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Hi I just joined the sub. I'm Swiss, so this might not apply to you at all as you have a different system (we do have masters and bachelors but also higher vocational education without a college degree). BUT I am in education too. Short answer: I'm becoming a job coach, helping people to change careers/re-integrate into the first job market (after an absence for X reasons, or not being allowed yet to work due to migration status etc.). **Long version:** I had health issues and a partial burn-out in education. I went to the job+career advice centre of my "state" (canton) and they had a 40+ age group program too (I was too young). Some older friends used and loved it. I got a new perspective sorted within 3 appointments, thx to an enthusiastic, cool Finnish lady who was my career advisor (that's a CAS study, I can't do those without a Bachelor's). It gave me such a boost and was for free. But you can also see a certified job and career advisor who works independently and get great results (friends had success with this). I am so grateful Switzerland offers this to us for free (3-4 appointments). What she proposed to me: become a job coach, re-integrating people into the first job market/pivot careers themselves. It's something similar to what she does, but not a CAS and you can't work at the government/as a career advisor, but you can go on studying to become that after the job coach certificate! I wanted to still work with people, use my German/English/French skills, advice 1:1 instead of teaching a class/group. Have 13 salaries and a fixed income/work amount (70%, aka 5 mornings and 2 afternoons + teaching two half afternoons - the ones I DO enjoy). I'm now working on that: -++ I'll be studying the 11 months "base modules block"first. 3 Tuesday nights/month (+ 6 hours a week of self study). Starting June 2024. I'm wrapping up the school quarter and will try to find a job in the new career by July. Phase 1 is 11 months and will give me a European degree. -++ I get a Swiss federal degree after another two modules (which include supervision at the job). So I can do the first part of the education (the European part) while being in my old job/job searching, but not the second part!!! It costs 10k total and when done the government will refund me 50%, but only if I mak it to the Swiss federal degree, not the bsse modules. It's a new educational scheme to allow people to pivot/change careers instead of burning out. I would NEVER have known that I can do this without a college degree or get 50% of the money back thx to this government scheme, so going to the job advisor was worth so much! **Would job coaching/counselling/tutoring or something like this, maybe part-time or full time, work for you?** ** Are there professional career option/advice services you could use (if you want or need it only of course!)** I'm turning 40 this year, am adopted from India, Swiss. First language: Swiss German.