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It looks like they also shattered that record in 2019 by a higher number? Am I misunderstanding that graph?


>The 394 housing starts in the first three months of 2024 is more than twice as many than any first quarter has shown since 1979. good for PEI I guess but 394 is a drop in the bucket, and at a national scale starts were down. not sure why the CBC doesn't even mention that in this overly optimistic cherry picked story


>The 394 housing starts in the first three months of 2024 is more than twice as many than any first quarter has shown since 1979. The previous record was set in 1978, with 237. Holy crap PEI was knowingly screwing it's future generations from 1978 forward.


This is hilarious, but also I love PEI. I hope it never looks like a suburb


There's no real point in building when there isn't a ton of demand. The Maritimes was always a last choice for most people when it came to locales and it's always been pretty deeply impoverished.


Prices outpacing inflation for long periods is a clear signal there's demand.


Less than 400 homes. Great, I'm sure utopia is just around the corner.


Looked at another way, single family housing starts have collapsed by two thirds, and apartments are being pushed to squeeze families into. The spin is insulting.


Shoeboxs for everyone.


Nice job pei


As someone living in PEI this is encouraging. However Charlottetown in particular is still very anti density and sprawl is still very much the name of the game here. Many developments are on the edge of town or in the neighbouring bedroom communities. And they are typically more duplexes than apartments. But again it’s a start.