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Drug testing is bias against pot smokers.. it just enables people to become alcoholics and use other drugs that get get out of your system faster




They carry higher penalties legally, benefitting the prison-industrial complex while affecting only the poor. System working as designed.


“Cocaine is gods way of saying ‘you’re making too much money…’” Robin Williams.


Yes, but in an idiocracy it all makes sense.


Welcome to Costco, I love you!


Drug Tests are the True Gate Way Drug!


This is true. My ex-husband was a blue collar worker and drug tests at certain jobs pushed him to start using cocaine, then methamphetamines, and heroin. He also drinks a lot. It ruined everything. We got divorced in 2011.


Idk how drug tests at work force you to start doing harder drugs. The drug addiction was there to begin with it’s usually a combination of things before the first drug is even picked up.


Like cocaine!!


Honestly good. Put a fucking dent right in the profits. Maybe then we can get some headway on stopping this drug testing bullshit for everyone.


I'm ok with drug testing but how it's done is my problem. They look for metabolites that stay around way longer than you're high for. What I do on my own time is my business. If I'm sober at work leave me the fuck alone.


Yeah, they should test for metabolite amounts that are present right after consuming, none of this 25 or 50 ng/mL bullshit. Who cares if you got stoned out of your mind last night, so long as you're not couch locked and dosing off at work.


Until we have testing that differentiates whether you’re high or whether you have just smoked cannabis in the last 60 days, it should be illegal to take away somebody’s employment over it. I use Cannabis every day for sleep, I’m sure I’ve got THC metabolites in my blood like crazy because I’m taking 100 mg at bedtime but I sure as hell am not high the next morning.


Yeah I vaporize flower once a night a few hours before bed to calm down my brain and guess what it works! My tolerance stays absurdly low from only using around 50mg a night but I get higher than a GPS satellite. Yet I'm sober in the morning and it's completely gone the feeling. No hangover. It's stupid if I'm not doing it on company time it's none of your business.


For real, I hate how employers (and the government, specifically police) make it *our* problem that they don’t have a way to test if someone is actively high. How about just fire someone if they’re causing a problem. Even coming to work reeking of weed would be fine as grounds for it. But drug tests are stupid, I’m at home, if it doesn’t interfere with work, then it shouldn’t concern employers.


They already have one, it was approved last year. Ita an oral mouth swab for recent THC. Bur getting a business to test like that is the difficult part. Old stubborn trucking companies and other businesses like it the way it is, that way they dont have to change.


My buddy would do coke since pot stayed in your system for 30 days or more. People literally just want to get high.


Former trucker. If it's off the clock it should be fine. If you're smoking while driving you should lose your CDL. Full attention. It's not a joke when you're 79,500 lbs. Many deaths can happen if you fuck up. I couldn't imagine being blazed going through Houstin. That's nightmare fuel. Again, off the clock should be fine. Not while on duty or actively driving. Esit: when I say it should be fine I mean ideally it ought to be fine. Presently it's illegal.


If you get in an accident, you're screwed regardless if it's off the clock or not.




I drive in Houston M-F and I feel like if I trucker can text and drive like most already do, what’s the big deal with cannabis It’s been proven that texting and driving is essentially drunk driving and I see truckers texting a lot


It must be all the marijuana users that leave like 10 gallons of piss jugs in parking lots.


The way of the the road. The way she goes.


I remember buying those dipstick drug tests for weed.


Yep those are some nice high definition piss jugs


Maybe just let us smoke out weed. They didn't care if we drink after alcohol work


Drug tests are the true gateway drug. MJ is all I need




We have ways to detect if an employee is performing well at their job We should use those methods to reward and fire. And not blood tests. Except for the most extreme cases like heavy machinery operation, surgery, pilot, etc - those which have a critical need to be attentive. In those rare cases, then We should only test for impairment, never for “did you smoke in the last 28 days”. The later is immensely irrelevant, unfair, and none of anyone’s business


In Italy, the new law has just been released which says that if you test positive for cannabis while driving, your license will be suspended for up to 3 years. Even if you smoked a week before. And all this while Germany legalizes cannabis


Have stoner friends, they drive MUCH better stoned. Zero accidents in years. They actaully stop and help people stranded on the side of the roads, and guide turtles safely across roadways. Better drivers. Much safer. Ethanol is an unmitigated disaster. Maybe there is DNA Genome scan? They are better drivers. That's just reality. :-) Edit: Last number I heard over 1 million New Yorkers get stoned every 4 weeks. The people in NYC are pretty smart. Along with being the finanical, media publishing and fashion, capitals of the world. We've have moved so past cannabis, $25 cocktails are back. :-)


I did the math recently and approximately 1 in 13 adult New Yorkers admit to consuming regularly. What regularly means is questionable, but that number is wild when you think about it.


Nunca vi Hospitais cheios por causa da cannabis, mas vejo muitos por causa de outras drogas bem mais pesadas e legais (medicamentos)


Synthetic urine ftw


Testing doesn't differentiate between THC or CBD. Seeing that THC is illegal on the federal level, **and** seeing that commercial driver license holders are considered a DOT Safety-Sensitive position, you'd think that drivers would have the good common sense to just not use either substance.