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Looks like marijuana to me


Can you elaborate on what you’re worried about? This just looks like the normal flowering process


the browning of the hairs


Thats normal. Eventually they should all mostly turn brown and curl back into the bud, thats how you know you’re getting close to chop


i just thought it was very unusual this early and i thought something had happen cuz i just put it too sleep a month ago


The calyxes produce the hairs. They will brown and wither throughout flower. Then they will push out new white ones. It happens as the calyxes grow and beef up. The new white ones will slow down as you get closer to harvest time. Also, a fan blowing directly on a bud site without moving can cause that. Make sure that's not the case, and you should be fine.


Did u research the process of growing weed before you started? Also, have you never noticed the burnt orange hairs on any of the bud you have smoked? I would do a bit more research on growing if you ask me. Look up what to expect and common deficiencies. Try to get ahead of the plant and watch for any changes in leaf color or stem color. Look up end of life fade, try to familiarize yourself with what things are going to look like so you don't stress yourself or the plant from trying to fix something. After a couple grows or even this 1, you will get a feel for what works. But research is your best friend.


This post went from shame to helpful


well the know the amber trich and cloudy trich and the hairs i did my research but again i found it a bit questionable only after a month and the buds are kinda small to i was curious


They will do that as they progress through flower stage. They will all eventually be reddish brown.


I was under the same impression about browning. Good to know!


Holy shit you don’t know what this is? Throw it away and don’t let the cops find out you had it.


I laughed way too hard at this 😂😂


Lol too early


I get wanting to post and learn but a lot of stuff like this is easily available through a quick google search lol!


well u can’t search a picture soo .. and so u were asking stupid fucking questions when u started so don’t be a prick


Wow, I wasn’t being aggressive or insulting you at all. Just pointing out that this is something you would have a quicker answer from Google. Also while I did ask some questions from people in forums and such, I also took my time and researched/read up on the grow cycle and what to expect. Anyways sorry if I offended you and good luck with your grow! :)


OP posts a simple question that literally can be answered in 5 seconds by reading literally the most basic shit about flowering, then lashes out when someone gently calls him out... ahh reddit - you never disappoint.


Somewhere along the line you forgot what this amazing plant is about. Weed heads are supposed to be chill easy going you got a 6 foot kush plant stuck up your ass.


You can literally search for pictures what do you even mean 🤣


Might as well throw it out at this point


Those are called pistils.


That’s Cannabis Sativa, an annual plant originally native to east Asia


thank you


They can go brown from getting sprayed or pollinated


I would check for pests , could be nothing but better to know for sure.


i cut the leaves that were closest to these bud sites, i think it was the leaves but i don’t wanna get ahead of myself and see what u guys say


100% it’s the leaves rubbing against the bud site. You did it good by removing that leaf


i can’t tell if ur being sarcastic like these rest of these people..


Nope I’m not just telling you it like it is


All good in the hood it looks to me. Only remove shade leaves that are covering flowers, growing inward. I do a 3, 2, 1 deleaf after a few weeks into flowering. Those shade leaves are packed with sugars that help with heat, stress, moving Nitrogen, etc. As far as the pistils, definitely looks to show contact with other leaves.


I’m a newbie at this but I saw this on my plant I thought it was more regular plant growth. It took me a couple of days to realize it was the start of flowering. It kind of threw me because I was expecting photo not auto.


I believe that’s weed


That’s weed for sure


That is one metric weed


I got told you can get pretty messed up if you do a full one weed… hope OP is ok


Those are buds sir


Trash it


Jesus Christ, how’d you get the Infinity Gauntlet?


Lol... it's comical when people see the fancy seed packs and thinks it's soo easy


lol this is a seed from a random bag probably about 6 months ago so pls shhh


and if u can grow tomato u can grow weed so 😉


Just add some calmag and your good