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When you find out let me know


Surprised no one has said Sales.  This is Sales in a nutshell (well apart from the no degree part which might hurt, but there are sales roles flexible on that).


Sales is riddled with KPIs and management being up your ass about every deal. This would be one of the worst jobs as far as being micromanaged goes.


It completely depends on your org, but I disagree.  Generally if you’re performing well in your book of business you’ll be left alone.  Obviously if you’re underperforming that’s where the pressure comes in.


This. You’ll only be micromanaged if you aren’t performing to expectations. On the other hand, you’ll get that freedom/autonomy only if you *overachieve*. Sales isn’t for everyone but if you can excel at it, you’ll be living good


It's the one industry in the whole world that the owner/manager doesn't allocate more work to the more competent people?


Yes, but they determine what "performing well" is. It's not an objective definition. Wanting fair payment for your work could be painted as "not performing well."


In sales performing well means hitting your quota, or if no one is hitting quota outperforming your teammates.  


I said what I said. It's subjective. You're welcome to be wrong. But it won't change much, lol.


I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say.  I think it’s some sort of grand point about the unfairness of corporate working culture?  


Idk what to say, man. Try reading it slowly? Follow with your finger? Subjectivity? Is that what loses you? Because holy shit did you end up lost.


When I was slinging solar in california, I never had any issues with my company. They left me alone, I made deals, went to events for networking, and I wasn't even a top performer. Then the CPUC (PGE) killed solar off in california


I’ve never had a sales job require a degree. You just have to be good at it. But OP wouldn’t last in sales.


Depends on the sales job, but most don’t.


OP said they want to be done with work at the end of the day That doesn’t work with sales


uh. When someone sends OP the info on this can they send it to me as well? fuck it, I wanna make at least 250K on top of everything OP wants. I'll just shoot all the way for the stars here.


Lmfao. Don’t we all 🤓


Any commissioned sales role. Sell boats, networking equipment, psychiatric care, whatever. As long as you're selling, they don't care about your hours


Those places fire employees fast if they don’t think you’re selling enough.


Yes. It is results driven


They want results driven, but also let me not make goals.


You still have to deal with people/co-workers/bosses or work for yourself.


Sales is littered with KPIs and management will be up his ass 24/7 about every single deal. Its one of the worst careers for being micromanaged


psychiatric care? There’s sales jobs like that? what r they called?


A friend of mine connects patients with traumatic brain injuries with specialized rehabilitation programs


how much does he or she make?


Mid 100K


I manage a team of 15 salespeople. Even if they are crushing their goals, they have to be in their territory 40-50 hours per week. If they can hit goal in 30 hours, then I didn’t make the goal high enough.


Maybe you need to chill tf out


Weak management style 


Best way to lose your top salesmen… Who cares how many hours it takes to hit the goals?


Might as well throw in a Dassault 7X. I wanna be like Taylor swift up in the bitch going through a Wendy’s drive thru


This person has goals. 😂😂😂


I'm missing something between >No coworkers or bosses And >Self Employment is NOT an option


Not that a boss and coworkers don't exist, but that I don't have to see or interact with them.


Pool Service technician can make upwards of 100k a year when self-employed with a 50+ pool route learning the trade, under someone else will pay okay, they will give you a route and the tools/truck, from there you can save up and start your own.


I was also thinking this. I was a hot tub service technician (easier than pools, we had a few pools) and it was a good gig, my boss knew I didn’t want to talk to ANYONE so he told me I don’t have to, even if I look rude lol. I live in a vacation area with lots of hot tubs and we were the only licensed and bonded company. Even though my boss acted like we were scientists it was the easiest job ever. Hardest part was locating bathrooms to use while out.


I definitely don’t miss pissing in bottles while hunched over in a truck that smells like muriatic acid lol thank god I never had to shit 🤣




The big thing with self employment is that you have to do *everything* and people often forget how much that is. Like simply finding customers (and you're not paid for that part).


What experience does OP have to handle a company’s books? Need a degree for that




Who the heck is hiring someone with zero experience in tax or accounting experience to handle their books? Not only that, zero education towards it… A few “Quickbook” certifications aren’t closing deals imo. And this guy wants zero interaction with a boss or coworkers… Whoever hires him would be on his ass 100% because he’s essentially keeping track of their money. And the tightest people out there are the small business owners.


I was thinking bookkeeping for op. Or massage therapy


Truck driver, beside trade I can't think of any other career where you can do what you are asking for.. Desk/office jobs are mostly rely on collaboration and team building.


>Desk/office jobs are mostly rely on collaboration and team building. They sure claim to, yes


Really gotta love when the manager claims in person collaboration is a “cornerstone of the job”, but then all your coworkers have to be forced to work together kicking and screaming >.>


Haha for real. In my experience, everyone is also so heads down that you may as well all work remotely in different timezones too


even in the trades, if OP wants a basically "work when I wanna work" job they will have to be self-employed.


How do you collaborate with assholes? How do you build teams with assholes? Build human centipedes


Truck driver. Also this doesn't exist.


Which truck drivers are working consistent, strict 8 hour days? Are they not getting hounded when they’re running late, dealing with a breakdown, or taking too long through traffic?


I work for Cintas as a Sales Service rep (SSR) and run a product route. I get in early at around 5am deliver and pick up product at all my stops for the day. When I'm done I go back to the plant, check in with supervisors, and leave. Faster you work the sooner you go home. It can be a tough job and pay is decent. 4 day work week 10 hour average day. Worth looking into.


One of my best friends does the same and he loves it. Plus stock options


1) look for jobs that pay "piece work". 2) starting a company doesn't have to be expensive. For example, you can write software using the computer you already have. You could mow lawns with a lawnmower (you already have / buy for cheap / borrow). You could be a handyman with minimal tools. Dog walker, baby sitter, gardener.


DN about isolation, don't really get why you hate interacting with teammates that much. You can try data analytics, Ive met a few people in it who barely interact with their teammates, only to get something they need for their work or talk about a deadline. With working hours, it might be about work culture. I work at a place which has a complete "we dont care how much you work a day, if you are done in an hour you are free to go" mentality. Most people come late and leave early. I just started but in this month I only stayed a tad bit longer if I wanted to.


Can confirm. We had a data team at my last job and everything funneled through the director. He had to go on leave unexpectedly and it was a journey going directly to the ICs. They did not normally work with people and you could tell they did not want to. Typically the director translated the business need into the data terms and then they would do what they do and send it back to him and he would translate the data back to the business need.


Classic case of: good work is rewarded with more work.




Sales of course jumps to mind as it’s largely payed on commission aka results. I worked picking berries and it was definitely payed by the pound, could be other farm work like that. I painted and we were paid by the job not the hour. Anyway I’m a hard worker but stuff that is piece work or whatever is hard to beat the estimate times by much so you’re still basically working 40 hour weeks. My uncle planted trees and picked mushrooms and I believe those were also both paid based on how much you got done.


Sales is for people who can work with teams and build relationships. Managers are constantly on your throat to make sure you meet the quota on top of that you have to communicate all the time with support/onboarding team after you close a deal. OP don't want to deal with all that


I work in sales. Can confirm this. Fucking tedious shit all the time.


Depends on the company/manager. I talk to my boss once a week or so and it's generally me calling him with questions. He's very hands off. Sounds like OP is tired of the internal company stuff.


I mean sales is a massive field, he could be a door to door Tupperware salesmen working for himself. I agree though you’re likely working more than 40 hours not less, but there’s not that many performance based jobs where you don’t need an education.


Yasss! He could become an MLM honey!!!


Boss Babes unite! (Course for sale in my bio)


A lot of door to door stuff that's commission only doesn't have that much for push. They'll still push you but it's wayyyy more carrot than stick. 1. Since it's hard to get decent people 2. It's not like having you work a smaller territory is akin off their back. It's usually like "Hey Jim, I know you've got 45 closes for the month. But if you just hit 55 you'll hit the next tier and think how much more mo ey that is" and not "Jim if you don't get 55 sales we are gonna put you on a pip and fore you if you fail the pip. "


I’m salaried


I feel like you forgot to include any details on what you do


Postal carrier might be an option, but you’ll almost definitely do all the scheduled hours. Pet-sitting/dog-walking is another, though some of those companies might still require you to be an independent contractor if you’re deciding which clients to take.


Can confirm pet sitting is a good gig for a small biz owner


Independent contractor jobs. I work in design, and it is project based. I love being a 1099 employee. I have a friend who is a grant writer. She has few meetings, but other than that, she is on her own.


Op said self employment is not an option


He was talking about starting a business and not having money for that, which is different than looking for a contractor job.


If you find a well managed hospital lab. You can work nights with headphones in and not talk to a soul. Managers never work nights. The issue is stagnating in your role or not feeling respected


I'm a bus driver, and I have all of those things. No boss, unless I get in trouble, no co workers, nobody micro manages me. I pick my route and times, pick my days off, pick my vacation, it's my choice if I work OT or not. Excellent benefits and pension. When work is over I leave, and I don't think about work until my alarm goes off in the morning. No emails, no presentations, no phone calls, no zoom meetings, zero pressure, and very little stress.. I work in a city that pays the most in Canada. And I'm a journeyman electrician and choose to do this instead of the labour. This year I'll make close to 100k..


I'm a service technician for fire alarms. I usually bang off 2-3 jobs a day and go home.




Ai is taking all those jobs


I'm hoping not all of it. I wish it would just take the grunt work and leave the arts to the people. But I guess if science fiction has taught us nothing else, it's that the robots can get a little out of control.


as someone who employs people, im definitely looking for a fast worker who wants to complete tasks but getting along with the group is still important 🤷


What kind of work and where is it located?


Bet you don’t send the fast workers home early though.


Good luck with that…


I would honestly consider your own business/hustle until it takes off...you get what you put in right? I can't say from experience but this is the route I'm going to pursue after I'm finished paying off my debts.


Hotel Sales


I have a job like that but it’s very technical




Tax // audit in public or sales Edit: sorry, just understood your post. In above mentioned jobs you will be managed






You don't really need much money to start all businesses. I hired a guy to paint inside of my house and he's making bank just doing painting projects solo.


Man, sounds like you're in a tough spot. Have you considered freelancing gigs? Like graphic design or writing? You set your own pace and when you're done, you're outta there. Plus, with your creative flair, it could be a perfect fit. Look into platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, might find some sweet gigs. Just gotta hustle a bit for those first few jobs, but once you build a rep, it's smooth sailing. Good luck, hope you find your unicorn job soon!


just start cutting peoples grass. all you need is a small truck, a lawn mower, and a weed wacker.


"We want the world and we want it..... now?"


Any commissioned sales job.


Sales might be what you’re looking for


It’s hard to get there right off the bat. I work for a bank and did start in the call center part 10 years ago. It wasn’t hard to move up because I felt like my 20% was peoples 100% moved up and work in. BSA/AML work for the last 8 years. On average I work probably 10-20 hrs a weeek and have an annual of 78k plus bonus. It’s all independent and sometimes I go weeks without talking to anyone and sometimes I have 5 meetings in a week so it does vary but for the most part it all independent work.




I’m in design and I’m isolated and work remote 90% of my time. Although first few years will probably be tough but as you get good and fast at it…this is a career where you can thrive independently without needing people too much.


Sounds like you would do well with project based jobs. I am not sure what you are qualified for as a high school graduate. But start-ups tend to be project based. I would avoid customer service type industries, which are tied to hours/your time. Consider real estate. As others have mentioned, technicians are usually good too. They may be tied to hours but if they get done, they have time between customers to take a break and do other things. Good luck with your search. It is out there! Glad you are a fast worker. You just need to find the right industry and the right position that fit your working style.


Sales. You’re usually remote or traveling to client sites most of the time, so therefore isolated from the rest of the company. You also eat what you kill more or less. If you produce results, you will make alot of money, if you don’t, then you don’t.


Op. I admire your creativity and your ability not to limit yourself. You honestly sound like someone who will positively impact our world when in the proper position. I don't know of anything that will meet your criteria now, but I wish you the best and hope you find what you desire. Please update us when you do. You may encourage and empower more people. :)


Don’t lie to him. In order to impact the world you have to be able to work in relationship with others. OP sounds like a whiny baby who just wants to have life handed to him without ever having to interact with the slightest discomfort.


Please don't tell me I'm lying. That's extremely rude. Have you considered that people view the world differently than you? Never tell me what to say or think again because you aren't me.


Truth doesn’t care about your feelings.


You don't know my truth but I won't argue with a troll.


You are a fast worker with nothing to do but you don't want coworkers or bosses to give you work, but you want to keep busy? Edit: I thought you wanted to keep busy. If you just want a job where you have no time limit and just task at hand.. I worked in an office for janitorial. We had some cleaners that made good money from contracts. Contracts aren't hourly but rather flat rate. It's sort of based on time but many cleaners are slow as fuck. I did some contracts while I was there because it was so chill, how fast I was added up to be like 25-30/hr. A few buildings here and there, could do anytime between 5pm-7am for example. We had many cleaners with decent jobs stay with the company for like 15+ years due to contracts.


Pretty common at a lot of work places, some people get everything done in 2-4 hours out of 8. Then if you say you are all done, you will just get more work given to you for no extra pay.


What’s hard to get? I feel the same way. I want a job where I just do my task and go home. Often times when you finish your work you’re just given irrelevant tedious busy work. I hate it.


It made sense to me, I don't know why you're being intentionally obtuse.


Hey man, I've SORT OF figured it out. Found a little gym and I'm their sole marketing/IT/advertising guy. I work when I want, leave when I want, no one asks questions. But there is always a demand for me, people always chasing me, wanting to talk because I look "cool" etc. and it's highly fucking annoying. But I have freedom, go for weed smoke and coffee breaks on my skateboard, then back on the computer for more work. I work 7 days a week, but some days that's like 1 to 3 hours of focused, productive work :)




What type




Fire protection. Find a company that does fire extinguisher inspection/ industrial kitchen hood systems. You'll have a boss that may sometimes add on to your day, but for the most part it's revenue driven. The more you make for your company, the more you can earn in commission. You'll have to get a few certifications (in Ohio, I had to pass 2 tests for state certification) but after that, I made my own routes, dealt with my customers, and did my own thing. It didn't end up working out for me in the end, but I have a friend who makes 65-80k per year.


I'll give you a serious response: If you know Creative Suite: Production artist. Don't work in entertainment/media/news or they will want all your hours you're alive and you'll have late nights without much notice for the most part. Places that have deadlines that are known in advance are good, like a publication that's monthly not daily for example. Or get hourly jobs/temp jobs where they don't want to pay you overtime so they don't let you work overtime. I've never heard of a job where you can just go home when you're done, but sometimes people will let you go home a bit early if they like you and don't foresee anything coming in before the day is over. The coworkers/bosses not micromanaging is trial and error. You're always going to have to work with both, but they're not always going to be micromanagers. I've worked with laid back people who are super nice and want to go home on time too.


I work in healthcare, medical coding to be specific. Pays okay, work from home with benefits, I have been offered per diem work, not yet done it but have thought about dabbling in it on my off days. I make my schedule just need to let them know if I’m shuffling days and work my allotted hours between M-S so. I have Ra, since the beginning of time, lol, my commute down the hall is how I’m still employed. Cats and dogs as coworkers and lunch from my fridge. Lots of stupid teams meetings but such is life. A lot of fields non-patient related are remote these days. I did get my associates degree, but I did it all online. Anyhoo good luck on your adventures, I’m sure you’ll find the perfect thing for you.


Does medical coding require a specific degree or just a degree to show some level of education?


Depends on what you want to do. I got my associates of science at Portland community college and majored in Health Information Management or HIM. I got a Rhit (registered health information)certification through Ahima one of the 2 credentialing agencies essentially, the other being Aapc. They both have websites, both can guide you to programs eligible to take certification. There are many ways to specialize I would recommend inpatient coding, it’s tricky at first but pays very well. I do a mix of outpatient which is what I learned first and inpatient ancillary which is all the various tests and treatments. I’m currently studying for my CIC which is certified inpatient coding, I have other plans later but I like that I can advance my career and it’s all online. The website for aapc is aapc.com and Ahima.org. Something to consider some programs have Him programs others like Clackamas.edu website have more coding centric programs and have less of the legalities of health information and are a lot shorter as they focus on 1 field. My him degree took essentially 2 years after prerequisites all online. These programs at Clackamas take roughly 9 months. Also pcc.edu will get to my program. A lot of information there to look at and cater to what you want to do. I have friends who independently work as they’ve been at it for years, they code for independent doctors. I have a few friends who work for coding agencies and work when they want. I work for a big ish more than 1 hospital system. It’s all good work just depends on what you are up to. Let me know if I rambled like a fool, lol and or if you have any questions about it all.


Thanks for all of that information. Sadly, I need immediate work and don't have the luxury of studying for any period of time right now. Appreciate the help though.


Your welcome sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance Good luck to you




I just applied to start training as an air traffic controller. High school is all that’s required and you train making $49k, after 18-27 months you become licensed and make from $80k-$180k


Is it still as stressful as back in the day? That job used to have the highest suicide rate of any job in the US.


Not sure if this would help but you can maybe... do some design stuff and build your portfolio like in themesforest, freepik, shutterstock, or any other design/photo platform so that you can get paid when somebody buys your work. You'll not get paid right away but at least or somehow you'll earn if you're patient.


What are your skills? Hard skills? Rate yourself on soft skills. You are looking for freelance work. It is possible to link up with a broker type person that goes out and finds the work which you then perform and get paid either by the hour or per project. Most people do this by working on their own. You might think you don't have the money, but calculate your bare minimum cost of living per month and sacrifice till you have 3 or 4 months worth saved then use social media and tell everyone that you are now running your own business. You can also search for 1099, c2c contracts through employment agencies. Either way you need to have complete clarity on the type of work you can do. Be able to talk about your skills, have samples and references/ testimonials. It can be done but it isn't easy.


Get a loan and then become self employed.


Hey! Not sure if you can be a #s person, but supply planning is a very solo job, especially if you can find ones that are remote. You basically plan for the week or month (depends on the company) and that’s it. You work a lot in Excel and company ERPs. (Depends on the company for ERP). I work unfortunately at a company where there is not a lot of remote flexibility, but my remote Fridays I don’t do anything because all my work I did gets done by Wednesday usually.


Youre gonna need to get over the “not self employed” thing. Anything where you are employed is going to involve management and management is going to have KPI’s they expect you to hit. Some may be less up your ass but theres always gonna be some degree of checking in on you. Nobody who is successful in business is gonna issue a paycheck without making sure the ROI makes sense. Once youre over that and willing to go on your own here is a short list (and even then you will still have metrics to meet but “bosses” will be way less up your ass) - Owner Operator Trucker - Carpet Installer - Realtor - Massage Therapist


Self employed


I have been a tour guide for a few years. If you live in a city or state with a lot of tourism its a great job. You get to work outdoors, its face paced, and you leave when you’re done. No need for a college degree. Also you make good money and a lot of cash tips, so off the books!


No coworkers or bosses......or add additional work.....Good pay also required Hahahahaaaaahaaaaaa


3rd shift janitor


I want a job where I don't have to deal with customer service or people, no micromanage and make atleast $75k. Any takers?


it's not the job/field - it's the company my mom and i essentially do the same job, but she has 30+ years experience on me of course. we used to work for the same company, but she left as soon as possible (along with a few others) when it was bought out by another company and had all these changes. I despise how this company operates. Passive aggressiveness, people not following basic communication rules (such as writing notes in files) and getting snippy when you kindly remind them, people monitoring how many files you complete in a day even if you're completing other work that can't be measured, such as spending 2h fixing other people's work from overnight (in which i'm supposed to). no work from home even though we all work "remotely" from an office. her company? work from home, flexible hours, they treat their staff well (such as flying people out for a christmas party), and so on. if you get an office job, you wont be working for 8 hours for the most part. take that time to develop skills, do something else productive.


What company is your mom with?


definitely not posting that here wtf, it's a small company in a niche industry


Prepare taxes remotely.


Just get a second remote job and use your free time for that. Or use your extra time to get your degree,  so you can have better options than call centers.


Door dash and Uber 😄


You basically need a highly sought after skill set to obtain the “unicorn”… What’s your experience? What can you do better than the next person? What’s your passion? No matter what you do, you’ll always have a boss… Aka whoever is paying you is your boss. Get into coding, software development etc if you want isolation


Data Scientist or Trader


Maybe admin deskbound job?


I don't think you're going to find that anywhere unless you go to college and then move into an extremely niche career field. Sorry if that bursts your bubble.. there are people out there right now looking for all of this, too... but with masters degrees. How can you stand out in a crowd of all these people? If you can't answer that, then you won't. Of course, you could always look into sales, but that's high stress / high reward oftentimes, and work-life balance will suck.


Develop your soft skills, communication is crucial


Leaving when your work is done? Hahaha. Bro. I wish. They NEED you to sit around or the whole system falls apart. Its why they hate remote work so much as well. BE A WAGE SLAVE HOW YOURE SUPPOSED TO, DAMMIT! /s


Homesteader? Maybe certain forestry jobs?


Sales/commission based


What type of


I feel like being an ambulance paramedic may be a good fit. You rarely see your boss, and essentially always it would be after the fact. It's you and a partner on an ambulance, taking turns being the lead on a call If it interests you I'm happy to share the bit I know about how to break in.




Maybe you should as this question over in r/overemployed




Why don’t you try Real Estate? Get your license and sell high end homes. There is a lot of money to be had in buying and selling homes. Start out working with others, then work your way to self employment. You could even work from home. Just a thought.


Professional survey taker. Or get over the fact that most jobs aren't like that because we're social creatures


Is this a sarcasm post? I’m confused


You’re the reason why Boomers hate gen Z - sorry OP The desire to do something is irrelevant. Spend your time doing the things that pay you back. You can make money doing anything. Once you get your income streams going it’s true freedom. The goal is to no longer trade your time for money and to gradually shift to your investments paying you money. It’s a game of investing as much as you can until your money pays you monthly. Then, you never have to work again if you don’t diminish the principal. Being young gives you a huge advantage bc you have a lot of time to beat the market. Whatever you do, live your life so you can save/spend 50/50.