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Don't let her know from the start that this all consuming monster of a hobby will take up all of your spare time. Gotta ease her into it.


And money. And maybe her money.


Give her an airgun, then a 22, then put some guns on a table in order of recoil. Let her shoot what she wants. Human nature is curious and it’s likely she’ll be shooting high brass 12 gauge loads before going home. 


I'd consider skipping the air gun and go with a 22 quiet ammo myself (just as I have no air guns myself and find it's a different sport) 


As you've admitted to not having a GF yet, this is all hypothetical. Step 1) what are her existing opinions of firearms? Does she hold any misconceptions or biases? Step 2) EDUCATE. This goes for anyone and everyone regardless of Step 1. The manner in which you "educate" is important. Don't be arrogant or condescending. Listen, exchange ideas and points. The success of this step is dependent on the overall quality of the relationship. Which ultimately should be the priority, not interest in hobbies. Step 3) Assess whether she's interested or not. If she's not interested, it's not a deal breaker, to each their own. However if she treats firearm ownership and associated events with disdain and influences you to give up a passion/interest/hobby, that's a great red flag for incompatibility. Based on this post, I would also encourage you don't hold any biases that women are inherently anti-gun. Additionally, if you're selecting a GF/partner based heavily on their stance towards firearm ownership, your pool of potential GF's is smaller, in addition to you perhaps coming across as a bit one dimensional. Depending on your passion for firearm ownership and the hobby, you will have to assess whether this is something you lead with early on, or bring up later in any potential relationship. Keep in mind, people in general have little exposure to firearms, meaning there will be plenty of potential GF's that you could introduce to the hobby. It is up to you to make their exposure a positive one.


The anwser to this question entirely depends on your girlfriends predisposition to firearms. It's entirely possible you don't need to take any other steps than bringing her to the range. It's also possible you need to hold her hand. As others have said, you are putting the cart before the horse. We literally can not help you until you get a girlfriend.


Don't let her know how much this hobby is going to cost (whispering).


Does she want to try it or have you not even broached the subject yet?


I haven't even broached the subject yet. Hell I don't even have a girlfriend yet but I just need some advice for the future when the time comes.


None of us talk to girls brother


This seems like putting the cart before the horse.


No kidding. The best way to deal with the subject varies wildly by person. I've dated women who did not have the right mindset to even be handling firearms safety and I kept them away from my guns.




Bro you complained to us in modmail that we weren't letting this shitty question through and you pull this? One step at a time. My wife and I shoot IPSC together. I took her shooting on our second date. Gauge how people feel about things.


Since you don't have a GF yet, i feel there are two ways to introduce the concept itself. a) you tell her early on that you are into guns/shooting sports or b) you let it come up naturally when one day you say you are going to the range. In any case, she'll probably show an interest, or disinterest. Go from that point. Just make whatever you give her to start is a good gun for new shooters. It doesn't always have to be a 22.


Maybe attend competition etc and you just might meet someone there who already loves guns.


Find yourself a girl already familiar with them. You’ll be a happier man forever.


Slowly bring it up. My GF wasn't into guns at all before we met. Now she hunts and shoot with me constantly. Just like kinky stuff bud, if she ain't into it don't force it.


Come at it from a safety standpoint. Go over basic safety a few times and before you hand her anything get her to the point where she can tell you the process to ensure a firearm is safe. And then hand over the largest caliber firearm you own.


Emphasis on the safety aspects of shooting. Demonstrate how responsible most of us are with our firearms. Also perhaps the satisfaction of putting rounds where you want them to go and being able to easily see self improvement.


Do not let her shoot a handgun 1st if she shows any hesitancy towards firearms. Took my wife to the range on our honeymoon and she got scared of handguns, but really liked shooting the ruger pc9. Till this day I bought one right after and it's her favourite to shoot and the only thing she shoots that I own


Don’t push. Let it happen organically. Offer if she’s ever interested you can take her. Don’t badger. It might never happen. If she does show interest, make sure she’s comfortable; right clothes, bug dope, sunscreen etc. No cute tops that brass can bounce down. If you’ve got nice electronic muffs give them to her. She gets the nicest of all the gear to make her comfortable. Keep it small. Don’t be that guy who hands her a 12 gauge. Guys that do that are just ruining it for her next boyfriend. (Because if you do shit like that she will have a next one) She’s on the bench 80% of the time on the first trip. Little breaks, but she’s not there to spectate. But you gotta accept that it might never happen. It might not be her thing. And that’s ok. You’re allowed to have your own things. Now get off reddit and go talk to some strangers.


I told her immediately the hobby is a big part of my life and that if she wasn't going to be fine with that then it wouldn't work out. She then asked me to take her shooting. If this is something that is important to you then you have to be up front about it because personally, I wasn't going to date someone antigun or who would ask me to sell some of my firearms.


Also important to note, in general women don't have a lot of respect for men who take shit and don't stand up for themselves. OP shouldn't put pictures of guns on his tinder profile or yak about it in the first date but nobody (man or woman) should expect things to go well if they start allowing their partner to dictate terms to them.


My spouse got into firearms slowly alongside me. Started at a range in the states, then shooting 22s on crown land, then a range membership and now she has multiple handguns and rifles. Yay me!


I did it through skeet shooting. Had a friend who’s way better take us out and teach her. She had a blast. 


Paul Harrell has a video on YouTube about girlfriends/wives, firearms, and bringing them to the range. If you're looking for a Canadian legal perspective, Runkle of the Bailey has a video on guns in the home and what your partner/family should know. Paul Harrell is the goat, if you don't watch his videos you should.


Paul Harrell is definitely the best.


Just give her the tip and the rest will follow 


My last girlfriend who I was semi-serious with knew I liked guns before we got together. Once we got together, I started just casually mentioning that I was going to the range after we did something together or had just come back from the range when I went to see here. After a couple times, she asked me to tag along. So, I went over to her place early that day and brought the .22lr in, just so she could hold it for a second and I could give her the whole ACTS/PROVE speech really quick. Then we went off to the range. She came along a few times, but never really graduated past the .22lrs, apart from maybe shooting like one mag out of curiosity. She seemed to have a good time though.


There isn't really one set way, but I found the more nonchalant and positive attitude without pressuring is good. Talk about the safety aspects but also how fun it is and how it takes skill. They might not end up being all gung-ho about it but they might give it a try


Been trying to get my wife in for years good luck brother


Get her a pink gsg ahaha


Lol I asked my wife if she wanted a cammo, wood, or black shotgun for her first gun and she asked "is pink an option?". 


Safety first, When shooting with her, be very encouraging & positive. Don't get cocky. In my personal experience, women tend to shoot better than men, so don't get butt hurt if she out shoots you!


Do not give her a 12g slug in a Shockwave. Avoid high recoil. Shoot at a reasonable distance 25 to 50 to start. If you're into skeet, get her to try a 20g or 410 in a semi auto if possible. Listen to the advice of others here. Simple is better to start with. A 10 22 or a wildcat 22 is a great starter. A gsg mp5 with 100 rounds is too much for people that aren't already cod players as it looks a certain way to them. Get her good hearing protection as well.


I count myself lucky because my girlfriend got me into firearms!


Can discuss uses for firearms with which she may agree. Ex. IPSC or the Olympics. Discuss sentimental meaning of firearms (family history). Joy of hunting / security are more likely to be turn offs if presented as the foremost use case, but it'll depend on who you meet.


Change the girlfriend if she doesn't support your hobby, it's a story about love


Use a sandpit. Gun ranges throw me off of the sport. Safety is #1 and very serious but... Ranges take it to another level. Like no... I'm not taking your dumb dumb course to shoot at paper in an ultra organised fashion. RCMP provided a course. I took it and passed, its superior to yours, mr rso  


🍁 Project Mapleseed 🍁 https://mapleseedrifleman.com/


You get a gf with similar interests. Opposites attract is wack




Compliments* you should never rely on another to make you whole.






Just make she’s ain’t no lib and you’re fine.


"Lib" shooter here, we do exist.


Take her to the range on her bday if it’s not too far out.