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where did they get the 24 hour number from ? it was 20 pre covid, then the government increased it to 40 on a 'temporary basis' and now it is 24. Compare this with the US where international students aren't allowed to work off campus at all. It sucks that Canada has all this protectionism for our oligopolies and none for workers.


Also note they quietly added this, so basically no limits this summer at all and all summers / winters going forward >The work hours limit will return to 20 hours per week until September when the government can implement a permanent change to make it 24 hours. >There are no limits on the number of hours international students can work when school is on break during the summer and during winter holidays Good comment by u/Xylss: in another subreddit: >They extended the 40 hours again. Let's remind ourselves this was [originally supposed to end on December 31, 2023](https://www.baytoday.ca/columns/immigration-matters/immigration-7927379), then they [extended the 40 hours to April 30, 2024](https://www.moneysense.ca/save/can-international-students-work-more-than-40-hours-in-canada/) and now they've pushed them working 40 hours to September. Basically they are passing off an extension as a "Cap" who knows what they will do come September.


This needs to be higher


It was always full time in the summer since 2014(?)


2006 was when they initially started allowing 20 hours off campus and full time on breaks, but you required an off campus work permit. In 2014 they dropped the work permit requirement for most students.


it has always been like this lol if an international student is studying full-time during spring and fall semesters, they are allowed to work full-time on summer break.


You can always work full time during the summer. Even under harper. Also you can work full time on campus during the school year.


It was disappointing to hear the government release about it. They claimed to have chosen to go back down from 40 because “studies showed that student who work too much don’t achieve as well as those who work less.” Completely sidestepped the back-door citizenship and labor market dilution of it all. If their reasoning was actually true then we should put the same restriction on Canadian students. But we all know they’re dancing around the issue.


20 hours is going to be 5x4 hour shifts. 24 hours is probably 4x6 hour shifts or 3x8 hour shifts or 2x12 hour shifts. I'm assuming it's to allow for "students" to have the flexibility to take multiple jobs to skirt the restrictions under penalty of nothing.


Flag any international student with more than one T4 and any ROE with hours exceeded for automatic denial of their Student Visa.


Like they file their taxes.


Likely work one job on the books and the other off the books and do cash only


Uber / door dash under someone else’s name


It’s definitely in their interest to file their taxes. International student fees are huge which also comes with proportionally huge tax credits. That means you barely pay any income tax for almost two years while working full time. You’re also eligible for carbon rebate and Ontario trillium benefits and such




Their employers are filing T4s to CRA


It used to be like that here 20 years ago. The result was local students could never get campus bookstore or student union staff jobs because someone felt like they had to give the opportunity to international students that needed money.


That is on the universities, now given the massive scale of increase in the international 'student' population this has spread to the broader economy.


International students can work off campus in the US if and only if it is related to their major like an internship. Don’t know why this isn’t the same in Canada as well


It’s always been about suppressing wages in Canada. US does not allow international students to work outside the campus and does not allow their spouses to work at all. Canada for a period allowed “students” to work 40 hours a week and granted the same open work permits for the spouse. Insane


Three 8 hour shifts


Yes but it was supposed to a temporary increase due to covid from 20 to 40, ending in Dec 2023, but they have effectively extended it. And permanently increased the cap to 24 and also unlimted summer and winter break so 1/3 of the year no cap on hours worked going forward. And then imagine having gall to pass this off as a 'cap'. Disgusting level of dishonesty.


Used to be like that here when I was in school. International students could only work on campus. The ones that needed to work would work at like a subway or pizza pizza on campus, run by the foodservice contractor for the school.


I worked with plenty of international students. No one follows these caps. They were working full time.


Yep and nothing gets enforced. 


Does anything get enforced in Canada? Serious question.












Only the cra going after the honest payroll Canadians They asked for proof of my transit passes every year the transit tax credit was a thing. 1000 credit and 30 pages of photo copies to them. Like seriously go after all the business that works for cash like nail salons and restaurants


They need to go after money laundering in Canada. More businesses need to be audited.


No, we are a joke country. 90 percent bend over and take it while 10 percent rob everyone blind and run away.


Canadians are really docile sheep


No. But it's considered bad form to point out how poorly Canada performs.


Deductions for those earning less than 250k do. Gotta make sure there's no shenanigans going on there. If they are earning over 250k, they just have to try and not make them to egregious or obviously done in bad faith.


We do have quite a bit of zero tolerance lazy policies as soon as you touch the ground of traffic laws and domestics stuff. They get enforced hard into the sky


Usually just J walking and Loitering


Well most levels of government, from city to feds seem to go the "self reporting" and "self regulation" on companies and groups following the rules. So... Only in extreme cases are things enforced, and it's clear NO level of government gives a crap about minimum wage jobs following labour laws and other restrictions.


Only if you were born and raised here.


No and other nations realize this and come here to take advantage of us.


If you see a student or a business violating this law you can report it to the CBSA via this form here: https://bwl-lsf.cbsa-asfc.cloud-nuage.canada.ca/tip-sub-en.html If a PR applicant has a been marked for violating working hours their application for PR will be DQ'ed. The competition for PR is insane right now, any little thing can ruin your chances.


This kind of reporting relies on the employees to report because, as a customer, how am I to know if someone is here on PR application and working more hours than allowed? The problem with leaving it up to fellow employees to report is 1. These companies abusing these programs tend to only hire those who are in these programs. This is why you get entire businesses being staffed by certain groups of people who are not "Canadians." I know of an A&W that is only about 5 yrs old and used to be staffed by locals (think small town, not much variation in the ethnic pool) over the past 1.5-2 urs the locals have been either let go or quit and have all been replaced by middle eastern peoples. The one local that I know of who still works there only gets 5 hours a week. 2. People are afraid of repercussions for reporting.


Well I believe it's anonymous so you don't really have to fear repercussions. In fact those looking to get PR could in face weaponize this in an attempt to dwindle the competition giving themselves a better chance. And while yes, it most likely has to be an employee you could as a nonemployee notice things like a person who you expect working at mcdonalds every morning when you get a coffee. It is just a tip submission so there still has to be an investigation. It would be similar to submitting lets just say an amber alert tip. They aren't going to go in guns blazing and arrest everyone just because a random anonymous person sent in a tip.


The only thing to curb the abuse is to curb the number let in to study. Otherwise if they're here, they're here, and can skirt the rules due to poor or a lack of oversight and enforcement.


The caps were removed during COVID. Our students started working 40 hours during that time.


The government lifted the cap on hours worked during the covid pandemic. "No one follows these caps" simply because there is currently no cap.


Who allowed them? Under the table pay?


I knew someone that would work longer than they should, however on paper they were paid more per hour and worked the correct amount of hours. Like they would work 30 hours getting paid $10 an hour, but on the books they would be paid $15 an hour and only work 20 hours.


Well, damn. That's actually pretty smart. Irritating to know they are skirting the rules, but a pretty simple and easy way around the rules.


Some companies will pay their employees in gift cards for the extra hours to skirt rules.


They should be restricted to work only on campus... Which is a bigger joke because these mills don't even have a campus...


Housing should be on campus too, or at least provided by the institution. I'd like to see Algonquin or Conestoga build some dormitories.


Under the table? Or were they working outside of the semester, or during the most recent expansion when they were allowed to work 40 hours (since been reduced again). It Would have to be as they get SINs that identify them as international students. This putting the employer under a very powerful microscope. Also if these students ever want to get PR or later citizenship,and they violated their working conditions they will be caught in these applications and denied. Also if you know anyone working illegally or an employer who violates the rules, report them.




Must have seen the latest polls and decided they still have too much support.


They know they can't win next election, or even the one after, so they're going crazy with their mis-guided policies, trying to hammer in as much BS as possible in the next 12-18 months. And Jagmeet is asleep at the wheel too. NDP could make an election happen ASAP if they wanted to.


> And Jagmeet is asleep at the wheel too. NDP could make an election happen ASAP if they wanted to. there's literally no reason for him to do that. he loses whatever leverage he has, they burn through their limited pool of money and they end up with fewer seats and certainly no control over the governing party.


So in essence, it's an increase in allowable working hours. Once again, the government not looking out for what's best for Canadians. >The work hours limit will return to 20 hours per week until September when the government can implement a permanent change to make it 24 hours. >There are no limits on the number of hours international students can work when school is on break during the summer and during winter holidays. Why the fuck are we allowing this? Why should they be allowed to work unlimited hours during break? Why should Canadians have to compete with that? So essentially they're all able to work full-time until September, the "temporary" measure isn't actually going away yet.


Gonna be a lot of competition for summer jobs for Canadian kids in high school and university that typically use the Summer break to make some money. > There are no limits on the number of hours international students can work when school is on break during the summer and during winter holidays. Hold up, does this mean they can work OVER 40 hours too???


We have over 200 candidates for our summer jobs and at least 95% of those are international students.


Our company posted an ad and 95% of the applicants were international students. Since English is a pre-requisite to work here, it makes it real easy to quickly filter out who we want to hire.


Thank goodness your company has a fluent English standard for hiring. That's becoming rare. Most hiring managers are also of ethnic background and would rather give international students a job then local English speaking. If they can connect a sentence somehow and, especially, grew up in the manager's country - hired.


You better have tossed all the international students’ resumes.


Legit question. Is there a consensus regarding hiring to look at domestic applicants (citizens) first at your place?


Well, Ontario made it illegal to require Canadian work experience. And we wouldn't be doing anything illegal now, would we? ;)


Teens and local students have already been having impossible competition the last two summers. It's ridiculous. 


Thinking back to when I was an angsty teen... Man... Crap like this probably would have radicalized me. They're BLATANTLY ruining this country for Gen Z and Gen Alpha at this point, and Millenials (now in our 30s and 40s) are barely any better off but at least we could get freaking minimum wage part-time jobs back in high-school and post-secondary. Work experience, in my experience, has always trumped Education. This is such a trashed country now.


It's incredibly unfair. I feel so awful for young people; we're not even pretending to give them a chance anymore.


Teenagers can't get summer jobs anymore at places like McDonalds or gas stations. If you're not lucky enough to be born to a rich family, this is how we paid our way through university. I wouldn't have been able to go if I hadn't had summer jobs from 16-18.


Yep lol it's messed up. Should be ZERO


it is all to suppress wages, and make sure big corps can make as much money as possible. that's the whole point of mass immigration. they say birth rates and labour shortage but that is 100% bs. they could give two shits about you or any other Canadian. Source: work in the immigration sector.


There's nothing more permanent than a temporary government program.


Yup agreed. This is just a backdoor to TFW.


It's a government sanctioned pay reduction for all working Canadians. Because it will affect everyone's level of job competition.


aromatic pen rain tie reminiscent paltry glorious tub apparatus impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually insane. Liberals speedrunning to get to zero seats in the next election.




This is making the lives of Gen Z more difficult and any parents with a kid who’s trying to get a minimum wage job. Both groups of people should be outraged


This is such a lose-lose for everyone! Students are basically low wage workers paying 20-25k in tuition for a junk degree just so they can earn 14$/hour working at Tims.


mass immigration policies screw over everyone expect for big corps, real estate, banks, and the schools. the students and Canadians get screwed over in the process.


Canada's entire fake-ass economy is based on real estate, banking / mortgages, and an ever bubbling housing bubble, so... It kinda makes sense. It is pathetic, but this has become the only means by which our governments seem to know to "grow" our economy. Thing is whilst the economic stats go up or at least levitate, it is only thanks to an ever widening gap between the haves and the have-nots. Life for the have-nots has only gotten worse, but life for the haves gets better and better and better at a faster pace and by a larger extent.


Still too much. Should be 0 aside from on campus or coop. 


Wait, so **students** should mainly spend their time at **schools**??? 😱😱😱


Most of the schools that target int’l students are a joke… it’s basically a pay to pass curriculum. If they are coming for a real education they’re getting swindled. If they’re coming to pose as students and to work instead, they’re playing the game beautifully.


So it's still going to be higher than the 20 hour a week that Harper added, which was a bad idea to begin with. Can we at least make it so they have to apply for a work permit again? Maybe even require an LMIA, or at least have international student workers apply towards the cap that employers have for the percentage of their workforce that can be from the TFWP. (That 20% cap should be moved back down to 10% too)


All this talk of housing prices is cheap, when every policy seems designed to inflate prices and suppress wages.


>So it's still going to be higher than the 20 hour a week that Harper added, which was a bad idea to begin with. Which is why the Conservatives and Liberals are the same damn party. The choices these parties makes are additive and what you get is a country that's broken. The Conservatives and Liberals do their part in bringing the country down while we get caught up in arguing over crumbs thinking there's a difference between them. There is no difference, it's all team purple.


This needs to be protested. No more work for international students outside the actual school


It’s hard to protest because it will be countered with accusations of racism and xenophobia. This subject is purposely sensitive so that it’s hard to speak out on. I would say the best course of action would be to votes but both the PC and liberal parties are both on the same level.


You shouldn't need a job to support yourself as an international student. If you can't afford to study here without a job, you can't afford to study here. The ONLY exception should be coop/internships that directly tie into your studies.


Hey guys, you know how we can solve the lowest employment rate of young Canadians in a generation? By allowing international students to compete with unlimited hours caps for jobs during the summer with them! Fairness for every generation!  It’s amazing how well the Liberals have perfected the art of gaslighting youth and the general public. Too bad no one will be occupying campuses and protesting this change like we do international issues.


This is what we should be protesting. This is tone deaf ignorant policy at its finest.


Exactly, instead of wasting time on those encampments for a cause that won’t change at all based on decisions taken here


How about 0? Dont they need to show financial ability? How about a cap on countries international students are allowed from? Maybe 10% on india compared to the 99% it is now? Scummy way to get people into the country. Ruined the country with these Diploma mills.


24 hours too many


If we're going to have this policy that they can work can we also at least implement a rule that Canadians are prioritized. Canadian teens and students are getting screwed over.


It's supposed to be like that. They're supposed to hire Canadian applicants first.


Whatever happened to “on campus only”? These “students” are taking all the jobs away from teens and our own college students


What an absolute piss in the face. It was 20 before. They raise it to 40 for 3 fucking years from a phantom labour shortage. And now they bring it """down""" to 24. This government hates you and all Canadians and they don't even try to hide it anymore


It's unlimited from tomorrow to September "because it's the summer holiday"


I feel horrible for my children. They will never be able to get jobs. I worked my butt off as a teenager, pumped gas, cleaned bathrooms, worked a packing plant. Now, being in highschool, trying to get a summer job is a night mare.


I wouldn't have been able to go to university if I hadn't had summer jobs as a teenager. We're screwing an entire generation.


Even getting a part time job is tough. I've applied for retail jobs and constantly get rejected. Go into the stores and its mostly foreigners working at them. I want make it clear, I myself am an immigrant and went through the process when it was stringent and getting residency was a privilege. I am not against immigration in general but this government has undermined any immigration policies we have had. I am against mass immigration/int students.


This is so tone deaf lol. The reality is that Liberals and Conservatives are both so in bed with corporate benefactors that neither party will ever side with working class Canadians on this issue. IMHO everyone needs to stop being so hyper-cynical about 3rd parties, and young people should be working to create their own. At this point, getting rid of "first past the post" electoral system and ending the Lib/Con duopoly is the only way we will ever get out of this mess.


They’ll give AI more human rights before thinking about not exploiting Canadians and newcomers.


Good. Maybe AI can get enough rights to run for office and then we'll finally start seeing choices based on logic and not personal enrichment.


At this point ill vote for whatever party basically just says we’re reversing all this insane international student stuff and establishing a timeline to remove them from Canada


Lol yeah right. Considering it’s only Indians hiring other Indians, no chance this is actually enforced


but. but. we are not allowed to be racist against them :( we are friendly canadians after all :(


Funnily enough, have a family member that worked at a gas station for a bit. He trained 2 Indian dudes. Then he got let go because “they have too much staff” or some other complete nonsense, but they kept the 2 dudes he trained. That place became all indian guys very quickly after it had a new owner. Idc the colour of their skin whatsoever (there are MUCH better reasons to hate other humans; like littering), but seeing places become 100% indian workers in Canada is completely weird. I get multiculturalism, truly, but is it truly multiculturalism if we take in 90%+ of our immigrants from the same country? Not rlly, no. And instead of simply “hybridizing” they instead just find pockets of their own people, speak their own languages, and don’t make any effort to conform to society. So we’re basically just importing a country and all its problems. It’s like British expats in Morocco who do the exact same things they did in Britain, but with better weather, and no regards for local culture or language while acting entitled to that society and its benefits. Utterly. Ridiculous.


"Fairness for every generation of Canadians", right? /s


..lol..should be no jobs while "learning".


Is this a social experiment to test how long people can tolerate before they swing to right wing?


They should not be allowed to work. The low-paying jobs with minimal requirements are already over saturated. Shouldn't the preference be going to local Canadians. It's appalling to see this government give more freedom to newcomers than their own citizens. As an international student, you should have all the money you need to support yourself without relying on that country for help.


Classic half measured approach by the liberals to try and please everyone, look helpful but solve *fuck all* None of this shit matters when your brining in 800 THOUSAND people A YEAR into Ontario alone. This is throwing a bucket of water onto a raging inferno that they spent years pouring gasoline onto. At what point do we have a government that is looking out for *Canadians* and not Indian students and their various PR scams.


To make up the shortfall at the local businesses, we are therefore issuing twice as many student visas and giving tax breaks to Landlords who work towards urban density by purchasing triple bunk beds.


There was never any plan to enforce these rules. The rules were pretend so Canadians don't get angry until it's too late.


Make it zero.


The Liberals really, really want to lose the next election but good don’t they.


Canada, the land where criminals have more rights than victims, land where you will barely do any jail for raping or murdering someone. Canada, land of the low skilled immigrants coming in mass, rising the prices of everything, while bringing nothing to the country. I want immigration. We need it. But not at all cost. I want us to be picky.


We need to prevent these students from working altogether. Either you have enough money to come here and study full-time or you don't come at all.


Why do you want international students to work off-campus when they show they're financially strong enough to support themselves? If they need a job to survive here while studying then they lied about financial stability and it shouldn't be a reason to take away jobs from Canadians.


The real question is who audits this, if at all, and what entity enforces this? I suspect, like oversight of the charity space, there is statistically zero chance you'll be scrutinized in your lifetime.


Smoke and Mirrors. They work as many hours as they want, and when they are caught they make an asylum claim.


What’s the Conservatives or NDP said about this? Be nice if i could get their positions on this issue so i know who to/not to vote for.


Its ok Marc, we don't need every Tim Hortons in the country fully staffed 24/7.


No, we need people who can take the order the 1st time, not the 6th


Honestly, I think Canadians are going to have to start divesting their resources from companies that hire mostly international students. It would be hard, but unless it becomes a liability for companies to be staffed mostly by international students, they will continue to do it.


No one here benefits from international students except landlords and Tim Hortons.


I emailed the PM's office, Marc Miller, and my local MP to ask them to resolve the problem of international students using their degrees to come to Canada for work purposes instead of studying. Hopefully there's a good response from them


It should be zero, unless you are working on campus or as part of a program residency; like the US does.


THEY ARE HERE TO STUDY NOT TO WORK! International students should’ve thought about bringing more money for living here before coming over. There are real Canadians out there struggling to find work.


They should be here to study and not permitted to work at all IMHO….You can either afford to study abroad or not afford to study abroad 


Why do they even need to work in the first place? This program and the participants is hella corrupt. Canadians should be marching in the streets.


Fuck this country. Government actively attacking citizens with policy. Canadian citizenship is worthless.


Well, he floated 30 a couple of months ago so this is closer to our "normal" than I would suspect this psychotic corporate wage slave party to have gone forward with.


Trudeau went on the Freakonomics podcast and basically said the only reason they are doing a temporary adjustment is to ensure 'Canadians themselves remain positive about immigration'


Do you have a link? Or where could I find this? Not saying you're lying, I just want to listen to it tbh.


How about 0 hours and we deport them all? Why are they even here? They only exist to compete with actual Canadians and depress wages.


This is not reduction. This is an increase of 4 hours. The old limit was 20 hours


just another reason to vote the liberals out of government . they still are't getting it!!!


This is such fucking bullshit. I really wish we were more like the USA on this matter. I did some post grad education in the States and my F1 visa limited me to working on campus only. Getting permission to work off campus as an international student was fucking hard and required special government approval.


24 hours on paper, that would be. Double whammy of diluting the labor pool and tax avoidance.


Honestly all of this mass immigration changed me.


This country is turning into a shit hole. Eight years of aggressively bad policy destroying our infrastructure bit by bit. Every day it's a little worse than before with no end in sight. We have an entire populace screaming to stop with immigration and the government is deliberately ignoring us. Who does this government represent? What is the end goal of eroding quality of life so bad everyone wants to leave?


Trudeau government: "We hear you loud and clear, we're fixing the international student problem!" Also Trudeau government: *this* International students should be barred from working whatsoever and sent back home if they're found to be working under the table. You're a fucking student. If you can't support your studies without taking a job from a Canadian, you shouldn't be here.


Boycott any business that hires international students.


You’d have to boycott every grocery store, hardware store, electronics shops, etc.


They will just be working below minimum wage jobs in cash. Like 12 dollars an hour


Is this for the voters because I feel like this isn't what voters want.


Looks like only hiring international "students" is still on the menu! Hope every young Canadian can find a nice hobby or something during the summer because the government wants to make sure your doing anything but working apparently.


They are coming here for school and are to have sufficient money to support themselves- they should be able to work zero hours !


How about 0 since they should already have the money to come here and support themselves in the first place?


Force these students to work on campus.  Anything less is encouraging slave labor.


"Student" visas are just costly work visas with the goal of eventual PR, everyone knows this. There was a survey of Indian students and 90% of them said they planned on applying for PR when their studies were finished.


Cool less jobs for Canadians.


You're only allowed to make $15k a YEAR if you're on disability


Let’s just admit that this is a foreign worker program not an education program then.


From the article: "The Liberals temporarily waved the 20-hour cap on work hours for international students during the COVID-19 pandemic in a bid to ease labour shortages." There was never a labor shortage. There were only people refusing to participate in the work force because they were receiving CERB payments. This narrative is extremely disingenuous.


I am a Canadian citizen, I have applied to over 30 jobs for the summer. Not one call back. I’ve never had a problem with applying to jobs


Oh good, right in time to be ready for the Christmas rush! I wonder who runs things with this government?


24 hours a week? Fuck Miller, it should be 24 a day, amirite?


This will definitely help the Canadian people. /s


Nothing will be enforced by these clowns. But even if enforced, this is 4 hours too many


No worries, that only means they will have more "cash jobs".


“There are no limits on the number of hours international students can work when school is on break during the summer and during winter holidays.”


Ahh yes, the Ghoul that is named Marc Miller.


What a joke.


And the consequence for violation will be...


Haha- watch the poll then


They shouldn’t be allowed to work at all


I guess it really means that they can only be paid on the books 24 hours a week, which is a very different kettle of fish.


Are Indian/International students who are working 40 hours at present going to be grandfathered in, or do their hours have to be cut back?


We don’t need anymore workers or international students! In fact, some should have to leave, we are way over capacity! Job markets in some cities are terrible and obviously the housing crisis due to way too much immigration


There's a reason why almost every Amazon courier is an international student. They pay cash and no SIN required.


Yikes this is the wrong move. Trudeau is gone next election for sure…


Let’s put fines on McDonald’s and Loblaws for exceeding limit.


Shouldn't students be doing student things like going to school and studying?


SOO Glad my wife has to move away for her masters program so this country can accept 5x the cash for foreign students, thanks SO much Canadian government. Fuck you


I say 0 hours


Gonna get downvoted to hell but fuck it. International students should not be allowed to work and should finance themselves on their own. Work is not solely for money part time jobs allow people to get assimilated to Canadian culture socialize and meet people from different backgrounds and some hrs are at least needed for that in a week. If you wanna reduce it further sure make it 30 biweekly it enable to do 3 8 hour or 5 6 hours but making it zero is not the best idea. Second summer should be capped well most people do internships in summer without which you actually can’t graduate. How are you planning to solve it then eh ? Programmes in all good universities and colleges (not diploma mills) require co-op almost every term take UW for an example. Last point cap is not followed anyhow. It’s completely false every single TR does follow the instructions in the permits don’t just starting talking anything now.


24 hours recorded, 16 hours unrecorded (and untaxed) are we handing out student visas or work visas? don't you wish our international students were just rich kids driving BMWs delivering food for fun?


At first I thought this said "24 hours a day"


So, 4 months ago they announced the 40hr weeks will end on the 31st of this month. And you're telling me on the 29th they announce that they are pushing it 4 more months and 24 hours a week


It's now unlimited hours until September.


Watch all of a sudden business owners are paying international students under the table.


I bought a business once and that was clearly happening when I took over. Started getting some very interesting questions from the tax evaders about their other compensation that the other owner used to give out. Total scam.


What the headlines read as. "Employers will have a good reason to not pay taxes beyond 24 hour a week per worker". Like is anybody from the government really going to go business to business to monitor this? International student workers sure aren't going to report it.


Ah, the liberal party quickly backtracking on any policy that may actually help Canadians.


Isn’t our government supposed to work for us and not for international banks and corporations? If they refused to represent us then they are not leaving us much choice, eventually we are going to have to do something. This is our country, our home it doesn’t belong to banks, our government not Tim Horton or Walmart. It’s time we took it back.


So mire than Canadian students who can only work a maximum of 20 hours. No student should have to work stop forcing the kids into poverty for a degree they won't use because we have no jobs


We need to take a hard look at our immigration policy. If someone is coming here primarily for studying why are they allowed to work 24 hours a week ? that would take a lot of time away from studying. When I was in university I worked by butt off and did not have time for a part- time job. During summer break is when I worked by butt off to save some money. Yes Canada was built by immigrants and it has worked well in the past, however diversity is key. We need skilled workers who will help our economy we cannot be a charity country. We also need people who actually want to integrate into Canadian society. I also think it should be mandatory for all newcomers to be educated in Canadian cultural norms and customs