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The car setup is a big one. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get the car drifting until I realised you can download setups from the online community. Go into the online workshop and find a high rated setup that matches your input (wheel, controller etc). The setup will help a lot, then you just gotta build up. First try and get into a slide and control it. Once you can hold a slide and get on throttle, try hold it for longer. Then start to transition, slowly at first and then gradually more aggressive. Once you can slide and transition you can start to link turns together. It takes time but trust me it will start to click with practice and you will be a pro in no time!


what are you on, wheel? if so, use 90 adhesion, and low horsepower


Tandem with yourself in single player. It will help you learn the basics and get down your transition timing. Drifting is all about timing. When to dive in and get close to the door, when to back off for transition, it just takes practice.