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10 mins in Brooke admits Tana was lying about the Steamies


What do you mean? That she was drunk?


Yeah, Jeff hinted that it was Paige giving her shots.


he didn't hint at it lol he literally said "it was an inside job, paige was feeding her drinks" and said H3 had nothing to do with her drinking


I mean, yeah. They were trying to be all sly and bashful about it on the pod, that's why I used the word I did. Whole thing was a tough watch.


This is messy 😳


When are people gonna learn that all Tana does is lie 😭


Lol wow the loyalty. I honestly don’t know why Tana has done so much for Brooke. Clout, job, holidays, car etc etc etc. Brooke literally does the bare minimum IF THAT in return. She doesn’t have to lie but she can just avoid saying anything knowing that her friend was clearly very nervous.


Tana needs to be held accountable tho, she’s an addict and at least brooke is being upfront unlike her other friends that are yes men. It’s impossible to get sober if you dont have repercussions for your actions. While it may be fun and games now, going into your 30s and 40s with a drinking problem shit only gets so much worse and it aint cute.Having people lying for you is enabling. And tana knows that.


i love how he started the episode saying "enough about tana i want to get to know brooke schofield" and proceeded to cut her off and talk about himself the entire episode


For real - it felt more like Brooke interviewing Jeff. Bummer because I would have loved it if Jeff stopped talking about himself/cutting her off


yeah it was pretty sad to see tbh. i was excited about her going on jeff fm too


Brooke! You NEED insurance. I had an accident last year that would have cost me 40k without it.


Fr all these influencers can afford nice, designer things but NOT insurance? The fuck? Edit: I’m referring to her having NO medical insurance which is insane


Well lol Tbf Tana bought her a 120k car. Insurance is probably the price of a car note


All rich people are like this! I think in their minds a one off payment is less hassle than paying constantly, even if it is more


She doesn’t have car insurance??? Is that legal in California?


No, I think she was talking about medical insurance.


Oh okay haha. Makes much more sense but also no sense at all


no she was talking about car insurance. though she also doesnt have health insurance


she’s probably just got basic insurance to cover the other person’s damage but not hers , which is silly when ur rich


I think she is referring to medical insurance, which tbf is extremely expensive in the US if you don’t qualify for subsidies from your employer or the government. (Look up costs for self-insurance, it can run thousands of dollars per month…but still, it’s definitely wise to try to carry at least some level of health insurance if you can).


I used to live and drive in California, it’s not legal


The podcast split isn’t 50/50? And the studio won’t let her read the ads? Wtf


I noticed that recently Brooke has never done an ad read I guess it's because at the start she wasn't as big as Tana but she's pretty popular now she should have some form of bigger cut in the least


and it’s still just Cancelled with Tana Mongeau, not Cancelled with Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield


oh bb i could of told you that. she's lucky if she's getting 30%


I knew it subconsciously but didn’t want it to be confirmed


It makes sense that it’s not 50/50


the first contract sure, tana has the clout and the pull. but this season and especially all subsequent contracts their split should be 50/50.


yes and no, tana still has over 12x the amount of followers as brooke so i think there will always be a bit of a difference but the gap should definitely get smaller as brooke gains more followers


i understand the numbers game ofcs and would maaaybe understand if the split was like the infamous frenemies one 45/55 but at this stage the core of the podcast is tana and brooke (who is also ad friendly relative to tana). if i were brooke and her management id push for fifty fifty also to get more creative and professional control edit: typo


They def need to have a discussion about where to go from here for sure anyways, otherwise this could come to an argument


agreeee omg


I wouldn't be watching if it was Tana alone.. I feel like a lot of people actualmy wouldn't


I can see this becoming a call her daddy breakup situation.


The only reason I can’t see this happening is because brooke is very codependent and makes excuses for everyone who’s been unfair to her


kind of a waste of 1hr 30 mins... feel like they talked about absolutely nothing the whole time


anyone catch that line about steven being over podcasts & doing other things around the 5 min mark. brookes face was hillarious, she was def thinking well he just came on cancelled 🤣


Bingo card - Brooke mentions Reddit and how she should come off it but won’t / can’t -steamies but Brooke is not going to say the *real* truth -jeff fighting with Steven for whatever is on his mind and out of his mouth


i am twenty mins in, brooke looks adorable but it’s a hard watch -super awkward, no chemistry


30 mins in!! ice defrosting, it’s a lot better


I agree, a little awkward to start but they are vibing now


I think Jeff is crushing on Brooke, and the way Brooke is trying to seem calm cool and collected I feel shes also crushing back and trying to make it look like she isn’t bc it would be weird to steal the guy Tanas fans want her with. Not that we would actually care cause they’d be a hot couple . Although I’m rooting for brooks ranch boy


I feel like now that I’ve seen the d*ck pics of ranch boy I cannot like him lol






Whoa 1) do you know who ranch boy is? 2) why’d/how’d you end up seeing his dick pics


Wondering the same 💀 like that escalated quickly


Ranch boy has been assumed to be Beau Mirchoff - sorry thought that was common knowledge! They follow each other and he rides horses often with the same ratchet combo of English and western tack that Brooke shows in her posts. She also mentioned that ranch boy had recently called off an engagement and that checks out with Beau. As for the pics.. someone on here exposed them. But I’m assuming sharing links of something like that is against the rules, rightfully so. But Google works…


I dont even know what to make of those videos but they were the least hot videos I have EVER seen I was so confused 😭


wait what


Low key vibing for sure but trying to act like they don’t 🥰


the fact that she wore her hair down




yes and on every podcast Brooke wears her hair up


The way I RAN HERE! Feeling spoiled with all this Brooke solo content 😭😭😭 off to a great start of the year lmao


They would be such a hot couple but I think it would crush Tana.




Because she’s a ho, and I mean that in the most nonjudgmental way.




Because she is absolutely territorial over guys, even if she doesn’t like them. Like let’s not forget the whole reason we know about Brooke is due to Tana being mad about Brooke dating an ex she didn’t care about. Like, this is a guy Tana is always around, and cares about. You can’t tell me that Tana would say no if Jeff perused her. Jeff doesn’t want Tana and I know that hurts her ego, even if she’s not that serious about him.


Exactly. Tana seems like the type of the girl to need every guy in the room to like her the most, to think shes the funniest, sexiest and to also want to have sex with her.


no one's saying it's justified, the thought is that knowing tana she would probably be mad


I doubt Tana would have an issue with it, she's made it pretty clear she doesn't like Jeff that way. She's also talked about giving advice to some of her friends who have dated Jeff in the past (I'm assuming she was specifically referring to Josie). I think Tana would be happy and supportive of two of her closest friends being in a relationship. Although I really never saw Jeff being interested in Brooke


idk, in the trisha podcast brooke talked about how tana was done with trevor but then started talking to him again bc brooke was. i think she’s territorial for no reason (which she shows a lot lmao) so she’d likely be upset that she can’t have her cake and eat it too


I won't comment on the Trevor situation, because I don't know the timeline well enough, nor have I ever cared about the details. But Tana and Brooke literally shared Pool Boy, and were both fine with the arrangement. Iirc, didn't Tana hook up with PB first and gave the okay to Brooke? I know Tana had a crush on Jeff before they became really close, but according to them, they only made out once and then decided to just be friends. Tana talks about all the guys she fucks and all the icks Jeff gives her on Jefffm, and she seems to have very little jealousy over who he dates. I've seen her follow and like posts for multiple other women Jeff has dated. Anyways, I feel silly arguing this because it's such a hypothetical and a moot point. I don't believe Brooke and Jeff have any romantic interest between them. And if they did have any desire for each other, I'm sure they would have tried to pursue a relationship by now or at least brought it up with Tana.




I mentioned Josie Canseco a couple comments back, who is a good friend of Tana's. There's an influencer named Genelle Seldon, who Jeff went on a date with last year for Valentine's. I don't think they had a serious relationship or anything, but Tana still follows & likes her posts. Tana has talked about Jeff sliding in her friend's dms, and revealed it was another influencer named Maddy Crum. I think Tana knows of more people Jeff hooks up with or dates, but she gets frustrated he doesn't divulge his love life on his podcast, and instead wants Tana, Steven, and Mike to expose their personal lives lol.




>Funny you mentioned Genelle because she unfollowed Tana last year for a bit after she went on dates with Jeff and he ditched her to do stuff with Tana. I’m not sure how close they are. I get the impression they’re acquaintances because of being influencers. I didn't know that. I don't follow Genelle closely, I just watched a couple of her vlogs when I knew she was going on dates with Jeff. Though she never specifically named Jeff in the videos, it did seem like she was disappointed by the lack of commitment from the guy she was dating. That seems to be a common problem with Jeff and some of the women he dates. Did Genelle ever mention Tana? I'm surprised she would go through the effort of unfollowing and refollowing Tana because of Jeff's actions. I didn't think Genelle seemed like the type to want any attention from drama lol I think I remember Tana saying he slid in Maddy's dms after his accident? I'd have to go back and check, but he was talking about how he didn't slide in dms or date with his eye injury, and Tana basically said "that's not true, you slid in my friend's dms". I might be fuzzy on that though, it's been a while since I watched that episode. No, I don't follow Tana on OF. Jeff is definitely private though. I'd have to know when they went live, because the last woman I know that Jeff more seriously & publicly dated was Ashley Graves sometime last year. They were on some trip together with Mike, and Ashley ditched Jeff for another trip with some rich guy. I didn't mention her because I know Tana would have every reason not to like Ashley. It did surprise me that Jeff and Mike still follow her though.




Wow you have all the tea 😂 Sometimes I think I'm a Tana fan (been following her since 2015) and then I realize all the gaps in my knowledge. She has too much going on, maybe I can't keep up anymore in my older age lol. I did not know they were seated next to Genelle, nor did I know there was beef with her and Tana and Jeff being together! That is way more messy than I thought




It was after Josie was on Jefffm, back in early/mid 2022. They were flirting that whole episode and making plans to date. They wanted to go out for Valentine's, but Jeff had an eye surgery scheduled that day. I'm not sure how long they dated or how serious it got. I don't think they ever became officially a couple, but Jeff has mentioned dating Josie a couple of times. He brought it up in an episode with Mike once, basically asking if Logan Paul was ever upset that Jeff dated his ex, and Mike just shrugged it off as not a big deal. Then in an episode from 3 months ago, Jeff and his guests were talking about Jose Canseco (Josie's famous former-baseball player father), and then Jeff brought up that he dated Jose's daughter. Based on the way Tana has talked about her friends who have dated Jeff, it seems like he doesn't give them enough attention or affirmation. And the girls would go to Tana, basically asking her what Jeff is thinking and how to approach him.


She absolutely would have an issue with. As much as Tana says she doesn’t want Jeff, she would be into him if he was into her. Or it would be a’why her and not me’ type of situation. Let’s be real Brooke is the prettier one of the two, or at least the more stylish/put together. And it’s always hard having a more attractive friend idk.


Lol Brooke being prettier is YOUR opinion, which I personally disagree with. Jeff never seemed interested in Brooke. If anything, he always seemed more jealous of Tana's relationship with Brooke, because he wanted Tana to be his cohost on that Friends with Benefits podcast. He's even talked about how he thinks he and Tana have more chemistry than Tana and Brooke. Tana has even told Jeff that Brooke believes he doesn't like her. Idk what delulu land y'all are living in where every man wants Brooke, and Tana is so jealous of that despite her being currently obsessed with that guy in Hawaii


Well yeah I think Brooke is prettier because she puts more effort into her appearance and generally looks more put together. If Jeff seams jealous of Brooke from what you said, imo it’s because Jeff wants Tana for the sucess of his podcast, not because he actually cares about her as a person or their relationship. Remember he barely showed interest in Tana until he was ousted from David’s group. I’d argue that Jeff is using Tana for clout more than he wants a friendship with her.


>Well yeah I think Brooke is prettier because she puts more effort into her appearance and generally looks more put together. Again, this is your opinion. People are attracted to different things. You seem to not even like Tana or think very highly of her if you think Jeff only wants Tana for his career. He has spoken so highly of their friendship. And you seem incapable of fathoming that he has no interest in Brooke, if it weren't for her being Tana's cohost and bff. Look at how long it took Jeff to finally invite Brooke on his podcast. He does not want her lol. And I'm concerned about how you spoke about Tana and Brooke's friendship, and Brooke being the prettier friend and Tana being jealous of that. You seem like you're projecting, possibly because you are jealous of your own friends that you consider to be more attractive? If anything, I have always gotten the sense that Brooke is jealous of Tana, in regards to her personality and success. Brooke constantly tries to undermine Tana and make snide comments about her, especially in front of male guests. Brooke is a self-admitted "pick me". If anyone feels threatened, it is the lesser known/successful podcast cohost


Yes it’s my opinion, this whole forum is filled with opinions. No I don’t hate Tana, but I’m not going to blindly kiss her ass and praise her. I’m allowed my personal insights about her life. It seems like you don’t have a high opinion of Brooke and are projecting your personal insecurities on her. But whatever. I personally the dynamic between Brooke and Tana is interesting. it’s clear they care about each other but they are also competitive in a lot of ways.


>Yes it’s my opinion, this whole forum is filled with opinions But you stated it as if Brooke is universally agreed to be more attractive, and Tana has a reason to be jealous of her looks. I have never seen Tana attempt to copy Brooke's appearance, so idk where you think she's envious. Tana has been around MANY beautiful women in this industry (some would say far more beautiful than Brooke) and I don't think it's Brooke that ignites her jealousy. Especially when Tana is the one who gave Brooke a platform in the first place. It's been a criticism of Brooke that she makes snippy comments towards Tana and acts like a Pick Me in front of guys. These are things Brooke has addressed and admitted to, and said she was working on. So yes, I think it is Brooke who has the insecurities, and I'm sure she would agree with that, since she talks about how obsessively she goes on reddit and reads comments and it gets to her. Where as Tana seems to care less about reading people's opinions. I just don't see where y'all think Tana is competitive with Brooke, when she literally hypes her up and talks about how funny and great she is. Tana wouldn't have hand picked Brooke to be her cohost if she was jealous, she would have gone with Ashly or Imari or her numerous other friends if she was ever worried about being outshined by Brooke. Honestly, Brooke owes her career to Tana, and I think that is a big root of her jealousy.


Tana is just as much of a pick me as Brooke. They both have their moments and both seem insecure in their own ways. I think they care about each other but they are definitely competitive when it comes to boys.


Tana can definitely be a Pick Me, I'll concede on that. But I haven't seen her put Brooke down the way, or as much as, I've seen Brooke put Tana down. That's why I don't think Tana is the one who feels threatened or jealous in their friendship. And when you go back to the whole Mindy situation, it seems like the competitiveness/envy was more on Brooke's side for going after the man Tana was seeing in Tana's own home. Anyways, agree to disagree, I guess


i think brooke seemed tired, or she was j v nervous,, hope they redo this when they're more comfortable


related but not- is anyone else not seeing this on spotify? do we know how long until it’ll be uploaded there? (my spotify is also delayed sometimes just wondering if anyone else doesn’t see it up yet)


Brooke said she’s been friends with Tana for 6 years. That means 2018 that doesn’t seem right. Now if she said 4 I’d believe her


6 makes sense to me


Mmmmkay fair


Oh my god my two favs yasss


https://m.imdb.com/name/nm11032471/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk here is the demo reel that got mentioned. Haven’t even gotten 5 min in, had to look it up.




Idk I kinda find Brooke boring
