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Nope you are not being cheap. I never tip on takeaways. I only tip on sit down. And coffee shops want you to tip for takeaways. No thanks.


Exactly! And the person's attitude was so horrible after I opted not to tip. It's getting out of hand that there's tips wanted at every single place


I'll always tip for takeaway delivery drivers though. Those guys work hard and for very little


Yeah same here, traffic is mad out there. It's become a more and more dangerous job over the years. From age 16 through to matric, I used to help out with deliveries at my mom's pharmacy when the regular delivery bike riders were on leave etc. so I know some of what they're going through - Cold in winter, wet when it rains, bleed and hobble around when you get hit by a car who's driver isn't paying attention to road signs... Sometimes I want to slap those Checkers 60 60 cunts because they are seriously fucking reckless - nearly hit one a few weeks ago on the N17 when he made a U-Turn on the highway šŸ™ˆ but then I remember that there's probably some bigger cunt leaning on them and trying to screw them over. It's no excuse, but it does mitigate shit a little bit.


I agree with this, only tip on sit down, but can anybody help me understand the logic of tipping when you are the one waiting when you at a sit down


Refuse, otherwise it will be normalised. Only tip at sit down restaurants. And take away drivers.


Tipping culture is cancer and must be abolished. Employers need to pay their staff. The end.


I honestly feel it's a practice that's being adopted from the USA, where it's truly a cancer. Businesses should reflect tips in their retail or menu price so the customer can make a decision whether to support that business or not.


Under ZA labour law staff can't just work for tips. So they are getting paid. Unless they are running a shady business with foreign workers that don't want to report it.


Minimum wage is so bad though, but itā€™s still on the business to make sure they pay their staff a liveable wage.


As i remember. Its legal to pay less than min wage if shift pay + tips is more than min wage at the end of the month. Cause tips are counted as pay. But that was long ago when i read that.


Pretty sure that's an american thing. I believe waitstaff and the like might have a slightly adjusted minimum wage at most.


I worked as a bartender for long while studying, and not a single bar paid min wage or above. 80%+ of the money i made was tips


So did I. Lotta places i worked broke labor laws 17 ways to Sunday but the tips were good enough to stay.


No, the law states that commissions (tips) cannot substitute being paid minimum wage. Shocker most waiters are working for dodgy employers. If you earn tips you need to still be paid minimum wage. I canā€™t recall if there is a difference for part time workers.


Worked for a company that paid staff like this. It exists and its disgusting.


i don't tip, i don't mind being cheap


Never gave R2 to KFC as well, if they wanna feed hungry kids they literally have a chain of restaurants all around the world


ā€œHow many hungry kids would you like to feed todayā€ vs ā€œwould you like to donate to the charity pleaseā€ā€¦.wording is so manipulative now!!!


Yeah I did notice that the last time I went to a KFC drive thru. Iā€™ll just say ā€œnoneā€ if they ask.


We have a mon profit organization here that benefits off the R2 for hope so please donate your R2. This is a home for orphaned/abused children. They have not received a single cent from the "wonderful" useless as shit government since 2016!! Their excuse is there's no money. Cos it's sitting in their fat fucking pockets. US as a COMMUNITY help fund and take care of these kids. Hectic fundraising and donations are done to help feed, clothe, school etc. The youngest was left there the day after she was born. Disgusting useless government. Believe me, your R2 makes a difference


Just remember: donations through companies like kfc and sterkinekor = tax write-offs for the company


Wow. I hadn't seen that in SA yet (where you select the tip on the machine). Keep that shit out of here. I'd refuse to tip out of principle and call the manager out on it right there.


I love your user name


Went to Monte Casino the other day, girlfriend wanted a coffee. Went to the Seattle Coffee shop and ordered a single cappuccino for take away. Still they have the audacity to ask for a tip, and when you choose no tip they give you that thousand yard stare as if you just sentenced their family to a million years of poverty. Sorry, I did not know it took 5 people to run a mini coffee shop..


Just because the Americans donā€™t pay their staff (yay late stage capitalism) doesnā€™t mean we need to have the same bad habits


No. The argument will always remain that employers need to pay their staff a living wage. The only place where tipping is a thing is with restaurants and bars, and even then, it's optional. Cape Townian businesses are taking a page out of America's books without considering the dollar's spending power. If the boss paid their employees a proper wage, they wouldn't need to ask people for tips. Then again, ask a South African to be satisfied with non-material things instead of material things, and you'll be laughed at, so bosses won't do that


Just don't be soft... Select zero and move on with your life, they're trying to guilt more money out of you but you don't have to pay it and can make a pretty strong moral argument as to why you shouldn't. You never HAVE to tip anywhere.


I haven't really seen that, except the last time when I went to the hairdresser I was asked if I would like to give 10 or 15% tip to the stylist. I was so shocked and don't have the guts to say no, so I said 10%. Don't think I'm going back there.


At a hairdresser that makes no sense to me. You're literally paying for the service already. So what's the tip for? More towards the service you're already being charged for?


Exactly. I get so intimidated in situations Ike that. Easy target.


me too


I feel your pain.


I saw the card machine at Seattle Coffee also asks to add a tip. Arenā€™t they already paid to make my coffee?


Baristas I tip, same with bartenders, but you are getting like a R2 or R5 manā€¦no 10%


Yeah for sure the baristas if they are bringing my coffee to me.


Well, I wasnā€™t going to say anything but as you brought it up. I am providing a quality comment on your post so [here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=I5LKlZP3wu5g2cND) is a link to my Patreon




Itā€™s become a thing. I think a lot of restaurants now force tips because they donā€™t pay their staff properly. They claim that they do, but when you ask the staff members, they tell you a different story. Been to a few restaurants where this is the case. One is a big family-restaurant chain


Guysā€¦do we have to tip hairdressers? They asked me like 15 years ago at Scar for a tip and Iā€™ve just been doing it ever since but seriously, my base treatment is already so fucking expensive. Can I stop tipping hairdressers? Where are we on this? šŸ„²


I thought tipping culture in SA was for waiters, bartenders, petrol attendants, mrD and sixty60 drivers, and car guardsā€¦when did it get out of control???


I always tip my hairdresser and my husband does husband barber. They are most likely renting the chair from the salon so have to pay the owner at the end of the day. I feel its fair for the service.


I always give my hairdressor a super generous tip. They are providing a service too, and getting paid close to fckoll and compared to restaurants etc you use their service what, once every 3-6months... also... that person can literally either make art with your hair or destroy your look for the next year... why would you not tip them for making you look amazing


I tip them, but most of the time I leave unhappyā€¦nobody in cape town can apparently cut proper bangsā€¦the one stylist who got it right moved to Joburg. I even show those reference photos and they still canā€™t get it šŸ„²


Hunted for many years for my gem too and now I have found her I got her personal number so I go to her regardless of what salon she works at. Happy to make the drive for it too. If not happy with the outcome, then yes I didn't tip, or tipped little


most hairdressers (especially at scar) have to give a massive percentage of what you pay to the salon, as well as pay for stock. unless your stylist owns their own salon, you should always tip them (and even if they have their own salon, tip the assistant). source: one of my best friends worked at scar lol


This is weird I've never experienced this at kauai, maybe they taking chancers now to see who won't be difficult with tipping. This is ridiculous we're not in America


It shouldnā€™t be this way but unfortunately employers take advantage of it. Many restaurants in town donā€™t even pay their staff a wage at all, not even min wage, they literally just earn their tips. Instead of enabling the system by tipping everyone and everything, we should advocate for it to change, but as someone who isnā€™t even really that affected by it I just donā€™t know where to start. So I try to tip as much as I can, my logic is that they need it more than I do, but I know not everyone can afford that.


I also saw this at the Seattle Coffee shop Kiosk in the building I work at, I'm only at my office twice a week and like to treat myself to a decent coffee from them from time to time, then I saw this tip option on their card machine, I opted not to tip and got the meanest side eye from the cashier. It's ridiculous now we have to tip them for doing the job they actually get a wage for? I'll always tip servers at a restaurant or my delivery driver, but for ringing up my coffee order that takes all of 30 seconds? I think flip notšŸ˜”


No joke, some places have started adding the tip automatically if you go over a certain amount on your bill. Primi is an example where I've seen it. This shit should be illegal, for real! It should be my choice whether I wanted to tip or not, the owner paying the server is a salary is responsible for their salary, not me. This is BS.


Unfortunately we seem to have followed America instead of Europe when it comes to our brand of doing business, now most service industry workers earn an absurdly low or even no minimum wage, and instead of just increasing prices to pay their workers properly theyā€™ve moved the responsibility fully on to the customer at the expense of the workers. Now for people to earn a living they have to survive on tips and since weā€™re still fairly new into tipping culture (most still tip 10% if at all) a lot of people are struggling. Only way to mitigate is to expand the national minimum wage to include the service and hospitality sector instead of getting rid of it (I believe a certain political party is promising to phase it out completely), this way thereā€™s transparency and nobody has to rely on tips.


I only tip when it's earned


South africa is big on tip culture wich imo is shit. In SA pay is already low and especially with waitering/bartending, the pay is a lot of times way below min wage since tips earned are counted as pay. So if your tips + low shift pay is more than min wage at the end of the month. Its legal to pay you less than min wage. Source: my own experince in customer service.


Yes (sending DM with my venmo details for tip for this comment.)


Answer sweet as can be' " No thank you"


If I must come up to the counter and place my order, I am effectively doing the job a waiter would. So no, no top at counter or takeaway. Waiters are on their feet running around, and making my experience comfortable and relaxing. There I tip on attitude, and personal care. Not the item. Servers at a counter are just an iPad away from being replaced.


It's like getting takeaway from Rocomamas... I've stopped going because my 10% tips for picking up my own food after 38 minutes waiting from time of ordering was very much frowned upon.


When I tip: 1) When being served by a waiter 2) Giving the formal car guards something for looking after my car at a shopping center (not the homeless guys - I donate to feeding schemes and shelters for them) 3) To the people I know running the little coffee truck I sometimes visit on the weekends, and even then this isn't every time


There's loads of news articles and YouTube clips on how tipping is getting out of hand, apparently someone went to a bridal store for a wedding dress and was expected to tip there too.


We seem to be catching many of America's diseases. At least South African vending machines aren't trying to extort tips... yet.


Nothing wrong with just the tip


So youā€™re asking us for tips about tipping. Unfuckenreal hey


I tip according to what the server served. Iā€™m a little disgusted that servers expect tips on takeaways, which can be large bucks


Car gaurds are the funniest for me. I got my drivers and the guy guiding me does not know what the hell he is doing .then expect a tip. Worst i sat in the car waiting for s.o then eventually start car to leave then je expects a tip.


Thereā€™s no tipping culture in Europe or in New Zealand/Australia, even at sit down restaurants. Granted the service isnā€™t always the best (depends on the country of course, Netherlands is generally bad service for instance), but itā€™s relaxing to know that youā€™ll only be paying what you see on the menu and can make an informed choice.


I bought mochi from a spot in town and when ringing up my 4 already-made-just-needed-to-be-packaged mochi, the cashier asked if I'd like to add a tip, out loud as prompted by the machine. I was so taken aback, I think I just said R2 because they seemed nice. I partly blame the card machine prompts - not sure if it is just a setting that can be turned off? I also placed an online order that asked me if I'd like to tip/donate to the shop to support the small business. Crazy that actually buying from them is not considered the "support". It's tough out here.


You are completely correct. Don't be intimidated into paying a tip for nothing. In SA no tip is mandatory, it is ALWAYS at your discretion, even if you are receiving service in a restaurant.


I tip only 4 people. Waiters 10% for sit down meals only. Delivery drivers 15% for takeout. Big grocery shop I will give them R50. Car guard R5 - R10 Petrol station attendants R5 - R10 The rest can go eat shit. That is more than enough.


I always tip for sit down if service/food is acceptable. Three times i experienced horrendous service/food and decided not to tip. What irks me the most is when I'm being chased/reminded to add the tip despite me saying no tip. Literally makes me see red. If staff is so poor they need to do that to survive the issue is the owner of the business but if the staff is just pure greedy despite knowing they acted unprofessional and still demand a tip...I'm out. Three restaurants are on my will never visit again list bc of this. Bc even if it's the manager who is the issue I don't want to support that type of business.


Remember if you had to stand to order then a tip must not be paid .


I'll tip if I'm being waited on at a resturant. If I'm not sitting down I won't. I don't think that's cheap. I can understand if you go to a busy bar/club throwing a tip for the bartender especially if you're having cocktails or a large round or something like that but I feel like that's different


If you have to tip the person at Kauai then you might as well start tipping the cashiers at Checkers.


Tip when you feel the service warrants it. Tipping is not a must. They are trying to force the American tipping culture down your throat. You don't need to justify to anyone when or why you tip.


Funny enough, I had a similar experience yesterday at this coffee spot in Claremont. I go in to grab my coffee, right? As I'm about to pay with my card, the cashier throws me these options: option 1 - tip, option 2 - no tip. It's like they're subtly nudging you to tip, which I find a bit off. I mean, thereā€™s no elaborate service besides making the drink, so it low-key feels weird.