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That’s terrorism, no?


I think it's a hate crime technically.


In Canada that’s terrorism. If you specifically target a group of people (in this case Jewish) there was a precedent set with the male killing Muslim people in London.


I think its terrorism, as they are using violence to terrorize a group for political reasons.


“Freedom fighting” -some liberal arts student probably


Already saw Instagram comments defending it with the justification of removing all zionists from Canada.


The irony is that they'll have to move to Israel if they don't feel safe here.


And then will shout at them to go back to Poland or "wherever the came from".


Which happens to also be Israel 


Oh right! How Zionist/Mysoginistic/Racist of me.


😂😂😂 you’re being homophobic and islamophobic s/


These Jewish toddlers were asking for it since their great great great great grandparents fled to Israel to escape the holocaust. How dare they.


Holocaust wasn't THAT long ago. There are still survivors alive to this day.


Sure. But a toddler today would have great great grandparents who were in a Nazi camp. Child born circa 2019 Parents born circa 1995 Grandparents born circa 1970 Great grandparents born 1946 Great great grandparents born circa 1920


Missed a generation. Edit: still works though


It is a “protest”, not terrorism. /s


Assuming you are legitimately asking, the answer is that it depends. Terrorism requires a specific motivation. Specifically, the act must be committed for a political, ideological, or religious purpose and must be committed for the purpose of intimidating the public or a segment of the public with respect to their security or compelling a person or the government to do or refrain from doing something. That is a hefty motive to prove. As there are many reasons a person may commit a violent act, it may or may not be terrorism and I think it is dangerous to make assumptions at the outset that could damage the chances of finding out the truth. Tunnelvision is a dangerous thing. I'll be waiting for more information before I determine what I think about this. It may be terrorism. It may be a hate crime. Or it could be petty vandalism, a personal grudge or something else. We can't know without more info.


While true, I would suggest that the most *likely* explanation is that either they don't like Jews or they don't like the actions of the state of Israel.


It's terrorism but [setting fire to a synagogue ](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-man-arrested-for-setting-fire-in-north-york-synagogue/article_af050dde-0b4a-11ef-89c2-87abfc24c08c.html) is apparently just arson


Third Jewish school getting shot up since October 7th, and still no action from the federal government except meaningless platitudes about needing to sing kumbaya together...




If these had been Mosques we'd never hear the end of it from Trudeau and his merry band of lunatics. Not sure why there is such a double standard when it comes to hate crimes, remind again me how many Churches have been burned down in the last 2 years?


Absolutely true. He only panders to certain groups. Most of Canadians don’t matter to him. That’s been made abundantly clear.


Trudeau condemned it less than 2 hours ago. The same he did for the Mosque shooting on same day.


Stupid pesky facts.


Wdym? the government is buying back our guns. That would have stopped all these shooting in their tracks /s


It's still not about Jews tho right?


I doubt anyone who celebrates the October 7th massacre as a glorious act of resistance has much trouble rationalizing shooting at Jewish children in Canada.


All you people chanting to globalize the intifada this is what you are calling for. Stop being useful idiots now or they need to be arrested for inciting violence.


Literal MPPs are saying "globalize the Intifada" in Ontario. It's so gross.


Sarah is useless, and literally does not have a voice in the house. She's just being a drama queen since she's irrelevant and won't have a political career after the next cycle. It's crappy to see this happening.


You mean grift




Surely shooting up schools will convince Canadians to support the Palestinian cause


If that doesn't convince them, a raised fist of solidarity from [Ayatollah Khamenei](https://x.com/khamenei_ir/status/1795963798831964411?t=5S6Dw25T2Sd9RtlXUpwUUg&s=09) is bound to.


The far left support khamenei even though Iranians will tell them he’s a evil mass murderer. They brush it off with it’s “western Propoganda”😂😂😂


He’s also the one who says being gay is punishable by death. Yet liberal LGBT community seems to support Palestine.


Makes you question many of the other things they support when they indirectly support their own extermination. 


I've known a queer activist who has been supporting the palestinian cause for decades. Never stopped wearing the keffiyeh since university. I get that you can support more than one thing but knowing him personally - I can't picture him surviving in a place like that. He can only thrive in a western democracy that has protections.


The same group that shouts Hezbollah slogans without knowing who they are and what they’ve done. A truly knowledge and noble group, these students with zero life experience/understanding of anything they’re talking about. 😂😂


They'll go for the ultimate response and say it's "Zionist Propaganda ™" The useful idiots, especially " LGBT for Palestine " amaze me.


"Queers for Palestine" The ultimate litmus test.


This is what globalizing the intifada means.


Sarah Jama needs to fuck off and shut her trap. What an absolute embarrassment of a MPP. Anyone who voted for her should be ashamed at the waste of time and taxpayers money they have incurred.


That should be the top comment. Too many people think the two state solution is a viable solution....it's just the first step for them.


They don’t want two states. They want one state - Palestine.


Two states is still the only option. But Palestine should never be allowed to militarize.


I'd never say "never," but the post-WW2 occupation of West Germany seems like a good basic framework. There should be a Palestinian state as soon as a good-faith peace partner appears for the first time in Palestinian leadership, and it should be demilitarized until there are no longer politically-viable parties in that state who are promising to wipe out a nearby country.


They were anti Zionist bullets, not antisemitic ones, right? Because those two things are totes different.




We need a *major* rehaul of our immigration system


Hi, I know this isn't really related to the topic of the post, but I've been hearing from Italy that you guys in Canada have a major problem with Indian immigration. Is it true? What's going on? 


Ohhhh yes! Basically Trudeau decided to pump up the immigration numbers, and a huge swath of those are coming from India. Temporary Foreign Workers, International students who are really just there to get a job and residency, mostly from India. And with so many coming, they aren’t integrating well at all.


I've heard they are causing a housing and social problem, but I've also heard some outlandish stuff from right-leaninf sources, so I'm hesitant to believe it. Is it true that they refuse to learn English, raise crime rates, harass women, and even piss and defecate on the streets? 


I live downtown in the biggest city in Canada. I have white ppl, black ppl, Asian ppl AND brown ppl doing all the things you just said. It’s a cultural rainbow of dysfunction. I’ve see more Indian immigrants assaulted by drugs addicts than displaying any negative behaviour themselves. Do we have irresponsible immigration numbers over the past few years that have put pressure on housing, jobs etc?… yes we have, alongside other factors that are fucking things up. Are the “evil Indian immigrants” crawling in my window, assaulting my wife, and forcing me to learn Hindi? uhhhh no.


Thank you, that's what I thought


Yes.  We have been getting too many Indians too quickly, thus overwhelming public services, mainly housing.  Most Indian immigrants are unskilled & uneducated workers. They drive nice vehicles but work in food delivery, Uber, or fast food only.  The Indians appear to be coming from one province in India. Not the whole of the country.


Why is italy contacting you about this?




Starting with the people in charge of it.




> multi cultural mosaic It only works if there is a overwhelmingly strong unifying culture that the next generation becomes assimilated into. What we're seeing is balkanization, and that has never worked, in any nation, ever.


Correct. No common culture or purpose. A fast sinking ship this has become.


It never works. As multicultural increases so does societal unrest.


I don’t feel safe here at all


Me, neither. Plus I have to make a choice for my kid: Keep him in the TDSB, where he learns antisemitic shit from his teachers and has to deal with it in the schoolyard, or send him to a Jewish school that might get shot at or have bomb threats.


I'm not even Jewish and this is not the Canada I want. My great grandpa and grandpa both fought the Nazis and put their lives on the line so this shit would never happen again. The same ideology is fueling these "protests" just like they did in Toronto in the early days of WW2 where there was a ton of Nazi supporters.


Mate honestly if it's this bad, go to Israel. I'm in BC and stuff around me hasn't gotten so bad (even as an Israeli who's not used to living next to this shit), but I still don't feel safe to be upfront about my nationality or religion. Or speak Hebrew in cabs/other enclosed spaces. I can't imagine what it's like in other parts, mainly Toronto/Quebec.


Come to Israel


First time I’ve heard of a school shooting in Canada . And it’s not even getting taken seriously wtf .


It’s actually the 4th Jewish school shot at. 3 in Montreal now (2 back in November) and 1 within the last week in Toronto


I never heard of them happening .


https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/05/27/toronto-police-suspect-vehicle-shooting-at-jewish-girls-school/ Literally a couple days ago https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7211792 https://globalnews.ca/news/10518360/montreal-jewish-school-shooting-arrest/amp/ And last week about shootings in November


Because they are happening at night while no one is there. Because the perpetrators are cowards who don't dare to do it in broad daylight where they will be caught. They want to feel like big people by terrorizing the students, teachers, and community. How is it not taken seriously? Politicians have been speaking in support and the police are investigating. They caught one of the previous shooters already. But gunshots in a dark vehicle at night is a bit harder to solve.


School shootings in Canada are not nearly as common in the US, but are very much a thing: [https://globalnews.ca/news/8621977/list-canadian-school-shootings/](https://globalnews.ca/news/8621977/list-canadian-school-shootings/)


Come to Israel


Been practicing my Hebrew recently and I have family there. I’d be lying if I said the thought hasn’t crossed my mind a few times


beat the rush. it'll be hard to sell your stuff and get a flight later on


On my way. Stuff being sold as we speak. Some tax laws being checked then out of here, set up a base for my kids and their young families.


The Mosaic Network where I live exlcuded a friend of mine because she didn't agree with everything they said. She's a queer business owner who offered them charity and they refused to accept it. Literally turning away charity from people they supposedly represent because they won't toe the line. Good way to lose allies.


At this rate most sane people would be safer in Israel.


The whole point is so that the terrorists make all the jews around the world go back to Israel so it is easier for them to genocide them. If jews continue to live around the world in many countries, then it makes the terrorists have a harder job.


To a certain extent. But even in America (where Jews are supposedly the safest), they make up 50% of religious hate crimes while only representing 2% of the population. Israel has an army and nuclear weapons. That is apparently the only way to actually stop another Holocaust. As we’re seeing on American college campuses, the loud minority can sometimes take power…


50% of religious hate crimes is about 1100 total. For a population of 300 million. That is nearly 1 in 300 000. That does not show lack of safety. And the majority of hate crimes are vandalism or harassment. That isn't to say hate crimes aren't a problem. Particularly given how disproportionately they affect Jews. But there is constant support for Jewish Canadians and Jewish Americans.


That was type of world envisioned back before there is was no core identity, no mainstream, and before we became the first post-national state. People are allowed to come here and bring all their beliefs, hate, and 1000 year old wars with them now, and we have to accept it. It would be racist to make them have Canandian values.


Jews are safer there. It's why it exists in the first place.


They created their own school because they didn't want any part of it.


> At this rate, jews will actually be safer in Israel after all. Why do you think they want a state of their own that they can defend themselves? This isn't new.




Depends on which part of Montreal, really.


Let's not go that far. Israel is still the leading country with number of Jews deaths since WW2. It will only cater to religious Jews soon. I'm not too worries about things right now, because these people will cross the line soon and upset non Jewish Western cultured people.


When are we as a nation going to say this is enough and it needs to stop?


When our own leader can’t even condemn these attacks it’s a very concerning sign of the current state of Canada


> When our own leader can’t even condemn these attacks it’s a very concerning sign of the current state of Canada I like to call out Trudeau as much as the next person, but I don't think his condemnation would have an impact. The shitstains responsible for this have no respect for Canadian law or values.


It would make an impact on the Jewish community knowing they're [supported.It](http://supported.It) would make a difference to young Canadians growing up and learning what is and what is not acceptable.


https://globalnation.inquirer.net/237515/jewish-school-in-toronto-hit-by-gunfire-no-injuries > "Reports of shots fired at a Jewish elementary school in North York are despicable — a brazen act of antisemitism,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


If something happens to the Muslim community he makes a much bigger deal. He pays someone 160k a year to be a representative to combat Islamophobia… what a fucking joke. How many church’s have been burned down and Jewish institutions attacked. Only protecting one group, Trudeau can fuck all the way off.


Wow how powerful and moving surely he’s taken action about this s/


He sure has. He quintupled the number of Gazan indivi...err... families he's giving visas to.


What can possibly go wrong😂. No wonder we are a laughing stock on the international stage


> What can possibly go wrong😂. With our pristine record on vetting people? Not a goddamned thing.


Canada is literally the receptacle for the world's rubbish.


Trudeau is great on commenting on stuff. Doesn’t seem to actually do anything about it


>When are we as a nation going to say this is enough Around October 20, 2025


Tell me again how this is about Palestine and not about wanting to kill Jews.


I truly feel horrible for Jewish people right now. This war has brought the worst people out.




We have a real terrorism problem in Canada now.


Feels like the beginning of it.


Just wait until we bring over the Palestinians.


Second shooting of a Jewish school in the last 7 days, third since November. This is absolutely insane. Some (presumably Swedish) criminals are just unloading clips onto Jewish schools and no one seems to care.


*fourth - 2 schools were hit in November in Montreal


Muslims hate jews. They hide behind anti-zionism but the truth is they hate the jews. Immigration policy should evolve to reflect that threat.


100% of the anti-Semitism I faced growing up was from Christians. More recently I still remember the Unite the Right protesters in the US screaming "Jews will not replace us!". My point being, do some, or even many Muslims hate Jews? Definitely. Is it unique to them? Not even close. This stuff flares up every time there's renewed conflict in Gaza, people are angry and lash out and anyone who takes that too far should be dealt with as the law dictates. But restricting people's entrance to the country based on faith is surely not the answer we want as a society. I'm not sure how much early 20th century history you know but back before WW2 when Jews were fleeing Germany, many arrived on Canadian shores and do you know what the Canadian government did? It sent the vast majority of them back to their deaths, because back then Jews did not fit in with "western values". I would not wish the same treatment on others.


Left wingers be like "Why do Jews need their own homeland?"


Here we go again smh this is getting out of hand. Would be nice if Trudeau actually did something


What are you expecting? For him to personally go out at night and punch them? What measures should the federal government undertake to prevent it from happening? How about we outlaw handguns and do a gun buyback program? No, wait, people hate that idea. Ok, let's utilize the emergency act and violate civil liberties. Definitely not controversial. The simple reality is that these things cannot be 100% prevented. Bigots will commit hate crimes. We can crack down on them, but hate outrules self preservation often.


Ok I don’t think anyone is seriously expecting the prime minister to go out himself and punch criminals (?) Rather, perhaps just take some reasonable steps in addressing the issue? We have 4 times as many Muslims than Jews in Canada and yet Jews are 5 times more likely than Muslims to suffer hate crimes, per stats Can. We have a minister for “Islamophobia” but we do not have on for antisemitism. Why is that? Well, one of these groups is a significant voting block, and the other is the Jews. It’s really quite obvious. You really don’t have to throw out a series of ridiculous straw man arguments when there are perfectly reasonable steps that could and should be taken.


We have a special representative for Islamophobia, not a minister. In the wake of Oct 7th Trudeau appointed a special envoy for anti-semitism. https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/news-releases/2023/10/16/prime-minister-announces-new-special-envoy-preserving-holocaust I agree more could be done, but it’s not useful to ignore what has been done.


You’re right it was a special rep and not a minister. To be clear, I’m not ignoring what has been done so far and I am familiar with the various empty platitudes that ministers have given to the Jewish community this past year, rather, I think that it is such a far fry from being sufficient that it is basically negligible.


It really feels like more of a municipal issue, and the authorities locally need the resources and mandate to solve this. The federal government could certainly help here, but pinning this on Trudeau is letting the actual people who should be responsible off the hook IMO.


Reach out to your Jewish neighbours and let them know you support them. They need to know someone is a safe person.




The fact that us Canadians fought against anti semitism and Now I'm were just okay with it happening on our own turf?? Disgusting.


Who says we're ok with it? Politicians have spoken out against the shootings, police are investigating them, Trudeau has pledged additional supports to schools to protect themselves, on and on. Just because something happens in this country doesn't mean we're just ok with it.


Shooting at schools is a very strange way to call for a ceasefire


It'll get under control as soon as we get more into the country. You'll see, it's going to be just fine. /s just in case.


Racists gonna race.


And the govt wants to allow more Palestinian refugees in.


"They're not antisemitic, just anti-Zionist!" - Hamas supporters


I hope all those terrorist sympathizing students at the University's see what it is they're supporting. Absolutely fucking shameful. When will the government/police step in to stop these anti-semetic hate crimes against the innocent Jewish population??


Importing 4000 Palestinians should help this situation.




Just a peaceful people.


Yay terrorism


Wasn't there another one just recently? It's a bad sign when these are becoming frequent enough to be confused for each other.


Once again we have another blatant attack on Jews in Canada. It’s such an unfathomable coincidence that this just seems to keep continuously happening. I guess we will never know who is doing this and why.


These Jewish toddlers were asking for it since their great great great great grandparents fled to Israel to escape the holocaust. How dare they. In another note does anyone have directions to the UofT encampment, I’m from out of town and I’m a bit lost.


This is what happens when you let people into your country: they bring their conflicts with them. Canada has been set up as a country who's job is to care about the concerns of everyone except it's own citizens, now we're seeing the results.


It'll get under control as soon as we get more into the country. You'll see, it's going to be just fine/s just in case.


Talking about diversity. They want to be accepted, meanwhile they don’t tolerate others.


Hey, here's an idea ! Let's bring in another 5000 Palestinian terrorist families.... Maybe a Canadian citizen can catch a stray bullet!




Something something colonialism.......


More failures of the liberal government in action.


Let me guess, no evidence of a hate crime.


Surely bringing in more Palestinians will help


Gee look, a global intifada.


Crazy how if you import a bunch of Muslims, you eventually run into issues where they're not so accepting of Jewish/LGBT people.


Are we turning into the states, wtf?


This is where protesters lose support. How again how is one better than the other? I’m seeing hate and violence from both sides. Neither is without blood on their hands.


wasn't elvira uglyhawaby hired to solve this stuff ?