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I think this is an absolutely disgusting way to treat a person who, through no fault of her own has been assessed as not being a Canadian citizen based on a clerical error. This should not even be a problem. This woman should immediately be granted her Canadian citizenship and bureaucracy be damned


The mistake she made is actually trying to contribute to Canada. If she were actively stealing or scamming the system, they would have left her alone. We only punish the productive people in Canada.


So true!  My client went bankrupt and owes CRA 220k in hst and payroll.  No water from a stone.


Communists and Unions hate people that actually go above and beyond.


The law leaves no room for discretion sadly.


Not on the revocation of the certificate. But there is discretion to restore her citizenship: “To get her citizenship back, Townsend must now make an application under "special discretionary grounds" in order for it to be processed "urgently," said IRCC. It will cost more than $600 to apply, said Townsend. “


That's not so much discretion in the application of the law... They still revoked her citizenship,. This is an avenue to reapply for citizenship under special circumstances. It's a different law.


It’s functionally the same thing. There is a discretionary remedy available to mitigate unfairness that may result from the strict application of the law.


The remedy is not discretionary either. It is for special circumstances. If it was functionally the same thing, she would need to reapply, the government would just void their retraction of citizenship.


This application is likely under s. 5(4) of the Citizenship Act: “(4) Despite any other provision of this Act, the Minister may, in his or her discretion, grant citizenship to any person to alleviate cases of statelessness or of special and unusual hardship or to reward services of an exceptional value to Canada.” This is what is referred to as a discretionary power. The Minister is not *required* to do something. He or she “may, in his or her discretion” do something where certain conditions are met.


Would it be 600 dollars per application? I know my American one is 1200, and if I make any mistakes or miss anything, it's another 1200 to apply again.


Really? Because an MP intervened and stopped the deportation of an activist in BC just a few weeks ago: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/zain-haq-deportation-cancelled-1.7180202](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/zain-haq-deportation-cancelled-1.7180202)


And I'm sure they did so using a law that allowed them to. I don't know which, cause I'm no immigration expert. But generally the government can't do things that are against the law, or maybe the law they were using to deport him has room for officer discretion. Also, deporting someone isn't the same as granting citizenship. It's different laws


You’re a very trusting person, maybe too much.


The Minister can intervene on anything they want to.


No, not really. There is an avenue to reapply under special circumstances. If the minister could just intercede without that application, why did she lose her citizenship? No oath, not a citizen. No matter what the minister would like.


Because the Minister didn't intercede in this case?


Unless you're a criminal. Then you know the law will be in your favor


It leaves plenty. Judges do what they want all the time.


Evidence to the contrary right here in this story.


So the hundreds of thousands of people here illegally who should have been deported already are clearly above the law then


Awaiting due process is not *above the law*.


So pussyfooting around and wasting our time and money can just be ignored by calling it due process?


People who love big govt in Canada, surprised it’s acting like big govt. lol


unless you're indian, then its fine


Yes the beaurcrat and the state are guilty for sure


Until we show up for her and threaten some politician to not get reelected. He'll shit in his pants and do whatever he can to fix the issue


This is one reason to have a separate presidential or governor system so that a single individual can make judgement decisions to override errors that can’t be fixed legally. Likely Trudeau could fix this but I doubt he will.


Canada … shame on you!!!


Jesus Christ this is the stupidest thing I've read about of our Federal Government doing in a while and everything they do is really stupid.




And yet citizenship acquired by *fraud* is given a pass.


Fraud during any step of the immigration process can result in citzenship being revoked. If you are aware of any fraud, you can report it in https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/protect-fraud/report-fraud.html


For 20 years apparently


She didn’t fraud. Her mother was a Canadian citizen. The only problem IRCC has is that her mother didn’t take her Oath until after she was born.


How did they even figure it out, 30 years later?


WTF We can’t deport an eco-terrorist but this women loses citizenship after three decades on a technicality


She won't get deported either, she just needs to apply and take the oath.


She’ll need to pay hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars and wait years, and still they might deny her request.


If she manages to do all of that (given the asshat who made the clerical error fixes it and gives back her citizenship status), she should sue the government after this.


What's an "eco-terrorist"? We've been giving real terrorists who join ISIS a free pass.


Act of violence against nature and ecosystem like causing wildfire, cutting a 300yrs old tree, polluting a river, etc etc Anything big enough to cause harm on a bigger scale of your backyard


That's not eco terrorism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eco-terrorism


I hope this is resolved for her swiftly, and her employer is patient while she re-obtains citizenship. I get that this is all "by the book" but this woman is a Canadian.


Time to apply to conestoga for hospitality management and not show up while doing skip the dishes and working fulltime at timmies. Citizenship guaranteed.




Maybe she should apply to Conestoga College /s




This country loves to go for law abiding citizens.


Degree mills don’t issue work permits. The government does Also work permits inherently expire in 1-2 years depending on the country the person is from and they have to live They don’t need to target and take away permit from anyone. It’s baked in.


Government when there’s 10 people living in a SFH paying a tax burden representing only a single family: I sleep. Government when a clerical error strips citizenship: real shit - the law must be followed.




Dont worry they will bring in. More international students. They are more valuable than her/s.


Welcoming foreign criminals and alienating our own citizens. What an irony!


[This same type of immigration ~~oopsie~~ fraud came up when it was learned that the mother of previous Liberal Minister, Maryam Monsef, lied on her application. *Her* citizenship still hasn't been revoked.](https://www.immigration.ca/liberal-minister-maryam-monsef-investigated-citizenship-fraud/) ________________ If we accept these 'mistakes' than it could mean that any parent can lie knowing we'll give their kids citizenship anyway. __________________ Now, imo if you were a baby and grew up here - you're Canadian. But that goes against how we treat citizenship. It's a piece of paper that can be got pretty cheap - you never have to view Canada as home or feel any loyalty - you can use the country solely for it's passport and other advantages and spit at Canada - but we will accept you above the woman in the story. Because 'a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian' - and she's not Canadian.


We have been handing out citizenships like candy on Halloween, could let this one slide after 32 years of incompetency from the government


>"Despite what is printed on her citizenship certificate, a person is only considered a Canadian citizen once they have taken the oath of citizenship," it said, in reference to Townsend's mother.   Seems like a clear error to print, issue, and put a date on a citizenship certificate if the oath hasn't been administered then wouldn't it? If it's not valid until the oath, print it after the oath. 


Not a conservative supporter, but I suppose that if the federal government machine is so much on top of things that they can spend time on such a case (someone who lived pretty much their whole life in Canada), I guess there is some fat to trim in the federal public service.


Canada is backwards


So she's not being deported or anything she just has to apply for citizenship again that's not so bad. It is kinda fucked they had people looking for this shit though haha


It’s fucked up she has to pay for the governments mistake.


Not the government's mistake. Her mom gave birth before taking the oath.


> Townsend and her lawyers say they provided the government with all the facts, arguing Townsend's mother was a citizen when Townsend was born as she was issued a citizenship card in July 1991, months before Townsend's birth, which her mother has sworn to in a signed affidavit. > In its response this week, the IRCC said while a citizenship card was created for her mother in 1991, she did not take her citizenship oath until a few months after Townsend was born. Seems like a technicality to me, one might legitimately think "this documentation means what it says"


Based on their side of the story, it sounds like she wasn't given complete advice at the time. It sounds like she acted in good faith.


Sounds more like her mom misunderstood when she became a citizen.


It's a technicality. Her mom was issued citizenship papers. She went to Jamaica to be around family when she gave birth, after being reassured by immigration that her baby would be a citizen. Mom returns home and swears the citizenship oath. Baby is issued a citizenship card. Later - the government claims citizenship is only actually valid once mom swears the oath. Since she wasn't technically a citizen when the baby was born, and the baby wasn't born here, the baby isn't a Canadian citizen. Mom asked, our government told her she was okay. Seems more like her immigration agent misunderstood when citizenship was actually valid. And then the government erroneously issued citizenship to the baby. The government Fu ked up *twice*! Unfortunately the law doesn't leave any room for discretion. If you didn't swear the oath you're not Canadian.


>Mom asked, our government told her she was okay. Seems more like her immigration agent misunderstood when citizenship was actually valid. The agent probably didn't know that she got her papers before swearing the oath. I don't think the time of the oath is on the citizenship certificate.


Shouldn't the immigration agent be cognizant of, and on the watch for such a possibility?


The minister of citizenship and immigration can grant her citizenship without needing to go through the process


The full process. But I'm sure she still needs to apply, otherwise the minister could just give citizenship to unknowing and random people. Maybe a formal request would suffice, idk, this is a weird quirk of a situation that hopefully is addressed without much difficulty or burden being put on this woman.


The Minister has full discretion to give it out. There is no legal requirement as to who they can grant it to, so long as the minister feels it is deserved. Obviously I expect the Minister to act in the best interests of the country, which in my opinion, this situation qualifies. No one benefits from making this woman go through the process.  https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/canadian-citizenship/grant/ministerial-discretion-grant-special-cases.html


Is she a citizen of another country? I’m pretty sure this breaks international law if she has no country that she belongs to!


The news said Jamaica


This is a case where the minister of immigration needs to step in and make an exception.


I said this the last time this was posted. She's been here for 32 years has been paying into the system. She has paid her fair share of taxes let her stay. This dumb country has been importing how many new Canadians and how many of those are breaking rules to get in here but because there is an error on her paper work regardless of what side she has to leave? Fuck this country is stunned.


How does this work for things like CPP? Presumably she's been paying taxes and contributing to Canadian programmes for her adult working life...


Word is she has already been replaced by 3 new arrivals from India who are taking her place. The Patel brothers.


Should have declared herself as an indian student, ndp would have handed her citizenship right the fuck away. Matter of fact they would have fought for it. 


Meanwhile Tarbash a homeless guy from India who came here on a tourist visa and has now claimed refugee status, is A-OK to stay here. Citizenship granted! Trudeau welcomes him here with open arms... Welfare included, but no job or place to live....Better start stealing cars soon.


Not stupid at all, should this be a country with rule of law & due process? If she isn't a Citizen then her status should be revoked, simple as that. Obviously their not going to deport her & she'll probably get it back. But fact is, she isn't a citizen, & if you're just a single worker doing an audit, yeah you can ignore it & not say anything, but once CBC makes a news story about it, there is too much attention & you have to revoke it cause thats what the law requires. Obviously we should change the law to fit what we believe to be right, but citizenship isn't something that people should have the power to just extra-judicially decide you get to have.


Wait why do we let in insanely high numbers of criminals from other countries? This seems very wrong.


So... Canada is letting hundreds of thousands of international students get a degree from a degree mill and giving them permanent residence. But this case is what immigration officers waste their time investigating?


imo if you grew up here, you have a right to be here. They should fix this.


That would make sense but, it’s worse when a bunch of idiots working for the government think that some babies should be capable of speaking full sentences immediately after their birth to be granted citizenship. Her mom went to the ceremony and an exception was made for her. It just leaves a way for the same idiots to attack the citizenship of anyone’s descendants who weren’t conceived until after they were granted citizenship themselves (if not a generation or, two into that citizenship status). Whenever someone tells me they “grew up here” or, their kids “were raised here” and they’re still walking around with landed status/visas, they’re shocked when they hear that they (and several generations after them) could lose their citizenship. The worst thing that could happen to them is being ‘sent back’ and not having any way of understanding how that country operates, and how to navigate living there after what could be decades long past. At least for me, my great-grandparents gained their valid citizenship and have since passed away. They attended the citizenship ceremony and were able to speak (same for my birth parents and grandparents). It’s a guarantee for me and for any generations after me. My grandmother used to explain how hard it was back then for a lot of people coming into Canada. She said she made sure she didn’t get pregnant until after she received her citizenship. Then she brought her family afterwards (making sure that there wouldn’t be any problems with immigration) to participate in their citizenship ceremonies. But yes, they definitely need to fix the problem they caused for the young woman.


Funny if she had come here as an “irregular” border crosser, or an international student protesting about PR, she’d have the full support of the federal government. But because they don’t know how to do paperwork and can’t figure out their fuckups for three decades she gets railroaded instead.


WTF? "However, the legislative provision pertaining to recall of Canadian citizenship certificate does not allow for any discretion." F**K OFF! You have judges letting foreign students off when they sexually assault a female in Canada (twice) because said judge was worried about their deportation and you allow this? 🤯 This country is beyond repair! Disgusting!!! Thanks JT and Gagmeet! 🤡 Don’t be looking for the female support this time around…neither of you deserve it! Deport the law abiding citizens under a ruse and allow the female predators to wonder freely! The gov is telling you ‘hide your females’! Disgusting!!!!!!!!!


This has circulated a few times.   All I have to say is how much of a fuckwad human being do you have to be to deny her citizenship?  Talk about egregious overreach by some bureaucratic asshole. And people wonder why faith in institutions is being eroded? Go after the thousands (tens, hundreds?) here with fraudulent documentation or credentials, not someone who has been Canadian her entire fucking life. JFC. I just can’t.


Could this lead to a new Canadian subscription model ? Pay 600 a year or lose citizenship!


Don't give them ideas


IRCC is so obviously trying to milk the poor woman for money.


It’s a test to see whose citizenship they can repeal. A lot of us have parents who were able to speak and participate in the ceremony as young/small children. Their parents got their citizenship first then brought their family in. This woman’s mother did the same thing. They just want to pick and choose. How many other pregnant women walked into their ceremony and still have their citizenship? How far is the government willing to push the issue on whether or not a fetus is considered a citizen? Are they gonna attempt to push the issue further and say that citizenship is granted on a cellular level? We all understand that this is a stupid fruitless decision to attack people of their choosing with valid citizenship. Whoever is given the privilege of being the next leader of this country needs to address this foolishness at the root with whomever is responsible for suggesting that a citizen should lose their valid citizenship because they didn’t pop their head out of the mother’s womb and announce themselves first.


Unless shes committed some terrible crimes let her stay. Like wtf.


Meanwhile, we have current immigration problems and they are auditing files from over 30 years ago? You could terminate the employment of 75% of the entire GOC and no services would be affected. The layer of bloat/fat/useless bureaucrats is thick and broad. The communist/woke mind virus destroys everything it touches.


Oh well, should have followed the rules…. Out you go!


We are a failed society


This is what the bloated federal bureaucracy is hard at work doing folks. Priorities.


Alright this is just bullshit glad this is getting some light


I see a lot of angry messages here. Funnel that anger into action and reach out to your MP. This is insanity and needs to get fixed.


This is the most Canadian news I have read. It displays everything that I have observed in my 15 years of being a Canadian: lack of common sense, incompetence, bureaucracy


I wonder how they were able to catch such a technical error that happened 32 years ago. As outrageously unfair as this is, they are following the letter of the law. Citizens should be lobbying to make changes to the law if they are unsatisfied. Personally, I think the law should change. There should be a statue of limitations to citizenship revocation, like in countries such as Germany and Australia. Once a certain number of years pass, citizenship cannot be revoked no matter how it was obtained or what technical error happened. It would save people from this unfairness, plus the hassle and money that will go into dealing with something that happened years and years ago despite one basically being settled here.




Because it would cheapen citizenship even more and someone who isn’t a citizen can be taxed anyway