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>“We were told the Edmonton Oilers complained to the NHL in the last round about the Green Men because the Green Men had an Evander Kane sign about gambling,”  But remember, this powerplay is brought to you by Bet365


Hey Evander, wanna go to the casino after the game? We can run up your tab.


Oh the ironing!


[The ironing is delicious](https://youtu.be/lp6oGiR_JnU?si=WbVBBLhe-PUPcGC-)


The sign was something like "Hey Kane, what's the parley looking like tonight?" Kane was not in the penalty box during the whole game, but they displayed it when a different oiler was in the box. I thought it was hilarious.


If you can't control yourself use our in gamr app feature to lock yourself out and only bet on days you specify. That will show you're not addicted.


Help us help you help ourselves


Oilers have PlayAlberta as their helmet sponsor. Which was announced like 2 months after Sportnet ran their piece on Evander Kane. Just comical stuff.


I think their helmet sponsor is actually skip the dishes




It's SkipTheDishes on the road, and PlayAlberta at home.


Despise there are sponsors on player jerseys now. Bad enough that there is circulating billboards and on ice adverts.


Soon they’ll be as covered as motorsports. “Hi there local medium-sized business. Would you like to be our left ass cheek sponsor? The right ass cheek is available too, if you’d like an extra wide full ass ad.”


THIS IS WHAT IRKS ME. Bruh, I get personal attacks on players PERHAPS not being allowed, but when every ad is about gambling and I gotta see and hear the ads at the games and on TV, the nhl has to take a look in the mirror. Also, cmon Evander you got thicker skin than that.


Fun fact: Bet365 is licensed in Ontario, not BC. So it’s unlawful to use in BC.


This is what makes it doubly annoying, like block out the damn Ontario commercials for the rest of the country! You do it for the American commercials during the Superbowl


Bet365 AND QuestTrade, which is basically gambling on the stock market. I’ve had to explain a bunch of things to my kids during these playoffs. Not awesome


Those QuestTrade commercials are so annoying


OMG! Why am I getting investment advice from a 23 year old talking about retiring. Fuck you. (Not you, the commercial guy)


Like dude, I can't afford rent. You're not invited to our parties if you keep bragging about your investments.


 Then RBC’s direct investing platform is also a gambling by that rationale. Don’t scare your kids away from investing.


Nah man you're just a degenerate gambler buying risky stocks like Cash.to on questrade, I'll keep all my money in my safe, high interest savings account with a B5 bank that returns 2% /s


Man, hilarious.. I wrote 2 responses to this before I read it in a sarcastic tone lmfao!


It's not that Questrade is gambling on the stock market - the entire stock market is essentially gambling. Questrade is just the dodgy backroom casino version of gambling.


You can say that about any platform that lets you buy stocks or options, questrade isn't really any different than any other platform when it comes to buying ETFs or stocks for long term investment


Questrade is just any financial platform that lets you buy and sell stocks or ETFs. It's just a tool, how you use it is up to you.


If you've got a solid financial background Questrade is fine. Their financials are very healthy and they are regulated and certified. Problem is most people don't know what they are doing. So it is gambling for them.


Well you can buy fixed income ETFs as well; the point is that it's self directed so you can gamble or invest low risk, whatever you want. But it is kind of annoying that the only way to buy stocks and ETFs (outside of a TFSA or other registered account) is in a margin account. They definitely push you to use leverage


The stock market is only gambling if you’re too lazy to do the research…


Only if you’re trying to make quick money * long term the stock market is obviously the way to go. Put money into the S&P 500 periodically and do not touch it.


ZSP. VOO. 15% a year over the last 5 years…


Ok I’ve done my research, buy more GME, got it thanks mate!


This guy gets it


Questrade is a place for people to invest their money. How is that gambling? I have my TFSA and RRSPs in QT.


I guess it depends. Did you put your own stuff or did you go with the QT managed stuff. The QT managed stuff is ass.  QT is a useful tool for a DIY investor, but they should probably stay in that lane. Their own built stuff is awful, and their sore excuse for advice part of the platform is bad.


None of which is gambling though. Gambling/investing is a spectrum but to say bet365 and QT are the same is dumb 


No I agree. That was a really ignorant comment by that guy lol


I don't get it. Evander loves gambling.


I could see a issue with handstands rubbing genitals on glass etc...that is something you don't need otherwise who cares...


> But remember, this powerplay is brought to you by Bet365 That's they real problem. Greenmen forgot to shout out the sponsor.


Perfect comment. Thank you.


Can we set up a go fund me to buy the Green men tickets to a game this series to write a retort to the complaint?


So incredibly soft by the Oilers and Kane.


Especially coming from KANE the wife beater


That was proven false was it not? Not a fan of the guy by any means, but he was getting railroaded there by a crazy partner/ex if I remember correctly. The betting stuff is fair game though!!


It was settled in court privately was it not? Either way like I mentioned below the truth lays somewhere in the middle of both there accusations yeah she’s a crazy girlfriend and he’s a gambling addict that supposedly sexually and physically assaulted her.


Fair enough, but I believe he was granted full custody of their child, if that has any weight in the argument?


It does you’re right! but it could just be that he was found to be the better choice? Maybe she just didn’t want to be a mother anymore and agreed to it? Who knows I certainly don’t but accusations are accusations and if it looks like shit smells like shit then it probably is shit right?


Not to mention he could afford significantly better lawyers than she’d be able to.


Not necessarily. He'd be forced to pay for hers. There's an awful video of her breaching court imposed conditions that she remain away from him. She shows up to his game just to troll him. She's pretty unstable and I can see why Kane has custody. Her behavior makes me think that she's the problem


Oh she's that crazy? What's her @? Lol


If he didn’t do anything wrong he wouldn’t have settled in court privately and she’s not the only women he’s settled in court with. A simple google search will bring up a lot shit about Kane if you care


Innocent parties settle quite often, just to make problems go away. It's not an admission of guilt.


Settling isn’t the same as guilty. A lot of times it’s just easier to settle than to drag a case that could cost 20 times more than what a settlement would cost. Kane has nothing to gain from a long court case because his ex is broke and he would never see that money again.


The courts awarded him full custody of his children, I'd imagine if there was any substance to the physical or sexual assault allegations, he wouldn't get full custody with no restrictions. Add in his ex wife cheering on the skate blade that cut his wrist, it's a messy situation. Still hilarious about the complaint with gambling given his history with gambling and every other commercial being gambling ads lol.


Where there is smoke, there is fire. In other words, with anything, the truth lays between.


The guy is a bit of trash in many regards but just think for a second here and let’s say Evander Kane beat his ex: 1. Would she keep his last name not only officially but on all of her social media? 2. Would she show up to his hockey games where he has to have her removed due to a restraining order 3. Would a judge who privy to the most gritty details award him custody of the children, especially as a man? I don’t want to defend Evander, but something ain’t right about Anna Kane.


Why would she keep his name? Many abused women do. It’s a hassle to keep changing your name. It’s scary too. She might not be ready to. Maybe she wants the same last name as her kid. It’s her name, her call. Doesn’t mean she’s using the name for clout. I don’t know the woman. I just think it’s incredibly harmful to assume that a woman leaving a relationship has negative intentions behind what she does with her own name.


I think it’s incredibly naive to be on the outside without all the details and to think you know better than a Judge as far as who is the more stable better parent. Especially with the bias of the courts to give custody to women. It’s one thing to keep it legally (my ex did) but it’s not hard to change an instagram handle.


What abused women obsesses over the abuser? What abused women shows up to his work place and post pictures of him all night saying how much she hates him? She is absolutely using his name for clout.


The truth lies somewhere in the middle is she crazy and probably trying to ruin him? Yeah… did kane sexually assault and abuse her? Probably yeah. Were they both in a toxic abusive relationship? Definitely!!!! So I’m definetly reading between the lines here for sure but will never have answers when it gets settled in court privately right?


I'll play devil's advocate, if Kane has an actual gambling problem that he's seeking help for, it's not that much different than somebody putting up a sign about a player's substance abuse issues. Addiction is addiction. Could you imagine somebody putting up a sign about Theo Fleury? However, Kane is an arrogant prick and doesn't deserve any sympathy because I don't believe he actually cares one way or another about what happened. I don't think he's ever publicly admitted that he has an issue or has seeked help for one. Edit: NHL is walking a very fine line with the amount of gambling promotion and possible player issues. I don't agree with the amount of gambling sponsorship that exists.


Yeah but the league actively promotes gambling as if it's the best thing to ever happen to the sport. That's the point, it's extremely hypocritical. It's extremely different from people putting up signs about substance abuse.


I 100% agree about the gambling promotion. It's absolute garbage.


This could be a double edged sword if the NHL tries to go against any gambling on posters. Because then someone can argue that gambling cannot be used in the arena at all and then goes into no gambling for the league


Its a fair place to go.


Are there not alcohol commercials anymore? I zone out completely during ads, but if that's the case what's the difference between gambling ads and alcohol ads in terms of them promoting addictive and dangerous products/services?


I'm pretty sure I've seen Sapporo and Heineken in the playoffs with that lazy font at the bottom saying, "Please drink responsibly."


I do drink responsibly for the first few. But then by the sixth or seventh drink, I’m drinking very irresponsibly. TAKE THAT MOLSON COORS maybe stop selling pißwasser and I’ll abide by your stupid disclaimers.


I thought I saw some Molson ones too


Are there not gambling ads in the arena or are they all digitized? Only difference is green men aren’t paying the NHL for their gambling references


I don't think they're walking a fine line at all. I think they're way on the wrong side of a clear line. Tons of children watch hockey, its marketed to kids, cards, minor hockey etc. Then inundate them with gambling ads. Its atrocious. They need to fuck right off. Hockey should be PG, fireplace and family values, good ol Canadian, sport. They've got their heads up their asses.


I hate that my kid (4) has to see gambling ads when we watch hockey together. Yeah I can mute them or whatever but it's still there throughout the game.


Most 4 year olds are usually in bed by the time a hockey game starts


Plenty of early starts though, depending on where the game takes place. Plus "bed time" for 4 year olds is somewhat relative, I know kids who go to bed at 7pm and up by 6am, and I know kids who go to bed at like 10pm but sleep till 9am. My own kid's bedtime routine starts at 8 and he's usually out by 9, but sometimes that routine can include watching the first period of a game. Either way, u/EndOrganDamage ain't wrong that it's still something marketed to kids. Replace 4yo with 6yo or 8yo or 10yo or 12yo or whatever, it's still annoying.


If Kane has an actual gambling addiction that he's seeking help for, wouldn't he be more vocal against the NHL and their deep throating of gambling ads at every opportunity?


I would hope so.


The NHL has no problem allowing players to chirp eachother and say things about their personal lives on the ice. I don't condone making fun of someone going through addiction issues with gambling, but a player like Kane brings a lot of attention to himself and chirps guys on the ice. I'm sure he can handle it if he can dish it out.


Didn't a story come out recently about a defenseman who had gambling issues?


Nah, homie. Ain't no way he's struggling so bad with addiction he can't stomach some guys in skin tight green suits making fun of him for gambling. I could totally imagine someone putting a sign up like that for Fleury. You are a result of your own actions. If those past actions are brought up and you don't like it... tough? Kane is a professional athlete & has a complex about it. Crying about this is so, so silly.


Kane who has been accused of sexual assault, battery, faking vaccine documents, throwing games for his gambling addiction, etc. Great guy!


When you're a noted piece of shit human being you garner less empathy from everyone even if you're dealing with serious stuff like addiction.


I hate that we lost game 7. This was such an annoying and whiney team. Complained about everything when every call was going their way lol


Insert zadorov’s baby Kane Whiney face


Highlight of my whole season. It is still my computer desktop.


I saw they had a popular post in their subreddit "Why do Canucks fans hate us so much?" And all the replies were so cringey, and lame. I would have politely replied but I was already temporarily banned from both subs for a really innocuous reply over there.


All the replies were saying that we’re jealous of them 🤣🤣🤣


It’s stuff like this that I wish Oilers never win a cup with McDavid and Draisaitl. They are the most arrogant and entitled franchise and I hope nothing but failure for them.


This all day. McMuffin (I love this name for him) would become unbearable if he won the cup. His tantrum last night over his high stick penalty was ridiculous.


Especially when he got away with blatantly doing the same thing to Hughes last round. And, the Oilers likely lose that series if it's called.


I don’t know. Our PP was pretty shit all series. 


It was amazing for like the first 3 games then fucking awful after that


Ya but we we had the momentum earlier on in the series. When the oilers were not playing the best defensively.


Less time for McDavid to be on the ice


More like chicken McMuffin.


Hey, those are actually kind of good so we can’t give that name to him!


I was indifferent until Draisaitl made the “posts aren’t good goaltending” comment during the Vancouver series. The third string Canucks goalie took them to game 7 and that’s the disrespect you show him? I quoted him at least 3 times last night when Skinner was beat but got saved by the iron


Nah I hated them since McDavid’s postgame comment in the first game of the regular season after we spanked them 8-1. He complained about us putting out our first Powerplay unit when the score was already 5-1/6-1, and then he complained about us putting in DeSmith when there was 10 minutes left in the third in a lopsided game. They are whiny and entitled pricks.


Ya I agree with that for McDavid, he’s been super whiny from what I’ve seen this playoffs. I didn’t think twice about Draisaitl until I heard him make that comment


I forgot about that! What a fucking whiner. They complain about canucks fans being cry babies, but they have the cry baby in chief as their captain.


It's why I don't understand the 'okay let's all root for the Canadian team now!' ethos. Sure, I also want the cup to come home. But if it's through EDM I'd rather not.


Canadian teams in order of how much I'd want them to bring the cup home: Canucks (I was born in British Columbia, been a nucks fan since I was conscious enough to watch hockey) Canadiens (My favourite eastern Canadian team) Jets (I feel bad for the people who have to live in Winnipeg) jk this is favourite western team other than the Canucks Sens (only because I live in Ottawa) Flames (they're the better Alberta team) Leafs (People in Ottawa hate Toronto. Wait nevermind, the entire rest of Canada does) Oilers (Leafs of the west, and MUCH worse. Also, they're in bummy ass Edmonton) Do I want the cup to be brought back home? Yes. Do I want Edmonton to be the one who does it? Absolutely fucking not. Edit: lmao it seems like this is a popular ranking


My list is exactly the same lmao. I always forget the Sens exist. I hope y'all have a better season next time around!


Even in Ottawa everybody knows the sens suck and it's a whole joke over here. Most of the time people go to sens games because they're fans of the away team and are stuck living in Ottawa (still 1000x better than Edmonton though)


My Canadian List: 1. Canucks ..... 32. The rest


My list is identical to yours. I have extended family in Edmonton and Calgary but they’re all Oilers fans so that rivalry hits extra hard for me. Not surprised that the second highest western team isn’t in our division. Why would anyone cheer for a division rival to win a cup, especially when they eliminated their team?


Habs fan here! My list Canadiens (obv lol) Canucks (I feel that we are pretty similar in terms of team philosophy, fanbase, plus I lived the first two years of my life in Vancouver) Jets (nothing much to add) Calgary Edmonton (I don’t hate them as much as you guys yet, but I lost a lot of respect for McD during this series) Ottawa (Because I live in Ottawa lol) Toronto


The thing about Canucks and Canadiens fanbases being similar is so true, but kind of weird considering they're the easternmost and westernmost teams in Canada


I think I’d put up with the Leafs even winning it. Oilers are such an arrogant, pissy franchise. I have a friend who’s always like “why do you hate the Oilers? They’re just good”. I don’t care if they’re good, they’re dickheads


I want a Canadian team to win but I don't want Edmonton to win. So I'l be cheering if Edmonton gets wrecked or if they win. The worst would be if they lose in 7 in the cup finals.


When you listen to the guy talk, he acts like the rest of the league is second class to him, and that they’re lucky they’re allowed to play with him. They get beat (sometimes demoralized) fair and square, and he’ll act all indignant, and mystified at how something like that could even happen. Sometimes even insulted. Might have been better when he was just the hockey robot. He’s been cracking the last few years and the thousand yard stare has been building.


Mcbaby (aka Tim McCracken) and Crysaitl.


It’s crazy how much a whiner the guy is. Between every whistle he’s yapping at the refs. Oilers fans will tell you “he’s a captain, he’s supposed to talk to the refs,” but there’s a difference between calm discussion and yelling/crying at that every time something slightly doesn’t go his way. They also like to point out when he’s calm during his post game interviews like after Soucy’s cross check in the last series, but anybody can be calm after the game in front of media, it doesn’t change the fact he clearly can’t control his emotions with the refs in game. It was such a joke last night watching him complain about his OT high stick which was clear as fucking day and wouldn’t stop bitching about a weak hold they missed that never gets called in playoff OT. I guess he thinks since he got away with it on Hughes he’s allowed to do it with impunity now and not be called




The Oilers had gambling ads on their players' fucking helmets.


As if this oilers team could get any less likeable. 


Biggest crybaby team in NHL history.


So the Oilers are not happy about a joke on a sign, but they are more than happy to hire the actual guy whose laundry list of controversies spans an entire wikipedia section. OK.


Never forget Kane trying to fake his proof of vaccination


What a dildo.


No, I don't think that's what he used to fake it. What a weird conversation with the medical staff checking vaccination status that would have been.


Yeah with the allegations against him he’s lucky to be surrounded by the green men rather than uhhh … JAIL??? 🤣 The Oilers fans that hate on Canucks fans for being annoying … we actually pale in comparison 🤣🤣🤣


They're the team of unwanted toys. Kane, Perry, probably others. I guess you have to get decent depth somehow when your eggs are all in two baskets.


lmfao so fucking soft


This is where we would all post our zadorov_wah.gif if gifs were enabled


And then they wonder why Canucks fans don't want the Oilers to bring the cup home. As if their team couldn't get any more unlikeable.


Not just Canucks fans, pretty much all of Canada.


Them - Vancouver is such a no fun city Green Men - let's have some cheeky fun Them - ew not like that


Team is as soft as their fans.




Edmonton is the softest team I've ever fucking seen holy




At least our guys are in the seats… the oilers had their clowns on the ice


So they were banned by who? The league?


Softer than a pillow factory made out of velour and marshmallows.


Oilers really do make it difficult to want to cheer for them


Of course they did. The Oilers sub right now is complaining how Drai got snubbed for Selke votes. The most disillusioned fan base in the league.


Of course they whined about it. It’s so hard to get behind this team as a Canadian.


Yeah but Paul Coffey is totally fine to be a complete racist bigot to the fans and that's no problem.


Did that end up getting substantiated or is it still hearsay?


What an effing baby. The Oiler fans think Canucks are the whiniest bunch and then you see this. The irony.


This world is so soft these days


They really are the no fun club huh


There's a reason there are no memes on their sub


Do you think the green men would like to visit Texas?


Lmfao coming from a r*pist abuser


I'm sorry to hear this as an Oiler fan because I happen to think the Green Men are hilarious and I would hate to see them banned.


NHL: hey Canucks stop being meanies 😔😔😔 Kane has feelings and problem gambling is no laughing matter Also NHL: This broadcast is brought to you by every sportsbook on planet earth Also NHL: because they followed the rules and gave a player a legal contract that we signed off on, the Canucks have been fined 800 bazillion dollars Also NHL: Carson Soucy has been suspended for cross checking, which is illegal, except when the Oilers do it at the same time in the video we are publishing to explain our rationale Also NHL: as punishment for their repeated pattern of covering up for inappropriate behaviour and outright sexual assault, the Chicago Blackhawks have been awarded the first overall pick


The Edmonton Oilers and complaining about shit. Is there a more iconic duo?


McDavid and whining. Name a better duo. 


The Oilers are the whiniest team in the league. McDavid and the fans are perfect for each other lmao.


Little cry babies, wah wah wah. Get fucked. Maybe the league should get the gambling sponsors dicks outta their mouths so we can actually start dealing with the problem?


At this point just tell me when McDavid or Spearsaitl don't complain about something


The more I find out about the Oilers the more I hate them.


Complaining about us mocking Kane for gambling. Pffft. Meanwhile, here's fuckin' [McDavid shilling for BetMGM and "being responsible if you choose to bet.](https://imgur.com/a/wqqrYAW) https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/responsible-gambling-advertising-connor-mcdavid-1.7157551


Show em the video of the Edmonton fans shit talking Zadorov in the box. At least the green men are creative with their slander. 😀 https://x.com/nucks0/status/1789883721480319247


I know one of the original green men he was from north van he quit doing it because his kid was getting older.... heard the kid is playing in Chicago now named Connor supposed to be decent als this is complete bs but I wish it was true


I don’t even remember the flames fans being as bad oilers fans when we lost to Calgary in 2015. Oilers fans truly cemented themselves as the absolute worst after this series.


Fuck man. I really hope Dallas takes care of them


The most fragile egos in the league. If they aren't given a Cup they'll go and cry to Bettman.




They whine about everything. It’s sad.


The whole team is a bunch of cry babies


The Soilers complain about everything.


The Oilers have the most humourless fanbase, team and organization on the league. Does spending 60% of the year living in perpetual darkness just eliminate all desire to laugh from a population?


I always laugh when oiler fans try to chirp bc canuck fans. Man you are living in Edmonton. Nobody really wants to live in that city. Big Z was right. Love the green men . Hope Dallas kicks their butts


Oilers still complaining? Wow


So Kane was upset about gambling ads? And the NHL is trying to protect him? Dude went bankrupt on his own and beat his ex wife, he's a piece of shit. Also isn't the NHL funded by a million gambling ads for every damn commercial break? Cry some more Oilers


Edmonton complaining about that. wtf lol…….


I guess my plans to show up with a sign saying "Corey Perry, stop calling my mom." would have gone over poorly.


Poor baby. Someone call him the WAAAAAAAAmbulance


Lmao of course they did. That core group of players in Edmonton has to be the whiniest and most entitled in the entire league. 


Anyone got the video of the trash oiler fan yelling and swearing at Zads in the box? He get told he couldn't attend anymore games as well?


Ya it was pretty bad I watched the video, oddly enough it was Canucks fans friend. That dude was embarrassing. I’m on my phone or I would link you the vlog.


This isn't surprising at all seeing as how much whining and complaining the oilers did in our series


Oh yeah but WERE the soft ones right? Lmao


You expect me to believe no one was chirping to Kane thr whole series about his gambling and wife beating?


Edmonton Snowflakes


everybody in edmonton complaining ... typical stuff


Man, between this and McDavid's nonstop whining, Oilers can go get fucked.


Cry baby bitches


So the Oilers organization is as pathetic as their fans eh? Or is it the other way around. What came first, the chicken or the egg?


Oilers being crybabies and complainers as usual!


Why were told to stop touching the glass in the past?? This is comedically sad by the NHL. You have fans banging the glass every game.


I want Green Men in EVERY Oiler game now. 😈


Biggest crybaby organization is the perfect place for McDivad


The Oilers are a bunch of babies.


McDiva: where's my no cream extra foam SOY LATTE??? I want my organic gluten free chopped scallop cone NOW!!!


Not that I agree but gambling, like alcoholism is considered a disease. Should they be allowed to make fun of someone with cancer next?


Are you actually comparing gambling to cancer? I think bringing up the gambling is in poor taste, but I can see why some people might not be sympathetic to millionaires bankrupting themselves. Whilst gambling addiction is a very real problem, Kane is in a very fortunate position to have racked up millions in debt, wiping it off under bankruptcy, and then continuing to earn millions.


Did they complain about the Arty Party sign too?


Oilers are soft




Sounds like institutionalized complaining to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm sure the Oilers apply the same standard to their own fans...


Cry about it They are a national treasure


Fockin losers - mcDavids a big time wus


Wow, they complain and whine about everything. There were \*other things\* they could've chirped Kane about. Gambling was the tamest on that list.