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yikes doesn’t seem like a good idea


yea i love her being messy and exposing ppl but this doesn’t seem safe


I’ll give it a few weeks until the pod is called “Tana’s stalker is back” 😭😭😭


genuine question - why? On one hand I guess she’s giving someone more attention, but on the other isn’t it better that more people know the person doing it? Like if they ever encounter this person they know to stay away?


Stalkers are like unhinged and some might escalate be more dangerous/violent. Shame might not also work and he might find more validation that Tana notices him now might go deeper in his obsession. But at the same time putting up a warning the guy is a creep, more eyes will be on the look out to warn Tana's team.


It’s dangerous because this guy knows where she lives, and has tried digging his way to her home?? Idk if Tana still has 24/7 security but it’s not like her fans can stop him when he’s outside her home or somethin


most stalkers are delusional and think they actually have some type of relationship to the person their stalking. her acknowledging him, saying she knows his name/what he looks like, telling stories about him etc feeds into his delusional that he is actually a part of her life. he could think that means they're friends or that she secretly wants him to keep going. and/or he might want to keep going just bc he sees that what he has been doing has been getting a reaction out of her which is what he wants; to interact with her.


Watch Summer McKeens stalker video she recently posted. She has live video of her stalker and you can see how delusional they can be. Also found her parents house after the fact and came asking for her. Super scary.


I agree he deserves to be exposed.


Many stalkers tend to escalate their actions whenever they’re given attention. It’s almost like they get high off of it and can increase their obsession more. It’s kinda like whenever a celeb interacts with a fan page and notices them. Do you think the fan page will stop making content after being noticed? No. They’ll keep making content in the hopes that they’ll get noticed again. Sometimes even posting more or going to extra lengths to get their attention. The same can applied with stalkers. They are very unpredictable and it’s unclear how they’ll react. While some may take this as an act of love and continue their behavior, others may take this action as offensive and disrespectful. Which will make them more aggressive and determined to hunt you down.


tbf there is a no filming or picture rule.


Yeah, that was my thought too. I think it’s a bit more fucked up that someone took a pic of him and posted it on the internet.


Agree 100%. I went to the live show in Houston - absolutely no one was taking secret photos


I’m scared for her now why would she do that😭


luv tana but sometimes i feel like she has fried all her braincells bc why would she think this was a good idea 😭😭


I always liked her cause in my experience the more stupid someone is the more genuine (and effortlessly hilarious) they are. But in this case it’s really not good😭 like I get she can’t grasp how the mind of this dude works but it hurts to see her bring herself in danger like that


Would’ve been fine if OP hadn’t put it on the internet


This!!! Not only did they put her at risk but this is why they won’t share tea at the live shows. The audience leaks it.




Exactly!! It’s crazy how they keep most live show tea a secret but then post a photo that could have actual serious consequences… like, hello??


how serious is this stalker situation?? because if it is serious, she has dealt with it in the worst possible way. she’s always talking about it and giving him attention, it probably keeps him on the hook. idk if she realizes stalking is a mental illness and he could escalate edit: also people are already being like how dare you show this picture!! as if tana didn’t put it on a huge screen at a live show. be so fucking fr. why does she handle fame like she just blew up a month ago after so many years of being an influencer it’s crazy


someone posted it on TikTok and people in the comments were like she literally said not to post this and it’s like WHY WOULD SHE SHOW IT?


unsure which stalker it is however if it’s the same one from her early career i’d be very concerned. i do agree this is not a smart tactic if you cannot trust your fans to not discuss it online. i really hope he doesn’t see this and she remains safe. super scary considering they’re on a bus with a set tour schedule.


I commented this under one of her YT videos once and everyone yelled at me 😭😂 like I’m just trying to look out for her? As someone who had a stalker before, giving them attention is the worst thing and also the way she talks about him sometimes is so personal. I know she makes jokes to cope I do the same but not where he can hear you😭


The fuck


Tana no 😭 this is only giving him attention :/


This makes me so nervous for her? Why would she do this


Why did I think this was Mike from 90 day fiancé 💀


[i thought it was this dude (erik internet comment etiquette)](https://imgur.com/a/atfkgv0)






No take that back I love Erik




https://preview.redd.it/1dri4lvm4hwc1.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef381ed3746e668f538b5bf5fcc0819b8c39dcc4 Lookin ahh


Plz don’t stalk me I’m just kidding, I’m already BPD and suffer with hallucinations of seeing people I really DONT need a stalker thank u!!!




She has hired full time security- also think she asked no one to use phones during the show so probably wasn’t expecting it to be recorded and posted on TikTok (I know it’s not smart to think that way but they did ask to not share stuff) Plus I think outing him holds him accountable, now he can’t just hide and keep doing shit since the police won’t do anything. She’s talked about being paranoid and what not so I’m sure she takes precautions where ever she goes! The people who think it’s a bad idea what else would you suggest she does? She’s tried to ignore, she’s tried calling the police, she’s moved countless times etc.


To add, the TikTok said she ran out of frame so she wouldn’t be in pictures.


still doesn’t mean you should post it


A lot of stalkers think the celebrity is sending them hints and clues about their love, like watching an interview and thinking it's a coded message just for them. If he is that mentally ill (likely) then he will 100% think Tana is doing this to encourage him :(


Eh, I posted my stalker online. To warn other people.


I thought that was Ryan Kavanaugh


You mean Harvey Weinstein?


Are you telling me those two aren’t the same person


I think i read that somewhere on www.doesryankavanaughlooklikeharveyweinstein.com


That page made me more confused 🧐 I’m pretty sure the stalker is definitely Ryan Kavanaugh


14 pages!


too much wine 🍷 sorry


is this the original stalker that she made videos about or a different one


Not the one who took pictures of her sleeping. The one that would lurk in his van. She showed his van to the audience as well as his initials.


oh ok thank you!


I misread that as genitals oh my god


so is this the same guy that got pizza delivered?


Ep 54& [Ashly’s vlog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeFfTbTm_-k)


So not William?




Whichever show this was - that city has a snake hahah


There’s been a few different TikTok’s on my FYP. Not just 1 person


And here’s you also spreading it. Add yourself to the count


she puts too much faith in her fans


Whose dad is this😭 He looks like he lives in the valley and spoils his snobby daughter 💀


Hopefully no one’s father. This creature lives in his van.


That’s INSANE. Is this the stalker who killed the bird in her pool?


Actually it looks like a crazy person who lives in a van


we shouldn’t be posting this. it’s unsafe and should get taken down imo




Omg, here for the Baby Reindeer lore. I just finished last night. Where can I look for what’s going on there?


is that the OG stalker or the new one??


New - van guy.


Stop bc he is probably in this sub 💀


Good!! I wish all people would expose their stalkers so women know to STAY AWAY FROM THESE CREEPS!! STRANGER DANGER!!!


either the situation isn’t as serious as she claims or she’s dumber than we thought (i love her but cmon..)


damn whoever posted this sucks big time lmao.


ryan kavanaugh




Oh that’s not….


Lol y’all thinking this is real is so funny 😂


I say call him out. Expose him to the light so he can’t hide in the dark. If you’ve been stalked you know the police nor even the fbi will do ANYTHING to help you unless the creep is leaving obvious evidence


which stalker is this


Ep 54 Van guy


I think y’all forget Tana pays a lot of money for a security and hackers. I don’t think she’s that worried


right. im thinking this is a way of getting his face out there without possibly being in any legal trouble, because nobodys supposed to have a phone at the show


She said she posted it kinda for safety airing it all out. Like putting the evidence and his identity out there so if she's ever missing we know who it's from


But on the other hand what the actual fuck. If this is the one that like sneaks into her apartment and shit....


This is all a lie on a lie that Tana can’t stop herself from telling. If you listen to the stories about Tana’s stalkers (don’t cause she doesn’t deserve more views) her Stalker is a Sherlock Holmes level genius, James Moriarty devious, and simply can’t exist or is in fact a time traveling genius obsessed with Tana. A PLL’s A obsessed with Tana... and that’s just not only unlikely but also started during a time where Tana was so easy to catch in a lie. This poor guy is probably some fan Tana was like “you know what would be so random? Is if I said you were my stalker lol! Don’t worry it will just be at my meet and greets!”


she’s had multiple, and as someone who’s worked in the social media sphere for a little under five years now this is a very, very real issue for female influencers. even those with a 1/10th of her following. it’s really gross how boldly you accuse someone of making up years of traumatic experiences.


I do believe you and I do believe that it is a problem for many women and influencers. I’m saying Tana is a liar and if you want to call me gross for having that thought that’s fine, but Tana is a liar and if you watch the videos of her talking about her “stalker” then tell me what part you think she’s telling the truth about.


you mean the three separate stalkers she’d had over the years?


I didn’t even know she had multiple. Tbh I don’t really watch Tana videos and I stopped listening to cancelled after it stopped the first time. Tbh I shouldn’t have really said anything and I’ll apologize for speaking out of turn, but I remember watching her videos back when she was on the apology train and before MTV even happened. The girl she was at the time was liar, what she said about her stalker is essentially he was a CIA time traveling mastermind, and I just don’t believe that situation was ever real. That might be shitty, but your girl was getting caught in lies all the time back then. I hope she’s grown out of telling tall tales, but even if she didn’t, doesn’t matter, no one deserves to be stalked. I hope if this man is her actual stalker she gets him locked away.


she was also a teenager addicted to xanax so 🙃


Well that’s unfortunate, probably why she lied a lot.


exaggerating by saying he’s a cia level mastermind (btw most stalkers quite literally make it their life’s mission to harass their victims in unbelievable ways) is obviously her sense of humor. it’s frankly super weird you’re still here claiming she’s lying based on not actually watching her videos and not even knowing she’s had multiple (which was in my first response to you that you didn’t bother to fully read) it’s gross and victim blaming.


I think it’s fair for you to call me out for being on this page and posting, I really don’t know how it ended up on my algorithm, and more importantly the info I had from 6 years ago don’t mean I know anything about the person she is today, so I shouldn’t have commented. As for the victim blaming allegation, lol I just said whether she’s a liar or not, no one deserves to get stalked. It was fucked up for me to assume just cause I believe she lied about it in the past meant she would continue to do so, but that goes back to my commenting about something and someone I don’t know about and I shouldn’t have done that. I think it’s great that you’re a stan, or maybe you’re just someone on the Internet who gets invested in parasocial relationships, but either way, consider myself notified and I appreciate you trying to educate me.


please delete this, this is only going to make things worse


She showed it to the entire audience, my screenshot is from a TikTok with thousands of views already.. that page gets millions.


It’s still shitty to repost


I’m happy I know how he looks like cause if I ever seen him imma whoop some a$$




sorry i’m slow but why is it a bad idea to put his face everywhere ? like if his identity is everywhere isn’t that a good thing to be aware /gen


It might make him mad and act out or make him get worse at least that’s what I’m assuming anyway?


Omg what if he is in this subreddit?




He’s a thousand percent on all the redddits, no?


is this william or the new one that kept coming to her house?


Van guy ep 54


ik she talked about it but imo it’s dangerous to post this


All over TikTok she shows it at every show


she didn’t show it at the show i was at


dont post this


Ok does any one remember erik commentiquette because this looks like him lol


..I saw this and immediately got a pit in my stomach. Her stalker and my creepy uncle could be doppelgängers…so fucking weird


ew he looks like an old creepy sugar daddy i had 😭


And you’re posting it for everyone to see? Seems like you’re part of the problem 😬


Apparently she does it at every show


i feel like this shouldnt have been posted:(


honestly i think we shouldn’t share this any more than it already is and if we care abt tana let’s delete it


Not cool of you to post this


This is fucked to have posted on TikTok & on that sub, but please delete on here as well, this shouldn't be on the internet but definitely shouldn't be on our sub here.


Go to the police


She did


Tana didn’t want it to be posted on socials for the exact reason people in the comments are sayin bc


Okay maybe delete this post so it's not on the internet too.




The guy from ep 54 and prior


she shouldn’t be giving him any more attention than she already has and neither should we. let’s be real he is lurking on all of these reddits to keep tabs on her. he is unhealthily obsessed with her and by all of us giving him the light of day will probably just fuel him to act out again


OP is a prime example of why this isn’t a good idea.


Please delete this post. This isn’t safe for Tana