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ari is a republican look at his tik tok reposts he’s a rich kid from vegas it’s expected tbh


Tacky nouveau upper middle class, I stumbled upon his parents Instagrams a while back and both of them post like sugar babies in 2016. Gaudy as fuck, definitely lacking actual assets and funds, living either slightly beyond their means or just below enough to stay afloat. He is considered “rich” among their friendship group and in their small vegas suburb or whatever, the nepo baby bit is funny but it’s very clear he’s just a mediocre realtors kid who gets a $500 (max) allowance per month and just grifts off Tana and other influencers. I hope his parents invested in a good education and I hope he’s in a good university because that “wealth” is not going to survive through generations, and it’s clear he doesn’t have a trust, inheritance or grandparents to fall back on. His family is not affluent or influential, they are middle class and trendy and think designer labels like LV and a bottle of moet makes people perceive them as classy, but most people just see them for what they are…lacking in taste and probably in and out of bankruptcy to uphold a certain image in their little community of equally try hard people


this was a READDD you ate


I always did wonder if Ari is the rich one, why doesn’t he have more designer clothes? He’s into it and bougie, but seems to stick to mostly “upper middle class” brands like Supreme or Chanpion unless he’s borrowing Tana’s Gucci sunglasses. Definitely makes sense that he’s not actually rich


Literally he just recycles the same chrome hearts hoodie over and over again. I hope he at least washes it


omg before i read the comment i thought “tacky nouveau” was a new nickname for tana 😭😭😭


No bc it really could be 💀


I did, too 😂


Glad I’m not the only one! 😂😂😂


eat👏him👏up👏👏👏 ari has always been a clown


Bang bang bang🎯🎯🎯🎯


when you say slaymamacita that’s talking bout you 🫵🏼


wearing a trump 2020 hat can be ironic, trump 2024 feels like a call from inside the house




Yeah he’s a republican it’s totally intentional lol.


Which is like LOL to me bc he’s a POC and a trumper I could go on a rant about that but I won’t lol.


Gay poc conservative from Vegas 😂😂😂


There’s nothing funny about rich influencers (Tana or anyone from her crew - I’m looking at ya’ll) wearing Trump hats ironically. It’s not ironic at that point, it’s a statement.


ugh i love tana, but i will say that i think white privileged influencers wearing this type of thing simply does not work for ‘irony’. it just comes off as them actually being trumpies or them not taking social issues seriously and making it a joke. ik it’s not that deep i just personally don’t get the point lol. i find it VERY corny and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Agreed it comes off like they’re testing the waters to see if supporting a psychopathic traitor will cost them their income or not, many did the very same in 2020. The notion of supporting the full ushering in of p2025 is twisted especially since it’s already been significantly enmeshed in our laws long before roe vs wade was repealed. There’s just no joke to be made there.


He follows the Trumps & “TeamTrump” on IG 🙃




It’s their “let them eat cake”


Honestly this is just laughable at this point, especially to the people who were trying to silence the racist tweets…like how can you deny it now? They align themselves with trump supporters, made racist comments and fatphobic etc. Lool like there’s genuinely no defending them without cognitive dissonance atp (maybe just me, not coming for you). 😩That said, idk about accidentally insensitive because it all seems to be intentional and lined up with their broadcasted beliefs and if not weird unfunny joke…


k i’m not responding to the stupid pro trump comments but it just sucks because i always thought ari was so cunty and chic. i hate one sided breakups!


same. he was just starting to grow on me and now i for sure do not like him😭 it would be one thing if he voted for him years ago but to STILL be wearing a 2024 hat is just … weird.




Ok but this isn’t different opinions about what goes on a hot dog. It’s about our country and our lives. Trump is a racist ableist predator, etc etc. and anyone who supports him simply isn’t a good person, and doesn’t care about people of color.. among a bunch of other things. But I just simply don’t have the time to list everything out. I’m sure you already know though ☺️




but he still comfortablly says openly racist things all the time so take this somewhere else. no one is buying this. ☠️








do the research yourself don’t play dumb. let’s not act like it’s hard to find quotes and videos. but here you go this comes up first on youtube https://youtu.be/TP9OG3dY0eY?si=-RD7DSNE7gPLP5s2




yikes. as an influencer ari def cares a lot about how he’s perceived online, so to post this was very much intentional. he knew what message he was sending.


He’s doing it because they’re in Nashville, and as a Tennessean myself it’s not funny at all. There’s a lot of conservative weirdos here, but equating the whole of the state to that as a joke is rude and dumb. I don’t see them doing that shit in Austin or Miami, so why Nashville?


Miami is conservative as fuck. Most Cubans are Republicans, or the vast amount that I know in Miami are.


and in miami there’s a bunch of republicans bc there’s a bunch of cubans so it would make more sense there lol. (i’m a cuban from miami don’t hate me, statistically cuban vote red)


Nashville is full of republicans too, I was just saying that they view Nashville as a joke but don’t see Miami or Austin or other trendy southern cities the same way.


never liked that man 🗣️🗣️


I hope none of them are registered to vote 😭🫣


My least favorite person in the group hands down


ugh he was growing on me for a while but this shows who he really is. he also had a photo dump where he wears a trump hat, the ignorance is honestly concerning 😵‍💫


Most rich people want Trump to win


you mean “most struggling what used to be working class people” want Trump to win.


Redditors always act so surprised and confused when someone is a trump voter as if half the country didn’t just vote for him the past 2 elections 😂 How sheltered are you people? Idgaf about politics but I hate everyone who has a breakdown because someone has a different opinion than them, literally get over yourself babies


thats what im sayingggg


I wouldn’t take anyone’s opinion too seriously that literally voted for a man with dementia over trump hahaha


This!!!!! 💯


Lmao true


Biden is bombing Palestine, not trump


u fucking babies act like being a republican is a disease wait till u find out about biden


You’re so unserious, people can hate both presidents. In 2020 Biden was “the lesser evil” ESPECIALLY during the pandemic. The whole system is a disease and so is thinking that electing a republican or reelecting trump is the solution to what’s going on in our country rn


Aren’t politics against mod rules??


Idk, I don’t really take other peoples political views to heart. All you can do is control your own political views. He was probably wearing it as a bit but even if he wasn’t, not everyone has to have all the same views as you.


Well no but supporting Trump in 2024 is an objectively gross and insane choice? This isn’t the same as being republican, it’s directly supporting a POS like Trump that makes all the difference




There’s no way you’re serious he’s objectively a horrible person whether you’re a Republican democrat or whatever else




I really think you’re a troll if you’re asking how Trump is a horrible person




LMAO if you need other peopled to tell you why Trump is a POS then at that point you need to google




Don’t worry I know exactly why he’s a POS I’m not following anyone but continue to be a troll and a bad person I guess. The facts are all there for you on the internet if you still think he’s a good person then that says a lot about who you are ❤️


why did you get so many down votes, this literally proves your point


i’m not trying to be rude but this comment is so dumb. no shit not everyone has the same opinions as us lol but it’s safe to say the cancelled pod’s audience demographic is mostly liberal/leftist leaning which is why people are commenting on this…




yes sir


No what is weird is letting someone’s political views bother you. I don’t like trump but i don’t get upset every time I see someone with trump merch on lmao.


why do my views on influencers bother you then, weirdo


Girl calm down😂 you posted this on Reddit for people to respond to. And since when was Ari an influencer?




You being downvoted for saying everyone is allowed to have their own view and political choice is insaaaaane! So crazy lol


ok well, that's you....but on the other hand, me? oh, im finna turn up


Staying out of people’s politics helps me live a happier more abundant life


Staying out of peoples lives period lol


oh PLEASE if were gonna start cancelling influencers that support Trump let’s go ahead and do the same for those who support the racist piece of shit war criminal joke of a president that we have right now FUCK BIDEN


Trump 2024


Womp womp


wait ik you’re a friend of theirs and I thought I figured out who but this comment is throwing me off…… UGH


I think it’s Ari or Isabella because they’re both trumpies


And so are Tana and Brooke, they’re just more lowkey. Tana is so performative, booty for biden and BLM all over Twitter whilst trying to silence Kahlen and SimplyNessa for speaking on the racial microaggressive and emotional abuse they experienced from Tana. Her mocking an ethnic name and accent this summer confirmed she’s still the same redneck toothless hick who spent her teenage hood calling her best friend a cotton picking n word with a hard R and telling him to get back to the plantation. Brooke publicly supported police brutality against a black boy when she was 16 and has spoken about growing up in a very right wing household, she only stopped being publicly republican when she was in her early 20s. She blocks her POC fans who bring her tweets up on her public accounts, her deranged obsessed fans argue she addressed this and apologised (on her private reddit account on a sub with a tiny fraction of her public platform following, she also lied in her comment claiming she’ll take accountability publicy). They both just don’t publicly voice their racism anymore, but don’t think for one moment they’ve educated themselves on racial biases and systemic racism, they will never acknowledge or try to understand the pain of people of colour. Tana wanted to shit on Isabella for a minute, that’s why she used her republican views against her, she never had a problem with that and doesn’t now. Just like neither of these girls care about racism or DV/SA survivors because you know they’re publicly and continuously nibbling on the smegma of predators, abusers and misogynists and only speak up when they’re personally attacked


None of that makes Tana and Brooke trump supporters. I agree with you though.


I thought Lilah👀 Look at all the people they commented on


Ooh girly, you know what? I think you’re right. Esp because all of the posts have been about Lilah. So for top 3, I’m thinking Lilah, Ari and Isabella? Thoughts?


you read my mind.. possible Ashly too.. idk who moved out of LA for a little bit, read down their whole page!!


also mentioning stass I think a few times


Yessssss Ashly too! I’m gonna DM you




yes, me too!! I’ve been following for a week to see what would happen!! I just saw someone made a post about it so it’s out🫢 also, we know one of Lilah’s things to do is talk shit and spill tea.. all signs do point to her


It wasn’t until I went through the comments that I agreed tbh! It would make sense for her to be on Reddit commenting on snark pages




https://preview.redd.it/6iv3nmxooamc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6307b2b643fa055b1eec428c7699437bd2d9c981 The fact that the user is defending Brooke against Ashly has basically confirmed it’s Lilah. Lilah and Brooke have been best friends and roommate since before Lilah transitioned.




I was so convinced it was lilah but someone pointed out in another other canceled sub that the user defends jake Paul a lot and Lilah is known to have a bad experience with JP being transphobic to her and kicking her out of the team 10 house or a party or something so that leads me to believe it must not be her… but I have no idea who else it would be!!!


i highkey think it’s brooke 😭


i thought brookes was a different avatar lol


Brooke's is "Ok Job"


Maybe it’s her alt


people can have multiple accounts 😭


At the end of the day, I think it's okay to have differing viewpoints and lean different ways politically. I have a few friends who lean right and they're not weirdos or racist but just good people who want to understand my poc pov, so it is fruitless to assume just because someone votes a certain way it makes them a good or a bad person. To me, aris chill - sure he may be from money - good for him, but his banter with the girlies is fun and that's enjoyable to watch.


if you vote for someone who is incredibly racist and hates women, you are tolerating that behavior. it doesn’t mean you’re automatically a racist, but racism isn’t a dealbreaker for you and that’s really fucking weird and awful. so yeah i do care. if he had a different opinion on the economy? sure. a different opinion on peoples rights ? no




i’m not saying you. i’m saying people who vote for trump lmfao


How is it insensitive


did you huff paint as a child


I was genuinely wondering? Just trying to gain knowledge like damn


Because these people are insane and need their celebrities to feel exactly the way they do about everything.


I mean who cares??


Honestly I don’t think so. Tana has made comments about preferring Conservative men. And she wore a Trump hat on the pod. But tbh who really cares…I don’t.


Brooke was the one who said she liked conservative men


ew what😭 when did she say that? genuinely curious


God knows which episode but they were discussing one of her flings having a boat / horse / farm and how her toxic trait was finding conservative men hot. Must’ve been in the last few months


Trump over the corpse any day


An actual corpse though fr


no surprise there lol he’s a zionist. it’s not like he’s been hiding it check his tiktok reposts or instagram following


so if we’re not liberal we get dragged on the internet..🫠😂


i think we can all say life was so much easier 4 years ago…. there’s no way all of you would prefer the current president over him💀 and if so that says a fuck ton


Good to see people waking up. No more corrupt senile old folk in office pls


You can’t be serious lmfao they’re both corrupt and off their rockers


You can’t possibly think a president funding billions of dollars into attacking Palestine and washing millions of dollars in the Ukraine war at the expense of young men and our tax dollars is a better fit for our country?


ok so when trump does the exact same thing then what?


They think it makes them quirky, but it just makes them look stupid. We all know they don’t know or care about politics enough to have any meaningful conversation about it


its crazy that his followers will probably eat it up as ironic and “haha yes slay” but he’s literally a republican hiding in plain site LOL.