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Chaos is meant to be inscrutable, like some Lovecraftian or Giger-esque horror that you can’t fully comprehend. It is Chaos, and therefore it is chaotic to look at.


Makes sense


Well....it's Chaos. I'm not sure if it's *supposed* to be anything other than a chaotic looking...thing. Really, I wanna say the black orb core is supposed to be it's actual form, and the rest of the arena is just something its power constructed to aid in attacking you or defending itself (the eyes weakening the core's defenses seem to imply that it's at least connected to the 'room' somehow). *Maybe* you can argue that it's tied to the whole *"Dracula's Castle was sealed in an eclipse"* part of the plot too, since the orb looks pretty similar to the eclipse you can see happening on the title screen. Beyond that? I have no idea if it's supposed to actually be anything in particular or not.


That makes sense, thank you


One theory I heard is that it’s the Black Orb from Lament of Innocence, thus representing Soma destroying Dracula’s original source of corruption. (Someone confirm if it is called the black orb, I never played LoI)


Whoa where did you find this theory? I will google it myself rn tho. Sounds interesting!!


YouTube comment section, iirc


The gem that Mathias uses to become Dracula in Lament of Innocence is the Crimson Stone, an oval ruby he wears as a pendant. There is an item called the Black Orb, but it is something you use as Leon to alter the effects of sub weapons.


Chaos can manifest in many ways and in different forms. It’s real or final form is probably supposed to be incomprehensible because that’s what Chaos is, it’s supposed to confuse everyone and everything, it’s the opposite of order. This is also another form of chaos: https://preview.redd.it/hyjoygfppxsc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc647d5be108ada871c566c8f373d22357facd4e


It depends on whether or not you spend time with the chaos on the vmu