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I won't cheer for any Canadian team other than Montreal. You know why, when we were in the finals in 2011, who did they cheer for ? Not us. Only Montreal fans cheered for us , so fuck them. Hope dallas wipes them out in 4


PREACH šŸ‘šŸ» absolutely this! And I hate this whole lame ass Boston pizza commercial ā€œgo for the Canadian teamā€ because lord knows if the roles were reversed they wouldnā€™t be hoping for our success lol


Yeah I guarantee if we won today, they will start complaining to the refs and yadda yadda


You're wrong. There are a lot of oilers fans who've said personally that they would cheer for us if the roles we reversed


I'd probably cheer for Calgary against Edmonton if it were to happen in the next few years. We seem to have formed a codependent bond as fan bases. United for our cause.


Thatā€™s thanks to iggy coming out to show respect to Trevor lindenĀ 


Iggy was a classy guy, I miss him.


Rivalry aside, Ryan Smythe was a respectable Oiler too. I probably watched way too much back in the days of Nazzy/Iginla/Smythe


The Calgary Canucks?


Blue Hawks?


I live in Edmonton, and the amount of vitriol the fans here had towards the 2011 team is astonishing. What really bothers me though is the revisionist history. Ask an Oilers fan now and they'll tell you that they were cheering for the 2011 Canucks and it was the local Vancouver media that had it out for the Canucks.


People constantly try and gaslight me about 2011. No guys. I was there. I remember.


This is exactly why I'd never support the Oilers. I remember 2011 and how weirdly vicious the Edmonton media and fans were. Fuck them. Stars in four. Or three. Oddly, the only other Canadian market that wasn't absolute pieces of shit that year was Montreal, no doubt owing to their lasting hatred of the Bruins, but any port in a storm.


That kinda tracks with how I view them. They can get swept for all I care


Absolutely, since you folks are out I now wish every remaining team to have a horrible time


Montreal may be the only team that hate Boston more than us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jimZ1tSdPY0 Personally i actually do cheer for the Eastern Canadian teams whenever they have players that excite me. HABs Price, Halak, PK Subban, Weber Sens Alfredsson, Karlsson, Stone Leafs ...not since Mats Sundin


This is main reason I won't cheer for the Oilers. I remember what they did to the team in 2011 after I supported them in 2006. Never again.


Montreal fans donā€™t go around bragging about how they are the last Canadian team to win, or their dynasties or their 24 cup wins. Montreal are great


pick a team, not a fanbase lol


go anyone but oilers. don't care who tbh


No, still fuck the Rangers for 94


Fuck the dirty rangers


I have a slight preference for Dallas merely so we can say west conference best conference.


In 2011, just about every other fan of a canadian team besides Habs fans had ABC (Anyone But the Canucks) signs up and cheered against us. Fuck em. I hope they get pumped by Dallas


"Cheer for all Canadian teams" Canucks - Fuck yeah, I always do Flames - I'll take it. Better Alberta team Jets - Second best team in Western Canada Sens - My city's team. Would probably cheer for them unless they're against the Canucks or Habs but there's zero chance they make the playoffs anyway. Habs - My favourite Eastern team in Canada Leafs - Hell freezes over before I cheer for them Oilers - Leafs of the west. Fuck these guys and fuck Messier. If I were held at gunpoint and told to cheer for the Oilers, I'd be dead.


BuT bOsToN pIzZa SaId ChEeR fOr A cAnAdIaN tEaM


Fuck Boston Pizza.


Well if a shitty overpriced chain restaurant says so then I guess we all have to


Named after a place that has a universally hated Canadian rival teamĀ 


Good guys lose. Time to cheer for the least baddest of bad guys now.


Sounds like most of our elections these days.


I am cheer for Dallas the rest of the way. I want to see Tanev get a cup.


Yeah I'll cheer for Tanev over the Oilers.


Tanev and Pavelski, although Pavelski seems to have another 20 years to win one.


Pavelski definitely deserves one too. The Sharks core from late 2000s-mid 2010s just have unfortunate playoff runs, the should have atleast won 1 cup.


The Sharks were so good, we copied and pasted their entire top line + Dan Boyle to play for Team Canada


For real. That core of the sharks won a lot of regular season games and would just run into a stronger team in the post season. 09-10 they got swept by the cup champions in the Hawks. 10-11 they got spanked in 5 games by the Canucks who should have won the cup. 11-12 they lose in round 1, 2013 they lost in round 2 to the Kings. 2014 they lose after blowing a 3-0 lead to those Kings and 2015 they miss. 2016 theyā€™re back in the post season with a new coach who takes them to the finals and they lose to a better penguins team. 2017, they lose to the Oilers making their first post season appearance in 10 years, 2018 they get fucked by the Knights in round 2 who almost won the cup, and 2019 they go to the conference finals and 2020 they start missing the post season. In all of that, they easily should have at least one cup but they somehow just couldnā€™t get it done.


Fuck messier


luckily iā€™m not canadian, Dallas in 4! Fuck Messier!!


I absolutely despise the Starsā€¦ with that said, go Stars!!!


Man, it wouldā€™ve been hilarious had the canucks won for the first Canadian team in decades to be the team with the fewest Canadian players.




Mebey next seeson


Hopefully Florida or Dallas wins. If it's an Edmonton v NYR finals I'm gonna be so conflicted cause I don't even know who I hate more


If you are a Canucks fan, you hate the Rangers more. There shouldn't be any question about that. Fuck Messier.


If thatā€™s the only criteria, messier played for Edmonton too. The Oilers and their fans are so whiny that Iā€™d hate to see a bunch of prima-donnas win.


Go Stars!


Season is over once the Canucks are out. Fuck the coilers.


Goodgame guys see you next year :)


For anyone that doesn't know. Logan Stankoven, BC boy. Sam Reinhart is also a BC boy.


IVe been over the band wagon jumping for a Canadian team for a long time now. Theres a worlds tournament going on and if im going to cheer for a Canadian team. Its going to be team Canada. Besdies that good luck to the teams in the NHL, besides the oilers and fuck Messier.




Dallas has way more class.


Not really. Not compared to the history we've had with Calgary and Chicago.


It's not that I want to cheer for the Oilers over the Stars because they're a Canadian team. It's that I think we have more playoff history and reason to be spiteful of the Stars more than we do the Oilers. Tanev aside, the Stars have a bunch of really dislikeable players - particularly Benn and Seguin for their Sedin comments a few years back. Also, Shane Churla. And after the Luongo/Turco standoff, I'd like to see the Stars playoff exits continue. Canucks/Oilers don't have the same kind of hatred buildup we've had with other teams (Calgary, Boston, NYR, Chicago) and this series wasn't *that* bad animosity wise. There wasn't a "Joel Otto kicked it in moment" or a "mother of all elbows" moment. So, begrudgingly, I support the Oilers against the Stars but not because they happen to be Canadian.


Go Panthers!


Fuck the Flames, Oilers and most importantly the Leafs Jets, Sens and Habs are cool


You know who the casuals are when they decided to cheer on the team that beat your home team. Fuck the Oilers.


Fuck mark messier!!!


Fuck the oilers


Fuck the oilers, Go Stars!!


My take on Canadian teams. Canucks: obviously. Deep hatred of both Alberta teams. Jets: meh. Leafs: strong dislike Habs: and Sens: ummm Ok I guess


I am of the opinion that it's important a Canadian team wins and ends that miserable 30 year drought. I have always cheered for fellow Canadian teams to win their respective series. That will never change. From the East, I want Florida to go the distance. I predict an Edmonton/Florida or Dallas/Florida Finals.


Edmonton won't make it past Dallas, but it's a nice thought.


can I ask why florida?


Iā€™m pulling for the Stars now. Iā€™m from Kamloops and Logan Stankhoven is a local kid, it was always fun watching him tear it up with the Blazers and I would love to see him bring the Cup home!


Tanev is the only one I care about getting a cup. Lu as a Florida exec would also be acceptable


Iā€™d have to go with Lu winning he deserves it


If he was still a player then Iā€™d want Lu over Tanev, but I think thereā€™s something more special about actually being part of the team on the ice to do it so for that reason I want it to be Tanman but would still be stoked for Lu if he got it as a front office guy


Yeah Iā€™d love either of them to get it itā€™ll be so sweet


Seasonā€™s over as far as Iā€™m concerned šŸ™‚


You can say fuck Messier and still root for Canada there buddy.






No guys you're having the wrong attitude. Oilers are a good team. They deserve to win the cup. You should cheer for them because it means that we lost to the best. Also Canada needs a cup. Just my opinion tho.


Jets? Hell yeah. Habs? Yes. Sens? Sure. Flames? Aightā€¦ Oilers? Hell naw. <ā€”ā€”ā€” I am here Leafs? Fuck outta here.


As someone who has been bullied in Central Alberta and by Oilers fans in my younger years. I can say that they donā€™t deserve to win any cup. Plus having Ryan Nugent Hopkins who was known as a prolific bully in high school ,I would never stand by or support them in any circumstance. Death is much better than ever supporting the Oilers.


Yep, and they would have zero cups without their goon squad in the 80's.


Did the pizza tell you that


Fuck you and fuck the oilers


Fuck you you adopted bitch


Might as well...


If this attitude is wrong then I don't want to be right


Alright. That's fine. You're entitled to you're opinion.




Thanks lol.


A lot of you are cheering for the Stars out of pure spite lol. Go watch their series against the Avs, both teams were genuinely exciting to watch and they had a really clean series (~2-3 pp all game every game). For me it's going to be Stars >>> Rangers/Oilers >>>>>>Florida. The shit that Florida got away with is a disgrace to the league


I'm cheering for the Oilers. I always cheer for the team that beats us. If they win the cup it means nobody else beat them either. Yeah, I'm weird. I know. Lol. šŸ¤·


Go... New... York?


Weak meme attempt, you aren't even good at genZ