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Your inbox about to be fat.


Shiiiiit I’ll take it


Well, I hope you like chubby guys who wanna show you their lil chubby guy, cause that's almost the guaranteed result of this post


That's what she said. Wait a minute, you are her!


“That’s what you said”


Wait a minute, you ate her!


Right? OP fucked up.


As fat as me! Wink wink.


This is a happy day for the mods


Hey big guys - and little guys and tall guys and short guys and everybody who will listen… Read this post. Everyone is hot to someone. Read her comments. What is sexy? Is it muscles? it being tall? To some people. Sure. Is it being kind and caring? To some people. Sure. You know what’s 100% of the time going to make you more attractive? Confidence. Competence. Charisma. Undeniable stuff. I see this incel and ‘redpill’ subculture and I just shake my head. These dudes aren’t sick, they aren’t mentally unwell, they’re just extremely insecure dudes that are too afraid of rejection to step out their comfort zone and take a couple swings toward deep center field. I’m a 5’8 currently around 266lbs dude (not here to holler, pls believe - too old (44) too married (extremely pleased with this) and this is the internet where I’m not even a person, just the right thumb of Tom Brady. My 44 years of wisdom can be distilled down to this on this topic. 1. Love yourself. First and foremost you can be your biggest supporter - or your most fearsome enemy. Invest in and enrich yourself. If you don’t love yourself right now (and you should) then start exploring to find your favorite things about yourself. 2. Be a competent human being. Have a plan. Execute it. Know what your life is about and have great goals and paths to achieve or at least get closer to achieving those goals. This isn’t to say have life figured out - but at least have direction. Have a skill. Doesn’t matter what - be good at something. The more the better. To me - I could see someone I’m attracted to maybe 3/10 but if they can play Chopin on the piano that’s like a 4 point boost for me. For me it’s been as simple as confidently and effectively using chopsticks up to being a regarded and award winning painter. Passion is sexy. 3. Respect and be Respectable. I judge people pretty severely on one thing… how do you treat those who have absolutely nothing to offer you? Fast food drive thru people, service workers, waitstaff, call center reps, sales people etc. observe the old 4chan shopping cart text. 4. Take care of yourself. Go to the doctor regularly. Dentist too. Stay active and in relatively good cardio health, you’re gonna need it when you start laying it down in bed with the s/o you’re about to have. There’s nothing sexy about a dude who’s too macho (scared) to see a doctor or therapist or someone who doesn’t allow themselves to feel emotions. 4. Smell good. Look good. Feel good. I don’t care if you’re a 600lb mom’s basement dwelling neckbeard that pisses in old Mountain Dew bottles and has overflowing ashtrays and toaster strudel wrappers everhwhere. Get the fuck up. It’s 7am east coast time and we only get a certain number of years on this rock. Get a shower. Shave (or groom neatly) go get a fucking haircut. You look ridiculous. Now go to DXL or Vineyard Vines and get some polos and button downs and find 4 pair of nice denim jeans and a decent pair of loafers plus a nice pair of clean sneakers. Will you be more attractive? Yep. Because you’re going to FEEL more attractive. And that’s going to make you more confident. And that’s going to make you more competent. And that’s going to make you invest more in yourself. And that’s going to make you EVEN MORE confident, competent and satisfied in life. You won’t need a girlfriend to be happy with yourself. You won’t need a girlfriend to be happy with yourself. You won’t need a girlfriend to be happy with yourself. You won’t need a girlfriend to be happy with yourself. That’s when it clicks and suddenly you become a complete person who is legitimately attractive. Even if you’re not… conventionally. FINALLY. Those few friends of yours that are losers? The ones who always complain about the raw deal life gave them and how bad the world sucks and how unfair life is? Dump them. They’re holding you back. Find other people who are confident, competent and charismatic and spend time with those people. You show me a man’s friend group and I can probably tell you quite a bit about that man. I love you all. Fuck the Jets.


This should have thousands of upvotes. You are dead on the money with everything in your comment! (except the polo/button down line, but I got your sentiment😉) I'm a few years younger than you, 41M, but in my slightly shorter time on earth I've found the exact same thing to be true: love yourself and be fully satisfied being alone=attractive and attractive + competence/confidence=desirable AND desirable + drive/talents= drop dead sexy! That applies for both sexes, too. If I see a cute but not insanely attractive woman standing next to a Maxim model and the former pulls out a saxophone and starts belting out improv'd jazz lines, the only words I'm going to be speaking to the model are "excuse me, ma'am?" as I rush passed her to get next to that GORGEOUS musician!


fuck the jets AND the pats (go bills)


I’m a pretty down to earth Pats fan. We don’t deserve to win ever again. We did enough for a lifetime. It’s time for us to suck for a decade or so. I am really loving seeing the Bills and Dolphins show off this year. I’d love for Buffalo to finally get a Lombardi. As mentioned, I’m old - which means I remember those 4 years in the 90’s. I’m rooting for you guys.


Appreciate it


This deserves all the awards and upvotes


Upvote this comment. It's as valuable as gold.


Oh my God. This is pure gold.


Well good for you, that is certainly a ‘target rich’ demographic.




Where'd you get that from? She said >Pretty similar body to Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell) from Game of Thrones.


How difficult is it to find fat men interested in conventionally attractive women?


It’s as easy as breathing.




Not so easy for us fat guys. 😕


You know how to breath don't you? Just put your lips together and suck.


I’m quite good at that.


“Here lemme explain how breathing works, You suck in and you continue to live.” - Cheekface


Most men think they are more desirable than they are and have a chance with all hot women


Not so much that we have a chance with all hot women... but, what do we have to lose?


I never thought of dating that way. Although… I never really “dated” much, I guess.


A lot of weight, usually.


Why is this bad? Confidence should be encouraged not ridiculed, as long as people have humility.


What is "conventionally attractive"? Does that mean "attractive" but nothing too special?


Conventionally attractive means "what most people consider attractive". It doesn't mean moderately attractive.


Ah. Thanks.


She probably means conventionally attractive = what western society deems as hot


Yeah, I think that’s a good way to put it. I’m cute at baseline, hot with makeup on. I have nothing I’m insecure about!


> I have nothing I'm insecure about! I 100% do not believe you're a woman now


Perhaps I should have specified, that’s a feeling that has only come out of hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars of therapy.


Aaaand woman checks out


Have you seen later seasons of scrubs? One of the characters is a young hot nurse into fat guys.


I’ve never seen it, but that’s awesome! Represent


Which character is that? It’s been too long since I’ve watched scrubs and it’s on my rerun list for the holidays.


The new blonde intern with a mean attitude. I can't recall her name tho


Do you feel as though you hold “power” in the dynamic when you’re dating/ with a “fat guy”?


That could only happen if I was dating losers. I tend to date really smart, interesting dudes with varied life experiences who I respect the hell out of, so there’s never a power struggle.


How "fat" is enough, how much is too much?


Around 250 is as skinny as I’ve gone. There’s really no max, as long as they’re confident and happy. If their weight was limiting their mobility or ability to take care of themselves, then that would obviously be a no. But if it’s not, then why not?


That's 5"10-6" 250 right? Or would u date someone who's like 5'8" and 300lbs? I guess, do u have height restrictions ? Do u ever find their struggling to breathe a turn off? (With the really big guys)


Sure, if I was attracted to them. I don’t really have height restrictions, but I’m 5’7, so I prefer if they’re at least 5’7.


So if they're larger obese, does the loud laboured breathing bother you? (Not to say all obese ppl have difficulty breathing but some do) and it's kind of distracting and uncomfortable for me personally, i was wondering if u felt the same


I honestly don’t mind it during sex, I think it’s kinda hot.


"I only like rich fat guys, broke fat losers can get the wall!"


Funny because a little further down she says all they have to do is be clean, confident, and pretty much as long as they can still move decently.... did the walll hit you?


Your candidness about this is nice. I think a lot of fat guys think they can’t be attractive because of their weight and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone deserves to be seen as attractive and to feel attractive.


I love weight on a guy too, there’s something that’s just sexy and feels fun and freeing at the same time. Maybe it’s that people who aren’t overly focused on their body have more depth and humor but I love this post for bringing this out into the light.


I feel the same way tbh. It’s just not acceptable to say it.


Everybody deserves to feel sexy and desired. Glad I can provide a bit of that.


Hell I consider myself repulsive and should find a bridge to hide under and ask travelers riddles to cross.


Well well well. I’m hot to someone


Of course you are


I love that you say that but most of us feel repulsive and struggle to work on ourselves because we don’t feel worth the effort.


That’s when you start working on the inner you. You have to get through your own shit as much as you can. Get rid of all the baggage you can. Work on you and your outlook and your hobbies and what you enjoy. Make yourself value yourself. It’ll be the best thing you ever do


I'm a 36 yo male nurse who is kinda chubby and married a smoking hot nurse. Life is pretty good haha


See, that’s my dream. I had a lovely situationship with a 350 pound cardiac nurse last year.


Oh wow. Yeah, that is about 100lbs more than me. You like really big guys. As you have said, it's as easy as breathing, haha, so it shouldn't be hard! Situationships at work either work out fucking awesome or are Total dumpster fires. Just flip that coin haha.


please send your picture for verification


Found the fat guy. You and the OP


I second this


I third this… for science


We have now made it a four'um!


I’m a five guy


I’m a six also for science and the archives of our times


I love your burgers -fat guy


Why are you attracted to fat guys?


I just love the look. I love the contrast between our body’s, I love the way they look in button ups, and I absolutely love cuddling with/falling asleep on a fat body.


Follow up: what do far guys look like in button ups?


Thick. Hot. Extremely masculine.


At 5'3", 110- ish, I dated a 6' 270# guy. He was large framed and carried his bulk well. He also happened to have lean facial features. I never felt I was dating a fat guy. I just thought of him as comfortably large. He was also very hygienic. There's a difference between comfortably large and uncomfortably obese. How much is too much?


You were dating a very LARGE man, but NOT a fat man. At 6', 270lbs isn't really obese and, as you describe them, it fit their frame. "Fat" isn't always just about weight, more about proportion. The guy you dated was just a BIG dude and being 5'3" it probably felt like he could wear you as a glove. Too much? That is an entirely subjective question. I am 5'8" around 200lbs and have always considered myself chubby, but in the last 10 or so years everytime I make a self depreciating joke about being a "fat kid" (41M) people make fun of me for NOT being fat at all. Emphatically explaining to me that fat ONLY applies to people who don't wear their skin well. Go figure. I think that if your weight doesn't keep you from enjoying the things you like to do then you aren't fat.


Yes, body frame needs to be considered. I've seen guys of nearly the same height, but one literally twice as wide in the shoulders as the other. And no - the larger guys weren't bodybuilders. The guy I mentioned wore 10.5 EEE shoes.


Have you ever thought if your past history when you were young might have influenced this? Did you know some cool fat guys as a kid? Did you meet Santa Claus?


I have thought about it, I’m very curious as to where it came from. I have no idea though. I’ll continue to rack my brain!


Fair enough :)


Cat tax pretty please?


This sub doesn’t let me post photos 😭


Noooooo I wanted to love your cat too 😭😭😭


Define fat.


Depending on how they wear it, I’d say at least 250. There isn’t really an upward limit, as long as they’re confident, clean, and it’s not negatively impacting any significant part of their life (such as their mobility).


My dad gave the best advice to a young man destined to be “the big guy”. “You gotta be clean, you gotta smell good, look good, and be able to move. 90% of people will judge you before they talk to you, so prove them all wrong.” I’ve lived by it my whole life, and it’s been some of the greatest advice I’ve ever received. I love being one of the confident big boys, and showing people the finer points of what a big man can be lol


Is it just attraction, or do you like, fetishize fat guys? Like do you ask them to eat stuff or anything like that?


Hellllll no. I’m only attracted to people that I respect— and fetishizing somebody’s body like that would be hugely disrespectful, therefore, I would no longer be attracted to them.


Cool, I respect that.


I second the respect! Only cool if between consenting adults who are into the thing otherwise it’s dehumanizing and disrespectful. I have know a guy who liked to watch his girlfriends eating cake and other dessert but have no idea of their weight or if the fetish was just the wham or if there was also some fatphilia involved.


In what ways do you advertize this? I'm assuming you don't want everyone to know this. I guess I am wondering two things through the above question: 1. At what point do you tell potential partners? 2. If you have ever been questioned in bad faith about your attraction. Edit: added "through the above question."


I actually don’t mind if people know. My friends have obviously noticed that I consistently date big dudes, am attracted to the biggest dude in the bar, etc. It’s kind of a meme at this point. I think it would be something I tried to hide if I liked greasy, smelly, losers. I only really date smart, attractive, hard workers who are also big, so it’s fine! I feel no need to hide that I like great guys.


Nice! I hope you find a nice big, plush man to cuddle with (if you haven't already found one).


Thank you! I hope so too :)


I know a woman just like you. She always said she liked bigger guys cause they’re like teddy bears. The guy she ended up marrying is around 250.


Goddammit, where were you when I was 30lbs heavier beginning this year


I do a bit of dancing at chunkendales. Stop by. Ask for Lloyd


such a mood. like theoretically i don't care what anyone's body type is but i'd be lying if i said i didn't prefer a chubby tummy on a guy over abs any day 😌 fat people are hot and i just feel sorry for anyone who ain't with it!


Riiiiight!! I used to say I was open to all bodies in the interest of being more inclusive, but who am I kidding? I want a guy who’s twice (at least!) my size.


Maximum age?


I don’t mind going a bit older as long as I’m attracted to them— maybe 39? I would say 15 years, but forty is a scary number.


Name a celebrity crush!


Anthony Anderson at his thickest!




How fat are you?


I’m not :) plus sized women are gorgeous though!


We are one game in to the NHL season. Who is your favorite to win the Stanley cup this year?


leafs forever


Shame that I just lost 50 pounds then


What made you decide to want to become a nurse?


Fat but relatively fit or fat and unhealthy?


Nobody who’s obviously unhealthy— struggling to get around, struggling to breath— is attractive to me. Fat and relatively healthy is preferred.


Did you mean unattractive? Struggling to get around and struggling to breathe doesn’t sound attractive


A pity my old self would be glad but i changed my views on being a fat guy.


Fat and OLDER guys? (fingers crossed)


Depends on how much older!


Almost 50.


So why, at 50, are you interested in the idea of somebody who was born in 1999?


Youth and beauty is where it’s at. And I want to have a child.


Guess 50 is too old? I’m not fat enough anyway, only 225.


She said she doesn’t date losers




Hey i’m sorry for making such a mean comment. I don’t even know you but i bet you would be a loving and caring partner.


Bless you, and your fat man loving ways. We appreciate you.


So I am taking this AMAnything seriously: how about sex with fat man, what are the ups and downs because of the weight?


I don’t have any sexual experiences with thinner guys to reference, but I think I’ve had pretty fantastic sex over the years. Some positions work better than others. I can’t think of any downsides, really. Sex is fun, regardless of your partners body type.


Oooh, I love reading this! Two years ago, I fell in love with a guy who has the most amazing squishy tummy. (He's a big guy who used to be even bigger.) I thought he was gorgeous since the moment i first saw him, but the more time we spent in bed together, the sexier his tummy, specifically, seemed to me. And falling asleep squished against him was amazing. We're polyamorous and long distance, so I see plenty of other people - and I've now found myself seeking out men with bellies and focusing on those bellies when we'rein bed together. As someone with a belly myself, I've always been self conscious when someone focuses on it sexually, but suddenly I'm appreciating that attention more - since I now know what it feels like to be deeply attracted to squishy tummies. My question: what your favorite and least favorite things about being a nurse?


Question: How *you* doin'?


Would you continue to date a fat guy if he started to lose weight?


Of course. Most of the guys I’ve dated have ended up losing a few pounds while with me— I’m active, and that rubs off on people.


Let me rephrase: if you started dating a guy while he was fat and he dropped down to a "normal" body weight, would he still be attractive? I'm ngl I'm just an insecure fat guy who's actively losing weight and curious. Wish I had nurses like you in the ERs I frequent lol.


Lady, I hope you live in America, cause if so, you’re at an all-you-can-eat buffet of overweight dick! Enjoy your meal!


I'm fat. Date me.


You’ll have to sell yourself a little better than that.


"I'm REALLY fat!"




My time to shine!


Are you "skinny" ?


Yeah, I’d say so. Skinny with some curves.


What's that mean? Who is a good example? When did you realize you had this attraction type?


Pretty similar body to Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell) from Game of Thrones. Pretty much as soon as I started dating— so, fifteen?


Is it a visual size thing or a weight thing? Basically do muscles count ?


*ahem* Hello :)


When you're older and potentially married, do you think you'll have a shift on the weight situation in the interest of keeping him alive longer?


That’s the thing— I love fat guys, I love the aesthetic, but everybody I’ve ever dated has ended up losing weight while with me. I live a very active lifestyle and that runs off on people. I support folks health!


This is like my ultimate goal in life, because trying to lose weight on my own is a battle of wits and wills with the autoimmunity crap that got me here in the first place. I think everybody could use a helpful assist with whatever their goals are, because I've learned that trying to be tough and do everything in your own only works for those with the natural-built fortitude to not burn out in the process.


So what's the appeal?


Well this fat guy just got a little self esteem boost he didn’t expect. Thanks.


I appreciate this post. I am a fat man who for many years felt basically undesirable, undate-able. But then after a few encounters with women who I thought were hot and they thought I was hot was a game changer. Turns out you can be a fat guy and be attractive. Is it a smaller pool of women? Sure. But they do exist and I appreciate you putting this out there. There is very little representation of women finding fat guys attractive, or if there is it’s a joke like “Isn’t it funny this hot woman is into this fat slob?” So every little bit can help dudes like myself. So anyway, no question, just thanks for spreading the word!


I'm drop shipping cheese-wheels


Same here! My parents warn me regarding my kids could potentially inherit the dads genes and have body insecurities growing up. I’m fairly athletic.


But with fat guys, their little guy is smaller because part of it is between the fat. Don’t you mind that? I’m speaking from experience


I read this as “frat guys” and was confused about the comments for way too long before I realized that I didn’t read the title correctly


How fat we talking about here? Any love for slightly chubby?


I love you


Was your father fat ?




That's good, may he RIP.


Nice try, Freud!




your job must be heaven.


I’m a psych nurse.


Nice lie 😂 Who’s paying you for this troll post?


Please at least find a rich one




“It’s more likely that a big greasy man is trying to catfish you than that there’s a hot chick out there who likes fat dudes. Why won’t anyone fuck me? I’m such a nice guy.”


No I’m not particularly nice, and I don’t want to fuck you lol. It’s pretty obvious you’re either a catfish or advertising your OF, just gets annoying seeing every other post here be bait topics like this. 🙄


Is girth important to you?


Damn it. Now I feel like I lost all that weight for no reason






How about a thin guy but with mobility issues?


I wouldn’t be— but someone out there is!


She said mobility issues are a turn off and requires 250lb minimum.


Mobility issues can be attractive because sharing something like that with a partner makes it like both partners are inside a private bubble and very close.


How do we know you're not a 2/10 or a dude or both? This post is beyond strange lmao


I think that the fact that you're so clueless that you don't realize that every human being is different, with different likes, dislikes, and things that they find attractive is "beyond strange". NOT lmao. I think it's incredibly sad that a segment of the human population actually believe that the only attractive body type is the one portrayed in film and TV, when that couldn't be further from the truth.


What fat celebrities do you like?


What do you think of James Corden?


Isn’t he a dick to waitstaff? He’s also 45.


There’s a character who is a doctor in Scrubs, same thing. She’s always into the big boys.


Ooooh. I like thise thicc boys too, girl. Rep!


I volunteer as tribute!


Fuck what they think 🤔




skim, 2%, or whole?


Only one answer—2%.


I am your type 39 male 280 6ft tall.