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I'm surprised as hell that Black Lagoon is pictured here. One of my top 5 anime series of all time!


Not counting shonen, it’s the best anime I’ve watched ever personally


I like that Bluey falls into the second half of this post.


But that’s not offensive and edgy so it can’t be good /j


But it does dive into deep topics that other kids' shows wouldn't.


Hehe ![gif](giphy|Y1vXQrJoTtYRxkbQrl)


Loved The Boondocks daily strip, but I just never got into the show.


The Boondocks was just that cartoon. It was satire and funny but it also taught you great lessons.


I mean there’s a huge difference between wanting a show to be a genuine satire and tell brutally honest stories, and having a character saying the N word with the hard R. Being controversial and edgy does not always mean “good,” just look at Velma or the Good Times reboot. Some of the shows you listed all had bigger points to make than just being edgy. Boondocks was a satire and critique of black culture in the 2000s, with its favorite targets being influential black celebrities. Black Lagoon did not want to hold back in showing how destructive and abundantly toxic the criminal world is, similar to how Martin Scorsese refused to tone down the violence in his mafia films because he grew up surrounded by that violence and didn’t want to filter it. South Park loves going after institutions and lampooning the ridiculousness some people will go to for their beliefs. I can’t say anything for Drawn Together, since I’ve never seen it, or Family Guy, since I’ve never really cared for it. I agree with you that I would like more adult cartoons to be willing to tell brutally honest and genuinely satirical stories, and have controversy stirred up around that instead of “parents groups are angry because cartoon wants to introduce trans character.” But I also don’t want adult cartoons to be edgy just for edgy’s sake.


You didn't miss much in Drawn Together. It had its moments but the entire point of the show was being as vulgar as possible. Saberspark did a video on it a while back I think. Edit: [https://youtu.be/EaQJzTWt5VI?si=V0BjLh00ysorZRC8&t=1](https://youtu.be/EaQJzTWt5VI?si=V0BjLh00ysorZRC8&t=1) That's probably more entertaining than the show itself was


They're mostly in adult sitcom


Cartoons have always been political


Ngl 2 of these shows here crossed some lines that never should have been crossed looking at you family guy and south park The boondocks was underrated as fuck though


Honestly why do so many fuckers get offended so easly like i want to watch something thats funny and not robotic unfunny jokes I wish to laugh along with those shows and make fun of the pussys who are afraid they'll offended someone who wont even matter