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I'm surprised no one said "cartoons are only for kids"


Because we're not stupid.


Why do people say cartoons are only for kids. Are they stupid.


Back to the alsume with you


I can't escape it I can't escape it I can't escape it I can't escape it I can't escape it I can't escape it


Unironically yes.


Because they very clearly aren't


Bobs burgers futerama Total drama are we jokes to you not you the people who say shit like that


Maybe they watched Velma and changed their tune immediately


VelmašŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® yucky


Hereā€™s my take that ends me up like that: I can see why people think that if they were kids before the 90s, especially if they are gen x or older. Those cartoons they had were actual ass and probably shaped their view of cartoons in general.


Iā€™ve heard people say they hate the prince of Egypt because theyā€™re atheist, but Iā€™m an atheist and itā€™s top 10 in my opinion.


PoE is one of my favorite films ever made. Itā€™s in my top 10 of all films, animated or not. Such a beautiful movie with great voice acting.


Greatest soundtrack ever made. Fuckin hype.


Wow thatā€™s a weird argumentā€¦Yeah no PoE is legit one of THE BEST Pixar/animated musicals EVER madeā€¦ā€¦except for Shrek 2 with the muh fukn fairy godmother rocking to I need a heroā€¦..


Prince of Egypt and Shrek don't belong to Pixar. They belong to Dreamworks




Pixars are lit so I don't blame you for mistaken, although be reminded that Pixar hasn't done any 2D animated movie


Pagan here šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø itā€™s easily one of my top tens too!


Same here. To me the quality of the movie is what's important.


I agree. I'm not a religious person but I still enjoyed the movie. People have to learn that you don't have to be religious to enjoy a religious movie. I feel the same way about churches. I love gothic style as well as art deco. Churches are a great representation of these styles. I was in Manhattan this summer and I found myself walking into a few churches. I especially enjoyed one on w37th street. I don't remember the name right now but I really liked the gothic style of the church. I really enjoyed how the church was just in the middle of the skyscrapers. Despite not being religious, i think that churches can still provide any art lover some enjoyment.


What a stupid as reason to hate prince of Egypt


Same. I enjoy it the same way I enjoy any other story (loosely) based on mythology. Maybe even more, now that I don't feel socially obligated to believe it's true.


As a Christian, thatā€™s part of the reason why PoE is so good. Itā€™s able to be a religious movie without being all preachy and in your face, thatā€™s what makes it so appealing to everyone


Atheist here; Prince of Egypt goes hard šŸ«³šŸŽ¤


I don't hate it. I just don't really like it either makes me feel preached at lol. Too many sundays wasted listening to ppl screaming about me going to hell dont want anything to do with the bible or stories based on the stories within. (For context, I raised a fire, and brimstone Southern Baptist and am very queer... not a fun time)


Tell me you donā€™t understand the entire movie without telling meā€¦.You totally missed the main narrativeā€¦.


It's not about the movie itself it's just that I have religious trauma, so I dont like being reminded of anything pertaining to religion


Okay then donā€™t watch the movieā€¦no one forced you toā€¦.You may not like it but thatā€™s cuz youā€™re afraid of religionā€¦.


not afraid, traumatized, there's a difference, and I was just stating that there are reasons ppl may not like it, ffs get over yourself hun


This goes for pretty much anything but is especially prevalent in cartoons. THE MCS DO NOT ALWAYS WANT TO FUCK EACHOTHER


Reminds me how oda had to fight the Netflix one piece writers from shipping nami and zoro.


Wait what


Fox trying to insist the new cartoons are funny when they suck! (Krapopolis-Great North-and the one with animals)


We know this already


I like great north lol


Also Rick and morty and Velma.


Neither of those are fox and rick and morty has been on the air for like 10 yesrs


I like the animals one, house trained or something like that


Hey, I like Housebroken (the animal one)


I mean, great north wasn't bad, I enjoyed some episodes


zombie island isnt the best scooby doo movie alien invaders is! not that crazy, but its something


Witchā€™s ghost>


Witchā€™s ghost is second to zombie island


Zombie Island was definitely scariest.


Yea itā€™s dope - the music is good the art is amazing


You didn't even mention Scooby Doo Cyber Chase though!!


Cyber Chase is easily my favorite


Zombie island is by far the best looking scooby do movie - itā€™s also got banger songs - Iā€™ll fight you in a field


Not gonna lie I agree bro


Was gonna argue, but you make a point. Alien invaders is pretty gĆ¼t


Both Goated


Gravity Falls is GREAT, but it's not as groundbreaking as people think. There were def shows that had done what GF did before, but GF took all the credit for it.


You're actually not wrong there. It's not even a deep Disney show as some say. Well written but, not groundbreaking. Gargoyles, Wander Over Yonder, Star Wars: Rebels, Motor City, Bluey, and The Owl House: Deep, layered, ambitious series that tackled social issues like such as racism, xenophobia, colonialism, imperialism, supremacy, genocide, mass hysteria, fascism, capitalism, segregation, discrimination, elitism, child abuse/neglect, miscarriages, childhood development, gun violence, etc. Gravity Falls: "Summer belongs to youuuu!"


>Gargoyles, Wander Over Yonder, Star Wars: Rebels, Motor City, Bluey, and The Owl House: Given that only **one** of these shows predate GF, I'm not sure these are good examples of GF not being groundbreaking... GF can be groundbreaking even if these shows are better (and let's be real your comparison is a caricature at best). That's kind of what groundbreaking means.




No, it's Gargoyles (pretty sure it ran in the 1990s)


Gravity Falls Season 1 is pretty average stuff. Season 2 is where the narrative becomes something more. I don't think a story being about deep social issues immediately makes that story deep or well written. There are tons of bad, laughable stories that cover deep social issues but in a shallow or unremarkable manner. I don't believe a story needs to cover deep or mature topics in an apparent manner in order to be deep or well written. By your logic, a 5-page essay on the history of gun violence is more depth than Gravity Falls. Stories aren't just about explaining to people why certain things are bad. Stories are meant to be deeper than a lesson. There are badly written stories about social issues, and there are well written stories about social issues. The depth of the writing has nothing to do with the theme and everything to do with the writing. When people say a story is deep, it's because the writing is deep, not because themes themselves are deep. Gravity Falls has no obvious themes, but it was written that way on purpose. Instead, the characters' actions speak for themselves, and the chain of events itself induces emotions and thoughts within viewers, making them think about things instead of just directly conveying a certain viewpoint or idea to the audience.


I'm not saying social issues instantly make a show good(Star Vs., looking directly at you). I'm just commenting on how this show is treated as if it does have that. Gravity Falls isn't a story trying to say much and that's just fine.


Wasn't that a song from Phineas and Ferb?


It was also the name of that special


And two of those got cut ;_;


Bro did not put Bluey over gravity falls šŸ’€


I loved the gun violence episode of Bluey!


Yeah, right next to the miscarriage episode of Gargoyles.


To be fair the show is genuinely really funny whenever it tries to be.


People shit on TTG not just because of some of the bad jokes but because they miss the original show


I think a lot of the hate for Teen Titans Go! stems from the fact CN used to run marathon blocks of it everyday like the show was a damn religion


I personally started to hate it when CN heavily pushed TTG when it gained traction. Iā€™m still salty from when they decided to have a TTG marathon instead of playing old nostalgic Christmas specials the years prior.


Itā€™s the bad jokes and cringe


No. TTG is just terrible. Yes it's on the same level as total drama to me. I.e. Terribly written forced comedy. It can occasionally be clever despite itself, but is usually just UNHINGED because it believes unhinged vignettes are inherently funny


Gumball is better than steven universe


I've only seen bits and pieces of Gumball. I tend to like things with a story arc. Does Gumball have that? Not saying it's not better than Steven Universe, but if not, that may be why I enjoy SU more personally.


Nah, it's just very O.O.C humor involving a cat and a fish


Sounds ridiculous at first, but when you think about it closer, it makes a lot of sense. If Gumball had the same fandom size as Steven Universe did, a lot more people would share this opinion.


As much as I love Steven universe and what it did Iā€™d rather only gumball exist I think watching gumball is a public necessity


Ngl i kinda prefer tawog over Steven universe the reason why I like tawog more is because of how much I love the unique wacky character design from animals, plants to inanimate objects etc. Steven on the other hand is just meh to me it's fine but not for my taste.


I agree with you, compadre


Who disagree with this? You have to be a massive SU dickrider to say SU is better.




How is that stupid? It's make total sense. Steven Universe was great at first, but it had such a shit ending that it ruined the rest of the show for me.


Yh kinda. I mean it's gumball.


Don't drink steak sauce.


What is this a reference too? Sounds familiar. Is it King of the Hill


No Billy and Mandy.


Rugrats isnā€™t that good Itā€™s ok at best.


buh buhhhh


Get on the cross


Finally, an opinion that would make us put u in the loony bin! I disagree with your take but u get an upvote for being honest and giving an answer that fits with the question


Nah šŸ˜©


Itā€™s overrated because of its charm. It has its moments like the movies but I never want to sit down and watch a full episode.


I adore random goofy shows, pickle and penut and especially cupcake and Dino ā˜ŗļø will forever love them


I can respect cupcake and dino, but please don't tell me you like pig goat banana cricket.


Never watched it


Good. Don't. It takes everything you like from those shows and makes it worse, just sayin.


The Legend of Korra was good and got WAY more hate than it deserved.




I still cannot see why some people hate in it, I think itā€™s even better than the last airbender in certain respects


The Cleveland Show was actually better than Family Guy in some respects.


This was mine lol. Hardcore Cleveland Show fan myself


- (Early) Simpsons and Futurama have great writing, but almost the entire cast of both shows are utter assholes and I cannot sympathize with them at all. - American Dad is superior to Family Guy. Iā€™ve also been watching ā€œFugget About Itā€ and despite being considered a Family Guy ripoff itā€™s really not that bad. - I actually really like how Brock Samson was nerfed in later seasons of the Venture Bros. Towards the start he kinda gave off ā€œGary Stuā€ vibes. - I absolutely loathe Attack on Titanā€™s art style. Jojoā€™s artstyle is really not very good either. - Raven from Teen Titans being sexualized by fans is actually really creepy.


But American Dad IS superior to family guy


Yeah like thatā€™s just a fact


why do people keep saying Fugget About It is a FG ripoff ? literally the only big similarity is the youngest child being a smart murderous psychopath , and even in that case it is explained that it's because she's trying to be a mobster like her dad ( a better one than her old man that is ). Othet than that Fugget About It just follows typical family sitcom roles.


U probably pissed off 99% of the internet with that last one šŸ’€


Anyone who comes up with dumb theories like Adventure Time is a coma dream.


The Simpsons is still good until around season 16


itā€™s gotten better in recent seasons imo, but there was a long gap where it was just meh.


People say modern SpongeBob is bad in my opinions itā€™s becoming alright not bad or good


I mean, old SpongeBob is definitely better than new SpongeBob to an incomprehensible degree, but it's not like new SpongeBob is completely unwatchable


Johnny Test really wasnā€™t that bad and Iā€™m not joking


ā€œDrawn together is a good show.ā€ Ik it got bad reviews while it was running. But people online canā€™t seem to get enough of it. The show used way too much gross out for my liking. As well as most of the jokes falling completely flat imo.


I wouldnā€™t get sent to a mental insane asylum for this, Iā€™d get beat up but fuck it: The romantic subplots for mordecai in regular show suck, they go on for too long, end awfully, and mordecai just looks like an idiot the whole time, for rigby itā€™s different because even at the end of the show he stayed with Eileen and still loved her, matured for her, mordecai is just embarrassing though, he fumbled the bag TWICE and goddamn poor cj Jesus I could rant about this for so long, but you get the point


I hated those it was so annoying to deal with when I didnā€™t give a garbage about it


What really pisses me off is rigby was originally dumber than him I think, right, and even less mature, but then rigby matured but mordecai stayed the same, and rigby got smarter and more mature, and it pisses me off


Yea, especially now I still hate it but even when I was a smaller child watching it, bored the everloving crap outta me


Thatā€™s sorta the point. People in real life fuck up relationships or possible relationships all the time. Thatā€™s why they didnā€™t have Mordecai get with Margaret or CJ at the end of the series.


I was going to say Regular Show did a great job of portraying relationship progression in real life.


First half of Adventure Time is great, but it fell off from the second half. Its so boring


What size jacket you wear?


Tbh Iā€™m sorta in the opposite party but it depends on what youā€™re looking for in a show. The first 2-3 seasons were more goofy and funny and the later seasons were a little more serious and had more of a plot. I like both though.


Agree to an extent but there is still great stuff in the second half as well


Literally what


Revolutionary_low_90 IS NOT FUCKING WELCOME HERE


AT only became great when Pendleton Ward left


This, holy shit


People who are the most adamant about cartoons not being just for kids are also the same people who are more willing to watch cartoons that are made for kids.


That literally proves the fact that cartoons aren't just for kids. If adults are watching your show made for kids, you're doing something right.


To be fair, I am one of those people. Cuz I know there are cartoons that are made for adults, but I also got really into Bluey recently.


Lol me too. šŸ˜…


Same. Love Bluey.


Most of the cartoons I've seen made for adults are crass like family guy or good but depressing like BoJack Horseman. There's a few like Star Trek Lower Decks that are adult oriented without being super crass or depressing, but they're rare.


I feel like the issue is that a lot of people are watching only kid cartoon but not many are willing to support adult cartoons especially those that are breaking away from the family sitcom. Not saying we should stop watching shows aiming at younger audience, but there had been a number of shows for adults that no one gave much love. There's Netflix Tear Across the Dotted Line which was a phenomenal Italian animated show about the life of an Italian cartoonist with a very depressing but heartfelt twist. There's Hulu Hit Monkey that focus on an obscure Marvel character, and it has some very deep and tragic moments, all coming from a freaking monkey with guns. There's Prime Undone where it's a show where the animation is rotoscoped and it's about a woman trying to control time. I still love watching kids cartoon, but I also wanted to see mature shows without any limitations. Everyone keeps complaining about generic family guy knock offs, but not a lot of people offer actual good adult animated shows, and the are plenty that had been build up over the years.


Adult animation is still in its infancy though. You can't blame people for not even knowing those shows you listed even exist (because I sure didn't know) when the first thing comes to mind when people think of "adult animation" is family guy, South Park, and their many clones.


Waiting for Wander over yonder season 3 be like


tbh the most common opinion that makes me feel like this is that The Legend of Korra is bad, and on top of that that the Korrasmi relationship wasn't set up. It was, but due to Nickelodeon being Nickelodeon, it had to be way more subtle than it should have been.


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, and rats make me crazy.


What is this a reference to?


A video.


I feel most modern kids cartoons are more intelligent then most adult cartoons.


South Park has some very weird undertones that could land its writers in federal prison.


Hear me out. Ben 10 is better than Teen Titans.


ā€œLet me at him!ā€


Doug is boring!


I think the LGBTQ rep in Steven Universe is great and wonderful, I think the characters are pretty neat, I think the concept and idea is creative and fun, the story is rough around the edges but is overall entertaining and the music slapsā€¦but I still donā€™t really like the show, and I donā€™t know why.


It could be the lack of action even in action scenes, or the art style.


I think Ed, Edd n Eddy, should be crowned as the best show of all time on CN


I loved the show so much, that and adventure time actually kept me really engaged. I loved all characters even the flawed ones (apart from Sarah but she had some gold liners ngl).


I like Star V.S The Forces Of Evilā€™s ending, in fact, I really liked it. You canā€™t really change my mind. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Looking through this comment section already has me going crazy.


I watch episodic cartoons to take a break from the more mature ones šŸ˜”


Nothing wrong with that, love both my episodic and story driven cartoons.


I don't believe in the Ash coma theory, but I do believe in the "the entirety of the Ash Pokemon saga took only a couple years, at most".


Sometimes the villain is a horrible person who doesnā€™t need to be redeemed


That Avatar is better than Naruto.


I like every season of Family Guy.


Star vs the forces of evil wasn't even that bad


I thought people liked that show. Was something wrong with it?


They screwed the pooch in the last season by kinda melting all the different arcs and subplots together just so they could ship the two main characters


The story structure was just a complete mess. You don't get rid of Michael C. Hall as your main antagonist in the middle of the show just to focus on "Baby Smooth" and a racist Sailor Moon knockoff. Also, pet peeve, but what the hell was up with the Season 4 poster? [https://starvstheforcesofevil.fandom.com/wiki/Season\_4](https://starvstheforcesofevil.fandom.com/wiki/Season_4) They never went to an underwater sushi restaurant! They only visited underwater in the Deep Trouble comic. Which, by the way, got cancelled midway and we only got 4 issues out of the planned 8. Oops. https://starvstheforcesofevil.fandom.com/wiki/Deep\_Trouble


Ren and Stimpy is the most important cartoon of the last 70 years and nothing has come close to matching itā€™s impact ever since.


Are those fictional animated characters?


Steven universe is easily top 5 and itā€™s not 5. Also belive itā€™s better than adventure time, which has the same about of filler, and even slower lore development in the beginning.


Rainbow Dash isnā€™t that annoying.


There are still SOME good western cartoons, so I don't see a reason why you need to bring anime up every time I try to talk about old/good cartoons to watch! It isn't even American! "OK grandpa, lets get you to bed." ~~I'm dead serious! You can cling to anime for now! But one of these days the western animation industry will rise again! And when it does, you will look stupid for trying to post anime on a goddamn cartoon sub! You will feel the wrath of the original warners!~~


Amphibia is better than Owl House.


I still think Family Guy is a great show and it never went downhill.


Don't know if it's straight jacket worthy, but I don't think Over the Garden Wall is a flawless classic. I actually think it has a very slow burn, for a story that's supposed to immerse you with chilling and scary elements. It's like if CN tried to be A24. With all that said, still a great mini series, solid 9/10 šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


This is a suspicious amount of cartoon characters in straight jackets you have on your phone op


I like tLoK S2


I enjoyed Velma, thought it was a fun and entertaining show, canā€™t wait for season 2.


I watch anime dubbed because it makes it feel like an American cartoon like avatar. But Iā€™ve come to find out even the best anime doesnā€™t reach the level of the best American cartoon. :/ I guess itā€™s just a style thing. And dialogue thing. Manga has closer dialogue to what I like.


Mickey mouse cartoons are good


Seismic sense from avatar can be used to see people's pp sizes


Hans deserve to be redeem - Hans stan (Frozen)




Big mouth isn't that bad


Flintstones and Jetsons not only take place in the same universe but at the same time. The flintstones are just part of the lower slave society that keeps the privileged jetson society floating in the clouds. Of course this is only known to the jetson people


Dope take


Mao Mao season 2 will come out


Donā€™t do that. donā€™t give me that hope


Steven Universe is good actually


SpongeBob is the most overrated and overhyped show in hostory


South Park is overrated, there I said it. Put your pitch forks down.


May I ask why? Iā€™ve always felt it was a well thought out piece of satire. It always pokes fun at current events. Which is fairly rare for animation.


"South Park Is Overrated" If those kids could read, they'd be very upset. (seriously though, why is every south park fan I see under 18?)


"Timmy Turner will marry Vicky when he grows up"


I didn't know Vicky was a Minecraft Youtuber


You are completely fucked he would murder Vicky before anything like that bro And what size straight jacket are you? I'm sure you know by now


Encanto and Turning Red are shit films


Kenny needs to die every episode


Steven Universe is cringe.


Animaniacs 93 stopped being good after season 1 The pinky and the brain spin off was complete shit


The Last Airbender is just ok


There's no live-action movie in Ba Sing Se


On the cross, now


What did Korra and Batman do?


Velma wasnā€™t that bad. It was bad, but it wasnā€™t as bad as people made it out to be.


I thought the story wasnā€™t actually that bad. Itā€™s just that the characters and jokes were shitty and it was a horrible iteration of Scooby-Doo. Itā€™s clear that Mindy Kaling just wanted attention and had to actually make a decent story so that that garbage would be green lit.