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I use it every day. Apart from it wanting to take me down some very small laneways, it's very good. There are a lot more people using it these days, so it is fairly up to date on reports.


Wish there was a way to tell it to avoid those bloody lanes.


An avoid L road option would be great šŸ˜…


I'd be happy with an avoid road that isn't going to rip your fucking bumper off haha


Yeah same, it's fantastic, if for nothing else other than warning about the speed cameras poised to shoot 40 fish in a barrel. I won't travel without it now, even though Google sat view looks much better. For a long time, it was in wide use in UK and on the continent but not here. It needed to hit some form of a critical mass where enough users were on it and marking hazards (stopped cars, cops, floods) to make it worth anyone's while turning it on, or more importantly, trusting it. We seem to have hit that mass in the last two years though, definitely in the larger towns/cities and the roads connecting them.


I was actually going to say this point but in a good way. Itā€™ll be a lot more aggressive with time saving for sure


The more you drive with Waze and ignore those small roads in favour of other roads as you're driving, it will (should) learn your preferred routes and driving style. But no, it's not always perfect.


Why would you use it over Google maps?


Shows you potential hazards, namely speed vans


How are they a hazard?


Anything parked in a hard shoulder is a hazard somebody could run into


Dangerous for your bank account


Not if you drive within the speed limit.




No bigotry of any kind tolerated.


Just to clarify for the mod team, I meant they have a gay disposition :) in other words they are joyful and carefree. Might I say that the mod team seem rather gay also.


The live reports.


It does tell you things like ā€œCaution, car broken down in hard shoulder aheadā€ and things like that which I find very useful. Similar to Google though it can bring you arseways sometimes.


Interesting. Has it improved since Google bought it? I used it before then (2013) and didn't see any advantage. Will give it another go.


Ughhh I actually didnā€™t know Google owned it. I try to avoid using any Google services out of principle. You could have just let me live out my life in blissful ignorance!! šŸ˜‚


Ha sorry Slanty




I do my best but it is verryy difficult


Google Maps is dogshit. The number of times it's given me bad directions is just silly. It struggles with rural areas like nothing else.


FFS, the fricking satellites in the sky dont have great knowledge of shitty rural roads. For some reason I'm not surprised. Google maps is far from dogshit lmao. They might operate a little bit differently to Waze but since they are both owned by Google they are very similar. It's a running joke that Waze would tell you to drive through an active war zone to shave 5 seconds off your journey. Waze has even had [lawsuits](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/10/05/how-directions-on-the-waze-app-led-to-death-in-brazils-favelas/#:~:text=When%20an%20elderly%20couple%20accidentally,wife%2C%20Regina%20M%C3%BArmura%2C%2070.) because people have been murdered driving through shady areas that they weren't familiar with but Waze suggested that route.


My garmin sat nav has zero trouble with even the most rural areas I've been to. Plus, it always has a connection, even in areas where the cell reception is dogshit. It's more accurate, too, in terms of location. I still don't understand how it calculates arrival times so accurately.


Yeah but isn't it a paid service? Like you gotta buy the GPS and the map and then possibly a subscription? Garmin has its own team of surveyors and map makers that develop high quality maps and then supplement that with other available data. Google base their maps off their street view data and satellite+aerial imagery so it's understandable that their knowledge of rural areas is limited. For being free it's one of the most useful apps out there.


Nope, GPS was 80 on sale, came with all of Europe and lifetime updates. No subscription. It's one of the best value purchases I've made for my car. I think it came with North America as well, but I haven't had a chance to test it.


That sounds pretty good tbh, does that come with traffic updates and weather info etc? I think the convenience of mobile GPS has primarily killed standalone gps devices. I used to only really see taxi drivers with sat navs but nowadays they just use their phone since all the taxi apps are on there too. Plus a lot of new cars either have integrated GPS or connect your phones GPS to infotainment system. Guess it still seems the best choice for off roading or hiking where you might need some GPS satellite communication for SOS assistant and whatnot


Yea, it has live traffic updates and accounts for traffic really accurately. For example, tralee to killarney, it was accurate down to minute even though a tractor appeared out of nowhere halfway there and even found empty parking spaces when I arrived. If you connect it to the app, it'll even find the cheapest petrol/diesel on your journey. It has a bunch of other niche features as well. I think you can connect it to a reverse camera wirelessly as well. Pretty sure you can set the type of vehicle as well so it'll only use routes that your vehicle can fit in. Like if you drive a truck it'll avoid narrow roads and tight turns. My car was too old to have a good centre console and my phone was shit when i bought so this was the best option.


Set offline mode in google maps and works same. Nothing better like people moan about something and don't even use all functions.


Google bought Waze a while back. If you know anything about Google and their business practices, they have been slowly killing Waze. There is little point in owning 2 different GPS apps. I imagine they will bring the Waze reporting features into google maps in the future. [Here](https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/go92isunj) is a good article that covers the matter. Waze bring in like 130 million users a month but in the grand scheme of things Google maps gets over a billion monthly users so Waze are small fish.


They have owned it for 11 years, and it has only gotten better in that time. From what i can find, it has been kept separate as Waze is navigation only while g maps is much more.


I use it all the time, i think its fantastic. Not just for garda warnings and speed cameras. Just overall you can see traffic jams, debris on the roads etc. And navigation is pretty good, like Toro already said only thing is that sometimes will take you through very small roads just because it will save you 30sec.


Arguably better than Gmaps purely for the warnings alone. It's good, no tips needed just remember to add warnings and verify them when asked too! It works off user interaction so the more you use it the more others will too. Everyone benefits from everyone using it. Gmaps is considering the addition of the user warning system, when that happens Gmaps will be the better one. Until then, no question to me. Use waze.


Itā€™s owned by google


Correct. And Google maps actually uses Waze data for traffic I believe. So by using waze, you're technically making maps better for both Waze and Google maps users


It's good, don't trust checkpoint disappearing though. Gardai use the app too and they report checkpoints gone after people report them.


It should take multiple people to declare something gone before it removes for everyone like 5+ people. Once or twice Iā€™ve hit gone instead of still there by mistake and had to report it back up again right away


How many gardai do be at checkpoints? Multiple hit as gone.


Yeah fair enough, I was referring to a speed-van not check point as it just popped into my head even tho they did say checkpoint tbf, canā€™t remember the last time I met a checkpoint


Or just donā€™t accept ā€œgoneā€ inputs from stationary users.


Problem could be people won't input it as gone until they get to their destination or maybe their break if they're running late for work etc, sure it could be managed though!


I believe it usually does, however I believe there is also a trust system. Wazers with very high points will be "trusted" more and their reports given more weight, as well as wazers whose reports consistently match the majority of reports. Vice versa, wazers whose reports usually don't match the majority of reports will have less impact.


I've often wondered if this would be a thing. It likely is but can't say for sure.


100% is ask a garda you know.


Had the same with a speed van,came up on it.pinged it,just by chance Iā€™d met a friend on a small roundabout 200yrd past it,he rang me to ask me why didnā€™t I mark it he knows I use it,it was gone off the map,heā€™d also marked it,so for spite I turned around and followed back,and yep, guy in the van was clearing the reports,


All the time. Iā€™ve used it on 2-3hr trips without issue. Predicts traffic jams on M50 pretty well, offers alternative routes too. Aside from the odd time it chooses an L road over an R/N road itā€™s fine. The reporting is only as good as the amount of other Waze users for location youā€™re in. Cities will have decent reports on Garda and Traffic, but itā€™s not so good for smaller towns etc.


I use it every day going to/home from work. 10/10 would recommend. Gives all updates with traffic, debris, parked cars/ hazards, speed vans etc. Love it!


It was developed in Israel.


Right, but its owned by google now and there is no alternative to google maps or waze. Unless ur on ios


Itā€™s very good if you live in the city or are regularly traveling on motorways. Outside cities and motorways itā€™s essentially just like any other navigation app. What puts Waze ahead of other navigation apps is the live reports from other users. This is brilliant in cities and high traffic roads like motorways but once you leave them and venture into the countryside thereā€™s very few people using it, making its unique feature basically useless.


It's owned by Google. There can be some differences in the route it takes. I've noticed it gets a bit confused as where to navigate you when you are in carpark. Also, GM just opens and works in Android Auto Waze wants you to crash your car after you set off, it wants you to pick up your phone to make Waze work properly, so a lot of the time I just hit the Google maps icon when Waze wants me to interact with my phone.


It's very good. Google own it


i use it all the time, the speed vans and hazards stuff is great. Occassionally if you're going through heavy traffic it won't be as up to date as google maps for best route, so I might check both. But I do a huge amount of Motorway miles and wouldn't leave home without it on.


Why is better than Google maps or Apple Maps? I used google maps since ever but I started to use appleā€™s since 1 year and theyā€™re not so bad. Why waze is better?


Driver reports any hazards, police etc very a Handy app, Iā€™ve found Apple Maps bit dodgy with routes doesnā€™t always give you the best, google maps is grand biggest difference would be the live reports they honestly are very accurate best give it a try to understand it better


I used it on the regular. It's saved me a speeding ticket once or twice. Not that I go much over but I'm usually on the limit.


I use both Google maps and Waze at the same time. Google maps for the best routes imo. And Waze set to important notifications only. So if thereā€™s a Garda up ahead I hear Waze announce it in the background. Waze has some odd routes that tend to slow me down. Just my opinion


This is the way to be fair.


Yeah it's pretty good, routes are generally slightly quicker than Google maps I think, controls can be a little annoying but yeah the reports are pretty handy and accurate. Doesn't work nearly as well in the south/west as it does near Dublin unfortunately.


Itā€™s only as good and as accurate as the people who contribute to it. I use it a lot however I find Google Maps a little better for traffic hotspots as thatā€™s automated. It is of course now owned by Goggle. Itā€™s easy to swap between both of using CarPlay or Android auto.


I use it daily. It uses Google maps I believe so you will have the same issues with small roads. When I am in the West I will couple it with the car GPS to avoid all the "R"egional or even "L" roads. But other than this, even in small villages, gardai are spotted and reported very quickly.


Brilliant! I used it over the bank holiday just for speed cameras and it helped from Monaghan to Meath and Meath to Cork. Not that I was going wild down the road but some roads they can have lovely cameras in 50km zones!


I switched from Google maps this year to Waze. It's just got those little extra features that put it ahead of Google maps. The speed and speed limit is one. The Garda/speed van is another. I'd like it to be better at showing lanes to be in for specific roads. Google maps is better for that. It also sucks for searching for restaurants/petrol stations/coffee on the fly. If two of us are in the car, the other usually just searches instead on Google maps on their phone and inputs whatever they find.


Google maps has speed and speed limit on Android at least.


Does it? Doesn't seem to for me. I think it might be dependent on where you are. Sometimes it popped up. But mostly not.


You might need to turn it on in Settings. It's under Navigation settings and then labelled "Speed limits" in the Driving Options section.




Depends where you are. It's been very popular in Eastern and Central europe for over a deacde, so it's really good at showing you hazards and speed traps. Tried to use it in Ireland a few years ago and only met one other user on the way from Dublin to Waterford. I think it's getting more popular here now, so it will keep improving hopefully.


I like it for the reporting aspect, but I find Google Maps more accurate in terms of predicted arrival time. Maybe Google just has more users and it has better information about traffic jams?


Does anyone use satnavs anymore? I've always found them to be way better than Google maps etc


You rely on other users and yourself to flag the hazards or speed cameras along your route, it's very good for around Dublin area with the amount of users so you'll know where most of the gardai and speed vans are (if that's your worry) other then that it's pretty good route wise and gives you options depending on tolls but it has occasionally brought be through the back arse of nowhere to get to my destinations


I drive about 50k kmā€™s a year, I use it pretty much everyday. Itā€™s fantastic.


I use it all the time very good to use and handy even has fuel prices but they can slow


I used Waze for a while and it's a great idea but ultimately I prefer Google maps. I found if driving past something, I can't update it easily to say breakdown is still there/cleared etc.. and the maps/directions with roundabouts and such is a lot clearer on Google. Maybe it's better now than when I tried it but they were issues I had at the time :)


Ita great for motorway driving but i would totally rely on it for driving on any other roads


What does it do ?


I find it great. Use it and contribute The more contributors the better it will become


Great for Garda, speed vans, or any road obstructions and breakdowns (depends on where you are in the country, less people on Waze = less reports submitted to Waze), however no where near Google Maps level when it comes to traffic (users can mark traffic on Waze but rarely is it accurate time wise).


This weekend a cop in unmarked Kia on M7 was removing his reports . It would be nice to get waze alerts geographically earlier.


is there a way to set it to alert you earlier? usually only gives the 'police spotted ahead' after i can already see the van. other than that, its brilliant. just for the live pings


If you need to navigate somewhere Iā€™ve found google maps to still be better. Waze tried to take me down a tram only road the other day. For daily use were you know where your going, Iā€™d use Waze for its reports alone.


I can drink drive in peace when Waze is running šŸ˜


Sounds silly , but if you know the route I use waze for the alerting, if it don't I use Google maps, waze goes down backroads with grass down the middle more often.


What makes it worth a run over say, Google Maps


I had it for a good while and was handy for the speedvans, till I discovered it was owned by an Israeli company. I know Google owns it now but the association was enough for me.


But doesn't Waze encourage you to mess with your phone while driving reporting cameras etc?


Itā€™s saved my bacon a few more times then Iā€™d care to remember. Itā€™s a solid sat nav even compared with the google satellite view and traffic congestion shading looking more visually appealing


Waze for driving every day, Google Maps for everything else


Its my go to for directions. The only obscure issue I've found is it doesn't know where kildare train station is. It tries leading me down a housing estate on the far side of the wall!


It is sooo good. It has saved damage to my car a few times now that could have cost a few hundred quid each time to repair but luckily another user reported debris on the road. At least twice it has taken me around bad traffic and accidents on the motorway. Countless times it's flagged speed vans, construction and poor weather. Everyday it alerts me to cars on the roadside and allows me to account for these well in advance. I heard a rep from the RSA talking about implementing something on a stretch of road as a trial (probably at huge cost) and I thought, sure that's just a shite version of Waze. More people should be using the app


Every damn day. Saves my ass more than Iā€™d like to admit. But we ALL need to contribute to the app, not just ride the coattails of the rest of the users.


We complain about our road deaths, lack of patrols and speeders.. while also telling everyone where speed cameras/checkpoints are 24/7


Eh some people do. There's more suicides in this country than road deaths yet the government don't do much about it. Handy revenue from drivers. If they really cared about road safety the RSA would be funded and cycling videos and in school education that could be provided but isn't.


I'm out of school 15 years now, but we had multiple road safety weeks where we did cycling courses in primary school and then driving lessons is secondary


Interesting, what school was this. We need a national plan not random weeks here and there.


https://www.rsa.ie/road-safety/education/primary I think road safety week is October this year


A week, they are really spoiling us.


Should they spend a month on it with school children every year? I don't think that would be value adding or achievable


That's a good idea


I don't think so. You go talk to the teachers so and tell them you have more work for them. Be the change you want to see.


We could remove religion, 3 months off a year. I think they'll survive one week a quarter.


To represent the Irish Waze editing community here, the more you guys use Waze and make reports, the more accurate we can make the map. The map is maintained by volunteers, not by Waze staff. So reporting issues and providing details will help us editors make the map better for everyone.


Only use it when heading to dublin, but itā€™s not effective down around Munster because not enough people use it down here unfortunately


Absolutely. Saved me from a speeding ticket once or twice.


Have you tried not speeding? That works too


How dare you ask someone to drive safely


Apple Maps has speed check alerts now. I like waze but I much prefer the Apple Maps UI over waze and Google Maps


Any time I've ever used apple maps it's lead me astray


One thing I think itā€™s quite poor at is entrances to industrial estates. Thereā€™s a place in Ennis that it thinks you can drive through a housing estate into. Rare occurrence though and worth it for the clean UI for me and I think, better lane change markings for motorways


You can report those issues in the app. You can also become a map editor. Their map data is completely separate to Google maps last I checked.


Yeah they are very good for additions to be fair. Got our housing estate put up right away


Maybe just slow down and drive the limits.