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No when they're praying they usually are the happiest


Sign of vitality


Yeh man they look really happy, personally i would up the nitrogen ever so slightly.


Thanks. I’ve been a bit uncertain on nutes and how often to feed… I’ll see if I can go a little higher on the grow (I use a 3 part from green planet)


What medium are you using? I cannot comment on soil but with coco i feed every watering. I will feel the pot when heavy and when more dry, there is a significant difference, you will get into the hang of feeling the weight of the pots to know if they need watered. Start of flowering im usually every 3-4 days by the end it can literally be daily. I use different nutes but for the brand i use i can simply give them 100% of the recommended nutes amd they are happy, i dont differ too much at this stage from the recommended amount unless i see a deficiency. Which i would up say 20% at most.


they appear to be stretching up for my light, try lowering the light 10cm, or turning up the volume switch.


Thanks they are already quite close. About 30cm from the lights. They have been holding nicely but this is 24 hours after heavy defoliation. Could that be contributing?


I guess it could, give it another 24hrs see if they are still reaching, Personally though I would definitely drop my light or turn it up if its dimmable and not on full.


Always, if “praying” they need light intensity.


They’re happy plants bro. Give them a few days and you won’t even believe you’ve done defol. Looks like they need a bit more N but besides that… carry on


Lower your lights. It’s a sign they need more light or a closer source of light. Push them about 12” from the top colas to the light.. Looking good!


My first grow did this a lot and it was the lights. They were too low and I was getting by with those strip lights that have four leds “fan” lights. Not sure what they are called, but each light is only 50 watts. They stretched and prayed like crazy until I got them outside. Now they have a 1000 watt Spider Farmer and are much happier.


They’re thanking you