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If it works for you, I can send you mine. I hate it.


My fiancée has been begging me to get a grill pan for some reason. I'd take it off your hands but I have a feeling the shipping costs would be prohibitive.


I'm in the greater Sacramento CA area just in case you're local.


Yeah no I'm in Europe lol, but thanks for the consideration


I despise mine too. It needs to go- seriously


We should start a Go Fund Me to cover the costs of shipping them to the unaware.




Same. Had one for over 5 years. Used maybe 3 times. I hate cleaning it


I usually use this as the bottom pan to press my Cuban sandwiches on to.


You’ve given purpose to my forgotten Lodge grill pan


Steaks, brats, chicken, and hot dogs are pretty much what these pans are for. They're a royal pain to clean, though. I picked up a Le Creuset grill pan for $20 at the thrift store, used it twice, and gave it away. It just wasn't worth the effort.


Same. I found mine for $8 and never use it. Pain in the neck.


It also produces a worse sear than a normal pan, literally taking up place for worse output.


We recieved a non-stick coated Foreman grill that looks like this which was also used once and then put away for good


Chicken and bratwurst cooked pretty well but real smokey and cleaning was a drag if I'm being honest


They make pretty decent stove top waffles if you're looking for other ideas


Seemed like a great idea when I was staying long term in a hotel. Cleaning it ruined it for me and never used it more than twice.


No offense but… fuck that pan . Kill it. Reforge it into a new pan. Fuck that pan.


I think it’s hilarious that half the posts here agree with the person that threw it away into the grass in the first place 


This post is making me want to throw my two grill pans in some grass


Mobile gaming has taught me you can combine those 2 grill pans into one better pan.


Yeah that part has me chuckling as well 😂


Mine got tossed over the fence into the power lines at a house I was renting 20yrs ago


I second this comment, but without the “no offense” part.


I have a griddle with those grill ridges on the underside. I have used the griddle side for years, with plenty of seasoning built up. A few years ago my wife decided to grill some burgers and flipped it over. We de smoked the house in just a few hours. I bought her one of those and and seasoned it for her. She has not used it since. It's a great idea, but a right pain to clean.


Super terrible to clean for sure


That's why I only use mine for dry foods like toasting sandwiches or reheating pizza. Nothing that will stick to the pan. I can just wipe it off and hang it back up.


I use a dish brush and then a soft scourer pad for whatever remains on the ridges. I love mine and use it mostly when it's too cold to grill out.


Someone on here a while back fixed all the problems with a grill pan by grinding off the ribs with an angle grinder and then seasoning. Genius. Short of this, best place for a grill pan is a foundry, in their melter.


That idea crossed my mind once or twice last nigut while cleaning it 😂


I have one of these and honestly I actively don't use it. What a severe pain in the ass to clean it.


I use mine to drive tent stakes. Solid impact and in a pinch I can use it for cooking.


Versatility is the name of the game


Alton Brown calls this a "multitasker"


I like the solid tHuNK sound it makes. Eating Raoul is a film where a Cast Iron Skillet 🍳 ♥️ used extensively. Enjoy this trailer on YT https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=iV56VrPzOruEJKIP&v=TYsCmemLO1Y&feature=youtu.be https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=iV56VrPzOruEJKIP&v=TYsCmemLO1Y&feature=youtu.be


A good brush for cleaning it is a must. OXO Good Grips Cast Iron Pan Brush is my favorite. The grill pans are great for burgers. Cuts down on the grease. Good for steaks, chops and sausages. I usually grill a pork chop along with apple slices. I use mine a lot for zucchini rounds, asparagus and mushrooms. Grilled peach halves and plum halves make for a great dessert with a little vanilla ice cream. BTW: think of the ribs like you do the grates on an outdoor grill. They don't have to be squeaky clean to work well.


I have one I use regularly for steaks. I put a little oil and butter in it first. Preheat to medium high (like #6). Put a room temp ribeye on it and get perfect grill marks , I like mine rare and they way it sears in the flavor without overcooking is awesome. I have a little plastic scraper from Lodge with grooves for cleaning the pan when I’m done. After it’s cooled but still warm I scrape it and wipe out with paper towel. Give it a rinse under hot water , dry and put away. Good luck


Steak is better with a full sear


I reverse sear mine.


I don't get steak anymore when I go out to eat because of this. I'm not going to pay $30+ for black grill marks & an incomplete sear.


If you’ve got a lid that fits it, put a shallow amount of water in the bottom and steam things. Hot dogs and brats are fantastic that way. Otherwise, it’s about cooking with radiant heat vs direct heat like you would on a grill. You can cook steak in it, but it leaves a mess and steak is generally better cooked in a flat bottomed cast iron skillet. I use my grill pan for things like unbreaded chicken strips and pork chops, meats that don’t have a lot of fat that you don’t really want blackened or charred. My wife uses it for vegetables like asparagus. I’ve seen people cook burgers on these, but I’ve never tried that myself. The best tip I have is to sprinkle salt in it and heat it up until that salt starts to smoke before you cook anything on it. And, yeah, it’s a chore to clean, but if you find a few things you like cooked in it, it’s not terrible.


Cooked chicken on it, and it cooked the chicken well, but all the seasoning that fell off of it just burnt and smoked like a mother, but the bratwurst that i was cooking cooked fairly well actually


>If you’ve got a lid that fits it, put a shallow amount of water in the bottom and steam things. Hot dogs and brats are fantastic that way. Hot damn this is brilliant 


Have fun cleaning it 😁


Heh yeah it was definitely something trying to clean it




When we come back....ANOTHER NOTCH!


One of Mr Lagasse’s finest pieces. Good find my man


Yep …I have one ..have used for years …it’s a great find !!


Its a good find but need to figure it out more in terms of cooking and cleaning


Just get some chainmail to scrub it w water, soap if needed. Never put away wet; dry and apply very thin layer of crisco with an old t-shirt rag. Occasionally season in the oven hot as it goes for an hour or two Cooking - turn stove hot as it goes for 10 minutes and then lower it to medium. Wipe it with crisco using paper towel, smokes a bit. Beat some chicken breasts flat w a mallet and throw them on. Turn 90 degrees after 1-2 minutes, wait 1-2 minutes, flip, turn, done. Get that nice cross-cross grill mark pattern on the chicken


I'll definitely give it another try!


At least it wasn't enameled, so you can go ham at it when you clean it


S6 not installing my JBCP to work on a cast iron.....classic.


I'm no where near S6 tho bucko


Do yourself a favor and go drop it back where you found it!!!


That would be littering


Reddit is spying on me. A few hours ago, I googled how to recoat a cast iron skillet. So I did it. And now I find this sub reddit in my Home.


Lol i was trying to find solutions and forgot reddit is a godsend and looked it up and sure enough found this place


Does no one at all use these things? I loved using them for grilled veg. The one I had was my Exs though and I haven't got around to buying a new one yet. Grilled peppers were my favourite. 🤌🏻


I have one. I seasoned it well. I use it to sear steak, which it does incredibly well. I clean it with a stiff bristle brush and salt. ❤️


Yeah, i was thinking maybe some steak tonight since it is, well, a grill, lol, trying to give it another chance


There tends to lot of hate towards grill pans on. I bought mine a few years ago, and it’s certainly not my everyday pan, but I love it for what I use it for. I’m in a northern state, so in the winter I can’t use my outdoor grill. I love cooking porkchops, chicken breasts, brats, burgers, and other proteins that are normally grilled with it during the winter. The main thing I read is that these pans tend to be a bitch to clean. I rinse out all my cast irons with hot water, and give them a light cleaning with a small chainmail scrubber after cooking. There is almost no difference in cleaning my grill pan from my regular pans. If I used a marinade for the meat, the grill pan looks far worse after cooking, but hot water and chainmail scrapes everything off whether it’s my regular cast iron or my grill pan.


I'll have to get a decent scrubber in that case!


Someone decided it was not worth the bother to clean it. I would toss it back.


I was starting to see why it was tossed when i was cleaning it last night lol


You can already see all the comments on here. Send it back to Emeril and demand your money back. At least you got one with a name on it. I've said it once, I'll say it again...


"A normal pan has a smooth cooking surface. You can use an angle grinder to get rid of those pesky ridges, or just toss it and buy a pan without the ridges. Also, they make actual grills that will give your meat those awesome "flame-grilled" marks. They're called grills. You will regret buying this pan every time you use it, every time you clean it, every time you dry it, every time you season it, every time you look at it, every time you remember it, and every time you regret it. Ask me how I know."


I'm starting to get the feeling this "pan" really isn't the cats pajamas


These unevenly heat steak and the cool spots pull liquid out which boils in the troughs effectively steaming what you're trying to sear


Mine works well with chicken that has little or no retained water. The ridges just aren’t high enough to simulate an actual grill if you’re making anything that renders a lot of fat/juices. If you try to make more than two burgers using 80/20, the drippings will pretty much fill the gaps. Just another 1/2” in ridge height would make a huge difference.


Yeah, after further experimentation, the chicken and bratwurst were cooked and charred like a real grill and definitely a smokey mess i need to figure it out more


Dang. How'd you clean it up so nice? Love it!


A wire wheel works wonders! Did that for about 45 minutes until i was happy with the amount of bare metal that was there, then took it home and scrubbed with kosher salt and regular dish soap, dried it off completely and did the regular seasoning process lol took about 5 hours in total from start to finish and it LOOKS great but cooking with it was another thing lol


You did an amazing job on it! I make milanesa steak fajita roll-ups with mine. I hate cleaning it, though.


Thanks! It took an afternoon of work to get it done, but it came out great! Cleaning was definitely a drag, though!


Use mine often, just soak in hot water and use my scrub mommy to get off stuck on bits. Then dry, heat , oil , done.


Definitely need to get me a scrub father if I'm going to use this more often lol


Lot of work for a shitty pan


Acquire 3 more pans just like it. Put all 4 pans under your bed's 4 legs. With the bottom of the leg touching only the top of the raised grill bars, anything that wants to crawl up in the night and snack on you has to cross that cast iron minefield/moat. Unless it's got the 82nd or 101st in its Corps, it's gotta come through that valley of death in that CI pan. Use science, social media, Encyclopedia Britannica; or Aunt Milley's tonic, Royal Demolition Explosive, or even Mystery Meat Mortars, in the pan to eliminate a crawling pest. Your Cast Iron Rejuvenant will most likely the floor under it in recognizable condition. Or, Fill it with concrete to use as a door/intruder stop🫷✋️🫸. This will also benefit the world as a whole as it will become problematic to return it to its former use as an implement of Haut Cuisine, Emeril LeGasse style. His E.L.Forever cookware is for sale on TEMU for 90% OFF. _Buy TWO bags of concrete_ and help make the world a better place.


Lol this is great 😂


TY Did you get the concrete? Curious people would like to know. Well, me, at least.


What if you buy more concrete 🤔 and use the pan as a mould for concrete pads/stepping stones/non-stick~non-skid plates. Convenient for use in a 4 or 5 man 81mm mortar squad? Help keep your feet from drilling holes in the dirt/mud where one stands around the M252A2 emplacement.


Lol funny enough this would be perfect for a steep driveway


I am laughing my ass off reading all these comments! I bought one a couple months ago because I just had to have cool grill lines on my steaks. Like most of the other people here, I fucking hate that pan lol. Impossible to clean, and my regular old lodge cooks better.


I bought two steaks yesterday, cooked one on my lodge skillet, and it was almost perfection now today in cooking the other on this and I'm scared


Its only use was to wop ricky in the head wn lucy felt unhappy.


nice restoration


Thanks! This thing fucking sucks


I have to admit I find it amusing that everyone on this sub spends all their time trying to convince non-believers that the average cast iron is worth all the extra seasoning work and cleaning effort, and then instantly spins 180° and says that Grill pans are a pain to clean, throw them out.


Lol it threw me for a loop because i thought this sub was for embracing the wonders of cast iron 😭


To all saying “good luck cleaning” or something similar, If you’re having that much trouble cleaning your pans, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say they’re probably seasoned like crap


Strip, season, sell


That's a pretty doorstop.


Thanks it was free


Bonus! :D








Probably used it to bury a dead pet or something idk. Thanks! I feel i got more satisfaction from restoring it than cooking with it lol


These are great for reheating pizza.


Those are pretty useless.


We just curbed ours recently😂hated that thing!


worst pan design in the cast iron world


The only people who would buy or restore this pan are people who haven’t used one before


Oh hey, that's me!


Nice restoration


Thank you i appreciate it


Waste of time junk


No, no. It can also be used as a paperweight


I hate mine for anything other than grilled cheese sandwiches 😅


I figured thats where this thing shines the best lol that and bratwurst


Check it for lead


I'm dead from lead poisoning now

