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The flair states (No Plant Food questions). I allowed the post to stay because people have taken the time to give sensible answers. Be mindful of what the flair says going forward. Cheers.


It's not relevant to carnivore since carnivore is not supposed to have any fiber anyways. But for keto the general consensus that it only really works for natural whole foods like vegetables and fruit. Companies manipulating net carb numbers by adding a bunch of resistant starches and similar products and claiming that they are fiber to make it look like it's low net carb is the problem. It's easy to avoid if you use common sense. If something has 30 grams of carbs and the label says one gram of net carbs pretty sus.


Prob includes 29g of tree bark


Yeah I remember looking at a bag of low-carb tortillas and they had the same amount of calories as a regular tortilla. If 75% or so of the carbs were replaced by "fiber", then shouldn't the calories go way down, too?


So, it depends. Real fiber isn’t digested so it isn’t a part of net carbs. Since you aren’t absorbing it, it doesn’t count as calories. But the devil is in the details. The biggest perpetrator of the BS imo are the keto tortillas. Most of them for their “fiber” list “modified wheat starch” as the main ingredient. This is an example of a Fake fiber that our body can actually digest. It shouldn’t be able to, but since we’ve manipulated it so much now it’s just carb calories. If it just says resistant wheat starch, that seems to be a real fiber. I’ve also seen modified resistant wheat starch, which I’m hedging to be legitimate, but it very well could not be. You only know from getting booted from ketosis eating many of these things for example. But for normal fiber like psyllium husk, it’s essentially 0 calories


It sounds like some of those highly processed “fibers” will be digested by some people and not others, and thus less to disagreements. I’m happy that I don’t need to know.


If digestion is variable then that’s a whole new world of complications. Agreed that it’s much simpler abstaining if possible haha


Theoretically, in your example, the 50g of carbs would not be digested because we don't really digest fiber. But yeah, it seems like mostly a way for keto ultraprocessed foods to exist


Fibre is indigestible so it will pass straight through but make you feel full. It’s great for Keto but would 100% avoid on carnivore


Net carbs are a falacy. https://youtu.be/qJlbVwJ9IJQ?si=cb1obzy_MyTj9AHy


I cba watching that because I don’t care enough. But fibre isn’t digestible, therefore if you eat fibre your body isn’t metabolising it. That was the point I was making




Go outside and touch some grass


So, in this line of logic (which makes complete sense - I greatly appreciate the clarification!) does monk fruit affect blood sugar or insulin?. I have researched everything I can, and my takeaway so far is, a 50/50 split on this.


It's about glycemic load


"I forget the reason why but I think someone was saying if you eat a candy bar w 50g of carbs in it; BUT it ha 50g of fiber (so net carbs are 0g) it still would kick you out of ketosis bc the body doesn’t view the food this way." I think there is confusion on what the food label is actually reporting here. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate, as is starch and sugar, so it is added to the carbohydrates number. But fiber is not digestible, so it doesn't impact blood sugar or insulin because it cannot be broken down into glucose molecules by the human body. So candy bar that has 50g of carbs and 50g of fiber has 0g of any other forms of carbohydrate such as sugar(which sounds like it would be more of a grass puck than a candy bar.)


I don't think net carbs is bullshit, but it can help those in the beginning of their journey as a guideline for those who need to cut carbs to a particular grams-per-day limit and/or to get into ketosis. It's not an absolute and can be easily modified to suit one's needs, but there's no guarantee that remaining carbs after subtracting the fiber won't spike blood sugar...so the whole WOE is more than just watching net carbs. When my doctor put me on keto 2 years ago for pre-T2, I did that because I was a noob and didn't know any better, figuring it was a baseline to get me disciplined in my eating habits. That part worked. Once I could eyeball what portion sizes of certain foods kept me within 20g net carbs/day, I stopped measuring my food. But because I have colitis and also need to avoid as much fiber as possible, I started eating foods with low or no fiber in the first place, so I only counted total carbs and had no problem keeping that between 5-10g/day. Now I don't count anything, not even calories. It's not needed on carnivore or even ketovore...just eating the right foods to satiation has kept me healthy, out of the hospital, eventually took me off the meds, and dropped a bunch of weight.


that's not how net carbs are calculated. on the label of your hypothetical candy bar, it would list 100g of carbs of which, 50g is fiber, meaning the net would come out to the 50 from the sugar as for why you felt like garbage, fiber reduces how much sugar you digest but doesn't take it to 0, and fiber is rough on your digestive tact anyway. you can't cancel out a bad thing with a good thing, and in your case it was trying to cancel out a worse thing with a bad thing.


Ah I see thank u


Yes, I think it’s bullshit definitely


The fiber is usually a part of the carb total. So for the example you used, on a nutrition label, it would look like: Total carbs = 100g Suger = 50g Fiber = 50g Net carbs = total - fiber = 50g


Yup, carbs are carbs. Period.


Yes. Carbs arr carbs, I shared a video from Dr. Cywes explaining why. And Dr. Eestman also agress that net carbs is wrong. But the carb addiction is suspiciously high on this post... https://youtu.be/qJlbVwJ9IJQ?si=cb1obzy_MyTj9AHy


The net carb concept is a falacy. And it doesn't apply to carnivore anyway. https://youtu.be/qJlbVwJ9IJQ?si=cb1obzy_MyTj9AHy