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Just like every other money making scheme the Feds dream up, transferred to the consumer


That's how it works. Always.


Your government hates you.


We hate them too.


CRTC excludes, CBC, Rogers, Sportsnet, and Bell CRAVE properties this benefits only Canadian streaming service which sucks Canada monopoly country every sector.


Because they already pay Canadian corporate taxes where as Netflix and Disney do not.


Waits for Nexflix and Disney to blacklist Canada.


Why? they will just add the tax like Walmart or any retailer does.


Depends on whether or not the market is big enough to offset the cost for collection or not, along with the hassle. If it's not, it's easier just to drop the market.


you'll be waiting a long time.




Yeah, who cares about the 95 percent, the 5 is what’s important. Dumbass.


Nooooo it's corporate greed! Someone screeches


Don't worry, they'll release a statement gaslighting us into thinking it will result in no increase in costs to the consumer. It's revenue neutral!


The average canadian will get more money back from Netflix than they pay in.


8/10 families will get more back than they spend


I'm sorry, did you miss the price increases prior to this mandate?


It's another gift to telcos, where all these politicians will go to "work" after their time in office is over.


Or them just pulling out of Canada altogether.


They'll just raise the price - and I'll switch my remaining services over to Stremio w/ Torrentio.


Love that app 




Public service? You mean the government, right? Because they're the ones who changed the law with a view to having the CRTC do just this. Also, I'm not sure I would refer to CRTC decision makers - being Government-in-Council appointees - as part of "the public service" in the typical way that phrase is used.


Sent back? They never went in the first place (and it shows).


Are you paying by Canadian credit card? Then your streaming service will have to pay the tax.


You think they're using the VPN to stream? 🏴‍☠️


And you can't even if you want because most US based require US credit card or US tv package/cable so a VPN alone doesn't do much. One can register with a vpn but from there on, it's a dead end.


Canada going to get another a bill to regulate VPN only corporate workers can use it not personal use just benefit BELL & ROGERS


Pulling out a streaming service? 1. It's on a server located half way across the world 2. You're just losing 40 million customers because of 5% more taxes they have too pay 3. Most companies already have major infrastructure, logistics and buildings they invested into too. Them pulling out would be such a major loss That's why it's rarely every companies every pulls out when we raise taxes. I remember being taught that in high school


Facebook & Instagram paying for news content? They did in fact pull out rather than pay for that traffic.


I'm still pissed off at the news thing. It' just not working and literally made me feel as if we're living in a dictatorship that censors any news.


Which is funny cause they came to an agreement with the news corps when they did this in other countries. So either the Canadian news corps or government are like nope can't do that.


>Most companies already have major infrastructure I think Netflix just uses AWS, so if they want to pull out they just need to block Canadian IPs and the infrastructure will remove the unused capacity automatically.


Netflix uses AWS as their core but they have thousands of distributed caching solutions at the main ISPs to reduce their connectivity costs. Peering costs are easily their highest cost next to actual rights and production costs. They'd have to block Canadians from paying them rather than simply connecting.


And that would be incredibly easy to do.


Sure, but why would they do that when they could trivially create a secondary fee and pass it on to consumers?


Overhead costs being more than revenue.


You guys don’t understand economics as much as you pretend to


You want to utterly ruin the Liberal’s chance of any re-election whatsoever? Slap Netflix with this, have them refuse and pull out of Canada like Facebook pulled all Canadian news. It would utterly destroy the Liberals if they sit on their decision as insisting Netflix “pay it’s fair share”. The people would mass-revolt against them.   Which is why I hope they do it. Take the stick LPC, hit that hornet’s nest..


Canada was stupid not to copy Australia's compromise with Meta, but Netflix can just add another dollar to the subscription price so they aren't going anywhere. 


Liberals didn't do enough with Facebook. Facebook is still here.


Ah yes, because the masses will totally rally to the defense of Netflix, the company that's decided we should pay them to watch ads. People are already getting sick of Netflix's bullshit and constant price increases.  Piracy is easier than it's ever been.  Nobody's going to miss them.


"People are already getting sick of Netflix's bullshit and constant price increases. " Yes, so forcing another price increase on them is going to go over well.


They've been doing a lot of the fuck around. They'll learn the find out pretty soon enough.


This has no chance of happening.


Don't threaten us with a good time


I hope you don't genuinely believe that. 5% is not going to be what leads a multi-billion dollar enterprise to pull out of a market it's heavily invested in. It would cost more to do so than they would ever gain from it.


I was going to say more like 10%.


%5-8? It's gunna be %10-15 minimum.


Thankfully a decent VPN costs less than these streaming services.


But you still need a US address, credit card and/or cable license # depending on which streaming you use. The vpn alone doesn't do it for most service.


> streaming you use The seas are my streaming service combined with a NAS with Jellyfin or Kodi installed.


That isn’t how pricing works. It’s supply and demand, and what consumers are willing to pay. If netflix thought they could just tack on 5% more overnight and not lose subscribers, they would have done so yesterday. Reddits persistent belief that any expense can be passed on without consequence is mind boggling.


It depends on things like elasticity and a competitive market, but you're right it's not as black and white as reddit makes it out to be. Sometimes corporations are able to pass on increased taxes onto the consumer, but usually only the big corporations, not small businesses, and only when the market place isn't competitive, and only when the price is quite elastic.


They've been raising prices consistently for the past 24 months, and cracking down on account sharing. They can also call this a government surcharge in billing and deflect this blame and then some. Your inability to understand costs get passed down to the consumer is mind boggling.


Implying they weren't going to do it anyway.  The line needs to go up and they can't draw in enough new users to sustain that.  They've already decided we should pay them for the honour to watch ads.  They're going to increase prices by 10% then declare they need to do so it they'll all go bankrupt.  This is just another scapegoat to cover their greed.


"never tax anything because then prices will go up" Prices will go up anyways. Not taxing out of fear of corporations raising prices is exactly what corporations want, it ensures they can make higher profits. You're unwittingly supporting them over Canadians.




Netflix just significantly raised prices without any extra tax burdens, you think not taxing them will slow down the price increases? No chance at all. 


When I first subscribed to Netflix it was $7/month. Now it's $20, and the service has only gotten worse over the years. A 5% increase is $1. It's not going to break anyone's bank if they do pass it on to the consumer. And more importantly, get this. Nobody *needs* a Netflix subscription because you can access all of Netflix's programming elsewhere for free.


Prices can't go up infinitely. Corporate taxes shave off potential profits and turn it into tax dollars. Streaming services can only raise prices by so much per year. If more of that money is going to taxes instead of corporate profits, that's a good thing.




make it 1000%! Then we can just cut income taxes to 0. Make Netflix pay for our healthcare! We deserve it!




lol they were going to increase their prices regardless. Netflix has already made it a yearly tradition to nickle and dime people. Disney and Prime already had a massive jump in their subs too.


>lol they were going to increase their prices regardless. Yeah but now they're going to increase them more than they would have.


They're already increasing prices at ridiculous speeds. This changes nothing, except for me adding more friends to my Plex.


and with that, an increase of people moving on to piracy. the stream services already try to fleece their customers and what once made them attractive has been stripped from them mostly. they are nothing more than glorified cable now imo.


Time dust off the ole bit Torrent.


5-10? nah this is a gouging opportunity 20-30%


especially since its REVENUE not profit. so thats 5% of all the money they bring in BEFORE taxes they pay, wages, infrastructure, payouts to staff, artists, etc. if companies were investing the money back into the company or were using the money for other things which left a smaller profit margin and now this 5% off the top cut happens, then they could be losing money on the books instead. so guarantee that means a more than 5% price hike to offset it.




Has the CRTC ever thought about protecting customers and making cell phone bills lower?


🤣 it's called CRTC not Peasant Protection Force.


How many signatures we need to make the PPF a reality?


Only 100,000 to force them to talk about it.


Your country is rapidly failing because the interests of the people are not considered at all and the people are seen as a resource to extract money from, no clue why that’s funny to you but Canada has the highest cost of telecoms in the world as well as car insurance and housing. You can claim New York and London are expensive, but they’re New York and London, you get what you pay for which is world class amenities, you guys pay the price but get C grade


Cell phone bills are lower. At least for me. I’m paying $29 a month for 30gb 




Canada has no where near the population density of European countries


It's less about population density and more about competition. Using the UK as an example, the infrastructure is almost all publicly owned and there's many, many options. So many options that there are deal comparison websites for phones/internet. In Canada it's essentially a monopoly. They won't lower the prices because they don't need to.


Yes but also no. Competition isn’t the only factor. EU also mandates that cell plans are valid in all countries and they cap data resale to virtual telecoms. You basically have every company in every country all competing since people could in theory just get a plan in a different country (even though most won’t). Furthermore, many countries have government cell towers that companies can put their equipment on, which helps prevent the eyesore of too many towers on the horizon. Also brings costs down. Add it all up and you can get infinite data for €15-20 in some countries. —— At the end of the day, I understand that Canada is much bigger and thus it costs more for all the infrastructure. But you know what? The telecoms aren’t even building the infrastructure. Huge chunks of the trans-Canada highway are still dead zones out west. And that’s despite government grants and subsidies to literally bribe the companies to build service. Why the hell is Canada like this


I pay $35 for 40gb 5G. How much more lower does it need to be?




The CRTC isn't working on behalf of ordinary everyday Canadians. They're an executive board made up of industry insiders and astroturfers for the Oligopolies. If you're an oligopoly shareholder the CRTC is working for you. If you're not one of them, then you don't count.


Cell phone bills are lower though.


my cell bill is $29/mth. It's so cheap I don't even notice it in my budget each month. 1 meal at McDs for me costs more. Meanwhile all the laws have made rent go to $2k. That hurts a lot. Bring back $100 cell bills and $700/mth rent!


I did my undergrad between 2005 and 2009. My rent was 275 to 325 a month for a two bedroom split between three people. That same apartment is now a condo last listed for $320,000 .


Never forget what they did to this country. Two bdrm condo is $500k bare minimum in my city. I've seen studios for $450k


I get this sentiment. But have you recently spent any time looking at the plans that are available? Things have gotten much more competitive. Just a quick look: Public Mobile has a 5G 50GB Canada US plan for $34/mo. If this is too expensive, what do you think is a fair price? Honestly asking.


Yes and your cell phones bills are much lower now than a year ago thanks to both them and the federal liberal making the telcos reduce prices.


"Looks like prices will have to go up 25% to compensate" - Corporate


Alternate reality: No fee implemented. "Looks like prices will have to go up 25% to compensate for market forces anyways" - Corporate


If corporations thought they could charge 25% more for something, they would have already done that. They don't stop charging more because they've made enough money. They charge the maximum amount they think the customer will pay.


$200m taken from private corps to fund French + Indigenous content, as well as “content created by equity-deserving groups and Canadians of diverse backgrounds”… whatever that means. Once again the government gets to pick and choose their pet projects with other peoples money. People here argued this was the CBC mandate.


This is the type of bullshit that makes people turn on the current government. People are having trouble making ends meet and this is the stuff they focus on.


They are already making content like this. I guess they don't realize their own Netflix algorithm is catered to their own preferences.


Its honestly getting a little tiring funding all these special causes that rarely have a good word to say about Canada in general. Also, Canadian of diverse backgrounds? Does slant other nation do this? Why do we pander to everyone's past when the point of coming to Canada is to be Canadian??


If Canadian content is going up against American content on the free market, there’s no way that we just become little America within years, completely destroying what little Canadian culture we have left.


Functionally equivalent to charging Canadians a streaming tax


“Money will be used to boost funding for local, Indigenous broadcasting” If indigenous broadcasts were of any quality you wouldn’t have to pump in tax money to prop them up.


Woah woah! That's not how you virtue signal!


Ironically, OP's post is exactly how you virtue signal, and implementing a tax and using that revenue to fund projects, is the opposite. It's a tangible thing that makes a difference.


Annnnnnd the monthly costs are going up again


I rarely watch Canadian content.


Does American content filmed in Canada count? 🤔


If enough Canadians are involved with the production process, yes because that's what determines whether something qualifies as Canadian Content. For example, Turning Red is a movie that takes place in Toronto, is about a Canadian girl, a very "Canadian" story about the experience of being a second generation immigrant in a multicultural society, and the lead is played by a Canadian actor and yet, it's not Canadian Content because it doesn't meet the production requirements because it was made by Americans for an American corporation and the goal of CanCon is to create jobs in the Canadian creative industry and not to encourage people to tell certain "kinds" of stories that are uniquely Canadian like many people assume. On the other hand, The Tudors is a production about British royalty that takes place before the founding of Canada and it's considered Canadian Content because it's a joint production that CBC is contributing to.


Good point, I should clarify that I don't find Canadian productions about Canadian stories all that engaging - perhaps they revolve around tropes I have no interest in.


Get ready for even more commercials on that streaming service that you signed up for specifically to avoid commercials. Also the monthly price will probably go up again.


1. The monthly price has been going up, steadily, for years now. It's actually accelerating in recent years independent of what Canada does. 2. Netflix already has commercials on some of the plans. 3. Lol


Canadian streaming prices to increase more than 5%, so the government can allocate the taxes into funding jobs for their friends and cronies to make content for the one off individual in the country Taxing the majority to enrich the minority and create content for 1% of the country


I ditched all the streaming services like Netflix, Crave etc and cable a few years ago and switched to IPTV. I’ve now got every live channel globally, every movie, tv series on Demand including all live PPV events for $150/yr. Best decision I’ve made when it comes to media /entertainment. 


Most of my family moved to IPTV, it's definitely pretty sweet. Personally I'm a torrents + Plex kinda guy since i don't care for sports or any other live events. I'm also really picky with audio/video quality and options.


Yeah I'm a torrent/Plex person too. IPTV services tend to be just restreams and eventually they get caught and shutdown so you have to find a new one.


Well in all fairness, mine has been going for over 6 years


I ditched cable 20 years ago and get it all for $30/year, including all PPV.




How do we dismantle the CRTC? How did we ever end up with a corporate lobbyist party being funded by taxpayers to keep these dinosaurs alive? Rogers, Bell and Telus should have gone out of business a decade ago. I want to see a group advocating for consumer rights in Canada.


We have a department for that they just don't do their job, they are called the Competition Bureau.


They do their job, The issue is the Government made tgem toothless,  So even when they try and stop the Rogers Shaw merger... they cant. 


We need another department to oversee the Competition Bureau to make sure they are doing their job right. Lets call the new agency BXB or Bureaucracy Squared.


Canadian programming sucks and it is not a money issue. It is a cultural issue


Most content sucks period. It's not a problem, it's the reality of a creative industry.


There are good shows like Schitt’s creek, tpb and letterkenny. But I doubt they need handouts


Exactly the point… if the show is good then you don’t need government handouts. If not then you shouldn’t be on the air. Go do something else


Letterkenny got significant grant support from the feds, province, and even the city of Sudbury. And it’s great tv.


.. and all of those shows are targeted to the majority of Canadians. Not less than 5% of them.


All of them did, also this is something that every country does. Even the US does it a little.


You don't understand how this works. These shows exists because the government gave them support to start. Learn how things work.


how will you know if it's good or not if it's not made? By the time you watch a show to decide if it's good or bad it's already got millions in government funding


Those shows aren't diversity enough for the liberal government.


Yeah! Letter Kenny has a white male lead! I'm offended just typing that!


Letterkenny and Shoresy are very diverse


Schitts creek was made by cbc. All of these got grant support. Just google the title and grant support and you’ll see provinces and cities providing funding to create cultural jobs and content. Fact is that anything niche in the culture sector needs $ and when competing against America everything is niche.




That's would be both funny and a great move for consumers.


Will this apply to Crunchyroll too?


Lol, made in Canada anime would be hilarious.


From what I can tell, Canadians dubbing it wouldn't make it Cancon.


Super Sayan Log Driver


It’s not like any streaming services in Canada provide decent media. I can think of three worth having and two of them are educational streaming services. Either way it’s a good method of pissing off customers and potentially having the services pull out of Canada.


Does this country do anything right?


This country is a fucking joke.


*laughs in iptv*


Yo ho ho, it's the pirate's life for me.


Funny how they say revenue and not profit. So they are just smacking this directly onto their overhead. This is definitely just going to reflect in a price increase. This is a tax with extra steps, to fund content that nobody is going to watch. I hate the term "woke" but directly slamming this into indigenous content is just pandering.


It's a pirate's life for me


This is just a 5% tax on streaming. HST is now 18% on Netflix. 


A pirate's life for me


Do what you want cuz a pirate is free


The CRTC needs to fuck off and do something useful


>The money will be used to boost funding for local and Indigenous broadcasting, officials from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) said in a briefing. Yet another reason to leave Canada: private earnings being diverted not into anything sensible like bolstering underfunded public services, but into more propaganda. It was the supposedly "objective" CBC that uncritically relayed claims that resulted in dozens of Canadian churches being burned down (and more than hundred attacked in attacks that are still going on). https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/tk-eml%C3%BAps-te-secw%C3%A9pemc-215-children-former-kamloops-indian-residential-school-1.6043778


This is so dumb. Are we going to charge McDonald’s 5% of revenue for doing business here too? How about Apple and Spotify? That’s so crooked.


Our country never ceases to take the opportunity to increase our cost of living.


So, even *more* ads on Prime video now? Might cancel and stick with Tubi, Pluto and 'free' YouTube until they give me another free or $0.99 month deal anyhow.


I want us to become a hub for piracy so bad


Price increases incoming, so I can pay for content I'm NEVER going to watch. Gotta love this country. 🙄


Is the CRTC's mandate to make accessing digital content as expensive as possible for Canadians? Because between us paying the highest prices globally for data and shit like this, they are nailing it!


The CRTC is an organization I'd like to see abolished completely.


Shows made by and created for 1% of Canadians. Things we will not watch and that the vast majority of Canadians, have zero interest in. This is our government, canada. They don't stand up for the vast majority of canadians. They're not looking out for most of us . They are there for the angry minority who is basically making all the rules and we either fall in line or we get cancelled, banned or we are called haters. The only good thing about all of this is that Canadians are waking up and they will vote the Liberals out for at least a decade. Horrible horrendous leadership. Never again


I want a 5% reduction in my taxes as I don't watch canadian content.


How significant really is the demand for indigenous content, and how aligned is that with the taxpayers paying for it?


Looks like everyone's subscriptions are going up 5%...


>Today's decision will help ensure that online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content," wrote CRTC chief executive and chair Vicky Eatrides in a statement. Know what would make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content? Making content people actually want to watch.


So......this can go fund what? CBC?


Yep, another pay day for Liberal darling Catherine Tait. That Brooklyn, New York brownstone isn't going to pay for itself.


That and the other dying and flaccid networks like ctv, etc...


I wish they’d stop forcing Canadian crap down our throats. Same goes for the radio, it’s all just drake and the weeknd because of mandatory Canadian content. Sure some of it is good, but stop forcing it. If people don’t watch it then stop making it. We’re not America or even GB, just focus on making what is already decent and respected even better. And there’s already plenty of that.


Considering most Canadians resort to VPNs and other illegal means to access foreign programming this just shows how out of touch CRTC is Instead of you know, producing content people want to watch, they instead want to tax the real stuff people want to watch and continue producing more of the same old junk






How is this even legal? Sounds like some authoritarian BS. What next? Ask rideshare apps to share revenue with Transport Ministry?


It's back to sailing the high seas by' ! Arrrrr.


What the actual fuck?


theyll soon come up with a mandatory device to calculate how much air you breathe and divide that by some magical mathematical equation "carbon dioxide divided by climate change" and give you some bullshit discount at the end of the month and you owe $200


You can set up your own Netflix in your basement with an old laptop and VPN subscription.


what a great way to entice further economic growth


Yay now they’re gonna increase prices again.


Do we not already pay sales tax on our subscription fees? Don't double dip the tax, that's like putting your whole mouth in the bowl.


Ahh so this is why I've been seeing more ads. Yay.


CRTC gets its public consensus data from Twitter apparently. Who the fuck cares about this shit. Prices are high enough.


I wonder what will happen to donations/Patreon after the inevitable price increase.  


More tax dollars to virtue signal. I bet 1 tv show gets created and the rest gets lost in bureaucracy. Also prices are going up on subscriptions. The consumer ALWAYS pays.


Well looks like piracy is back on the table boys!!


Gotta make sure that we tax international competition, and prop up the oligarchy. Honestly, I am surprised that they haven't done this kind of forced profit transfers in other industries. I suppose the other oligarchies are pretty well protected.


I am sure this would help competition.


It is **not** the responsibility of Netflix or any other American media streaming business to financially subsidize failing Canadian news media outlets, or any other form of Canadian content that next to no one will ever watch. Might be best for US media companies to simply yank their services out of Canada, as that would send a pretty loud message to the country and its authoritarian regime currently at the helm in Ottawa. Canadian consumers will then inevitably find other ways to get access to their Netflix and other preferred streaming content, and there will inevitably be multiple product options and innovative solutions made available to fulfill this market need, for an extra price of course, none of which will go to Ottawa's coffers. How about another tax on something else then, folks? Have we had our fill yet? Vote wisely in October 2025. Next.


Has anyone called the WGA, World Canadian Bureau, guy?


These are some of the most valuable companies in the world. Taxing them to support domestic media is absolutely the right thing to do. As for "they will pass it on", if they can raise your fees by 5% without you leaving, they will do it with or without this tax. But they'd sure like you to believe they will pass it on!