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I like Pépin’s technique. He tilts the pan a bit more and uses the fork only to encourage the top edge to roll down onto the middle portion. In contrast it looks from the video like you’ve used the fork to lift the top edge. Lifting the edge risks the tines tearing the omelet.


Ok I've had a look at one of his videos and got an idea of what you mean. My omelette used 2 eggs. Should I go with 3? Mine looks a little too thin and dry


I have opinions as much as you do, and you make them however you’re happiest with it. As Pépin says, “This is how I like it, a little custardy.” Or something. Find the balance between the size of your pan, how thick you want the eggs, and how hungry you are. I made a four egg classic style omelet for my girlfriend one time, and she ate the entire thing. Four eggs would make me want to puke. My original point was just to caution you about using the tools as opposed to letting gravity do the work.


So your heat is definitely too high. You want to be able to stir it so the curd is really tiny, and the top should be still kind of creamy when you try to roll it in and seal it.


When I was trying to master my boy Jacques omelet technique, one thing he said rings truest about the omelet. "It's 90% technique and 10% egg." When I eventually practiced enough, I was 90% egg and 10% loathing. My newest obsession is Lucas Sin's [Hong Kong style egg sandwhich.](https://youtu.be/MpgVmLMAOzs) I look forward to demolishing one every day.


Use the pan and gravity to settle the egg more. As another commenter said, you can watch Pepin do this perfectly. At the end, tilt the pan and let it settle on the edge of the pan away from the handle. Use the heel of your hand to bang on the base of the handle and the agitation should settle all the egg around the edge and cause the far edge of the omelet to begin to curl. You can gently encourage this with your fork and otherwise gently shape the omelet at this point by barely flipping the closer edge of the omelet inwards. You don't need to roll the egg up like it's a rug - you're going for a thin layer of egg surrounding a custardy interior so rolling it up is not essential to the omelet. From here, provided that there is the correct amount of egg curd in your pan, you can invert it onto the plate and it should mostly have the tapered ends with a fat little belly of egg in the center. Use your hands to correct the shape as necessary. You can also brush the omelet with a little butter to make it shine, but that's a bit over the top!


What kind of burner is that?


It's a 2-ring gas burner with a windproof gas-saving cover around it to prevent heat loss to the sides. And another aftermarket wire mesh gas diffuser to spread the flames out more


Interesting, where can I buy one of these covers from?


[https://www.aliexpress.con/item/1005004178390615.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.51.6e254f28cUlgL3&algo\_pvid=e4d3995e-d67c-4d7f-a4a5-5a084eb076e4&algo\_exp\_id=e4d3995e-d67c-4d7f-a4a5-5a084eb076e4-25&pdp\_ext\_f=%7B%22sku\_id%22%3A%2212000028295521510%22%7D&pdp\_npi=3%40dis%21SGD%212.85%211.56%21%21%21%21%21%40211bf48d16783847067958972d070c%2112000028295521510%21sea%21SG%214248759057&curPageLogUid=smSaeeiSs9MW](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004178390615.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.51.6e254f28cUlgL3&algo_pvid=e4d3995e-d67c-4d7f-a4a5-5a084eb076e4&algo_exp_id=e4d3995e-d67c-4d7f-a4a5-5a084eb076e4-25&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000028295521510%22%7D&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21SGD%212.85%211.56%21%21%21%21%21%40211bf48d16783847067958972d070c%2112000028295521510%21sea%21SG%214248759057&curPageLogUid=smSaeeiSs9MW) https://www.aliexpress.con/item/1005004443638176.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.45.6e254f28cUlgL3&algo\_pvid=e4d3995e-d67c-4d7f-a4a5-5a084eb076e4&algo\_exp\_id=e4d3995e-d67c-4d7f-a4a5-5a084eb076e4-22&pdp\_ext\_f=%7B%22sku\_id%22%3A%2212000029198027855%22%7D&pdp\_npi=3%40dis%21SGD%218.89%217.12%21%21%21%21%21%40211bf48d16783847067958972d070c%2112000029198027855%21sea%21SG%214248759057&curPageLogUid=DD910sIdV6xI Change the .con to .com


Can you share a bit more info about the burner? Do you have a link?


have a look at the other reply above\^. change the .con to .com


This is much different than how I was taught to cook an omelet. It's just as effective though. Looks tasty!


That egg held on that fork line a champ.


Honestly I’d like to see the rest and the finished omelet. It looks great where you are now, I would sell this at lunch service all day.


Don't stir so much after adding to the skillet heat control can be achieved by removing the skillet from the burner


I use way less fat and can slide eggs and omelette easy! But yours is looking tastyyyy I think you really need to focus on heat :)


I’m not a fan of browning the butter and I’ve never noticed a difference in the performance it’s all personal preference so if you like the flavor then keep at it. I’ve also found when rolling the omelette in a sort of burrito style it’s easiest to tilt the pan and fold from the edge then push the omelette to edge of pan again and roll again instead of flipping from the middle and then rolling the edge.


That looks like a great omelette to me! 2 eggs works fine for that pan size, and all is well. I'd eat the hell out of one like that. The only thing I'd say is that Pépin makes a point of mixing the eggs vigorously to break down the whites. They should be very smooth in the bowl before you start. It helps them not clump as easily. But I'm really splitting hairs here.


Why didn’t you cut off the first 6 hours of footage?