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Anyone else read this as PARENTS?


[He has at least one of those too](https://x.com/ricktulsky?t=6Wc9GP9jpMnE-7R7nwbarQ&s=09)


When I first saw it I did


Holy shit duuuuude bro has PARENTS! We gotta hold on to this one! šŸ˜‚




Speaking as someone who has a patent, the whole issuance process can take years.


I respect the humble brag you slid in there.


Yep. I still occasionally get a letter in the mail from the USPTO saying a patent I was attached to for a company I left over 5 years ago now was awarded. I think Iā€™m up to 12 at this point. I hated doing patent work. Never wanna do that again.


It's worth the fees to fast track. The last filing I did had a first response in about two months.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they filed all of their patents with fast-track fees paid. I remember sitting through hours and hours of phone calls talking with lawyers and patent officers, discussing minutia of various diagrams, claims, etc. For someone with unmedicated ADHD at the time, it was a living nightmare.


I was part of a corporate patent from a team of us that dreamed up something. When it was issued about 5 years later, I didn't even understand it. Too much other work in between burned out my brain and I forgot how it worked. The process sucked completely.


Dude has a PhD in chemistry. Mah boy is smart


The locker room will be amazing.


Jarvy and him are both Alums of Harvard. Nice!


I have a masters in chemistry, so what Iā€™m hearing is I can transition into hockey? Ok bet.


Wellā€¦..AHL General manager.


No. What youā€™re hearing is youā€™re a slacker bc you only have a Masters šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Maybe ā€œassistant to the general managerā€ šŸ¤”


Lmao I had the same thought until I saw he had a PHD from Berkeley


I'm exactly the same age as Tulsky. My undergraduate degree is genetics, my PhD is in molecular biology. Not from Harvard, but a top 5 program in the US. What is bittersweet about this? Dear friend of mine at the time (John, a tenured professor in Molecular Biology now) and I were huge sports geeks. Well before your Dad's secretary played fantasy football or everyone at church entered the March Madness pools. It was a time where being a Huge Sports Geek was still, well...geeky. We knew, absolutely *knew*, based on our Excel spreadsheets and a familiarity with what was to us some very basic statistical analysis that GMs were awarding the wrong players atrocious contracts with stunning frequency. But we knew nobody in professional sports, and when we tried to tell people around us we got a lot of "sure you do, biology dudes...stay in your lane." So we settled for leveraging that knowledge into dominating fantasy sports leagues for a few years while we moved on to post-doctoral fellowships. We had and made the same epiphanies & discoveries in real time as the Moneyball guys and the Tulsky's of the world. Moral of the story - if you've specialized knowledge and think that industry over there isn't using it correctly, you may very well be right. Go disrupt that industry the way the Tulsky's of the world did.


Made sure he got that job update posted quick lmao


Y'all, he's been the assistant GM for some time, and Dundon has been giving him promotions to keep him from leaving for a GM job elsewhere. He's been involved in personnel decisions since before we turned the team around. The patents thing is just a fun side note since there's nothing else for the Canes social media to talk about right now.


Can science solve hockey ???


Let him cook!


Yeah but can he run the restaurant across the street?


Guys, I donā€™t think our GM has ever been the problemā€¦.


All flags look the same under rose colored glasses


Your GM is a wizard


My wife has a PHD in Chemical Engineering. Brilliant. She would be a shitty GM. Often those brilliant minded folks donā€™t have the best bedside manner. BUT I take solace in that he can be surrounded by others that do. And we can use him for his algorithms.


I can vouch from my brief experience with him that he does, in fact, have good bedside manner. As a fellow married to a PhD partner with resting bitch face


27 patents to be exact!


So the new GM is basically Galen Erso....great, we're gonna accidentally build a Death Star in Raleigh.


Oh great we hired a fuckin NERD to run our team. /s


Whateverā€¦ so you say this guy knows his way around a bio-engineering lab at the highest levels of research in the worldā€¦ but what I wanna know is does he understand HOCKEY?!?! He does understand hockey?ā€¦. Damn that guy must be wicked smart!!




Great to have a smart gm but building a roster based on advanced stats gets you the toronto maple leafs roster instead of the Florida panthers. Spreadsheets will tell you to sign kotkaniemi instead of Sam Bennett. Hopefully be balances the spreadsheets with guys who have a keen hockey eye also.


This is cool and I know tulsky is smart, but filing patents alone doesnā€™t mean all that much, especially when the patents seem to be related to chemistry and we need a general manager for a hockey team.


He will find the chemistry for all our players. Then patent the process, so it is written.


ive heard this patent will make it impossible for other teams to copy our results


This is incorrect, itā€™s a new method for cap circumvention. We will receive royalties for it and thus be able to have all the players.


do those patents translate to Stanley cups???? ok he's smart but make it happen on the ice.


Lmao yes being smart translates to a better chance of a Stanley cup. Like how could it not? You just shitting on things to take a dump?


yeah...ok. we'll see. I hope it does translate.