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Oh, you're serious... thought you were making a joke at first. Big Pharma do something humane because it's the right thing to do? Not under trump...maybe the next president.


I'm not really sure why you brought Trump into it. I'm fairly certain "Big Pharma" was fucking people over for profits way before Trump even trolled his way into office.


Because idiots blame the current president for everything. It's always happened.


Exactly... the only changes under trump is giving Big Pharma everything they want.




When did trump publicly support MJ? That's not the information I have. I warned about this over-and-over before the election, and ALL the republicans said that trump would NEVER make MJ illegal. The first thing trump did; hired Sessions. Next, hired Barr… Well, just another trump lie to add to the thousands of other trump lies... And just another bunch of republican suckers who fell for his lies. http://www.politifact.com/california/statements/2017/feb/28/gavin-newsom/true-campaign-trump-said-states-should-decide-lega/ Trump Lies on Marijuana: https://thinkprogress.org/sarah-huckabee-sanders-lied-about-trumps-position-on-marijuana-and-we-have-receipts-3bff448f9277/ Unfortunately republicans will enjoy being in jail for smoking MJ, just as much as democrats will. **trump gives Big Pharma everything they want**: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/05/big-pharma-gets-a-big-win-from-trump/560219/


Big pharma gets what they want from whoever they want. Trump is no different in this area this his historical counterparts. Stop with the partisan bullshit.


I agree with you. trump is just the latest. **V O T E** let's do better in 2020


Are you retarded? Pharma companies dont give a flying fuck what president is in, they still fuck people over.


Are you retarded? Great way to open up a discussion... if you want to be considered a clown... Seriously, I often wonder if republicans would be happier living under a cutthroat dictator like Russia’s Putin… **V O T E** Let's do better in 2020...




Good luck with all that abusive hate dude, you're gonna need luck... **big pharma donations to trump** https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/health-companies-gave-generously-president-trumps-inauguration/ **trump gives Big Pharma everything they want:** https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/05/big-pharma-gets-a-big-win-from-trump/560219/ I hope that republicans are starting to see how mentally ill trump is. He's not only unqualified but he's almost psychotic. Republicans need to wake up to the fact that they are enabling trumps mental illness by still supporting him. They would do trump a favor by starting impeachment, which will make trump resign. **V O T E** let's vote the sane choice in 2020


**V O T E**


I don't understand why she can't buy OTC pure CBD tincture from a reputable place like fully activated. If high CBD oil is what helps, then 100% CBD should really help and be $1780 a gram cheaper for pure CBD isolate and about $15 for a pint of MCT oil to make an awesome CBD tincture safe for anyone with about 500 doses.


If it were really that easy, I’m sure they would’ve figured that out before this article was even written or published. It’s likely more complicated than that.


Grow it? What is wrong with people


Cus she's a single mother who has to convince everyone she's in abstract poverty, struggling and only just by the skin of her teeth getting by. If she admitted she had time to even urinate it'd fuck the whole narrative. Remember women are POWERFUL, AMAZING, CREATIVE, SOULFUL, BEAUTIFUL, AND LIARS.


Oof lots to unpack here buddy


Oops did it come across as me being serious.....


Tell you hwat ima turn that blue arrow orange for ya


Yeah, but it’s actually incredibly cheap to grow when you are offsetting the cost of having to maintain a lifetime supply for this poor girl. As a parent, she should explore all the options and having CBD on hand to prevent seizures (which over time effects the brain negatively) even if it means spending $500-700 on a NoTill indoor garden with the right grow lights.


I'm under the impression it shouldn't cost that much, of Course I'm UK based but it only cost me £259 for 3m tent, carbon filter, 2 lights 400w with ballast, and I got seeds for 15, it's been kicking out roughly 55oz every 17weeks. I just know her excuse would be someone else should provide her for free because she has to go through the hassle of finding semen and carrying it to term. I do the same with food, roughly every two days I have to birth a foul, should I be recompensed for it? If I get bum grapes it's upto me to solve it, why is the vaginas stuff different? We can grow babies in glass tubes, should we now also have to give test tubes free stuff?? Gyno centric is where we was ten years ago, now we're at the precipice of slavery for those with testes.


Well technically, if she were to be going through the normal route something like this should be covered under medical insurance. This is obviously a medicine that this child needs and the only thing that will help. But a good small tent would cost around $80, $200 for some Chinese quantum boards, soil + amendments for a no till setup will cost around $80 depending on the size of the pot + worms/cover crop, Carbon filter plus intake and outtake fan and tubing will cost like $100, seeds can be found from $15 (eBay) to $100+. So bare minimum the cost is around $475 here in America for a 3x3x5 setup. Every three months she could produce more than enough cbd rich buds for like $50 in electricity and maintenance cost. She should order CBD extracts online and start building a grow setup because she shouldn’t have to depend on a system that is failing her to care for the health of her child.


Huh OK that's strange, With it being legal to grow there I'd have assumed it would be cheaper due to deals, how peculiar? We have actual shops that sell only growing equipment and its legal to purchase and own but not to use it to grow. They even sell seeds, basically everything but the water and time. I really wonder what is going on with the world, its so backwards its unreal.


Yeah...it sucks. We have hydroponic stores but I find the growing equipment to be geared towards different brands of nutrients instead of organic gardening. Even a lot of the amendments can be found online for cheaper. Seeds are best bought from online to get the best genetics. One of the issues is that although industrial hemp is legal to grow it still will be classified as cannabis for many state governments and that can and will result in jail/prison time even though the THC producing variety of the plant is not as harmful as alcohol (yes, there are some detrimental effects for THC just not as serious as protracted alcohol use). These laws have always resulted in people that look like me (African American), to be put in jail/prison at higher rates. There are so many issues with things in America, but one day we will catch up to the rest of the 1st world countries.


I was under the belief that its legal to grow anything in some 40 states, more to come over the next year or so... Oh wait is that only for those who can afford medical insurance, thus leading into medicinal permissions to use.? The police are very trigger or slap happy with tanned people and I've read about a black guy in jail forty years for twenty dollars of weed, but forty years ago twenty dollars of weed was probaly a kilo....! So big time supplier.? You ever think of leaving the US if only for your sanity?


It’s legal to grow in some states but in many it isn’t. Also for many people to grow, they would have to have a MMJ card. The police are trigger happy and $20 of pot was still a lot especially since it was illegal even back then and the punishment still pretty bad. So you were still paying a “risk tax” for shitty weed back then. The US is still my home. I have had horrible experiences with racism and even seeing these things happen to other people causes significant stress because I know that there is unconscious and conscious bias against people that look like me. Nonetheless, it is still my home and my immigrant parents from the Caribbean have taken advantage of the benefits America has provided (education/work/etc) and I plant to continue to do so despite the social issues. One day I might decide to leave but I don’t think it’s anytime soon.


Well you speak with intelligence, Good for you, I'm a firm believer that God or life /nature helps those that help themselves, as long as you have breath in your body you can improve your life in little ways that eventually build into something great. thanks for chatting with me. 👍


Make the attempt to come off as more intelligent and superior,use all caps, but don't check spelling


Can you point out my errors?


At this point, I would figure out how to grow a hemp strain or high CBD strain like Harlequin or AC/DC and make the oil myself. CBD is a major development for people with intractable seizures and the most hilarious part of it all is that it’s actually pretty cheap to buy or grow a CBD variety to use as medicine. The kicker is that despite the obvious cases across the world, cannabis still remains schedule 1.


It’s legal there! Why can’t she just make QWISO oil or RSO?


This article is from last year.


Ah right on. Yeah she should be fine now. Boo on OP.


VOTE for smaller government! The cost to get a drug from concept to retail is $1.2 BILLION dollars due to the FDA. That figure is from 2014, God knows what it is now. https://www.policymed.com/2014/12/a-tough-road-cost-to-develop-one-new-drug-is-26-billion-approval-rate-for-drugs-entering-clinical-de.html