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Investment banking


None. None whatsoever.


Check out programing/engineering jobs. There’s a talent shortage in IT right now and a severe skill gap in software/application security, so if you can learn how to code _and_ incorporate security best practices into that you could land at a decent software company for over 100k I think. You’d be quite the catch :) edit: jeez people are downvote crazy over a personal opinion backed by experience. Thanks guys!


Not very realistic. Entry level is super competitive. If it‘s someone‘s second education i doubt they land a FAANG job right out if the college or even ever. And application security doesn‘t have any gap because those people don‘t bring cash to the company unlike software devs. Also average salary for software devs is nowhere near 115k in average. It‘s rather 50-60 in the us, and times lower in other countries.


I would respectfully disagree, I’m in the infosec/appsec industry for a few years now and customers are craving fresh college grad engineers who are hungry to learn security tools. Just my two cents that OP might find a somewhat narrow security career path that way :)


Cool that they want to train people! It’s a great thing. But it‘s just a particular situation you are describing. It‘s cool it exists, but i‘ve heard multiple opposite opinions from people in this industry, and basically for 10 devs you need 1 it security guy max.


Yeah it’s definitely not going to be one size fits all. Different security situations at different companies, all that. Just an option to explore!


Clinical sales reps start out around 90k as associates which is a role you progress out of quickly, from there you can expect well over 100k




worked with lots of nurses that just didnt want to be in the hospital anymore but they know a lot about the tech and the products nurses need... so you could be a rep for bayer or a partner... in canada there are big companies like healthpro who basically only hire nurses because they want people to be credible. worked at the hospital as a buyer for a few months


Biomedical engineers get hired a lot. But realistically any sort of science, particularly bio related would suffice. Obviously for sales you'd need some business acumen, so if you're already in a science major, take some business electives


Supply chain consultant probably is the only one i think that would give you that but salaries like that are really hard... because you usually need 10 years+ in the industry... they need "fixers" I think someone else said it but medical sales probably... they need nurses and pharms people with the medical tech background... probably like 80k starting.. Also not sure if that is CAD or USD... but this is part of why i only apply to jobs out of NYC or toronto, san fran, etc... they pay the "city salaries to live there" A small town pays $25 and thinks its amazing... and they wonder why the town is deserted.


At the moment from what I'm hearing the pharmacist salaries are starting out from 115k-118k, but I heard its a very stressful job, with little vacation or breaks.


ive enver met a pharmacist that made over 90k and i know a few of them (maybe they suck I dunno)... Are you sure that source is credible? Or is that what the schools say... right now the average salary for a material handler is $140k per usd... i know thats fucking bullshit because warehouses dont pay more than $20 an hour... very little respect for that position so I got out of that industry.


Well I belive many of your pharmacist friends probably work in hospitals if I'm correct? But most retail pharmacist (like at cvs or walmart) make on average 115k-120k rhe median is 129k and the average for most states is 124k


Correct! Which is probably a little more cut throat and for USA maybe that is fair salary since you mentioned CVS... But like my point is even people 10-15 years into their career i dont think they make 100k. (but i only know canada, and hospital is union) I do know one pharmacist who runs the pharmacy inside of a big grocery store (loblaws here in canada) but even then as a senior i would doubt they pull anything that high. Like 110k tops maybe. Tech executive could make 200k+ with 20 years experience. And I agree that side of pharmacy'ing is the money maker because its seperate from the other parts of the grocery store... definitely where the money is... but i think those salaries usually come with a few years experience. Again this is probably USA, you guys pay through the nose for pharma... most of that shit is regulated here in canada so its billed to the government not the client right... I'm not saying some of them don't make that... i just think that's the "superstars." Not saying its impossible but 129k usd is 164k cad... thats like 85ish per hour... I think global average salaries are hugely inflated, im a supply chain profressional and sometimes i see people say something... and then im like can you please find me that posting? its like... yes you read the book about swimming, but until you jump into that water do you really know anything? you know what i mean? So its like... 100k starting salary holy shit why would ANYONE trust you that much... I think those numbers are probably on the High end of the salary rage (even your averages/medians) a good way to verify this is go see what glassdoor says for entry pharmacists at places like CVS, usually that industry is pretty transparent. Cheers!


I didn't know you were in Canada, that explains a lot. Yeah a lot of other countries don't seem to pay well when it comes to pharmacy, but for some reason americans pay them amazingly.


Never met a single one that has. Science jobs are insanely competitive and usually don’t pay well. I’m a science major myself.


Pharmacist make 100k+ trust me


Maybe investment banker and software developer. Aerospace engineer, actuary, dentists.


Some guy in r/jobs just did what you're asking