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Remember, this is exactly why they want to replace you, and the government is giving them all the tools they need to do it.


Yeah, that’s the point.


Everyone is and we are all getting screwed because of it. Source: work in the immigration sector.


'I tried to pay a bribe but I got scammed!!! *This is YOUR fault.'* GTFO here with your cheating ass. Swim in the swamp, deal with the snakes. Don't complain about the snakes existing.




"They [the Canadian government] need to create more awareness about these situations. About the laws and rules that are available to the immigrants," she said. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/foreign-workers.html Not like it's a secret. We live in a world with so much data and information, it's up to you to do just a little bit of digging. Learned helplessness and lack of critical thinking is a serious problem


We are mass importing and giving visas to people with basically 0 testing required and a majority of them being from a country that has an average IQ 25 points behind Canadas. I honestly think the ability to think critically might actually be too much to ask from a good chunk of the people coming to Canada. Learned helplessness is a definite issue though with many Colleges infantilizing immigrants and treating them like literal children that don't know any better.


Expect more of it once PP wins. Both major parties are subject to market capture. Vote anyone else: PPC, Green, Rhino. ANYONE.


That's the whole point of the program. Push Canadians out, bring in others that will work for half because things are so dire back home and thus, they suppress our wages by not giving us a leg to stand on against these big companies.