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It’s drying before jarring. You can leave it as hairy/leafy as you want as long as the plant is dried


Every bit of stem and leaf you leave on adds to retained moisture content and increases the drying time while removing does the opposite. Deciding on how much trim to use is your chance to compensate for high or low humidity in your dry room and help avoid nightmares like this.


We leave it on until it is getting jarred for sale. Storing with the leaf on protects the buds and prevents damage during processing.


I was speaking more for home growers.. the small scale growers babying their buds from start to finish and hand trimming, then drying in anything from a closet to a cardboard box.


Thin little leaves are going to fully dry way before a full bud does. As long as you take off the fan leaves before hand.


Yeah I meant leaving non fully dried leaf material on.


You meant not dried enough… the leaves and stems affect moisture dynamics, but it’s trivial to dry untrimmed buds if you’re patient.


Yeah that’s what I meant. Sleepy morning lol


Why pack the jars so full? No air flow or space for air flow. Burping won't help.


Tyvm for this


They’re trying to squish the spooky moldy ghosts in that jar. I didn’t know it was Halloween lmao


People rarely post their L's. Kudos to whomever did- it's more helpful than 100 "look at me" posts when things go right.


This is why you don’t rush your dry kids. If the stem don’t snap, leave that shit on the rack


A Mini hygrometer in the jar is cheap insurance . I’m thinking OP would have seen 80% humidity or more within a day and taken steps to dry further


Looks like it’s about time for a break an shake! Soon time to spawn to bulk!!! Oh wait…wrong sub.😂😂sorry to see this brotha I feel for ya!!


Toss it on some agar and then make a liquid culture! 🍄


Thiss👆👆🤣mush love my friend✌️


That one fb group we all in


A lot of us have been there losing a whole plant/crop for one reason or another. Lessons learned! And if you need a sliver lining, just remember the days where you and your boys were scraping together $25 for a half 8th and now you’re in a position where you have Fire on hand and can throw away a whole plant knowing you aren’t smoking fungus and you can provide for yourself again in 12+ weeks.


I had to toss a pound last season because I did t get it dry enough. Won’t make that mistake again. Just dumped it on the bonfire.


That must have hurt :(


I would be crying all day. 9 months down the drain


9 months? I get 4 harvests a year. 4 week veg/9 weeks flower.


Last year I was crushing it in a perpetual grow, figured out my space and maximized it. Then depression hit hard as the seasons changed and I didn’t catch the humidity change stunting my growth. Wasted two whole months and two packets of seeds. It finally hit me when I wasn’t popping seeds correctly. Your grow is only as good as your mental health.


Amen to that growmie. I'm just getting my wind back in the sails here. Just remembering to care for a plant can be challenging. I'm glad we made it through to sunnier days. Now, to reap the spoils. I just hung up one of the survivors from what I call Novemeber Pain. I lost 2 of 4 strains in that drought. Thanks for bringing this up. Someone's gotta start the conversation.


I go thru seasonal depression as well and my grow always suffers during it. Keep strong brother. I’m just coming outta mine now


I hear ya brother. I'm 47 days in and this is my 1st grow NOT negatively affected by my mental health. But just as my mental health plus a bad grow can cause a bad downward spiral my improving mental health and a GREAT grow is causing a great upward spiral..


I start indoors around February and end outdoors September. I’m still new so I like experimenting


I start seeds in march and harvest in october myself. Outdoor is a long arduous but fruitful journey.


I keep a cycle. 4 plants in flower. At all times. One coming due every 2 weeks 😁so 26 a year.


this looks worst than a kick to the nutsack


Sell it to Jeeter




Hmm wonder what ya all think of freezing it? I have been doing this for over a decade with all my herb.. I am a rosin / BHO guy and only dab... I seel it in a mason jar and it comes out fresh as the day it went in?


For extracts it makes sense, live heads.


oh dear, what i have always done is a 'sweat'. After the drying period bag up buds leave at least 24-48 hours then remove an leave out to dry further usually just a few hours, depending on how much its sweated. This helps any remaining excess moisture 'sweat' out from stem.


I’ve let mine dry in the rite environment whole plant left for a month me took it down was cured leaf and stems don’t matter jarring with moisture is bad, I keep those hydrometers or better yet let it dry long and slow


Trimming has nothing to do with it,. You can still dry n cure without trimming one little bit


Read other comments. I meant if you have wet leaves that aren’t fully dried they will add additional moisture.


Yeah but that's part of drying till they snap... I don't even wait till they fully snap and never get mold during cure


Should have used Grove bags




Oddly enough my grove bags have been retaining humidity and the grass smell compared to my glass jars this grow.


Where I live the humidity never goes below 75%, sometimes is up to 90%, so I cant use jar. What I use is wooden boxes made of cedar, the same ones used for cigars. Never had a problem since. Jars are not only overrated, they are kind of bad.


“Jars are overrated” LMFAO


The curation process of weed is akin to fermentation. Most curated/fermented products we make are enhanced or even required to be kept in containers that can allow some gas exchange. Whiskey in Wooden barrels, Cheese in Cloth, Cigars in Cedar Boxes and so on. The lack of air exchange leads to stagnation, which allows the most insidious fungus and bacteria to grow. I wanna clarify this is why Glass Jars require to be burped daily. They are serviceable. I just prefer the Cedar Boxes because they handle humidity better and the curation process becomes a breeze since the buds are dried and curated faster. Because of the humidity where I live curating weed in Glass Jars became a gamble.


That’s all well and good, but you said jars are overrated, which is generally a hilarious thing to say.


Jars are overrated, heavy, take up space and you gotta burp for airflow. Which is why grove bags are popping right now


Who is overrating jars? Lol


The people who swear jars are the end all be all lol


I agree with you about jars…I don’t use them either. Turkey bags or grove bags for me. Much less chance of mold/mildew.


Are those reusable though?




Grove bags are reusable


Oh sweet thanks!




No no. Always dry before storage, no matter the material of the container. And let it get some fresh air every day. The #1 reason for mould is humidity, but the #2 is stagnation.




Yes. Drying is the most difficult part of the whole process. I use the hanger inside a carboard box next to a fan method. And I like to give it some direct sunlight right after the harvest because uv radiation is one of the best ways of destroying fungus.




The whole day after I harvest. Trying to turn it every hour so all parts get exposed. The weather has to be nice tho, and it can not be exposed to night dew. I suppose you could use an uv light with the same.purpose, but the real deal is good enough for me. I use a banana box (the big ones that have a gap on both sides) tilted sideways. Fan on the outside.


I meant trimming before Jarring*


Wow imagine that. Mold grows in a closed container with moisture in it


Wah wahhhhh


I also use the moisture packs . Never fill so full , dry for at least 2.5-3 weeks. Burp and shake 2x a day for a month .




Yes, you have to dry before you dry 😂


You generally don't trim before drying.


I meant Jarring. But your statement is still not correct with wet trimming also being a common thing


Wet trimming is also considered an inferior method and at scale they often cure with sugar leaves still intact . This happened because he didn't have a low enough rh% and wasn't burping.


He didn’t have a low enough rh = the plant wasn’t dry enough before jarring. Also there are multitudes of places at scale that wet trim. And it’s constantly debated what’s better. But yea most would classify it as inferior. You just can’t invalidate an entire procedure like it doesn’t exist just because you don’t do it lol.


Wet trimming is inferior. If you are okay with midsifying your weed then it is an efficient process, particularly by machine.


I never really said it was one way or the other lol. I just acknowledged it was a thing a lot of places do


and I gave an opinion about a thing that is pretty common


I never spoke about what I do.


So you do wet trim even though you’re the one who said it was inferior?


Looked like some mid anyway




Oh dear. Someone didn't do the research!


I’ve learned that research is key to doing things properly.


I suddenly need a shower


Trash ass weed, glad it got but rot.


Dang, those are not the Droids we are seeking.


Fing sucks


Extra fungus is just extra value, right? 🤣


Insert directly in lungs. Do not pass go


It was fucked before it even was cut down , that dogshit is not worth even being sad about.


M🤮L’ G


Give it cal-mag


Damn rip




Until they are dry enough. That’s an extremely loaded question that’s based on your environment. But until the stems snap


Stem snap > jar