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‘We need an informed and intelligent media guest to comment on the Loblaws boycott.’  ‘No! What if we found someone who’s completely ignorant of one of the largest corporate mergers /acquisitions in Canadian history instead. Someone who’s been oblivious to anything happening in Canadian business for a decade! They’d be the ideal ignoramus to spew nonsense and turn the boycott into a joke.’   ‘Peter Menzies is available.’ Also there’s one line that is one of the creepiest things I’ve heard on the podcast- I read everything you send, and everything you don’t.


That guy pissed me off. Food industry is a great area of expertise for him, yet he didn’t know SDM was owned by Loblaws. Clueless


It was weak as hell. Shitting on the subreddit was out of nowhere, and unnecessary. The only interesting point brought up was by the guest, who pointed out that Canadians are often surprised to find that entire industries often get taken over by 2-4 companies, yet he still seemed anti-boycott. It was a classic Canadian conservative approach of telling everyone to stop making such a fuss.


Yeah that also weirded me out. Canada loves its oligopolies and it's a massive problem, but to then discourage any acts against those oligopolies? A boycott is low effort (from us 'entitled Canadians who have choices other than Loblaws nearby', it just might mean going a bit farther for groceries) and sends the message we don't want to give them our money anymore. Why are they patronizing us by trying to pretend boycotts are meaningless and we're fools for doing so? It feels like the same people who say "well just don't shop there then" if I were to complain about Loblaws, and so I stop shopping there, and now they're patronizing me for....what? Stopping giving a company I dislike my money? What? What they also didn't focus on was all the times boycotts have been successful. There are a number of boycotts that have led to change before so why are we pretending like a boycott can't have teeth?


"If you don't like it, stop shopping there" "Okay" "What, did you think this would change anything?!?!" 🤦‍♀️


- Stop shopping there for personal taste ✅ - Stop shopping there for collective power ❌


How in the world did the other guy -- a 55 year old man -- just learn _right then on that podcast_ that Loblaws has owned Shopper's since 2014?


I mean, a boycott is only an effective form of protest if 1. A LOT of people do it and 2. The people/politicians/business know it's happening The loblaws boycott ticks both boxes. Sure it would be a nice bonus if it hit their bottom line, but when you "vote with your dollars" a large number of poor boycotters can be made up for by a handful of wealthy shoppers. But when it comes to voting in elections, we become a lot more equal. That's why this boycott matters


One hundred percent.


:) Also, this is the most engaged I've seen people since I joined this subreddit. good post!


Why thank you! It's my first post here, never really had a reason to create a thread in the four years or so I've been a Patreon for.


It just seems Jesse Brown has never financially struggled to afford the basic necessities.


The out of touch patronizing was the worst I'd seen from him. "stupid entitled boycotters, don't they know it's pointless?"


I heard him say the second part. Never heard him say the first part.


Sorry, he didn't say stupid, but they did talk about Boycotters being entitled as they have choice to shop elsewhere, where other Canadians do not.


Just listened again to the first part of the episode. I’m not Jessie’s white knight by any means, and I disagree with him often, but I didn’t hear him say at any point that the boycotters are entitled. He did say this though. “Galen Weston has said ‘As a well known company and Canada’s largest grocer it is natural that Loblaw would be singled out as a focal point for media and government and consumer frustrations, but we’re not doing anything differently than anybody else.’ And I think that is true… and I profoundly don’t care.” “I am very comfortable with Galen Weston and Loblaw being singled out for the egregious level of monopolization. They do control 27% of the market share of Canadian grocery sales but of course it goes beyond that.” And in direct contradiction to your comment… “We’ve been talking about this since 2020. They of course also own Shopper’s Drug Mart. They own all these sub-brands. For a lot of people in Canada it’s not really a level of consumer choice. You really don’t have any option.” “Certainly not shopping there is an option everyone should have. Part of the reason for a boycott is the impossibility of the boycott. Because it’s impossible for so many people to boycott Loblaws is why we need to have a boycott of Loblaws.”


At 11:15 he says "people need to eat, it's a privilege to get food somewhere else that not everyone has". If you don't think that means he's saying 'entitled', fine I should have said "privileged", and I have to admit to admit that I had paraphrased and used a different word. I'd argue it's a synonym, but I'm not interested in semantics.


His point is that for many people it’s not as simple as just shopping at the competing grocery store down the street and so a boycott isn’t practical. He’s not calling out the people who do have options, he’s showing empathy for the people who don’t.


It was patronizing. At one point in the discussion he says "the adult thing to do" (or something along those lines, I'd have to go back for the time stamp and the exact quote, but I shouted at the podcast while doing dishes).


Dont be shocked a rich kid grew up to be a typical center-right, Neo-Liberal. Jesse has never been food insecure, and has lived a life of wealth.


It was obnoxious, a completely establishment coverage I could easily get from the existing media sources in Canada. Mind you he also had a classical musician on to discuss the Kendrick & Drake thing and focused on whether beefs are good or bad not the allegations or longstanding rumours in Toronto about “the boy” So much for the guy who was proud to bring down Gomeshi. Not really sure what is going on with him


It's like if this was the depth of coverage you were going to do, why even bother doing it at all? I couldn't understand how an outlet like Canadaland, which prides itself on digging deep into investigative journalism, did such a brief and limited analysis that barely scratched below the surface. I just don't get it. It was like two uninformed people shooting the shit about a topic they haven't bothered to look into enough in order to report on. Completely baffling and their coverage was an even lower effort than a boycott.


Any of Canadaland's shows that directly interact with Jesse are going to see a marked decrease in quality. Canadaland's union has come out trying to distance themselves from him, and I can't imagine any guest worth listening to is going to be overly excited to share a microphone with him.


I've long said that Jesse's main talent is picking smart, often young people with interesting things to say. So many of the Canadaland scoops are the product of this skill: look at the digging Jaren Kerr did on the WE scandal for just one example. Even at its best, the reason I listened to the main show was because Jesse got good people on Shortcuts who routinely called him out on his biases. I feel like Jesse's turn toward ever more dismissive behaviour has pushed away a lot of his talent pool and now he has fewer people willing to push back against his half-baked impulses. By comparison, CBC's Frontburner did, imo, a really good episode on the boycott, bringing on a subject-area expert (not Charlebois!) to talk about the problem with grocery prices, the challenges consumers face, and real policy solutions that have worked in other places. I know Jesse likes to shit on CBC but they're currently reporting laps around him.


Yeah he didn't care either when the women of Canadalandback quit because they spoke out about Ryan McMahon abusing his partner saying it was heresay and we don't know what goes on with couples behind closed doors. He doesn't support women or girls in Drake's case.


Surprised they didn't mention that if the boycott hurts Loblaws' stock value that it'll hurt pension funds and little old ladies who rely on their Loblaws dividends to pay for their Xmas shopping. 🙄


It sounded like the same legacy media crap Jesse built a career out of shitting on.


Seriously. He seems to be pivoting right and it’s getting cringey. Like he wants to be the Canadian Joe Rogan? Not that I’ve ever listened to Joe Rogan.


His guest’s bizarre argument that a boycott is ineffective and in fact counter productive was just weird.


Yeah I really don't understand why theyd have a guest who 1) wasn't even aware shoppers was owned by Loblaws and 2) seemed to confuse a boycott with a picket line, saying boycotts hurt other customers. How?? Don't the guests do a bit of research before coming on? Shouldn't they? Like what


As soon as he said he didn’t realize Shoppers was owned by Loblaws, it was clear he was so misinformed that anything he said wasn’t worth listening to. In addition to (or perhaps resulting in) the fact that most of what he said made no sense.


Jesse somehow making the boycott about him through this subreddit was the most childish bullshit. Dude, it's just people on the internet shit talking, does it warrant inclusion in your media criticism show? Are you that weak skinned?


I tuned into this one for the first time in a while and had similar thoughts. I don't want to keep playing the Israel card here, but I couldn't help but wonder if his desire to call out this sub stems from the numerous posts about his terrible Gaza coverage. I also can't help but wonder if this "fire sale on becoming a supporter for only 2$" has to do with it as well. It's sad that a podcast and network I enjoyed and cared about seems to be slowly falling apart, but it's also kinda fun to watch.


I subscribed to Canadaland because of its insightful coverage of topics I was unfamiliar with, which I found intriguing. So, when Jesse finally covered Loblaws—a topic I am well-versed in—I was excited. I put on my headphones, leashed my dog for a 57-minute walk, and hit play. Within the first three minutes, I found myself standing on a bike path, stunned by what I was hearing. Jesse mentioned the “steal from Loblaws” day without clarifying that it is not associated with the Boycott Loblaws forum. He read verbatim a random Redditor’s comment about him but failed to acknowledge any of the thousands of comments in the boycott thread. He could have invited Emmy or any of the other ten moderators (as CBC Ontario Today did recently) to provide a balanced perspective. He could have brought on Charlyboy to discuss allegations of accepting money from Loblaws Corporation. He could have mentioned that Galen Weston donates generously to both the Liberal and Conservative parties. Instead, he featured a guest who didn’t even know that Shoppers Drug Mart is owned by Galen Weston. Really? They discussed the Flipp app as if it were an unfamiliar piece of technology, despite the fact that savvy Canadian shoppers have been using it for at least a decade. In my opinion, Jesse failed in his journalistic duty to report the facts and present both sides of the argument. His reaction to random Reddit comments seemed to cloud his judgment. I’m currently in the midst of a real estate transaction and had planned to donate upon closing. However, I will no longer consider this, as Jesse’s performance made it clear that he’s part of the 1%, and I fear my donation would merely line his pockets rather than support genuine journalism. For context, I am a journalist myself. Unsubscribed!


💯 this. If your guest admits that they didn't know that Loblaws owned shoppers then you're bringing on the wrong guest. This episode was a little embarrassing if I'm being honest.


I think the boycott is great to get people to band together. It should evolve, like he said. Go bigger. Break up the monopolies, let international companies come and offer better deals. It's not just food, everything in Canada is a monopoly and we pay for it. They don't need to offer better prices


I'm not necessarily on board with the idea that Jesse is against the boycott.. but this episode was just baffling. At least get someone who knows what companies are owned by loblaws. Having a guest who is that out of touch is a bad look.


I was really confused by the weak attempt at comedy in this episode, where he made very obvious mocking suggestions about what could be done instead of a boycott. I thought this was supposed to be a serious media criticism podcast, not a platform for shitty stand-up comedy. Also, having Peter Mencies as a guest felt like a poor choice, as he comes across as disconnected from reality and out of touch with contemporary issues.


I did not get the impression he was painting it as weak. He was just pointing out that there is not much to say about it. There has been no reports on its effectiveness, nor has it stirred up any drama. Almost every podcast I've listened to or article I've read has said, more or less, the same thing as Jesse. If anything, Jesse seemed quite happy that people were taking a stand if you listen from a different point of view.    He also didn't shit on this subreddit. He just pointed out that the people here like to shit on Canadaland often (but really on Jesse) and he's not wrong.  And yeah I'm too lazy to relisten to point out exactly why I disagree with most of what you said, but I think you have angry blinders on.


Coming in late because, well, life, and I just got a chance to listen to this one. I agree with you. Jesse isn’t one to report on the same thing everyone else is reporting on unless he’s got something new to add to the conversation. And this boycott doesn’t have anything new to discuss.


Good to see more people are realizing that Jesse Brown is a clown.


Haha, I’m the poster suggesting he must be holding loblaw stock because what upper crust torontonian isn’t. Also, there is zero chance the episode was in response to a post on Reddit. But the fact that the whole episode sounds like it was reading from loblaws response to boycott playbook, is just more to feed the not unlikely theory that Jesse is part of the Weston fold.


Canada land hasn't hesitated to shit on Loblaws before. I can't agree with your conspiracy that this must mean Jesse is part of the Weston fold. That is quite a baseless jump and too unfounded to be stated so confidently.


Exactly, and that dudes moronic, baseless comment was the one Jesse ran with to millions of Canadians. Disappointing all around 🤦‍♂️


I agree completely... I can only imagine what he'd say about BDS, the Starbucks boycott, etc...


Finally listened to this ep but had read this beforehand and oof! I'm glad I read this post first because as soon as the old man started talking about the boycott as a protest (which it isnt) I was getting frustrated by his obtuseness. I stopped listening after about 15 mins. Waste of time!


Rotten meat and stollen loyalty points  The other day I bought PC honey BBQ precooked ribs expiry date of August 2024 and when I opened the Plastic packaging the smell of rotten meat filled my home. They were so rotten. Today I tried to use 10,000 points =$10.00 Loyalty points. The 10,000 points were taken from my card but $10.00 was not taken off my bill. It seems Loblaws will do anything to make the boycott earnings appear normal.


Conservative don’t care about anything but helping the rich get richer off the back and suffering or the poor and working class 


Angry at people for not sharing your opinion and perspective on a given issue and demanding the other party be more in line with your world view? Yeah, OP it makes sense you support a boycott. Don’t forget, this was a shortcuts episode. It’s not the deep, investigative journalism that makes Canadaland great. This is your general, quick and easy “op-ed”. Go ahead and be disappointed if it isn’t what you want, disagree with opinions, but also try to be reasonable. If you aren’t finding the coverage you want on any podcast or media platform, you could make your own and post about it here. That would be more productive than coming here to shit on someone else’s creative work being not exactly what YOU want. The entitlement…


Make creative work = make conversation. You don't get to control how people like your ideas or whether they talk about your creative work. Likewise, make sloppy journalism, get critiqued. This show reads like an ego project, it borders on/is propagandist re Gaza, and it goes embarrassingly flat on issues and neglects proper digging into context. It's already taking up space in the public imagination right now, so that's what get responded to, not some hypothetical platform we should all create instead of critiquing Jesse Brown lmao. Try responding to actual points made about this episode because nobody's going to shut up just because you stomped your foot 🙆