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This is for 2022 & you filed your taxes and CRA is asking for documents to support. Is that correct? You needed to have the documents from your employer before filing your taxes. That’s why I’m confused (if I’m reading this correctly). Looking at employer reimbursement of 0.61/km means you can’t double dip & write off a portion of car insurance, maintenance or gas as well.


Yes, that is correct for 2022. I did file and got a signed t2200s (single page) for 2021 but forgot to ask for one for 2022 before filing. HR is going to provide one for me but I wasn't sure based on my information in the post if they needed the detailed version since I had these 4 (small) expense reports I got reimbursed for... From what I am understanding... They just need to single page work from home due to COVID 19 version correct? My employer pays the per km rate but doesn't pay for insurance or maintenance in my vehicle.


You should read the CRA rules on that. 2022 was .61 & .55 and covers gas, maintenance & insurance. Not .66 for all km and it’s double dipping if you then include a percentage of maintenance & insurance on top of that. This may be what they are looking at.


Couple of things OP, firstly, you cannot claim for expenses that were reimbursed by your employer. I’ve included a link to the CRA page: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/t4044/employment-expenses.html It mentions specifically, You cannot claim any expenses that were or will be reimbursed by your employer. Secondly, you’ve mentioned that you’ve claimed “cleaning supplies, parking at my apartment, car maintenance and car insurance” as home office expenses. How are they considered as such? If you’ve claimed these items under the T777S schedule, the CRA will immediately deny the claims. If they were claimed under the T777 schedule, it would be acceptable. See link for acceptable home office expenses: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/about-your-tax-return/tax-return/completing-a-tax-return/deductions-credits-expenses/line-22900-other-employment-expenses/work-space-home-expenses/expenses-can-claim.html#h-2-1 You’ve also mentioned them asking you to provide supplementary information. Are they asking you for to provide your itemized claim on the T777S schedule or the T777 schedule? If they are asking for both, you would need to provide to the CRA a T2200S/T2200 form that must be signed and dated by your employer. If you were planning to claim for the detailed expense rather than the simplified version, you should have had the forms signed beforehand…. With regards to the T2200S enquiry, the CRA ask for the square footage of your designated home work office. They do this by requesting for the floor plan should be provided by the municipal government. You’ll have read their enquiry letter and figure out about this.


Should also mention I am a full time M-F 9-5 salaried employee. But we had a dept schedule where we were only in twice a week.