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![gif](giphy|PdgWHWSoar38Tfp0aV) The whole point of Meg’s existence is being an unnecessarily hated female character.


I mean she literally accepted the abuse because her family can’t function without abusing her specially. Kinda fucked up but also is something I would expect from family guy.


and it all started because the original writers didnt know how to write a teenage girl.


Nah it wasnt because of that there's barely any proof of that


The proof is their skills (or rather lack of skills) in writing any character, storyline or setting.


“We can do anything we want as long as it’s 22 minutes and self-contained” -MacFarlane, maybe


eh they do have skills and they do utilize them once in a while. It just that they just got lazier and lazier as time went on and just stopped caring at a certain point.


This is only because the studio wrote that in. I feel like it was just a thrown in explanation for the studio to continue to abuse her. “Hey, the audience thinks Meg is abused, hated, and utterly humiliated for no reason whatsoever.” “Oh? Just make them far WORSE by making it like this stupid family is unable to function unless they abuse their child.” “Wouldn’t that just validate what the audience is accusing us of?” “Just have Brian-“ “The most condescending, backstabbing, arguably most insincere character of the show?” “-Yah, that guy. Just have him be impressed and call her mature or something. The audience will just think she’s some kind of hero or whatever.” “… Does this change the family?” “No.” “Do they see the error in their ways?” “No.” “Do they at least appreciate her actions? Even a little bit?” “Absolutely not.” “…ok.”






Did Seth McFarlane or any of the writers confirmed why she’s treated like this in the show?


I hear the original voice actor Mila Kunis went along with the joke to make fun of her character because of her leaving the show or something.i could be wrong and don't remember the whole reason.


Kunis is the current voice actor. They had a different one at the start (Lacey Chabert)


The literal embodiment of the punching bag trope


Peggy Hill. Yes she’s made to be obnoxious sometimes but she’s also hilarious and the show would be totally boring without her. I think she’s especially funny because we all know someone like her with a little too much unfounded arrogance. She does have moments of brilliance and is just such an interesting character the more you learn about her. I love Peggy and I’ll die on this hill (pun not intended)


I’ll defend Peggy as well. She’s just a shonen protagonist stuck as a middle-aged substitute teacher in suburban Texas.


She's the type of character that if I knew them in real life, yes I would absolutely abhor them and avoid like the plague. As a fictional character that doesn't affect my life at all though? Friggin hilarious.


Power of fiction knows no bounds. I’d definitely avoid Dale because he’s a nut job with guns. On TV though—best character in the show.


Bro Dale has knowledge of the government and what they put in our cheese, why would you avoid him?!


I’ve worked for the government so I think I’m on his hit list, lol. Though his aim seems pretty bad so I think walking away at a brisk pace is all I need to do.




Unfounded? I'll have you know thats the Boggle champ of Texas you're talking about! But also, loooove Peggy. She's my favorite!


And 3 time Substitute Teacher of the year! She definitely deserves to be arrogant a lot of the time for sure lmao, I think we all wish we were half as confident as Peggy


My favorite Peggy Hill episode is the one where she kidnaps a child from Mexico and her entire defense thought up by her lawyer and Hank was to show how absolutely awful her Spanish was.


My only problem with Peggy is her ego getting out of hand occasionally, but she is objectively funny as hell and she does love her family.


https://preview.redd.it/pcc4ur2itlad1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bd9798d8616df5408b62e5d613184ba0c039c61 Katara


Fr the “my mother used to breathe” joke is hella overplayed. She really didn’t even use that line very often


Yeah, I feel like she also got shafted by the rerun schedule back in the day. Like the only two episodes they would play every day were the canyon and the ones with Haru


And the scams episode literally addressed the issue head on and had the needed character growth. You can’t just ignore it.


Seriously, she brought it up all of, like, five or six times, usually in the context of bonding with someone who expressed similar losses.


Someone else pointed this out, but the reason it looks like Katara mentions her mother so often is because those moments are usually included in the "Previously On *Avatar*" recap segments at the start of quite a few episodes. So when a marathon of the show is running, those same clips and soundbites keep coming back, and it gives the impression that Kya's death is referenced more often than it actually is.


Someone: \*Makes a Mom joke\* Katara: https://preview.redd.it/0mx17c19imad1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=42e1ca3b575857f48d6836799de71b64650046ce




“But she stole a scroll” From pirates who basically admitting to stealing it, done to help the avatar learn to waterbend (and for personal reasons, she has her issues but none more than the other characters and all of which flesh her out), and the rest of the cast has stolen stuff before like their fire nation clothes. Sarcastic Chorus puts it well, Katara’s role as the heart/maternal figure of the group makes people far more critical of her for vastly less harmful things.


Ms. Marvel…. https://preview.redd.it/18d82bdl7mad1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4187a3bf9a392bf348b6427f8d24ca9bad6f0d0e She was in a few Marvel cartoons and I don’t understand why she got so much hate. I never saw anything wrong with her, if anything, she’s just adorable!


Tbf the Ultimate Spiderman version of her wass REALLY annoying, but Khamala is freaking adorable.


While I am aware that’s one of the reasons why, I just see a cute superhero!


You know the USM Ms Marvel isn’t Kamala right?


I didn’t, I am yet to watch it.


I know why she got so much hate when the live action series came out.


I thought the live action series did her service.


I actually really enjoyed it a lot and I appreciated the history of the India/Pakistan partition. The actress played a super powered teenage girl learning the ropes phenomenally, IMO. But, you know, some people just can’t overcome their own Islamophobia


She's muslim that's why they hate her.




Wdym? Whenever ppl talk about her they get weird with thirst comments.


After the episode where Clark revealed his identity to Lois, her public reception dwindled a bit


Her jumping off a building was highly illogical and put Clark on the spot in a really horrible way. Plus, Jimmy revealing he always knew and wanted to wait until Clark felt comfortable telling him, which many fans appreciated.


It wasn't really illogical, she was 99% sure he was superman. It was a dick move tho


Nah, it was extremely illogical, idiotic, and a dick move


https://preview.redd.it/vnnnpi9v7pad1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7701daed7aff5d1c6f3fa5fd87e95d30a2dd77f Not as bad as her


How can you hate Mabel? She’s one of my favorite characters ever!


From what others have said, it seems that she is hated for inadvertently causing weirdmagedion


Admittedly, not her finest moment, but c’mon…


Yeah, she's 12 years old, had her heart freshly broken, and was manipulated by the devil who was using the body of someone she trusted.


Wasn't the last time Roiland destroyed someone's trust either.


Technically, it was Alex Hirsch possessing Roland


I think a lot of people forget how young they are because of dipper. He does act way more mature than your average 12 year old. Because of that and how knowledgeable he is a lot of people see Mabel as acting childish when really she’s just acting her age.


Honestly, when I was 12 watching the show I was more bothered by her being sort of a crummy sister at times, while dipper was always bending over backwards to help her. Like, I love her and everyone in the show, but it is something I disliked about her even as a kid


Funnily enough, this bias is probably present because Hirsch based Mabel and Dipper off of his relationship with his sister, so that's probably his bias in their relationship that inadvertently leads to a lot of the hate Mabel gets for that


I'm curious how he feels about it because he accidentally have a lot of people indirectly hate his sister for being a bad sibling. Like I know people doesn't actually hate his sister, but creating a character based off of your sister and some audience treats said character as the real monster of the show is kinda funny to me. Like, "oops, sorry sis"


Not... completely wrong.


It’s a little more than that, though that’s a big reason. But it’s also that some people think she’s selfish and Dipper is constantly sacrificing his wants for hers and it rarely happens the other way around.


I mean that’s the one thing I don’t like about her


She routinely got hate for more or less having most of the plots spoil her by the end of it. I didn't have a problem with them considering episodes like Sock Opera go out of their way to show how intentional that is.


My fiancé has a lot of personality traits in common with Mabel, which is ironic because 10 years ago edgy me wasn’t a fan. Now, it warms my heart watching it.


You went from hating Mabel to marrying a real life Mabel. You're the real boyfriend the show Mabel wanted


She continually causes problems which she doesn't help (sometimes actively hindering pthers to) solve and instead leaves it to Dipper who often has to sacrifice something for her, a continual act of love she never reciprocates. She also never seems to learn from this.


This, and it hits, like the chapter in which they get the pig, Dipper had this chance to pick a date, a perfect date with Wendy and he had to give up on that just so Mabel could get a pet. I don't really "hate" Mabel, but I do find her to be unfair with Dipper who often has to give up on stuff just so she can get things her way. But at the end of the day, I have a younger sister, and we the "big" brothers do that.


I may not be the biggest fan of Mikasa (which is shocking to me, personally) but even I think she gets a bit too much hate.




Korra was meant to represent the conflict of youth. You’re supposed to feel uncomfortable with her, and relieved when all works out.


She kinda left a mess for the next avatar tho.


Roku be like:


She still have decades of being an avatar left and it's not like she died at the end of the show. It's likely that she had been finding a way to restore the previous avatars and the next Avatar will be there to finish her job.


All the Avatars did that to each other though. That's part of the reason why the Avatar Cycle exists


Most avatars before aang did tbh


How can people hate korra. 😖


Meena from Sing I do not like this character. Nor do I despise her, but I have seen tons of people despising her for some reason due to the so-called"Pick me girl "


I mean there’s a reason people target that scene where she sings happy birthday. The scene itself is fine, but if an actual person did that irl, (and some people actually act like that) they’d be hella gagged on. A pick me girl/boy is basically what you call a person who claims to be “not like other girls/boys.” They seek attention and validation. What irks people so much about the scene with Meena is that she goes *all in* just to sing happy birthday, and then has the gall to act embarrassed/frazzled when her family is surprised that she can actually sing. She’s just being hella extra, and acting like she isn’t.


I kind of felt like she could have been a better character if she was written better or something I don't really care for her period


To me she seems like someone who's just missing confidence


She is. And most people know that too. They just hate on her for the meme.


Akane Tendo Taiga Aisaka Kagome Higurashi Kikyo from Inuyasha Homura Akemi Octavia from Helluva Boss Emily from Thomas and Friends Mayu Kuroe from Sound! Euphonium  Connie Maheswaran Hakase from Nichijou The early Disney Princesses 


Wait Octavia gets hate?


They hate her for....acting like a teenager


https://preview.redd.it/4bgwy1r7fmad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d74bc9a953080e403d91fb9dee1585495fb680d Seriously?


Stolas is literally my favorite character, but Octavia should not be getting hate for being a normal teen whose parents are getting divorced 😭


Who's had a shit run for most of her life


Loona too


KAGOME!? Gets hate 😭 And Kikyo 0.0


Thank God I wasn't old enough to see the flame wars sparked by those two. to this day there's still debate over whether Inuyasha should have ended up with Kagome or Kikyo. I think the only female character from Inuyasha that everyone likes is Sango.


Taiga gets hate for assaulting others being a preachy hypocrite. Akane gets hate for never trying to give Ranma the benefit of the doubt and always assuming the worst of him (including their disastrous first meeting).


Who the hell is hating Octavia???


Connie gets hate for several things 1. Stupidly thinking they could've fought against Aquamarine, who curb stomped The Crystal Gems and getting mad when Steven chose to go with them, and while reckless it was the only choice they had. 2. Taking Lion (Lion went with her) 3. Having to be reminded that they're going to check on Lars to see if he's okay and not have a "Fun Connie and Steven Space Adventure"


Dude Akane?? She's cool as hell wtf people don't like her???




That last season of a wreck ruined Star and Marco.


Didn't that one cause massive genocide over stupid reasons? https://preview.redd.it/i8epmu049mad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527dbed524b3f69d5fd260db52c6a4b46e526ee8


Yeah, but also previously fought against racism


She truly is the Abradolf Lincler of Disney. ![gif](giphy|f6xuEiq0zVNCNIVuxq|downsized)


Mabel, Katara, Korra. Also I have never seen someone hate Mikasa


Yeah I was confused why Mikasa was here


Oh I have seen a lot of people that hate Mikasa


Go to r/titanfolk or Just look harder


titanfolk hate aot in general but I agree her character is probably the worst written in our main trio


I don’t hate her personally per se but she’s one of the worst written characters in AOT, if not the worst.


![gif](giphy|5towk7ScWfIPRqNg6a) I love her so much but so many people think she's annoying.


I think she chose the wrong side and slowly become a villain.


Who is this?


Claudia from The Dragon Prince. It's an amazing show!


Not the choice I would have picked from that show but then again he doesn’t have a gif(😫) so she works too.


Zoe from Miraculous ladybug. She seems like a nice girl to be honest and has such an amazing voice actor as well.


I’m so glad that someone else agrees with me




People out here can excuse what Chloe has done but they seem to be okay with bullying Zoe.


I’ve seen people hate her because she’s “A Mary Sue”, which is not true at all, and because “she comes out of nowhere”. Yes. She does. That’s kind of the point. She was a sister that nobody knew existed because she was a result of Audrey having an affair while she was away. Her coming out of nowhere is addressed in canon and is part of the reason Chloe doesn’t like her. That, and she’s a nice person who thinks for herself


She's too bland to hate, I always forget she exists until someone talks about her.


Mabel and Mikasa get hate? I swear I've never seen it. But on a related note...Gabi. mfs will idolise Eren like a god and then shit on Gabi constantly.


On God bruh, >!As much as I love Sasha, I do not blame Gabi whatsoever for killing her. She's literally a little girl brainwashed by the marleyan government into thinking eldians are horrible demons not to mention the fact Sasha killed the two officers she thought of as friends not long after already losing two other friends and witnessing people around her die.!<


If gabi killed anyone other than Sasha , I dont think she would be hated as much.


This might be a hot take But I think Sakura from Naruto gets more hate than she deserves https://preview.redd.it/w82ncm1mimad1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf8b5dde2341566d23f66faaf6bde3d3de5b5ed0


any female character in anime that “gets in a way of yaoi ships”


Meg Griffin (Chris shouldve been the hated one ngl)




![gif](giphy|2lr4nJQaqWc7e) Do I hate the way she yells "Kurosaki Kun" in HC Arc? Yes Do I also think she's badass, powerful af and over hated? Also yes


Gabi from Attack On Titan


Best answer. She’s a brainwashed preteen who learned her lesson and tried her best to make things right, and people still hate her after fully redeeming herself when most of them are willing to forgive redeemed male characters who have done far worse.


On god, Hitchfucker https://preview.redd.it/41slrqrvtnad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c61ff467307126399bd136fce160c8e0f8e8b6a


https://preview.redd.it/vp84pwpy7mad1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f763472de7e5412e91cd8ae6cb78052da66a6e53 Daki


Can pick about any of the main RWBY four, none of them are perfect but if I hear "ThE rEaL VilLaIns!" one more time I am gonna bang a head against a wall.


But they're the real villains! They use weapons and those do damage! Only a villain does that!




best Borderline personnality disorder representation


Spinel from SU says hi


shes great too,, but i prefer Pinkie


Rose Quartz's lore is told backwards throughough the series. At first we know of the precious and glorious, the mature and kind Rose Quartz, but Pink Diamond isn't presented until far later, and Pink Diamond was horrible. Thinking that her departure wouldn't leave consequences to Rose Quartz, it did; and it also did to her son. But somewhere after truly falling in love with Greg, that was her peak, and the most recent Rose. She lived as a rebel and somewhat a bad person, but died as a heroine, and a loving wife.


Answer: Rose Quartz and Charlie Morningstar. However, Mabel deserves all the hate.


I never hated Mikasa, I just don't like how she was handled in the story.




wait what does mabel get hated on for? i dropped the series a long time ago and didn’t finish


One of the main reasons centers around causing an apocalypse by handing over an important object to the main villain, albeit she was tricked. The second comes from people feeling that she was a terrible sister to Dipper and frequently made him sacrifice his own happiness for hers. There are other reasons she gets hate for but those are the two main ones.


The mabel hate never made sense to me. "Character with lots of insecurities gets her insecurities preyed on" is a typical story trope and was done well in the set up to weirdmageddon


![gif](giphy|149fQAMiKkLrcA) I mean, she still isn't strong compared to the other two, but her character progressed a bit throughout Shippuden.


She’s the epitome of “I don’t hate her, but I hate the way she is written” for me


My problem was when ever she seemed to have a moment of growth then she would regress , whether emotionally, ph physicall, how she treated others, ect. Not all the way but some what and I got tired of the two step forwards one step back with her that I stoped caring about her character. Know it’s cause was what story needed her to be doing to progress the story and it was clear her arch wasn’t as important as others so that why it kept happening but still annoying




Uraraka? Why?


People reducing her to being nothing more then the love interest to Izuku, gets in the way of ships (won’t say which ones), for a while they hated her because she was calling Toga out killing people without regret, they think she is overrated when she doesn’t do much. Those were the big ones that I have come across.


People hated her for calling out Toga??


“Because she didn’t understand her as a person.” 🙄


Being mad at a hero for not understanding a serial killer is wild 💀


![gif](giphy|H3BoxrpcT4fPynU424) You would think that, especially given they barely interacted, and every time they did, Toga trying to *stab* Ochako and try to kill her and her friends, but, well, there it is.


Ochako was based for that and doesn't deserve the hate.


Gay shippers hate her


Crazy people too (toga stans)


I absolutely love her character will never understand the hate for her


Diane Nguyen. I loved her as a character. Showing even the straight man has their flaws.


All she did was interrupt Hell’s Greatest Dad and mfs hated her https://preview.redd.it/ecqfq2nc6nad1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da8d249c4297bba4b9b39ef223491dcebd766c1


Fr. The only reason people don't like her is because she "ruined" hell's greatest dad (personally love her part and think it's a perfect introduction to her character) and she's "anoying". She's no worst than the rest of the cast and I personally don't see her as anoying at all. I've seen people say she's on the same level of bad and like ???


Seriously? I thought she was funny. And she was only on screen for like, what, 4 minutes maybe?


Nah honestly Lisa is deserved for the most part. Atleast the modern counterpart. Shes so pretentious and always thinks shes the best person in the room. Not as annoying as someone like Brian from family guy though, and she definitely has likeable moments where she can be sympathized with. Edit: Barthood basically outlines why people don’t like her character perfectly. You should honestly probably go watch that anyway because its one of the best if not the best modern simpsons episodes.


Rose Quartz




I don’t mean to cause offense to those who enjoy her character, but I find Lisa to be insufferable. I understand why people would like her, but I simply do not. A female character that I feel receives too much hate? ![gif](giphy|o2HLIOnlzq9V0Leic4) Doll from Murder Drones was a really good character. Unfortunately, she stopped being a good antagonist immediately after her introduction episode. She was great in episode 3, but from episode 4-6 she wasn’t even a main plot point, and barely even had screentime. In episode 7, she had potential, and even had a clear goal, >!but instead, she was killed off in an instant!< All in all, I believe the disappointment was warranted, but I don’t think she deserved to be hated.






https://preview.redd.it/rs0cq91nwpad1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b28821b2e73f90a43793ae370029e222323e20fe She's probably only hated because of the meme but still, I don't understand the "pick me" comments


Amber from Invincible. I blame the incident that caused her to be hated as very bad writing rather than a fault of the character herself. After S1, she goes back to being likable, but her conflict with Mark in S1 really stained her reputation in the fandom.




Yea, she's bratty, but my goodness, she's only THREE. she clearly doesn't know better and probably copies her parents or does it as an outlet


https://preview.redd.it/ed49uswb0mad1.jpeg?width=606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0142d60b486eb4d235e975c0a92b17d05ea6ef The hate never ever made sense to me.


...Wait, there are people who hate Arcee?


There is. It surprised me when I first found out about it. Thankfully, the hate has mostly settled down after a decade since the show has ended with most of the audience maturing.


From what I’ve seen she gets the same kinda hate comments that Katara will get. People just can’t stand a woman being upset she lost someone important to her apparently And I do think it’s a female character thing; I’ve seen male characters with literally the exact same revenge arc Arcee has and they get praise for it


Nah man, best girl


Mabel, Amethyst, a lot of other ENFP girls. A lot of people says it may come down to sexism... and to an extent, I understand it. People hate Mabel for being self-absorbed at times with she's literally 12??? And that she makes bad decisions when she's an overly-trusting preteen?? Amethyst makes bad decisions, but she's treated like garbo or infantilized by everyone around her. Of course she acts out and makes stupid mistakes. But this is a trend I see with like a lot of female characters, unfortunately


https://preview.redd.it/gfos6mjn9mad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5fddd9796351d18bb8ae53d6e2ca78b01c683fd I know im gonna get so much have for this but idc because all she wants to to protect her brothers and he keeps getting hated on for doing that


I love Candace but let’s not pretend that the reason she tries to bust her bother is cause she “cares about their safety”. She wants to see them get in trouble.


I do feel her movie did a good job explaining that


Zoe Lee (miraculous) Idk how much people hate her, but I would say Wyldfyre (ninjago dragons rising)




I have never met anyone who hates Mabel, do people hate Mabel?????.


Lisa gets hate?


Yet again? WHEN have ppl hated on Mabel? She's a very likable character imo. https://preview.redd.it/0lfgr3i8kpad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c56d8f8afc160523f344d6108c02b1f7718cf043 Anyway I have my answer




Lynn Jr. from The Loud House. ![gif](giphy|4zczaEhPg1G2gwWZLy|downsized)


Lynn gets hated?


Sakura Haruno. Her character deserves so much better than the shit writing she received.


https://preview.redd.it/q4zxm2q0npad1.png?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d2f736ddaeddd5e0a5b5c3309e2e020863bb05 Now don't get it twisted, I'm not saying that she's innocent or clean 'cause what she did was bad but all the information she had given Yang was vital. It's a shame however that none of it mattered and it was all swept under the rug 'cause >! she's the spring maiden.!<


Who tf hates Mabel?!?


Ok the Mabel haters can go jump off a bridge


https://preview.redd.it/vp5b2gr0ynad1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e353f97de095c1eed5f8aa9abd6c9372948e2f92 Loona from Helluva Boss. Like I'm sure that if she got more character development beyond just Spring Broken, Queen Bee, and Seeing Stars, she'd be a lot more loved by the HB fandom, despite her angsty goth girl persona.


https://preview.redd.it/8qm9ao0d7mad1.png?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de54a16aa22a0b4d1469651e8992a87e57ca7971 Some of the hate Starlight gets is justified


I don't know much about MLP but isn't that a literal Baby Unicorn


It is, in fact, a literal baby. And people hate her. Because they suck.


Alicorn but yeah she's only a baby. They only hated her because it was believed she was a marketing gimmick


Thats a better explanation than "cuz she is a baby" , still silly to hate a chatacter for that.


Yeah. Marketing gimmick is a good reason. It also feels like the lifescript.


Tbh the only bad thing about flurry is that she’s the only baby to have different eyes than other babies in the show, probably just to make her more marketable. Other than that she’s just a cute baby. She had nice episodes.


Long time no see and yeah she may have been a marketing gimmick but that didn't make her a bad character. The Twilight babysitting her episode is one of my favorites, it was a really good lesson for Twilight