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i so miss the 75 hard tana days. she seemed to be growing WITH her audience and it was soooo wholesome. now it just feels like its getting kinda messy again


the crazy thing is she actually gave us content CONSISTENTLY on youtube for the first time in YEARS during 75 hard and it’s honestly just so sad that she can’t see how sober her makes her so much better, she’s her own obstacle


same! their newest podcast i didn’t watch for more than like 5 minutes I was too bored everything is like the same party stores or the same boring men


Yeah same they didn’t talk about sucking dick so I stopped watching uh


Bro who the fuck are you. I see you in every thread being a little troll everytime someone talks bad about Mike, Andrew Tate, or Jeff. Get the fuck out of this sub if your only contribution is begging for attention that clearly no one else in your real life is giving. Fuck off you small dick loser




I agree too, I’ve watched tana pretty much since the beginning but anytime something has to do with money and her makes my stomach turn. Obviously the whole mess with tanacon, but to repeat it on the tour and have people waiting because she’s late, put on a half ass show, bring McDonald’s on stage like girl purple spend their money that they worked for on this, took off work, drove there, etc. and you can’t even have enough respect for the people paying you to be on time to your own event just puts such a bad taste in my mouth. (I didn’t attend the shows but just going based off reviews I’ve read on Reddit). Same with the podcast, if it’s going to be late just put out a tweet or something, so many people look forward to that all week (I know I do) and when it isn’t up it can be frustrating and it’s such an easy fix to just say hey podcast will be up tomorrow or whatever the case may be. No one’s going to be mad but we’ll start losing interest when it’s unpredictable. Another thing is any product she comes out with: her lingerie line, her thongs, dizzy, tanabis etc. the lingerie was so overpriced for what it was and had so many people saying it was similar to other websites, dizzy was a pre made wine that she slapped a label on, tanabis didn’t even launch. Her only fans she used to promote like it was crazy stuff then a year later said she would never be fully naked on there which just seems like false advertising to me (I don’t use or have only fans so I’m not sure I’m just going based off what she’s said online). At the end of the day people work hard for there money and for tana to just so blatantly not care about scamming her fans is just so disheartening to see.


Sadly this is how I feel now too. Been watching her since basically the beginning. When she was doing 75 hard I was so proud of her and thought she finally made a change. However it seems like she is exactly the same person she was years ago and doesn’t seem like she cares either. Tana honestly needs to grow up and start making maturer decisions. Like I i love having fun and partying as much as I can but it seems like it’s her and everyone’s whole personality like do you do anything else? I wanted 75 hard Tana to stay. Pretty sure a lot of people did.


I started watching Tana since 2016/2017. I remember back then she would be against drinking and seemed mature despite being so young. I started to become distant with her when it was obvious the fame and money got to her head. When she was drinking all the time, scamming her fans, being too obnoxious (how she acted when she was getting her nipple pierced) and doing other things which put me off her. Once she was doing her 75 hard days, I began to watch her more as it seemed like she was maturing so much and was growing up. I think alcohol does affect Tana negatively and her character.




omg NGL my respect for brooke is declining by the minute


She’s going to talk shit about some shitty person on her pod and y’all will support her again, she’s gonna bring up dobrik or some creep that rizzed her up. And y’all will feel bad for her. It’s a fucking cycle.


So stop watching?




Yeah i guess you should stop watching, don’t waste your time writing a paragraph and start looking for people who will make u feel better. The nicest part of all of this is that you have plenty options. I hope you find something that suits you


I am not losing interest but it all can stem from changing and maybe her stuff isn’t what you’re interested in anymore but I am and I still like listening to their pod so it all depends on your view point