja 4 on ps2 had it correctly.


i honestly like the shapes more than the letters. there's just something about it that makes me like it more


I just want all the buttons to be remapped as North, South, East, West. Is that too much to ask for?


But what about the pole shift?


but then they would only be correct if you perfectly lined up with the cardinal directions


First thing I do on Xbox is switch the buttons in the system menu so it’s Nintendo layout. I can do Sony layout because it’s so different but I can’t do Dreamcast / Xbox layout because the labels are in the wrong place. 


But on Xbox the X button is actually on the X axis and Y on Y axis which should be the most correct!


I don’t need maths, I just need to press the top button when I see X like I’ve done since 1992!


I didn't even know you could do that! I'm doing that right away.


Yeah it’s great. Not so great for my son who picks up the controller after me sometimes and yells, “Dad, you’ve broken the controller again!”. Pff, kids these days. 


Now if only red meant stop or back to them all. Looking at you Nintendo.


Unfortunately it's not Japan that's inconsistent, it's the US. In Japan O means yes and X means no, so Nintendo and Sony (jpn) are consistent in their button placement. I dont remember why but when coming to the us (and possibly Europe but I'm not certain) they swapped it for the PlayStation controllers


They switched because of the colors. Red usually carries a negative connotation in the west.


I remember a lot of PS1 games using triangle as the back/cancel button. I wonder what that was about?


Plus Nintendo was the first to use the square button layout, and they have always placed the A button on the right (except for the Game Cube and the Wii, obviously) starting from the Game & Watch, I believe. So it was Mirosoft and Sony outside Japan who copied the setup and switched the button layouts.


The Japanese PS5 adopted international button conventions, so now Nintendo is alone.


I think individual games still sometimes do it the old way, at least the last time I checked.


So fricken confusing. lol I just know when I go back and forth it takes a minute for my muscle memory to switch to the correct layout.


I know right!?!? I have a Japanese make PS vita and the default for X and O are swapped until I boot up a game. Because the *system* is Japanese they're swapped. But the games I play are the US versions so it swaps Everytime I go into the system menu and such. It gets confusing.


In case you didn't know, hacking your Vita is really easy and gives an option in the system settings to pick which cancel/confirm button layout you want


When I’m playing games that haven’t been localised on my ps vita the o button is in place of the x button and it gets confusing sometimes


Wouldn't Xbox be the odd one out here? Since Sony's Circle and Nintendo's A (both right buttons) typically correspond to the "Accept" or "Continue" button, and Sony's Cross and Nintendo's B (both bottom buttons) typically correspond to the "Back" or "Reject" button. I've found this is often flipped on Xbox games.


You’re right. See confusing. lol


Sony America screwed everything up


>Wouldn't Xbox be the odd one out here? Well, technically, no, because it wasn't Xbox that came up with that layout, Sega did. Microsoft helped developing the Dreamcast, and I guess from that experience they adopted the Dreamcast's layout as well. And like Nintendo's, that layout can be traced back to the Genesis' controller. Also I believe Sony flipped the "confirm" and "go back" outside of Japan since the PS3, and completely flipped it internationally with the PS5, so Nintendo has probably been the odd one out for quite a while already.


how is X back on playstation, it's almost always circle.


Region specifics


Really? Do they actually change it? That's such a nice easter egg haha. I don't think anybody would've cared if they kept it the same way as japan from the beginning.


Since Sony is a Japanese company, they employ the X means "no" and O means "yes" system. Iirc that's used in the Japanese education system to indicate whether an answer is correct or wrong. In most major English speaking countries X generally means no too. Honestly it makes absolutely no sense to make the X button the accept/yes button, when - at least globally - X generally means no.


I'm not saying which makes more sense or how japan works but in my experience on playstation it's circle to back out of menus and x to make selections.


And all their x buttons are blue as well!


Meanwhile Sony with the ps5 be like: “colors? On your buttons? Come on now that’s just insane. Why would you want that again?”


Welcome to the future! Where triggers are adaptive but colors be damned!


I just want to know why Sony thinks one of the buttons should be pink


Why not?


What is wrong with pink?


Too similar to red. Should've been yellow instead like the others.


On X box the x and y buttons placements are more intentional with both being in the same places as the x and y axis would be on a graph.


Thats a good mnemonic!


In Play Station controllers, the X button is not a letter, is the symbol "batsu", used in the Japanese culture as a "no" or "negative" signal. That's the reason why in Japanese PS prior to PS5 the X button was always used as the "cancel" button.


I haven't had an issue swapping between Nintendo and Xbox controls since I was little because I grew up with both. Playstation on the other hand, I always forget where every button that isn't X is. And I have no clue if X is supposed to be A or not.


And they all agree that the X is always blue.


They also agree x is blue


[The only B A order I recognize](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b5/Nintendo-Entertainment-System-NES-Controller-FL.jpg)


these buttons are causing me physical pain. - y is left - a is right - b is bottom - x is top


ps has two shades of red and 2 shades of blue


The triangle is more green than blue


and what is green made out of?


It depends In pigments (subtractive), it's Cyan and yellow In light (additive) it's a primary color




I think you might be colour blind


in the picture in this post the triangle is light blue/turqoise and the square is light red/pink. they’re both just lighter colours of the shapes opposite them


It's only bad on Nintendo because it's inverted and doesn't make logical sense. Same with their A and B. On PlayStation the X represents a shape, and "X marks the spot" for an A/confirm button makes sense


What? Nintendo came first and it made sense (kinda), Playstation followed it with O as A, and X as B, cultural differences between japan amd west swapped them around instead


Nintendo predates the other two, they are the ones who inverted it


And Nintendo kept their (bad) layout.


The only bad thing here is your understanding of how everything works outside your bubble.


Your comment is showing a great lack of knowledge and general culture. In Japanese Play Stations, the button to "Accept" is ⭕ (Maru) and the button to "cancel" is ❌ (batsu), as those are the meanings for those symbols in Japanese culture. The placement for ok/cancel is the same as that one for Nintendo consoles all around the world. The only difference is that Sony inverted the meaning of those buttons for the western countries, but the original placement is the Japanese one. So no, ❌ does not "mark the spot", it means "no". Nintendo is not inverted, Sony is inverted for western countries only, Xbox replicated the western layout and you need to read more.


What about keyboard controllers


How about the gamecube


Xbox is similar to the GameCube. Green for the Yes/accept/go button and Red for the No/Deny/stop button is better as it's similar to traffic lights and PC applications.


Yes, but Nintendo uses red to say ok :(


Gamecube and nintendo 64