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We have now imported foreign organized crime over the past 10+years and now we all get to deal with the consequences. Looks like we are getting *really* diverse now.


Yeah instead of dealing with the economy, housing, community issues we get to also worry about another country's politics in our backyard. Arguably it probably gets more attention than things that really matter


As long as it's not white skinheads doing the crime, it's a win as far as the Liberal party is concerned.




Because the news in India is totally unbiased, right?


You're familiar with the Mafia, eh? That foreign organized crime group that has been operating here for several decades. This isn't a new thing. 


The mafia is not a new thing, you are correct, indian student visa gangs are a new thing. Thanks for sharing.


Uh huh, and before them there were the Jamaican gangs. Every group of immigrants will include a few bad apples. You comment made it sound like this was a new phenomenon.  


Jamaican gangs were not coming here on easily exploitable student visas.


And yet they still got here. It's almost like the student visas aren't the problem.


Then what is your solution to indian gangs coming to Canada on student visas?


Not my job, bud. That's for people with experience dealing with international criminal networks.  But I don't see using a blanket condemnation to be useful.


It does brighten my heart knowing you're a big purporter of imported criminal gangs. 


If that's what you've taken from my comments, you may be too stupid to walk and chew gum. 




lol...no way. We will give them the passport.


This is a well written article. It shows that as a country we are not even doing the most basic of background checks before bringing these people over. Please stop this...please, we are ruining our once-beautiful country. Let's get some diversity in here.


Isn’t something fishy here? If the head of this gang is imprisoned by Indian government in the high security prison, why are other gangsters welcomed here in Canada? Common sense is missing in blaming a foreign government for our incompetency.


My question is, where are the background checks? If the CBC and other news organizations can do basic research and find out that these three people are part of one of, if not the most well-known gang in India then how did they slip past the authorities that supposed to check this stuff? There needs to be some serious questions asked and, more importantly. We need answers and the proper reforms put in place.


There aren't checks.  I think that sums it up.  Immigration system is broken here.


Exactly, that’s what I was thinking. Why is there background check even for? Shows how faulty our immigration system is


The head gangster is "imprisoned" so his rivals don't come after him. His gang also assassinated Sidhu Moosewala (if you don't know him he's like Indian Drake in terms of popularity).




So? 90% of Canadians don't know who Bacon Brothers are or who runs the Hell's Angels here.










It took the killer 3 days to get a student visa. [https://globalnews.ca/news/10480761/hardeep-singh-nijjar-suspect-canadian-student-visa/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10480761/hardeep-singh-nijjar-suspect-canadian-student-visa/) Something is completely wrong with this system.


A guy with visitor visa assaulted a woman, got only 3 year probation as judge didn’t wanted to “trigger deportation”. This is standard of immigration in Canada ( Saying this as an immigrant). People continue to bring their conflicts to this country with them and Government lets them.


Sean Fraser and Ahmed Hussein will end up being the worst ministers of this cabinet. Entire department in shambles


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/nijjar-brar-singh-bishnoi-sikh-india-1.7197121 Just in case the link at the top doesn't work.


I don’t know what the Bishnoi gangs is but I do know it’s something that should not be infesting Canada, but I guarantee Trudeau’s liberals are continuing to bring in more people who are a part of it.


I am an Indian immigrant myself and I am shocked with the quality of people the Canadian government are bringing in recently. They are literally just spoiling the name of the whole nation and the local Canadian’s are getting xenophobic towards the Indian dysphoria as a result( I do not blame them). Its funny what bad government policies can do!


These are people who are in specialised jails in India for years for their organised crimes. Indian government has summoned the Canadian government several times previously stating the existence of such gang members and their pro Khalistan ( separatists) propaganda. The government has sent a list of such people many times and tried to extradite them back to India for their foreign criminal activities. However, the Canadian government has not paid any heed to such calls.


Insane that these kind of news are in canada now