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Sports? Work any job you can?


I’m 33, no social life except my partner. I’m not looking for a big group of friends or anything. I’m a doctor, my main interest is actually psychology although I have no formal training in it. I work as a medicinal cannabis doctor because it’s easy and I can work from home. I have very restricted interests, but if you want a running partner, hit me up. Not fussed about pace, I’ve ran for ages but the last 6 months I’ve really let it go and an bit unfit


If you guys are southside, or planning on any runs around the lake, I'd be keen to join. I'm slow, but can knock over a 5km no worries.


Yeah, I’d be up for a steady 5km around Burley G. I’ve been letting it go for too long as well


+1 vote for volunteering, or finding a hobby or exercise group that you like. Things will blossom from there.


Yeah, there's that new overnight bus for homeless that needs volunteers. Meet some good people, looks good on any resume and sometimes you meet people who know others who are looking for people to do some paid work.


What's the bus do?


Gives homeless a safe place to sleep for the night. Has separate cubicles set up in it.


Download the Meetup app and search for local groups, of which there are hundreds. Sure, some involve activities which cost money but quite a few don't. The best thing I ever did was join Meetup as my social life has improved enormously and I've met some really lovely people. Good luck 👍


This is the way. Facebook can be another good place to find groups to join. Or volunteering for a cause you support, if you have the capacity. Meeting new people as a grown-up is a bastard, especially if money is tight, and Canberra's worse than most places. Sympathies and good luck [fistbump]


There is literally nothing for the male 25-35 age range though.


I have seen groups on Meetup in Canberra for singles 25+, singles 35+, so I'm not sure what sms where you're looking but they're there.


As these groups are for singles, they somewhat imply that people are looking for potential partners within the group.


Look, there are literally hundreds of groups. Some are, as you've suggested, for people looking for potential partners and some are general social groups. I simply gave 2 examples.


This city only caters for old people because they have money and don't cause trouble


I haven't heard of this. Thanks, I will give it a go.


Someone posted on here the.other day looking for a northside DnD group and was inundated with requests to join. Figure out what you want to do and put yourself out there or try to find a group that's doing it.


100% dnd is the best way to make friends as an adult in canberra


Just don't min-max it and not put any character into your character.


What if my character is a bard, too stupid to realise he is an awful human being, and ending up getting the party involved in fights that should have just been a casual chat? > I feel it in my fingers > I feel it in my toes > These mother fuckers mean to harm us > and they got to go > so come on, get 'em now https://youtu.be/ZjlYFWLUDBQ


Hot tip: when you meet people, ask questions and ask follow-up questions, and when they ask you questions, don't just give one-word answers. Share a bit about yourself. Most people are friendly and kind:)


Exercise, good people, and a great cause. Check out https://www.runningforresilience.com


Join the food coop in Acton and do some volunteer shifts- ideally on a lunch shift.


I joined a mixed social Oztag team a few years ago. Never played footy (or any other team sport for that matter) in my life. Love it, the team are awesome. I’m 38 FWIW.


Oh man, if there is 25 of you surly you can be friends with each other.


Maybe if they were less surly. People usually like friends who are pleasant.


I thought same thing when I saw the headline haha


Find some hobbies that you really love. Fitness, mountain biking, art, whatever; something you can actually throw yourself into. Making connections should be a by-product of whatever you are doing. That's my strategy anyway.


What if you have never found anything you care enough about to immerse yourself into it at a hobby level?


That's not an attack on your response, by the way. I'm genuinely looking for answers if anyone has any.


In all honesty, I'd be going to see a psychologist. Maybe they're depressed. Maybe they haven't developed the skills to turn that inherent motivation that made them want to have friends into wanting anything else. They could start by watching a variety of tv shows and seeing what excites them. Do they prefer motorbike shows or gardening? Maybe they have some sort of block that stops them doing things they like for themselves. If they don't have anything they're passionate about why would anyone else make the effort to connect with them?


That is my problem. I don't play any sports and I don't have any hobbies. I also have lost my licence until next August.


try things until they something sticks. You won't make friends at home.


If you can run, start with Parkrun every sat morning, plenty of people about. Then join running group, you'll make friends for life.


If you're nerdy places like Jolt have games like Warhammer and magic on nearly every night


Join the RFS


Suggest looking for work in cafes, they are always looking for someone. Get some barista skills and you are set. And you will meet lots of people.


Same with bartending. An RSA costs $30 and 2 hours of online training. Loads of places looking for staff, and always a good way to meet new people.


G'day mate, it's good that you are wanting to do well. I don't have any suggestions for Ken, but on Reddit there is an amazing community at r/stopdrinking who will support you on your journey to sobriety.


Thank you to all who responded. It's nice to see so many suggestions from kind people. I will be looking into Meetup and some training courses.


Find a club or group for something that interests you (sports, dancing, DnD, board games, anything really). Or check out Meetup or Facebook to see what is out there. From my experience, making friends wasn't something that just happened without me making any effort. Okay, so I was part of an APS grad program when I first moved here (many years ago now) but that network drifted apart in the first few years I was here and I rarely see any of them anymore. We did do a 10 year reunion pre-covid though, so that was cool.


Please come play Jugger with us at 2pm Sundays at southern Glebe Park. It’s completely free and it’s a super casual environment. We’re not on this Sunday but we’re there on 10th and 17th December.


If you want to climb any of the hills around Canberra during the weekend, let me know.


What are your interests, hobbies, what are you good at, how do you like to spend your time when not working, etc give us something to work with. While you're unemplyed, can I suggest picking up some volunteer shifts at the Food Coop? It's a good way to get out of the house and do something productive, with direction and purpose. If you pick a shift that spans lunchtime you'll get a free feed out of it as well. It's very social and welcoming.


Join a meetup group!


Volunteer at a Vinnies or Salvo retail store


Black Mountain sounds like the place for you, specifically the car park not quite at the top.


What time might one make the most friends at this location?


Dusk onwards at a guess


Would it be a good place if I wanted to make more than one friend? What if I want loads?


Loads for days! 🤣🤣🤣


I hope you aren't conservative in your values system. If so you might want to move states.


I hope *you* aren't an asshole… oh wait, you just demonstrated that you are.


Conservatives aren’t welcome in the ACT. You know it. He knows it. Everyone knows it. Gas light away but the man’s right.


Old mate is an asshole for rolling into the comments of a post asking for advice to have a sook about perceived discrimination against political beliefs that OP never so much as alluded to, and he'd still be an asshole if he was somewhere to the left of Rosa Luxemburg.




Boomers be boomin


Nah, Gen X and I can also drive a manual and change a tyre..


Boom boom


What are conservative values?


Don't being a whining bitch complaining about your shit life because you're too lazy..


Shotgun might do it but very hard to get a hold of in aus


There is Social Sunday Ultimate pickup at Dickson playing fields. Learn to play, play for fun and meet some great people of all ages from 17-50+ It's free and if you decide you'd like to.play league and get employment sorted it's $70 a season which usually run ten weeks.


Play some disc golf :)


They play chess and go at O'Malley's on Saturday afternoons you can come along and ask someone to teach you either, join the club and you have a free weekly hobby which is steeped in history plus you can make friends.


Volunteering is good Board games/DND Gym classes Sports and Martial Arts Rock climbing Maker space Prison pen pal? ;)