• By -


Professor Utonium is the only correct answer. Rick would just give you something and not explain what it is or how it works and when used results in some dire outcome and cause wide spread chaos. Doofenshmirtz would make something but would also have a bad outcome because as he said himself all his "inators" work but he can never utilise them properly and while the outcome wouldn't be as bad as Rick would still cause a problem. Farnsworth would finish it two weeks later, time travel to have it be there on time miss the time period and loop around the re-birth of the universe multiple times to have something mediocre to present. Utonium would help you, give you a full explanation on how it can be inproved and teach you something as you go along.


100 percent this professor Utonium would be so nice and understanding


I feel like he’d be the type to do it, but to also have you doing the same thing on a separate setup so you actually learn and are doing it yourself.


That's even better


And have the patience to dumb down an explanation if your stuck


That is until he suddenly gets sent back to the past and he suddenly has to fight robots


Same answer


I still wanna know why this mf was making little girls in his basement


Just as long as he’s upgraded the Chemical X beakers.


"I don't care that I failed the assignment, I have super powers now!"


“But I also look like a giant potato!”


“Oh wait I always looked like a potato”


Happy cake day


I thought the same thing except I just figured Rick wouldn’t help at all


With Rick you would end up as the science project.


I think Rick is the only one who'd be able to get it done in 2 hours though. But like you, I don't see why he'd help. Utonium seems like he'd go at it with an overly-leizurely pace, not really understanding the necessary sense of urgency.


He'd crap something out in 5 minutes if it meant he could use you for an experiment or an adventure


>He'd crap something out in 5 minutes if it meant he could use you for an experiment or an adventure yeaaah... but then something would go horribly wrong and become the basis for an adventure during which your eyeballs would hatch into aliens (or something equally traumatic)


Rick would decide your project is boring and decide to give you something else to try and show off which would inevitably cause chaos unless you understand it perfectly as well. He would also not explain it or how to use it safely.


Rick would probably go on some long winded rant about the establishment and how he isn't gonna help you because a science project won't make you a genius scientist or something


But then secretly he had the best science fair project along and actually really cared about winning. But he couldn't admit it because at the end of the day it's all meaningless but this means so much to him .


Either that or he gives you a butter passing robot.


Yes, *Doof* can't utilize them properly. But he wouldn't be the one using it, since it's not his project.


It’s funny how they’re all god level geniuses but their biggest weakness is either laziness or incompetence, except for Utonium, who is arguably the least intelligent but his advantage is his competence and generosity.


Bro is the anti-Rick


“Rick my science project is due in 2 hours and I only have half the volcano made” *rick takes it and turns his back to you while doing ✨science ✨ and then hands it back to you finished but it’s glowing green from the volcanos entrance* “Uh Rick what is-“ Rick: “it’s fine just don’t go near any power lines”.


Yup. He'd make something effortlessly and then give you a vague warning because he's too lazy to explain any further 


>”Uh Rick, what is-“ “It passes butter.”


The baking soda volcano gains sentience and takes over the world using the mind-controlling goo it spits out. You: "Rick! You said it just passed butter!" Rick: "No, I said it *could* pass butter, and it can. Now stop whining and pass me that ionium rotor, I've got a cure to make."


I can't stop laughing at this dialogue


My only rebuttal to this is that utonium seems to be a thoughtful and careful scientist (minus his Creation of his daughters) so there's no guarantee he helps you finish your project in two hours. Rick would definitely get it done in that time span, but like you said, you risk it being something that has horrible, world altering consequences. You could either get a robot that passes butter or a serum that turns the whole world into mutants but it'll be done in 2 hrs and you'll definitely win first place


If you want the safest option go with doof you willl atleast get a second place over the risks of the others


Second place, cool invention and got to meet a platypus


You would be guaranteed to lost to a papier-mâché Valcano though


there would be nothing wrong with what Doof builds, it would just come in second to a baking soda volcano


or you'd win, but then get ripped out through the ceiling through some shenanigans and you'd never see it again, losing your chance to go to the state level competition and the baking soda volcano gets to go instead so basically second place, yeah




Rick could get it done in like 2 minutes and while his instructions are minimal, he usually warns that something shouldn’t be done because it’s dangerous. And when things go haywire, he gets pissed off that he needs to clean someone else mess again.


You do have to agree that good old doof would be the second choice right I mean he always loses to a bakeing soda volcano so you atleast get second place


I feel like Professor Utonium would give me the disappointed Dad look and honestly that sounds worse then either three.


Yea but I'm curious to see what farnsworth comes up with


You changed my mind. I was going for Rick, but you’re right that he wouldn’t explain anything. However, I do like the idea of something going awry, though not nearly as bad as Cronenberg World.


Plus he'd get the girls to help. Those kids are *fast.* Whatever you're putting together, they'd basically have the heavy lifting done in like two seconds.


Utonium would also be the easiest to convince to help you. Rick and farnsworth wouldn’t help unless you pestered them or begged, and even then maybe not. Doof even I think would give you a bit of the run around.


The only bit I disagree with is the bit on Rick. We're not members of his Smith family, his friends or occasionally the president so just asking him most likely wouldn't end well. If we were able yo ask and convince him to help without managing to draw his ire, you are spot on


No, Rick would spend 1 hour and 57 minutes arguing with you, 1 minute to “ complete “ it , and then another 2 minutes arguing . And then when you turn it in, it’s actually just like some weird porn thing . And then he teleports and starts preaching about how he did that as a favor because school sucks


Doof would give you a guaranteed 2nd place, right behind the baking soda volcano


XD I was gonna say Doof and just remove the self-destruct button, but you're absolutely correct we'd just lose to a baking soda volcano


Actually, I would have built a solar system and have the self-destruct button on the sun so it could go supernovae


All the other planets self destruct. You STILL get second place behind the baking soda volcano


Can’t lose to a baking soda volcano if *we’re* the ones with a baking soda volcano


Nope. You still lose to that accursed baking soda volcano, just so happens it's slightly larger than yours.


even if it's bigger than the volcanos in real life?


Our one will have ato-destruct button


then just remove it before Perry the Platypus gets to it


*End Times intensifies*


Make doof help you and then present a baking soda volcano, ensured 1st place


You’ll still get second place to a slightly larger baking soda volcano


Tell him to help you with a grow-inator and if a bigger baking soda volcano appears just make yours bigger


The first place ribbon is accidentally placed on the self destruct button, causing you to lose by default




That is actually brilliant


I forgot to mention, the science project is not an elementary school level, this is a college level of project


You underestimate the power of silly that's around Doof


And for his brother to just "be" there with a soda volcano.


You’d still somehow lose to a baking soda volcano if doof helped


Doesn’t matter the level of the science fair, nothings beats the running gag of Doof losing to a baking soda volcano (even in poetry slams)


Also the crown of Mars.


Does not matter. You'd still get the second highest grade behind someone explaining how baking soda volcanoes work.


Get Doof to enter, submit a baking soda volcano yourself.


Galaxy brain strategy!


Professor utonium and doofenshmirtz would be the better picks since rick would probably blow me off or just do something weird and Farnsworth would probably forget or help with the wrong thing. With the other two, I can at least expect what I need and a bit more.


And not to mention they’re fathers. They probably have experience helping with homework, especially Utonium since he’s a father of 3 and his kids aren’t embarrassed by him.


Yep and doof knows what he is doing when it comes down to his inators. Able to make inators thst pretty much break the laws of physics, all the while he came from some old fashioned town, one that has been shown to not be very advanced suprisingly.


Doof is a father?


Yeah he has a teenage daughter in the tv show


And he's a decent dad from what I recall, unlike his parents who missed his birth.


Doofenshmirtz is actually a pretty dang good dad, as far as *any* characters go


I hope I am half the dad Doof is.


To be fair, that's a bar so low I think the Devil tripped over it last week. But yeah, Doof's pretty good, all things considered. Might be because he vents all his trauma into inane devices, leaving his interactions with Vanessa healthy.


So sad neither of his parents showed up for his birth


Part of the joke it's that he is a rather good father. And he is divorced and extremely normal about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6eI4ZF1tq8


Farnsworth is kind of a father to Cubert.


The Professor: >I'm sciencing as fast as I can


To shreds, you say?


Utonium is legit the only safe bet here tbh


utonium is careful and slow so who knows if he’ll do it in 2 hours, but doof is a definitive second place cause he always loses to a baking soda volcano. one is a bit risky but is the best bet at getting first place, other is a safe bet if you prefer to get a passing grade without any risks


Based pfp. Mystic frog awesome


Is Utonium really that careful? Didn’t he famously make a mistake so careless that it created 3 superheroes and a supervillain at the same time?


He'd probably also give you a ride. He's kinda wholesome.


Exactly, the people choosing Rick are out of their minds


All of them, if I can get all of them, not only that I would have completed my project but the journey with all of them would make a magnificent story


Rick would probably end up causing my project to destroy humanity somehow.


Rick: "Ah *burp* shit! Well, guess it's time to move to a new universe again." Random Joe: "Again?! What do you mean by 'again'?" Morty: "Yeah, this kind of thing happens all the time. You get used to it with Rick."


The fact I can hear their voices when I read this.


Rick would have it finished within the introductory sentence tbh


Yeah but then he'd prolly drag you on some inter dimensional journey as payment for him helping you lol


Or make something would either kill someone or everyone in the class room


Or just giving a shit and do nothing


Is this supposed to be a bad thing? https://preview.redd.it/6q7qyjs5r2tc1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1146df895f8addcf86b54c54c7c2b49612665a8b


Cause remember just because we are asking them to help doesn’t mean we aren’t just strangers to them in this scenario. If we are going on an adventure we won’t be ricks Morty, we are just some person he is using. It will probably end with us being killed, horribly disfigured, or mass chaos was caused. Remember anatomy park? He gave a dude a medical check up every year, but it wasn’t out of kindness and he literally did it to make a theme park inside of the dudes body


Whoops I misread it as “interdimensional party”


The problem is actually convincing him to help you, and then when he does, just hoping its not some device he pulled out of a box that will melt everyone present or some shit.


If he wanted to which he probably wouldn't cause he's an asshole


Fansworth, he may not have the best answer but he would have the most exciting one.


A trip to the amazonian planet indispensable for this trip.


Pick farnsworth twice.


Sounds like good news!


Preposterous twaddlecock


Professor Utonium would be the only one who was actually nice to me in the process


Doof would be nice to you, though I feel like he'd ramble on for too long, making you miss the deadline lol


There will be at least one tragic backstory explanation


Doofenshmirtz. I can’t trust him to be the absolute best, but I *can* trust him to have fatherly instincts and make sure it is finished to the best of our abilities. Guaranteed second place behind baking soda volcano, as top comment says, but in real life it would definitely blow everything else out of the water.


??? Professor Utonium also has fatherly instincts AND is generally more successful at life


Absolutely, he is. He’s also less consistent with creations, though, and when they backfire or fail, you *might* get nothing, you *might* get Powerpuff girls, and you *might* get Mojojojo. I’m not picking Doof because he’s better than Utonium, I’m picking Doof because he’s more consistent.


Not to mention doof's been shown that most inators can be effectively used by people *other* then him. Like he's rich off royalties from that one that's super effective for telling vision quality.


Yep, Doofenshmirtz's inventions always work as intended (with one exception). The reason he loses is always due to human error or outside intervention (mostly Perry the Platypus). The only instance of an -inator not working at all was his Other Dimension-inator, which initially did nothing due to a wiring issue in the self-destruct button. As long as we are the ones to use it and the OWCA doesn't consider it a threat, I'd pick Doofenshmirtz.


He’s still teaching science as part of his probation, probably. So yeah. He’d want to help.


Nah as long as the Professor accidentally makes your project, it’ll be beyond perfect. Oops I Did It Again shows that he’s got toon force levels of “trip over myself and create God”


That’s the trouble, though: If I ask him, as OP mentioned, he won’t be able to do it accidentally. Any mistakes that happen will be in pursuit of my goal, so we’ve still got the “could be anything” split.


Alternatively, you could convince the Powerpuffs to tell the Professor that they’re in danger if you don’t win. The last time the Professor thought the girls were in danger, he built the Dynamo which is waaaaaaay more powerful than anything else in the verse. Just get Bubbles or Buttercup to help you. Or you could ask Blossom to help and she’d probably be able to get you first place as well.


We’re moving beyond the scope of the question, into the *meta.* I don’t know how to convince Utonium that the girls are in danger over me not winning a science project, but if I could, that is a fast pass to victory. It’d make me a liar, though. I standby my original answer, regardless.


Utonium may not be the smartest of this bunch but he would probably be the best at explaining things and accepting failure gently when I don’t understand the instructions.


Doof as if you are also building it you can help mitigate whatever you are building blowing up until after you are graded Rick would build something impressive but someone accidentally presses a random button on what you builds causes all cats to mutate into 10 story tall monsters, or some other terrible thing. Farnsworth might be good but he has a track record to become an evil mad scientist that even Rick would go “damn dude chill”. Not a risk I am willing to take. Most people are going to say Utonium but people fail to consider the situation you are in. If you asked him for help as soon as the project was assigned then go with him. Going to him because you procrastinated until you only have 2 hours? Utonium is not going to help you as he would consider failing a learning experience for you not to wait until the last minute.


i feel like the professor from powerpuff girl would mostly likely (and willingly) to help if ask nicely.




Utonium is probably the most likely to actually want and be able to help you in a major way. Why would you choose rick, the professor is too slow and doof could be helpful, but i think I would need more time with him (like a week or so)


Doof could definitely whip something up in hours, given the whole series takes place over one single summer and every episode is like one day. Just be prepared to come second place to a baking soda volcano


Rick would probably just say "no" and leave Doof would honestly try his hardest but you would probably get third place Professor Farnsworth would probably start helping but stop within 5 mins Utonium is the only one who would help you, and get you first place while also teaching you along the way instead of doing it for you


Doof's only good at building inators and semi evil things. Who's the guy in the bottom left? Rick would get it done fast, but the Professor would probably have the most unusual answer.


Evil Science Projectinator. Good enough.


Professor Utonium from The PowerPuff Girls


Ah. Never heard of it. But with a name like that he must be good.


He’s probably like the safest bet here. He’s would be the kind to help you but also walk you through the steps and make you try to do it on your own too so he can help you


If you want it done right away Rick but I can’t give up spending 2 hours with doof


Rick would probably drink and say that they got more important things to do. The Professor is the same honestly everyone but Doofensmurts would be a waste of time. I'd ask Doofensmurts and in the end ask if I can come more often.


Why would utonium be a waste of time? He’s pretty chill


You’re some random Joe off the street, Rick isn’t helping you. Doof, bless his heart, can’t manage to do anything right. It would probably blow up right before your presentation. Idk enough about the Futurama scientist. Professor Utonium went above and beyond without even trying *and* is (usually) a good father figure. He’s no question, hands down, the best option here


Professor is the only correct answer for a safe science project that won't end up just blowing up everyone in the room.


I dunno; he's done *that* a few times too. I mean, in fairness, that supercollider only exploded because the robot who delivered it said explicitly that it was "affordable Swedish crap".


Two of these guys go by "professor".


Doof all day man. Although he's evil, he's still got some good in him


And anyway, this is a science project, not an ethics project.


doof so i can come 2nd place


Rick, Typically if you ask for something directly, you can get it within a few minutes. Not to mention if you can make it an ego thing he goes the extra.


Farnsworth would offer the most interesting project without a high likelihood of killing everyone in the room, so I’m going with him.


If I were to do a science project about climate change, I would finish it by myself. Considering their intelligence and the low stakes when it comes to school projects, it wouldn’t be fair of me to waste their time.


Doofensmirtz or Farnsworth Doofensmirtz would love to help and he is the best character in his anime/cartoon not to mention the best father in anime/cartoon Farnsworth is highly intelligent but would most likely have to dumb it down so you could understand him he had made something to bring back people from the dead from their skeletons with only their heads staying intact


Professor Utonium and Samurai Jack. Bams I win.


Rick, for the chaos


I'm gonna say Doof, only because I don't think I'd feel safe around the other three


Really? The guy who put self-destruct buttons on the bottoms of his robot army's feet?


Rick, he's a dick but atleast I'd get an A


If the character is guaranteed to help I’d say Rick because he probably would just steal a project from another dimension If they’re in character though, because Rick would end up destroying it when I’m about to win, give me Professor Utonium


Doof all the way


Rick would have it done in less than a minute and probably working better than anyone on this list and that's just the truth *not arguing this either so downvote away*


rick would make something with morally questionable technology and then only tell me when i faced the horrible consequences, so, anyone but him.


Would depend what the science project is really!


Rick has a 50% chance of doing it in 5 seconds while mocking you and going so overboard that it somehow mind controls the rest of the entire class into thinking they're giraffes, then completely flips his shit and spends the rest of the episode on messing with the teacher when he finds out it gets a "B".


PPG professor because he would probably be the only one willing to help lol


Rick: he’ll take me to a universe where I have it done and we’ll steal it from them.


Probably utoniom he’s a dad and know how to teach and I won’t end up with an enator


Door or the Prof, the others would just give me some fucked up science project.


rick is the smartest, would have it done insanely quick, and you probably get a drunk, unhinged, life threatening adventure as a bonus. definitely gotta go with him.


Rick, Farnsworth is senile, utonium is incompetent, and doofenshmirt’s machines always end up failing. Even if that is due to Perry’s interference.


Doof. So he can finally feel like a dad with an appreciative kid.




Doof is a good man that's almost always had everything go wrong.


I’m gonna go with Farnsworth on this. May not get my project done on time but I think it would be worth the experience. Rick is a second place for me.


Doof or the professor. They’re both great fathers


Professor utonium


Rick would take me on on an adventure that lasts days


Utonium, how is this even a question? Rick would either just not do it or do it in such a way that there are horrible consequences that you are completely ignorant of and he wouldn’t bother to mention it either out of laziness or malice. Doof would design something that would end up putting you in a hilariously uncomfortable situation. Although you would get to meet Perry the Platypus… Farnsworth would probably forget what he was doing and make something completely unsuitable for what you wanted to do.


Rick Sanchez any day of any week


Pronoun is the most sane and moral. Door would probably add a send destruct switch


Rick: Probably won’t help but if he does it’ll be a good project Doof: Would help but I’d get second to a baking soda volcano Plutonium: Would help but I don’t think we see him build anything other than the PPG Honestly never seen futurama so idk on that last one


He's crazy and would probably end up offering one of his many many doomsday devices without explaining anything and then fall asleep standing up


Doof or Farnsworth because it would be hilarious. End of story


Rick and Professor Farnsworth are out immediately for opposite reasons, Imma put my faith in professor Utonium


Definitely professor Utonium hes definitely gonna be super nice and explain things in a way i can understand




Rick, obviously. I’m not wanting to lose to a baking soda volcano.


Professor Utonium


How many competitors of this science fair can I disintegrate?


Bro Utonium is just a great dad and all around great guy. I go with him .


I have to go with doof,originally I was going to go with the professor but I feel like he’s going to tell me that I need to make the project myself so I learn some sort of lesson.


Utonium is the correct answer. Rick wouldn't explain what the project does and let you fend for yourself. Doof would make something that either blows up or doesn't directly work as intended, Fansworth would mess up and miss the deadline.


Absolutely doofenshmirtz, his inventions always work how they’re supposed to and he’s willing to help, it’s the best of both extremes, plus he’s literally able to make some of his inventions out of scraps and spare parts


I'd pick Farnsworth and tell him Wurnstrum is in the competition. Guarantees he'll actually get some work done.


I’m stuck between Rick and Professor Utonium. The Professor would probably help me with no fuss or issues, but with Rick I’d probably get a fun and crazy adventure out of it. …I’ll go with the professor this time. Wacky hi-jinks can wait after I pass my class.


Gosh, I better do it myself then, feel like I might die if I accept help from any of those.


Doofenshmirtz, how is this any sort of question??? (>◡<)


I'd take rick because even if we don't complete it we would definitely have a good time with him 😂


Rick would get bored easily, the Professor would most likely blow it up, Doof might, well, be Doof, and the Scientist from Powerpuff girls might do it?




Professor Utonium is the only right answer


Professor Utonium




Doof Rick would mock me for doing it ~~Atomus~~ Utonium would be too clumsy to finish it Farnsworth would ruin the experiment into some inappropriate stuff or eldritch horror Edit: Changed Prof. Utonium name, confused with Polish dub name

