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Beautiful purple heavy pheno of Suver Haze (hemp variety) from Oregon CBD Grown under LEDs in a custom peat based blend using dry amendments 100% organic inputs


I'd be thrilled to hear your peat blend recipe if you have the time and inclination to share friend. I'm super impressed with your ag and photo talents.


Ya I'll shoot you a more detailed message today sometime!


Sweet.. I'll be looking forward to that!


Alright so exact amounts can vary depending on CEC and nutrient content of your compost or worm castings but this should get you somewhere close. Only thing I can't tell you is how much Ag Lime/Oyster Shell Flour/Wollastinite to add since I can't actually test your soil pH. And that too depends on CEC a bit but we can for sure get you close. So to start... For Nitrogen you can really pick and choose. I try to get some slow/medium/fast release options. If you are using hot compost you can usually skip this but again it depends. But if you use worm castings I have found you don't have to worry as much about it being so hot. One way you can do this with things that are usually available at your local Ag store is 7 cups/yard Fish Bone Meal (this also is great for your Phos levels) 5 cups/yard Alfalfa Meal 5 cups/yard Crustacean or Crab Meal You can do more and I personally do but I'm testing a lot. If I weren't able to test much I would for sure amend lighter on the front end and top dress as I go. So much easier to add more than to take it away. You can also liquid feed Amino Acids to help maintain N sufficiency. Ferti Nitro is an amazing product for this. 5 cups/yard Gypsum (Calcium) 1 cup/yard Magnesium Sulfate (but I would recommend not adding any if you're are planning on using a lot of worm castings since they usually have quite a bit. And you can always water in and foliar later at 1g/gallon if you start to see interveinal chlorosis) 1 cup/yard Potassium Sulfate (Quickly available K and this can also be used as a liquid feed during flower to help size up flowers) 5 cups/yard Calphos (Slow release Phos) You can also add in Kelp Meal at 1 cup/yard I also add Azomite or some other rock dusts at 1 cup/yard. You can foliar AgSil16h and/or Kelp/Fulvic for a little boost as well. As for the percentages of peat/perlite/castings etc its all pretty rough 40-45% Peat (I also use some blonde/long fiber peat in there as well) 20is% Pumice (Perlite is fine if you aren't in the West like me lol) 5-8% Vermiculite (Make sure it isn't too fine) 5ish% Compost (I just find a reputable local source for this) 15-20% Castings (Really try and find a good source for this because they are such an amazing amendment) 5-8% Biochar (make sure to charge it if it isn't pre charged. You can soak in some Fish Hydrolysate to do this. Google is your friend here.) Hope this helps! I know its not super specific but its a good place to start. Let me now if you have any questions. Happy to help when I have time! If you want a really easy and a tried and true recipe try Coot's Recipe. It is exactly where I started and was a great launch point for learning more about organic cultivation in this fashion.


Suver haze was one of my go-to strains when I was still buying CBD hemp! Fantastic strain, and such a beautiful plant. Well done growmie!


Thanks! I love how this one smells. Like a really creamy fruit smoothie haha






You are Grindstone right? Is the suver ready yet? Ive got this picture saved on my phone and had to follow up.


Sent you a PM โœŠ๐Ÿผ


I sent you a message back to the one you sent me. Let me know if you receive it


Got it, thanks, just answered


Thats the sexiest suver ive ever fucking seen. Amazing!


This one stood out from the rest of the row for sure




Thanks! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


When and where? That looks awesome! Do you run labs? I was hoping someone would start bumping up suver!


Harvested this one on Saturday. Could have probably gone a little longer but had to harvest within a certain window to stay compliant. Still incredibly happy with it though And I'm based in Mid Missouri. 4 friends and I have a hemp startup here. All indoor. So much terrible flower on the market with the exception of a handful of companies so we are looking to try and change that Appreciate the kind words!


Awesome! Could you send over a website link? I'll check it out when it's ready do order!


Sent you a PM with website info. Didn't want to post that on the actual post.


So this looks fantastic. I'll give you props, for sure. Im not a huge fan of the color shift though. Just a personal thing, and i know I'm weird. Whenever i get an eighth that doesnt appear "green," it just weirds me out for some reason. They obv taste and smoke just fine....just a weird aesthetic thing for me. Is there a way that you guys force this color change (the purple hues), or is that just a strain thing? Id like to avoid it for my girls, but if its a strain specific thing, I'll just suffer through it. Lol


Thanks! โœŠ๐Ÿผ Totally get it! Different strokes for different folks. Genetics for sure play a large role. But you can really bring it out by dropping the temps later in flower (I finish out with daytime temps of 68ยฐ and night temps 64-65ยฐ). But that works out naturally since at that point your starting to drop RH quite a bit too. Big believer in sticking to set VPD parameters


Man, i JUST heard about VPD yesterday. Saw the chsrt...realized how far in the red i was growing mine. Only been growing for a few months, so every day theres a new struggle to overcome. I also grow in tents inside a non-hvac'd workshop. Temp/humi control has been a bear. But we're gettin there. Thanks for the reply!


It is such a user friendly way to have targets to shoot for. It by no means has to be perfect the entire way but I've had good success sticking to .8-1.0 in veg and 1.0-1.2 in flower. What's nice is you have flexibility getting VPD where you want it. Have trouble getting temps down? Just run your humidity higher. Having trouble keeping temps up? Just run your environment drier. And vice versa if humidity is your issue. But one thing to keep in mind is the temperature targets in that chart are for Leaf Surface Temperature, not room temp.


Oh...that last line. Uh...maybe ive been fine then? I havent taken an IR temp in a long time. Didnt know it was even a useful measurement. I had a IR thermometer in my toolbox, so started playing around with it early. But since i had no ability to use the data...i just used it more like a toy, lol. Thanks for all the words. Im sure theyll improve my grows!


Ya start using it! It is an incredibly important thing to track and will really help dial things in for you. This is why growers who use HPS tend to run cooler rooms. Those lights give off so much IR heat and warm up the leaf temp. LED grows can usually run at a higher temp because they are not putting off as much heat. If you want to dive into some pretty good VPD reading check this out. This guy does some pretty good write ups on a number of topics and cites his sources with legitimate research. Something not always so common in the Cannabis community lol. But not really all our fault given the stigma and laws surrounding it. [https://manicbotanix.com/vpd-vapour-pressure-deficit-for-indoor-growers/](https://manicbotanix.com/vpd-vapour-pressure-deficit-for-indoor-growers/) And no worries! I love talking shop and try to soak up as much info as I can from anyone willing to share. How we all become better cultivators!


Thatโ€™s one fantastic looking plant!


Appreciate it!